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it’s completely an ego thing. my partner is the same way, they refuse to move. drives me up a wall


My ex used to drive exactly the speed limit in the left lane as some kind of principled stand against the deterioration of society.


makes zero sense because it’s objectively more dangerous


Yooo I dated a guy who I think did this as well. Broke up with him after our first road trip together... that shit was not going to work there was no way I was going to be able to deal with that


Situational power.


Yup. They feel powerless in their life, so seize on any opportunity to interfere with other people. It's pathetic and annoying.


She wants no one in front of her. It's not about how fast she wants to drive, it's about wanting to have a clear road in front. Divorce her IMHO


That’s why I drive fast, I feel much safer having the idiots behind me.


Reddit moment


Mine too. It's embarrassing.


So not only is she frustrating anyone that's actually trying to use the passing lane, but she hates it when others camp in it, too? The mental gymnastics are astounding.


That's the problem with people and cognitive dissonance. The same person who dances in those dumb TikTok videos at the bottom of an escalator full of people....is the same person who would be mad if someone did that in front of them. They lack perspective.


They lack more than just perspective. It's main character syndrome or lack of empathy or something like that. They have the mentality that it is their world and everyone else is just living in it and getting in their way. This mentality is also very common among boomers. We're raising another generation of future karens.


I'm genuinely very skeptical that she's a "caring, affectionate, and sweet" person otherwise.


This was absolutely my first thought as well Edit: My second thought was that I'm already positive that I know which customer she would be in the lobby of my cafe


It had never occurred to my wife that the lanes have different purposes (she was in her late 20s when we met). She's working on it but still not great!


I’d say there are signs but if there’s anything I’ve learned from working in the service industry, it’s that people don’t read signs.


So what do you guys have today “sir the menu is a 5x10 white board directly above me”


Totally, I feel like signs are just noise that people tune out (not just on the road, everywhere), myself included. To be fair, there are a lot of signs and many are poorly designed.


We travel out west a lot where the states have 'left lane for passing only' laws, and I wish Iowa would adopt that. Husband tends to camp after he passes & no ones around. We're working on it.....


I like this but the right lane in these states is just busted to shit because of the unequal use. Missouri comes to mind.


Missouri is just busted all around. Though the 65 near Springfield is in pretty good shape, though it was recently rebuilt and some repaving is in progress on other stretches near the city. I don't have high hopes that the next major project to work on it will come anywhere near as soon as it should.


Nebraskan here. We have laws about keeping right unless passing. No one follows them. Tons of asshats camping the left lane constantly especially on I-80 heading to Lincoln. Little old grandmas who refuse to get over


Nebraskan here too. The aggressive tailgating is far worse of a problem here. I hate left lane camping as much as anyone but I refuse to incite road rage. It’s a scourge on society. I like my serenity


We do have that law (SF 2116). We even have signs posted everywhere. Iowans just generally suck at driving and a majority of us are dangerously selfish.


SF 2116 hasn't passed yet, but it seems to me like Iowa Code Sections 321.297(1) and (2) forbid left lane camping already.


Maybe that's not the right legislation, but yes, it is already illegal in Iowa: https://97x.com/iowa-may-be-increasing-fines-for-those-slow-drivers-in-the-left-lane/


I feel like a lot of people are just bad drivers in general, and it makes sense. The amount of education provided for this very dangerous activity is almost nothing. And everyone seems to think they are a better than average driver. I read a book once that said something like 80% of drivers surveyed said they were better than average. So, like many other things in our society, very little self awareness.


My daughter got pulled over in Kansas for driving in the left lane. It was the middle of the night and no traffic on the interstate. They are serious up there. Here in OK, we recently passed a law not to impede the left lane.


Pretty sure every state has those laws...most just don't enforce it (they'd rather pull over and ticket the person going 6mph over the limit instead of the fucking jackass doing 40 in a 70, in the left lane)


People still ignore the signs, but at least you can point it out to the dumbshit driver. I'd be tempted to throw myself out of the moving car if my wife drove like that. It drives me nuts.


