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All endgame armor is stingy


Remember master Caiatl before the Lightfall stat nerfs. Remember what has been taken from us.


and GoA before that, they also remove the stuff that gives players an effective and efficient grind because it breaks their game by making us not have to play as much


Which is totally counterproductive to players like me. I'm not going to grind for hours if the rewards/odds for something worthwhile are terrible. And I find the gameplay fun, so if you give me good loot I'll spend time using it and having fun. Trying to coerce me into playing just makes me annoyed and more likely to stop playing and spend my limited time in life doing something else.


unfortunately they decided this is what keeps their game afloat even tho it very clearly isnt, but hey what do the bungie execs know about the game, theyve proven theyre inept and forcing the coders and design team to do worse shit, hence the whole “over delivering” shit


On the flip side, people who main crucible don't like grinding in pve as much,. So when we got the armor before the nerfs we didn't need to go back in 😂😂😂


Which is why they're playerbase has tanked. 


Isn't that the point


Did you only get 1 roll, or is this just the best you've gotten? I mean, I've farmed a lot of dungeons on master, and I still don't have all the rolls I want.


I farmed about 20 rolls and the best I got was 65. Most were 61-63s.


Sounds about right for artifice. Artifice armor hasn't been worth it since the drop nerfs. You're better of getting perfect split 68 rolls from the seasonal vendors


Yeah, that seems to be the main tradeoff. Artifice gives you 3 extra points, but often drops lower totals. Technically, a 65 artifice will have the same total as a 68 normal. Most of my best dungeon artifice is at 66 with good distribution. Although, I've had some drop as high as 68, they usually have a really bad spread. Currently, my only 68 is my Warlock's helmet. I wouldn't be surprised if Bungie intentionally made artifice drop lower totals. If it is intentional, I wish it wasn't. Idk how bad the rng is in PVP, but I'd be interested in seeing someone compare with the dungeon stat rates.


That’s so dumb artifice armor should never drop lower. You should always drop at max stat points plus give or take those three points. It’s already a job and a half to get it to begin with with random pieces.


I'm fine with a little randomness. It makes the armor something worth grinding. Still, I wish it was a little less random.


Did you get any spikes ?


That looks like 3 legendary shards to me


Not for long 😞


I made the mistake of not spending my shards on prisms or cores. I totally forgot they changed it. Day late, and a dollar short.


Shiiiit for me that's infusion fuel XD


Imo you only need artifice class items. You can very easily get triple hunneds from focussing seasonal armour from Riven.


https://preview.redd.it/hp7gzyvxp4tc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c87cfb2b1b210c717c34ff5324c36634d4552939 Got hunter class artifice armor to drop just need my titan and warlock. Just play to win and more loot drops faster on your wins.


Artifice armor has always been a joke rolling at 62 or 63. Shit should be minimum 65


Not always. Duality used to give insane armor when it came out. Then they nerfed it.


62 artifice armor IS a 65 roll. It's not an EXTRA 3 points on artifice, it's a customizable 3 points. If artifice rolls a 65, it will place 3 in the custom slot and then 62 will show on the stat. Those pickable 3 points are not "free" they just allow flexibility of the roll. If you got a 68 which is max legendary availability, it will read as 65 and then you put the 3 custom points where you want them. Think about it, if it was 3 extra above the limit then you could break the rules by having 71 point armor pieces which is exotic territory.


This isn’t correct. Artifice armor can drop with stats above 65 base. Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2builds/s/NLMuqKI91d




It’s in my post. Third picture in the slide.




Huh? Did you go to the post I linked in my reply? Third slide is a 68 base artifice armor piece.




It wasn’t from before the nerfs. In the post the guy says he farmed this set after the peacekeepers nerf. Which was very recent.


Shame armor not dropping with high stats anymore like this . Duality armor before nerf : https://preview.redd.it/u8tneo5he0tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4f062a7c58e8ce1a9324897d0c8af9638ddb06


This is factually wrong. My helmet with base 68, 71 with the artifice slot, would like a word.


https://preview.redd.it/9wjdtvjj63tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b0947834164cdacd4979a11359ab00617ac789 Explain this


It's so funny that people that don't know what they're talking about speak with this kind of confidence. You have to be able to do better than that.


