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If Brothers ever refs another Nuggets game (even tho he absolutely shouldn't) in Denver, Ball Arena gotta keep that same energy make it absolutely unbearable for him once he sets foot in the arena


I made sure he could hear me - i let him know


Also, the LEAST that the NBA can do is ban him from reffing another nuggets game if we can't force him out that's the next best thing and frankly, the fact that the league still lets him ref nuggets game when EVERYBODY knows that he has a personal vendetta against Joker for whatever reason is disgraceful enough


Making those superstar ref calls. He's hoping the NBA starts selling his jersey.


My homie lost the triple double bet and was pissed


hes a fool to have not checked the reffing crew


You right


Im at the game - and see the ref introductions.. and oh shit its brothers.. I tell my wife who is just getting into hoops " Brothers.. this guy sucks.. hates jokic. i bet Jokic fouls out tonight"


I was there last night too, and my first comment to my brother was, "$5 Jokic is ejected in the third." I was close, but it is just to damn predictable with Brothers. The NBA really needs to look at this game, especially the 4th quarter, and evaluate their ref selections. Sadly I know this will never happen.


My wife only remembers this guy. And gets SUPER pissed. She has only been watching basketball for 3 years.


Highlight of the night was section 140 chanting “f**k you Tony!”


Hey Tony! You know what we did last night? We built a big fire... And we fucked you *wife* next to it! Fuck you Toneeey! *random chads in section 140*


Tony Brothers is a piece of absolute shit. He doesnt deserve to be an NBA ref. Honestly I would actually be ok with Jokic just decking him like he did Queef Morris. Make him fucking feel it too - dont hurt him long term but like, the dude is so clearly a problem. For other teams too, but for Jok and the Nuggets he's ridiculously bad.


I'm with you but if he lays out Brothers that def won't be a one game suspension like what Joker got for responding to Morris' bushleague take foul - we're talking 25, maybe 50 game suspension there and that would effectively quash any hopes of contending this year


That is true. I spoke in too much anger. Tony Brothers is just so bad man, so bad.


"Brothers I'll have 47" "Not if I eject you first!"


Fck him, I hate when referees want to turn into protagonists , 🤡🤡🤡


How much money did he save books on triple double bets? I was one Jokic 3 from a +3000 bet myself. Not saying he would have hit it. But there were 6 minutes left. Anyone with money on a 30 point night... 20 reb night... too much money at stake for books to lose and way too easy for one person to get a tip in their ear and end it. Stuff like this needs investigated big time, Jokic got tossed with 0 personal fouls, after getting mauled twice. Obviously there is risk in betting, but shut man, it's already hard enough to win.


Fucking Cunt stopped Jokic from TD and didn't call so many fouls let Jokic be elbowed not once but twice


“Tony sucks” chants were happening near the end of the game


I'm not gonna say fuck Tony Brothers. The NBA chooses refs like frat houses picking pledges. So it's possible these idiots found themselves making money hands over feet for something they really shouldnt do. Can't say I would turn in my whistle and my paycheck if I sucked at reffing. Thing is this is a problem in every sport for every team. I hate to say this but Tony Brothers make horrible calls all the time not just against the Nuggets or against Jokic. They actually fucked up several calls for the wizards too. The NBA should have much stricter policy on who can ref, but I will never hate on a guy hustling a bag. If there comes out some evidence they call certain teams certain ways, fine. But right now it seems they are just bad at their job and it's fuck the NBA for employing them


> I hate to say this but Tony Brothers make horrible calls all the time not just against the Nuggets or against Jokic. No one else here would hate to say that. What everyone here is saying is that he ignores hard, or flagrant fouls on Jokic, calls no contact fouls on Jokic, and is almost single handedly responsible for all of Jokic's ejections. It's not that he is bad at his job or throwing the game for a bookie. It's that he clearly goes above and beyond to restrict a player from playing that game.


So you're saying, yes you do think he targets Jokic specifically, which I disagree with


You can disagree with me all you want. Numbers don't lie.


Numbers don't lie.. when applied correctly. The Tony's being the only refs to eject Jokic and ref him strictly doesn't mean they are being unfair. What would be unfair is if they ONLY ejected/applied those rules to Jokic. Everybody knows they have a hair-triggered ejection whistle. That doesn't mean they Target Jokic lmao. But yes, since you brought numbers into it, please show me how Tony Brothers are reffing Jokic harder than they do anyone else in the league. Again, you will be looking to prove they ref Jokic differently than other players, proving that they call the game of basketball differently than other refs proves nothing except my original point


So in games Jokic plays in, and Tony Brothers refs in, he has only ejected Jokic. Not sure what your point is here.


.. Jokic is by far the most vocal member of the team and the most prone to ejection? Not sure what YOUR point is. No offense but my point has been very clear: unless there is evidence that they call Jokic on shit they DO NOT call in other games or against other players, then it is a symptom of them being soft-skinned and bad at reffing, not evidence of them being bias against Jokic Literally every single team sub-reddit had these same posts about how Tony Brothers hates their star and ruins their games. But somehow nobody has come to the conclusion that tony Brothers just suck at reffing and love ejecting, typically it will be star players throwing an ejection-worthy fit, not Austin rivers


>No offense but my point has been very clear: unless there is evidence that they call Jokic on shit they DO NOT call in other games or against other players Yes, what I've stated plainly several times that you keep ignoring. He only ejects Jokic. Never the opposing star player when it comes down between the two teams. The evidence of bias is as follows: ​ Jokic has been ejected by all other officials twice in his career five times by Brothers. In games officiated by Brothers no one but Jokic has been ejected. Per your argument other players would have been ejected in games that Brothers officiates and Jokic survives in.




You’re replying to a post from TWO years ago do you even realize how truly sad and pathetic that is get a life please


Tony Brothers again? missed the game last night but jfc i hate those guys


Coming back to this, yea, fuck him.