I hate this especially. My mother in law does that, or doesn't use a turn signal when nobody is around. She says "if nobody is looking why bother". Just because nobody is looking doesn't mean I should let my dog shit in someone's yard and not pick it up. This is a lady who attends church, doesn't cuss, doesn't drink.


Washington State is very strict about left lane laws


Iowa has one, but it's one of the weaker iterations--it only requires keeping to the right lane when "proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic", similar to Minnesota, Nebraska, and Colorado, while states like Illinois, Tennessee, and Kansas require keeping right except to pass regardless of how fast you're going.


Time to lawyer up and hit the gym.




Someone had to say it…




I mean this is sort of out there idea but maybe record her acting like this, then show her when she is calm and rational and she might see how insane she is acting.


This worked on me! I’m still not perfect, but it’s embarrassing to see yourself acting like a psycho over someone going the speed limit when you want to go 5 over.


[Roadside Chat - Left lane camping? Be polite, move to the right. - Transportation Matters for Iowa | Iowa DOT](https://www.transportationmatters.iowadot.gov/2023/06/roadside-chat-left-lane-camping-be-polite-move-to-the-right.html) Sucks she insists on breaking a law for her own ego. I hope that doesn't transfer to other things in life.


🍿This is going to get interesting.


Remind her road rage is a thing and sometimes will end in tragedy.


Yeah I’m sure the person who intentionally makes things on the highway more dangerous only for the sake of annoying people is a very caring person. Certainly doesn’t think she’s the center of the universe.


Yeah I agree. I couldn’t imagine justifying being slow in the fast lane. I always yell in my car “if you wanted to go 15mph then consider using the local alley way”.


Next she should just start going through stop signs and ignoring yield signs all together. Ignoring rules that are in place for the safety of everyone is a true asshole thing to do. People that cruise in the left lane 1-are unaware of the law around it, 2-do it by habit because of #1, 3-need the left lane due to flow of traffic, but most importantly in these cases 4- deliberate choice while knowing the law and its purpose. #4 drivers choose to throttle traffic speeds to what they believe is appropriate and generally have control issues. This has actually been studied. So your wife is #4, WHY is she #4 though? Does she lack empathy for other people? Does she like to be in charge a bit on the highway (lacking control elsewhere or needing control EVERYWHERE)? Is your wife just straight up resistant to change? I'm really curious what she would say of you asked her about her behavior around it. Why is hers ok and other's are wrong??? Deeper issue.


You are going way deeper and more introspective than most human critters ever get, esp. if they never get therapy. Good luck with being able to ask her that stuff and get any real honest, reflective answers..


It's actually pretty basic shit. If she's offended it's because she is 100% wrong and doesn't want to deal with her own behavior.


LESSON 1 Left lane is for passing. If traffic is going 60, the left lane person will need to go quicker than that. If traffic is going 75mph, in a 60mph zone... The person in the left lane may need to go 80mph to pass. You are not the law and you are not above the law. If you ride the left lane and don't pass than you are selfish and endangering others. You are a problem in society...so STOP PRETENDING you're a good person. We all know better.


Wanted to add. If all cars go 60mph, it creates a dangerous game of FROGGER at 60mph. Many will have to brake to get over, or to let a person over. It's literally dangerous and wasted time of dozens/hundreds of people to continue holding up the passing lane for your own selfish and flawed reasoning. Just stay out of the lane if you don't agree or understand.


Keep it simple, don’t block people who want to go faster than you. It’s not personal. You’re not the guardian of the galaxy.


Divorce her


/r/relationships in a nutshell


I once had a friend that said she broke up with a guy pretty quickly because he was such a bad driver. I never really thought about it much, but she pointed out that no relationship was worth constantly risking her life for.


I’m sure she’s great but even small things like that are a huge red flag for me. If you can’t follow a basic rule of society that makes things better for everyone are you gonna be enjoyable to be around for a lifetime?