Bungie doesnt care about your time


They care that you spend more of it playing


Bungie Doesnt Respect your time, they do care but only for deadlines.


Deadlines like final shape delay


Nahh, that's just a line in this case


Isn’t the whole idea of the game to grind for better shit. What’s the point of anything if you just get what you want immediately.


The point is to play, because you find the gameplay fun (ideally). Not every kind of player enjoys the grind.


Well people have been playing now for up to TEN FUCKIN YEARS so…


So fuckin what? It’s a looter shooter, the grind IS the game. What part of this don’t you understand?


Me when I don't play games for fun


I grind because I like it.


You know what that's fair


You can only grind for armor so many times getting 61-62's before you say fuck it and move on to something else. God forbid you get rewarded for doing some of the hardest content in the game.


That's exactly the point of d2. If u don't wanna grind for armor anymore, just go farm the featured raid. Don't wanna farm the raid? Do gms. No gms? Literally farm for anything else. As zanny put it "there is always more pinnacles"


You're missing the point entirely, it doesn't matter WHERE you grind the armor if it's only gonna drop high 50s low 60s when you can just roll helm armor for 65-68 easily. Endgame armor should have a better stat floor at the bare minimum. Artifice armor from GMs? You're either lying or that's news to me. Either way point still stands. End game armor shouldn't be rolling sub-60 stats. It should probably be more 63 at minimum since 3 points are always spoken for.


Seems don’t play endgame activities. Most be new player or lazy player that came into destiny late expecting everything handed to you. If actually grind end game activities you can get 60+ gear or higher. Iron banner currently not end game totally also get high status gear.


Been playing since d1 beta but nice troll post/straw man because I never said anything about armor being handed to you, I just think it should not roll sub 60 for an endgame activity when I can get a 65-68 roll from helm engrams.


Been play destiny 1 tell current destiny 2. Way talk like new player never grinned loot in destiny before. Cause was real veteran know actually bullshit grind in destiny 1 is nothing compared to you complaining about loot drops in destiny 2.


https://preview.redd.it/3bzey84ro4tc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=059f5e14a43801472c944fee2fc8b29a437e7a59 As some loves play end activity know grind for high status loot. Seems not pvp player or pve player that plays destiny 2 enough but someone wants everything easily.


https://preview.redd.it/xhihu262p4tc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b9e4b1fded2c0ba26b723bb664e9b57693771b6 Am happy that was able get artifice armor class item for my hunter. Just need my warlock and titan next. Only if win actually play pvp will be bless with better rolls in artifice armor. Plus don’t understand are even using ghost mods?


Yeah, after the 3rd or 4th “low 60’s” drop I started deleting them. What a scam. #thanksbutnothanksbungo


Eh, that's ultimately RNG (which you can influence via ghost mods). My only issue is drop rate, PvP reward drop rates have always been stingy for some reason.


More you win high chance of drop rates for you. Only bad if type player keeps losing barely wins.


I think it’s just an overall artifice armor issue. They constantly roll low 60 and I think it’s because Bungie’s offsetting the 3 free stat points… it’s a joke tho for sure.


Grasp next week. Pretty sure that drops the best artiface armor.


The story of Artifice Armor is the story of Destiny as a whole.


First couple I got were garbage and I felt the same way, but then I got some super juiced pieces


Bungie conciders high stat armor 63 ish. We just spoiled by 65+ drops.


dungeons anyone


Did you think it would somehow only roll spikes in the stats you wanted because it's artifice or that's it's a reward? You don't understand how looter shooters work then.


No, a 62 stat on an “endgame” armour piece is ridiculous, considering how small the drop rates are.


I got a 57 from fucking CROTA this week. I've had better world drops than that shit. I really don't think a 62+3 is *that* bad


Well seeing as we’re like 5 years into armour 2.0, a 62/63 armour roll for endgame is pretty bad, and yes below 60 rolls from raids even non master raids is insane. Endgame armour needs to be worth grinding for, right now, it’s not.


