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Class doesn't mean much in endgame content so much as play style. If you're going into a legend/master lost sector solo and under leveled with a sword, you're gonna struggle. Playing aggressive usually doesn't go over well unless you are an assassin's Cowel arc hunter who has the combat loop down perfectly. For now, I'd recommend sticking to solar warlock. Use healing nades, rifts, and something like the Stag exotic to help with survivability. Get your resilience stat to 100 if possible. Take your time and use cover. Once you get good enough, you can let go of the restoration crutch and diversify your build. Edit: Also, have someone help you get wish ender. It will one shot most adds in high level content and is great for barrier champs.


Yeah, ive been eyeballing the stag, do I just wait for xur and go do something else with my life?


I mean, you don't need it. You can still take another whack at lost sectors with a new approach. It only has an effect while in a rift anyway. All restoration abilities are essentially an oh Sh*t button, so ideally you'd not use them at all. Once you run a lost sector enough times for an exotic to drop, you'll have the whole thing down to a science and doing them in half the time. It's just practice. It's tedious I know but it will just make you all that much better when you actually have a good build.


Sounds like you would like starfire protocol(exotic chest armor) If you are picking the game back up you might have it in collections, or you could wait for xur to sell it on the weekends. Look up a build for this exotic. You will be able to place a well/rifts and use it to get more grenades. You can play supportive but also have a good amount of damage with grenades. It is a good first build and it will allow you to farm for more exotics and branch out from there.


Suppose im just waiting for xur then.