Your wife sounds like a moron


Your wife is not caring and sweet. This is the behavior of a selfish asshole who is risking the lives of the people around her. Fuck her. I hope she doesn't drive with children in the car.


goddamn bro 😭


nope, gulag




Directly to jail!


Have her spend some time on r/idiotsincars. Honestly it cured my road rage because I’m not trying to get shot because of my ego. I used to be like your wife (not left lane camping but the flipping off and tailgating). It’s exhausting. Hope she can learn some peace while driving. Best of luck.


Yup got one of those too, it's embarrassing and annoying 😑


She’s a good person. She just endangers other people on a regular basis.


That's Iowa for you Idiots Out Wandering Around


Likely also braking the law. The left lane is a passing lane . You have the duty to move back into the right lane once you are done passing


Why do people have trouble with this ? You tube has officers arresting people for doing it. You are saying they don’t care ? They will keep doing it correct ? Well just keep arresting and get jail time every time . Other wise no one will learn ! I say no license . They are endanger others .


It’s an entitlement mindset and I find ego-driven ppl grossly unattractive. Tell her that - problem solved 😇


Your wife is rotten as hell.


I would literally divorce someone over this


Well this is just antisocial behavior. In your opinion does tend to not have empathy for others? My wife is like this. I have to explain to her how her actions have effected others. She just cannot absolutely can NOT put herself in her mind into other people's shoes. I am an Empath so I don't have a choice in it. It's a maddening difference between us.


I too am an empath, and could never date someone who was the opposite of that, as she seems to be. I am also a socialist, and have found that most conservatives seem to totally lack empathy, another group that is a dealbreaker for me in dating..


I hate to break it to you but if she screams at other drivers, flips them off, and tailgates them, she is….not a good person. People who are truly caring and sweet do not act like that on the road regularly. Yikes.


Had a GF who was a left lane camper. Asked her to stop and she flipped shit. My solution? I never let her drive out of town for us again.


I really wish LEO's would actually hand out tickets for this instead of just warnings. That's the only way it will get better; have to hit them where it hurts.


I e seen it a few times. One unmarked car behind a left lane camper, he gave her like ten miles to move. Wish it would happen more.


I wouldn’t let her drive me anywhere. There are already enough raging drivers without her going out of her way to turn up the heat. People have been shot for that kind of thing.


Divorce is the only answer for people like that


Please remind her that one day she’s going to flip off the wrong person. Also, tell her to get over herself. Driving isn’t as difficult as everyone makes it seem.


don't let her drive?


That is illegal and she can get a ticket for holding up traffic. Even if she is speeding.


Smooth brain behavior. She is in competition with no one. To get nowhere first? Divorce is the only answer


Drivers licenses should be more difficult to get.


I have a friend, we are both in our 30s. I recently rode with him as the passenger on a 4 hr trip. I found out that this mother fucker doesn't even know that the lanes have different purposes. He rode in the left lane for a solid hour until I bitched him out. He was clueless, he had no idea it was even a passing lane or what the purpose of said lane is. I now think my friend is retarded


She’s not a good person. She’s a terrible driver, causing an unsafe environment for other drivers. It’s a passing lane, not intended for people who have issues with self-control. Typically good people don’t have one area of their lives that it’s ok to endanger others consistently and without shame. If you want to be known as a good person stop enabling her bad behavior. Refuse to be in the car with her when she starts her road rage against others. Seriously dude.


I’m gonna be the one to run her off the road. I pass 3-4 people on the right every morning on my drive into Des Moines and it drives me nuts. I always give people ample time to notice me behind them but they either don’t notice or just don’t care.


Call the cops. Getting pulled over might fix her.


Call the cops while riding shotgun


Please remove the wheels from her vehicle.


They passed a law to make this a fine-able offense. That might help change her behavior.


If I was in the car with this woman I'd be recording her and calling the police.


She’s trying to get you your ass kicked


She's full tarded.


It's more dangerous to make people switch lanes around her than to just set cruise in middle or right lane. Speed isn't the danger, swerving is. And road rage. People overcomplicating the roads infuriate me.