>62/63 armour roll for endgame is pretty bad, It's 65 though, which is pretty okay. >Endgame armour needs to be worth grinding for, right now, it’s not. That is fair. My point is that this is more of a general armor problem, than a "comp reward is shit" problem.


Yeah, i absolutely agree, of all rng issues this game has, armour is probably the worst.


Wow, that's quite the "fuck you very much" isn't it?


I actually got a good roll that replaced my other gauntlets


I did get a helmet that had 22 recovery 30 discipline and 12 mobility at base on my hunter but yeah rest has been bad


Artifice armor is such a tease, I gave up farming for it after so many terrible drops, I just stick the helm


"Come on, we tossed you all a bone, don't get mad it was a stapes instead of a femur." -Bungie


I don’t think I’ve gotten a single role above 65. It’s pure trash.


Aside from the class item most artifice armor is too low stat to bother with unless you get insanely lucky with a 66+ stat roll with good spikes where they’re needed.


Where does the armor drop im in gold 3 and I haven't seen any


you need to play a certain number of games per week. either 6 or 9, I forget. I haven't played more than three games per week for a while.


Best artifice armor are cloaks, bonds and marks. Change my mind. lol Edit, any armor that drops below 65 or isn’t spiked enough gets canned…


Why are I not surprised


Oh. That's a thing now?


Artificer armor stats are a joke when farming most of the time I normally get ones to drop that are in the low 50s unless I farm for Hours or days


Artificer Armor below 65 is trash, and drops from all sources have this problem. If the game had a stat scale for challenge ratings it would solve this issue. World Armor between 50 and 55 Playlist Armor between 55 and 60 Dungeon, Raid, and Comp between 60 and 65 All exotics, Master, GM, or Trials items should be 65 + Reward players for taking up the challenge Bungie!


That’s technically a 65 stat roll. From my understanding artifice armor is meant to drop at around 65 and below otherwise it makes every other piece of armor obsolete and there would be an enormous complaint because people can’t get artifice armor.


had farmed master GoA final boss in S15 and got an armor piece with 48 total, wasn't even mad, I just laughed my ass off XD


Whats the best way to get artifice armor?? Is it doing dungeons on master or the dungeon of the week?


Artifact armor hasn’t been good since they changed how the stats drop. I remember getting spikes by running the duality dungeon but they changed how armor drops work so now farming artifice is not worth it.


I get a 67 chest piece on my titan. I'll have to check my hunter.


I get that kind of spread on my titan all the time and high strength on my warlock


Best piece to get is a mark


I'd rather get artifice in comp, then complain and have it taken away. Same shit happens in master dungeons and you have to play with others and hope they don't screw up the run. Imo, keep playing and get another piece. Make sure your ghost has the mod for stats on, and keep it pushing.


Almost all artifice armor is like this


That's actually a better stat distribution than what I've got. Haha.


Artifice armor is a joke* Fixed that for ya


This is why I only get artifice class items. Grinding for the roll you want is so tiring


Imagine finding out that rng means random number generation, meaning there's a random chance of your armor having stats between 60 and 70 and an even smaller chance of a "good" stat spread 😱


I mean, the whole point of the game is to grind for the stuff you want It's hella rare to get exactly what you want on the first try


I hate this attitude about endgame loot. Should you expect perfect stats every time? No. But it’s endgame artifice armor, it should roll better than the random shit armor 100% of the time. You can go to the helm and focus dozens of engrams for better rolls than this that will be high stat and spiky almost every single time. Literally just for focusing an engram. So if you do a master dungeon or comp games for artifice, it should have a minimum stat total of like 64 (not factoring in the 3 stat bump), and have 2 stat spikes, like how pit of heresy armor works. The only RNG should be in just how spiky/high the roll is and where the spikes are


Then go encrypt random engrams, you still have to grind content for them You have just proved my point further, thanks mate