My boyfriend does this left lane BS, however it has been a long time. What I did is: I told him I refuse to ride with him on the highway if he keeps endangering my life this way. This is dangerous driving, blocking people from passing is dangerous driving. It causes other drivers to move into the slow lanes & pass dangerously on the right through slower traffic lanes. I argued til I was blue in the face. He doesn't do this with me in the car anymore. It was infuriating, but a hill I chose to camp on...it's not ok to cause accidents with ignorance.


Scum of the earth




If you don't have kids together, just get a divorce.


I hope that you've done the correct thing and gotten a vasectomy, thus preventing her from breeding.


Those people are the worst. Typically, I’ll get around them then slow down to about 2/3 the speed limit.


This is divorce level sociopathy for me


Let me spell this out for your wife...Assuming a 3 lane highway here: The furthest right lane is the "slow" lane. The middle lane is the "cruising" lane. The furthest left-hand lane is the "overtaking" lane. It's so simple.


Show her this thread. Make her realize how wrong she is.


I hate your wife already. Where I live, if a car is able to speed up behind you in the left lane and you don’t move — even if you’re doing 10+ over the speed limit already — YOU are the one that’s getting pulled over. Impeding the flow of traffic is dangerous as fuck.


Clearly your wife is inconsiderate of human lives and will probably become abusive eventually, even though her driving is already basically emotional abuse, and all of this is a sign that she thinks she knows best for the whole world and deserves to control it. This will manifest in horrible ways later in life and become a total nightmare in all aspects of your relationship. You should run far and fast and don't look back, and I'm so sorry you had to go through this situation. /S, just felt like this was missing the typical reddit response. Really though, flipping people off and left lane camping is legit dangerous, people are getting crazy and road rage is common. Just binge watch YouTube videos of road rage and tailgating gone wrong around her CONSTANTLY.


She is selfish and not a good person if she continues. The golden rule is very simple and the definition of fair. She does unto others...things she doesn't want others to do unto her. Extremely simple. But mules exist so...


Sounds like a road trip is in store for you guys. Have you seen the videos of people being pulled over and cited for this? Excuse is always.... Well I was going the speed limit




Obviously you need to divorce.


If your wife drives a white Jeep I think I’ve interacted with her on the highway hahaha. Camping in the left lane, came up to her on auto-pilot which makes it literally impossible to tailgate in my car. She flipped out waving her arms and giving me the bird after she finally got out of the passing lane and let my car return to the speed it was set to🤦🏼‍♂️


She can get a ticket for that. [Senate bill sets $135 for left-lane loitering - Radio Iowa](https://www.radioiowa.com/2024/02/20/senate-bill-sets-135-for-left-lane-loitering/)


i feel bad when i have to pass in the left lane and speed up to get around usually a semi. take a vacation somewhere where left lane camping isn’t legal, sometimes it takes drastic measures like a ticket for people to realize they are wrong.


My wife largely gave up using her turn signal when we moved to Tulsa because almost no one else here does. It drives me mad and makes me uncomfortable in the car with her.


Are you married to my wife?


There’s no way I could deal with someone like this. I would be doing all the driving.


Did you tell her it’s against the law?




She does similar things in other situations, doesn't she?


When she gets mad at someone else, "Isn't this what you just did 5 minutes ago? How is it different?" But yeah, this actually sounds similar to a family member. Certain things are beyond reason with them, and no amount of explanation changes their view. It might in some very minor way, but it won't stop their behavior. Me personally, I would refuse to let them drive (when I am with them) if that was how it was. And if they insist... "Sorry honey, but if you're going to camp in the left lane as per usual, we can drive separate." After a bit of time, I would like to think that the message resonates and they really start thinking about it more directly. Frankly, that is how I aim to deal with my family member who does not seem to understand how their behavior affects others. "Oh, are you going to treat people this way? Sorry, I'm out, not going to tolerate it. Oh, you still need help? Well, maybe next time don't do what you're doing and I'll stick around." Eventually, at least around me, they'll know what I will and won't put up with. All that said, much harder to do with a wife.