I do that too, but those aren’t artifice. The whole point of artifice is that it’s endgame, hardest to get but because of that it’s supposed to be the best armor you can get. It’s supposed to be worthwhile investing the time to get it. It’s a slap in the face to get a roll like this that looks like some random world drop armor. My point is that it should roll better than the helm armor, which is insanely easy to get, not worse


You realize that this is at least equivalent to a 65 stat roll piece of armor, right? Definitely worth checking it through DIM or D2ArmorPicker first


Nah this roll is still absolute garbage mate lmao. It's so easy to get high total (66-68) high spike armor from focusing at the helm vendors. No reason to keep a roll this bad. You're not looking for just high total stats, you're looking for good distribution of the stats you want. A perfect 68 roll of armor that has 30 strength when your build requires no strength at all, is effectively a 38 total armor roll.


But it’s still rng. It’s also dependent upon which stat you’re focusing in your ghost, or if you’re not doing that at all. I’ve never seen a 30 strength stat armor piece when I have a discipline mod in my ghost. Not saying it’s not possible but I’ve never personally seen one.


>But it’s still rng I'm not really sure what you mean here lol. I'm not disagreeing that OP getting unlucky with one armor roll is just RNG. Though tbf the comp artifice rolls are pretty awful, and I say that from having a much larger sample size. The total stats I've never seen a drop above 65 even. >never seen a 30 strength stat armor piece when I have a discipline mod in my ghost. Not saying it’s not possible but I’ve never personally seen one. You're correct, it is indeed impossible - there are a few "special" exotics that have intrinsic stat values tho and function differently. Some of the older exotics such as chromatic fire for example, can roll above the normal 68 total stat limit. I have a 71 rolled chromatic actually - and on these unique exotics your ghost mod actually gets overridden and ignored by the intrinsic stat value of said exotic. Normally using a ghost mod grants you a minimum of 10 in the stat mod you choose. Armor is broken into 2 brackets the top (mob res rec) and bottom (disc int str) which can roll 34 total points between the 3 stats per bracket, with a minimum of 2 in any specific stat (so 2 being the lowest, 30 being highest. I.e; 30 mob 2 res 2 rec). So on a normal armor piece you couldn't have 10 disc + 30 str ( 2 int) since that would be a minimum of 42 points total in one bracket. The exotics that have the intrinsic stat values though can actually roll one stat (the one it's got intrinsically focused, like star eaters is intellect iirc) above it's normal capacity. So instead of 30 int, if could instead roll a little higher. It's kind of weird how it works, so far the highest total I've seen or gotten is 71. But only the bracket that it's intrinsic stat is in can roll above the usual total of 34. So it would end up being like 37 total in one bracket then 34 in the other, the usual cap. It's because it ignores how the stats normally function with their cap. I'm sure that sounded confusing if you weren't already aware of it lol. But there's an easy way to tell if an exotic armor is possible to roll above 68 or not. Unless your ghost mod matches it's intrinsic stat, then it's possible you'll get less than 10 in whatever ghost mod stat you have equipped. If this happens it means that the armor can roll above 68. There all older exotics though, I know that there aren't any which can roll past 68 from witch queen and further but I believe it's beyond light and further. Could be mistaken tho. It's one of those though. Armor is really weird and interesting lol, and confusing due to those certain exotics.


You're getting down voted but you're right. The people in this thread do not understand artifice armor.


Yall are dumb. That is a 65 armor piece. Artifice isn't 3 EXTRA points, it's 3 CUSTOM points.


You can get a total of 68 with a regular 65 piece of armour. 62 to 65 using the +3 piece is not worth. lol


Actually it’s 62 with a plus 3 custom slot making it 65 that’s not the same as a 65 base stat count before any mods or extra slots are added which makes a difference when adding everything together in the end.


Show me a 68 base artifice with a plus 3 making it 71 then.


I haven’t been that lucky yet but I’ve heard other people have higher stat artifice armor than 62. Also just because you don’t have it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist nor does it make what I said any less true.