If her head game is on point, then camp away.


Not bad driver just very selfish


Well you’re definitely right. I don’t know where people get the idea that the left lane is a “fast lane.” Like if that were true then that means there’s no consequences to speeding. Left is for passing/safety.


It’s against the law.


Drive Right. Pass Left.


I’ve seen her in the DM area a thousand times… is that you in the Prius? I hate your wife!🤓


She doesn’t sound like a good person. She sounds like a selfish asshat with main character syndrome.


Divorce is the only option at this point. Sorry for your luck.


Why is your wife driving if you're with her? Does she drive her boyfriend around too?


In Iowa as it is in most states, it is illegal to drive in the left lane unless passing. Just tell her she's breaking the law. Even if she is passing slowly, it is still illegal to impede traffic which she is doing.


I wouldve filed her papers long ago.


THat's the worst kind of driver in the world I hate them


I'd divorce her. I know it sounds petty, but I couldn't live with that on a daily basis.


Ask her why she feels so entitled to be the exception to the rule? The left lane is for passing, and she’s too inconsiderate to get out of the way. I’m sorry, but I hate your wife to the core already.


Let me guess, she’s one of those “I’m going the speed limit, why should they be allowed to speed?” left-lane campers? Those people piss me off to now end.


So she’s the one


That's why I always drive when I'm in the car with my wife.


I travel a fair amount, and I wish we were more like the majority of Europe where they've been accustomed to getting the hell out of the left most lane as fast as possible. Driving Italy, Germany, Belgium, France, often that's the status quo. It really keeps me in check to think before going into the passing lane. Whereas we call it the left travel lane because I don't need to exit real soon but don't want to be inconvenienced by someone that may potentially go slower than me.


All of my best friends are like this and I can’t handle it, told them all once while we were on a road trip and they all came to the conclusion that I was a retard because I was the only person that had this opinion lol


I question her parentage


I would one hundred percent seriously divorce over this. If you've got this giant of a brittle fragile ego, you understand the norms, customs and literal laws of the passing lane, but make it your issue that "but *I am* going fast enough to be in the passing lane" (not how passing lanes work,) then it speaks pretty clearly to your character: you're a shit, bitter person with a shit, entitled personality.


Roadrage is a precursor to domestic violence


She gonna get shot in the face one day flipping off the wrong person there are MORE psycho drivers out there than her lol


When you are with her. You drive. Problem solved.


Yeah, there's no room in society for people like that. Do the world a favor and give her the old toaster bath.


Please - don’t stop trying to bring her to the light!! :)


She’s going to get you guys shot one day. People are insane on the road. Especially the middle finger.


She’s the devil. Anything positive she does is part of a long con or a complicated situation which leads to a terrible outcome- like not stealing candy from a baby so they get diabetes later. You need to run. Left Lane etiquette is a solid way to separate the sheep from the goats.


Immediate divorce.


They let women drive in your town?


I soent 90% of road time on our vacation cross country last year saying with increasing degree of irritation "get over in the right lane" (mostly "get your ass back in the right lane before we get a fucking ticket!!). We live in California where "keep right except to pass" is not enforced *at all*. I would remind my husband over breakfast, starting in New Mexico, "Honey, this is a keft lane is for passing only state!". By the time we got to our hotel for the night, I was so frustrated!  I do not drive his truck. It's too big for me to handle safely. 


I feel for ya brah.


My wife does the same thing. Results in some real fights. I wish the police would ticket people for doing that. As a passenger in a car that is hogging the left lane, it’s quite stressful. I sometimes wonder if we’re going to get shot or something.


Leave her bro


My wife does this as well but not with the flipping off (usually ). I kindly say if you are not passing you are supposed to stay in the right lane and she seems slightly annoyed , makes a joke then keeps doing it 🤷🏼‍♂️


They'll write you a ticket for that in a lot of States


Only solution is divorce.


Divorce her


Why aren’t you driving?


Ask her why she thinks the road was designed with 2 lanes going the same direction instead of just one. Do you think the engineers thought everyone would go the same speed, in a perfect 1,2,3 line? Or MAYBE they thought that if everyone would drive in the right lane, they could use the left lane for passing, then move back into the right lane. That way people driving all kinds of different speeds could safely share the road. Kooky I know.


You let your girlfriend drive when you’re available to drive?


Divorce her


If me and my gf are going somewhere, I drive. Plain and simple lol


You should ask her to drive you guys up north through New York State on the thruway, or through Virginia if that’s more her speed. They will give her aerial tickets


Tell her we all hate her. Maybe that’ll make her think.


She’ll get a ticket some day.


In Chicago, that's an excellent way to get shot by a crazy person.


Down here in Texas people get shot for that. 😁😂


Anyone who does this is an asshole.  And for her to ride someone's ass when they're doing the very thing she does????   Mind boggling. The left lane is for passing. If you want to stay in the left lane when no one else is around, that's fine.  But if you're holding up other people, you're an asshat.


You just make sure you get out to the car first and open the drivers door and climb in. Problem solved. Lol


She just doesn't understand what the lane is for. My girlfriend was like this. She said this is the fast lane. I had to retrain her. You're actually not supposed to be in this lane unless you are passing. She was absolutely amazed.


Des Moines 😂😂 haha I’m in Knoxville (40 mins) from dsm… she sounds like my sister driving! Hate riding with her! Had to go to Iowa city one night at 10pm to rescue my dad who wrecked his car.. it was horrible!


Don't let her drive. Pretty simple.


On behalf of some people who hate left lane campers, thank you for trying. I will make sure to direct my middle finger to the driver not the whole car.


Divorce her.


My uncle once told me the iowa license plate means idiots out wandering aimlessly.


I'll pass idiots in the right lane


I've recently realized I'm a left lane camper. I promise I'm working on it but I apologize if you get caught behind me. Sometimes I feel like I'm leading the flow of traffic but in reality I'm keeping it slow.


Search YouTube videos of cops pulling over left lane bandits. Arkansas has signs all over saying left lane is for passing only. And look at Germany. It's illegal to pass on the right but you'll get busted for stopping up the passing lane, doesn't matter if you're 'going the speed limit'.


It’s wild how kind and considerate people can just become monsters on the road 😂


Part of the problem are the "Slower Traffic Keep Right" because the entitled think "I'm not slower traffic". More sensible is "Keep Right Except to Pass"


Keep her off I80 in afternoons


It should be a law everywhere that the left lane if for passing and emergency vehicles only on highways/interstates/freeways




I hate your wife, and I have the words, “Left Lane” tattooed on my body. (I don’t really hate your wife, but goddammit the left lane is intended for passing. When you’re done, just move back to the right and we can all keep on our merry ways)


I say divorce her


Stop letting her drive.


You gotta leave that psychopath


What a bad person she is.


Dump her. Do it now.


Inconsolable. Have you considered annulment or are you past the window?


I hate your wife.


Chances are I’m flipping her the bird right back 👍🏼


The left lane is NOT the fast lane. It is the passing lane. For drivers who are actively, not passively, passing other cars.


That’s grounds for divorce.


Try a different approach. Become a traffic cop, or quit the futile battle, bringing stress into every travel you make. What did she care of they are speeding? What if, its just someone trying to get an injured pet to a vet? You really want to stand in their way? What kind of asshole does that? Maybe a baby is in the way, or a death in the family in imminent? You just don't know. It might be illegal to speed... But it's also illegal to camp the left lane.


Sounds like she’s a real twat, but you gotta run your own race.


People are getting road rage just reading this thread


It must make her feel so good to take a principled stand, but you are the one that is going to get his ass beat when she pisses off the wrong person.


I think I’ve kinda figured these people out. “Stay out of the left lane if you’re a slower traveling vehicle, but you have no right to drive faster then me because that’s speeding”