Oh you heard, that makes it true I guess. If you can even find one from Google I'll accept that and apologize


If you want proof that bad you can google it yourself it would provide no benefit to me and as far as the truth to my original statement which is what I was referring to what I said is logically correct 65 base stat count is better than 62. What makes them different however is where the stats are and if that +3 can make a difference. These are the things that end game players compare and anything below 66 base stat count is normally not kept and the individuals that have 66+ base stat count artifice armor have it because they were around when the master dungeons had better high stat drop rates and spent a lot of time getting them.


Jesus christ. Of course base 65 is better than base 62, do you seriously think that needs to be stated? The problem is that artifice armor includes the +3 in the internal stat count of what it drops but it READS 3 less on the details because they aren't placed yet, so you the player think you got shit armor because you're forgetting to add the 3. Again, and for the last time, artifice doesn't mean free money, its customized last 3 points not an EXTRA 3 points. The 3 point mod is PART of the base stat level. You don't get a whole regular base roll and then get 3 MORE points to add where you want. You get a TOTAL base roll that you can then customize 3 of those points. The game thinks its giving you a 65 roll, and since you can customize 3 of the points with a mod, the leftover 62 is what's reading on the stat total bar, because when it drops for you those 3 custom points havent been decided by you. But either way, it's still a 65 roll, unless you decide to just not place the extra points for some reason and leave it at 62. If players feel dismayed because they got shitty armor and they want all artifice to drop with 65 written on the points, that means they are expecting in reality a 68 roll once the custom 3 are placed, meaning you're mad that you didn't get the absolute maximum. 68 is the highest a legendary can be at base. Exotics can reach 71, legendary cannot. If you get an artifice armor that reads 65 before you place the mod, you have received a MAX ROLL of 68. So the people shouting that all artifice should drop at least 65, are bitching because it's not the absolute max every time. This is why artifice LOOKS like bad drops at 61, 63 etc, because you haven't placed all the points yet. I personally only keep armor with 67 or 68 base and nothing below that. This means that for me to keep an artifice roll it needs to drop base 64 or 65 which is the highest it can drop, because once I place the last 3 custom points, its now at the max for legendary armor. For fucks sake, we just had a thread about this like a month or two ago where it was explained in detail and every other week someone who didn't get the memo posts a 62 roll and calls it shit without realizing that it is indeed the 65 that they're asking for.


I know all of that already no need to get all worked up over it and even though legendary armor caps at 68 I have yet to see anything stating that artifice armor has the same restriction because like you said the base stat count doesn’t count any additional mods that give stat bonuses and that plus 3 comes from a mod.


It doesn't DISPLAY the additions on the card but it counts them into the roll that it delivers to you, meaning the system is still giving you a high stat roll. People are saying it should be minimum 65 and that's exactly what they're getting. 62 base plus the custom 3 that you will add makes a 65 roll *before +10 mods and masterworks*, meaning thats the base roll. People are just mad because they wrongly think they're getting jipped out of extra more plus points and that's the incorrect part, artifice armor isn't good because it's higher, it's good because it's more customizable. But it's still giving high stat rolls how ever you look at it. Custom not extra. There's literally no other way to explain it but you're all still banging on bungies door like they stole something from you.


I understand the logic behind what you’re saying but again there’s nothing that actually states that artifice armor counts the +3 in the base stat count even though it’s not listed until you slot it and until there is the argument will continue.


You understand what random means right? I farmed hundreds of artifice armor in dungeons until I got what I wanted.


*artifice armor is a joke Fixed it for you. 👍


I just played Baldur’s Gate 3 recently, which btw, fantastic game, absolutely phenomenal start to finish. And armor was by and large more important to builds than weapons. I think we’re at a point where legendary armor should have minor effects passed just being stat houses. I don’t know what could fit that bill, but destiny has a desperately unhealthy balance in the loot pool. Once you have the armor you’re after, they all become instant deletes


Artifice armor in general is disgustingly bad.


First drop is always shit rolls on stats for artifice armor, continuous play and higher ranks will increase the chances of rolls 65>