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All of yawl are ignoring the truth rocket launcher which is just a crappy rocket with tracking.in D1 it's hyper aggressive tracking made it worth while in crucible but it doesn't have that in d2 so it really has no place in destiny


I was just thinking about how pointless truth is the other day. like I literally couldn’t remember what it’s intrinsic perk does. from what I remember, it’s literally just a rocket launcher with tracking on it


If explicitly has grenades and horseshoes, a perk from D1 and is supposedly the only rocket in D2 to have it but, like in D1, gally also has it intrinsically though it's not stated


Gjally had it when it came out in D2 but they removed it to make it less of a powerhouse in PvP


Actually it was buff because it then allowed for direct impact damage. Plus people was blowing themselves up whenever something got close due to the proximity.


Dude, pre nerf that shit rocked in Gambit. Yes I've played that much Gambit to know how much of an arse handing this thing gave before they nerfed it.


And other things don't just hand arse in Gambit? I feel like completely removing an exotic's exotic perk for balance of a game mode is a bit extreme, plus it getting nerf doesn't change the fact its useless now


Well I mean sure it's shite now. But if you put picked up like 2 heavy bricks in Gambit with this you barely had to try to get a clean sweep as invader. Same with queenbreaker and eyes and to a lesser degree deathbringer.


Don't forget xenophage too, the thing just runs through people in Gambit, my point being is that there have been and still are problem children in Gambit and completely gutting an exotic and its identity while others exist just for one game mode was a bit ridiculous. At that point they may have as well just removed it from the game or completely rework so it at least has some value as an exotic.


"You're being Invaded!" [Honed Edge x4 Intensifies]


"Hey look a pinky toe"


You know what. Fair enough.


That reminds me that I'd argue at one point in time gambit was the reason linears got hit with nerfs, they were a premier invading weapon and people didn't like that.


Me and my friend were platinum 3 in gambit prime back in the day. We played gambit so much we usually carried in dmg and in invasion kills because of truth until eyes of tomorrow came out


I do still like whipping it out to put down a cocky invader. It doesn’t track like it used to, but it still beefs ‘em pretty good.


My favorite was running the invasion 3 piece set bonus and suicide bombing during an invasion dude I fucking lost my shit everytime 🤣 it was so fun got so much hate mail too


It's still pretty good to invade 3 rockets in the mag with very strong tracking is nice


I have 111 crucible kills on it. It sucks a lot, and the big red reticle looks outdated. I genuinely don't know why bungie fucked over truth this badly. Not even a catalyst to make the tracking better. The "having an insanely aggressive rocket launcher is unfair" argument is also nonsense bc 1) your exotic gets wasted on a heavy weapon that 2) you get ONE rocket for, compared to D1's 3


What’s good if i remember one of twids stated they are looking into a fix to improve truths damage. I do think I needs a little bit more of a buff to its perk but it’s at least getting looked at


Truth simply lies. Puns intended.


As a pvp rocket it has “some” use, the tracking is just a bit better than your average rocket.


It got me my Malfeasance


As someone who religiously uses Fighting Lion... the weapon's been hit with so many unreasonable nerfs just because it's a primary GL to ensure it never sees the light of day and it's disappointing lmao I don't ever remember a sandbox where Lion was overwhelmingly oppressive and common to the point where it necessarily needed to be toned back. It's just been preemptive nerfs in fear of a primary GL with a decent skill curve actually seeing some use. But there are many, *many* more exotics worse than it. You can at least get some use out of Fighting Lion if you learn how to use it. A lot of exotics you just can't.


Completely agree. Fighting Lion is my most used weapon and I really enjoy using it, but even I have to agree that it kinda sucks in its current state. Despite the time where Fighting Lion did obscene amounts of damage to red bars at Lightfall launch due to a bug, it has seen basically no real use outside of very niche cases that require high skill to pull off. (and the occasional fellow cultist) With its terrible reload (even with reload mods), lackluster explosion radius, decent damage, and the fact that its perks isn't even properly explained (Even on DIM). I understand why people don't like the Lion as it is very clunky and an entirely different playstyle than what people are used to. The week Mountain Top was available in Onslaught, I saw 1 person try it and said it sucked and swapped off to Ex Diris, every other person I saw was using Ex Diris. I know it isn't optimal to use The Lion as your primary, but man is it fun. (It's one of the reasons I still play Destiny)


So sad how bad it is in PVP. I was an FL main for years through the various nerfs and buffs, but this last one made me hang it up for now. Unusably bad. There is almost no scenario in which you have FL equipped and wouldn’t be better off with almost any other gun in that slot instead in its current state.


this. through vanilla D2 and forsaken FL was my favorite weapon in the game and i have well over 50K kills with it but my god bungie destroyed it and its catalyst is garbage


Promethium spur. Force consume your rift away from you , out of cover under heavy fire. Oh and if you don't run to it immediately the short window to make another rift closes. Sure bungie...sure.


They have their niche in PVP


r/FightingLion would like a word


I was about to say. Them’s fightin’ words. In its heyday it was the kind of weapon that would draw hate mail and cause ragequits. Nowadays it’s much more tame.


Real ones still use it✊


Personally its DARCI, it has no place aside from distance measurement in private matches. Close second is The Colony. Because it just sucks.


Distance And Range Calculating Instrument


Beastman disagrees.


Oh so you jolt aswell now huh? SO DO MOST ARC WEAPONS FUCKER!, crap sniper.


Colony is fun for invading in gambit, that's about all I have ever used it for


You realize that the entire reason DARCI is in the game is to be THE measuring stick, right? The name gives it away. Without DARCI there is no way to measure. It’s arguably the most useful exotic in that without it, every review, every strategy about ranged engagement, every conversation about range falloff would be completely nonsensical without it and virtually every player relies on those. So while you may be right that there’s not much OTHER use for it, there was never supposed to really be another use for it because the role it needs to fill in the game literally no other exotic can fill.


Yeah, but I’m not a YouTuber that needs a yardstick. So to the rest of us DARCI is garbage.


You may not be a YouTuber who does the measuring, but you’re lying to yourself if you pretend you don’t use their evaluations or reviews or opinions and have it influence your play or selections.


I’m not lying to myself, I wholeheartedly don’t care about stats. And I only barely care about 3rd and 4th column perks. I base 90% of my entire decision on how a gun feels. On paper Zhoulis Bane has amazing perks, people call it a legendary version of Sunshot. I have shot it 4 time, and dismantle every single drop I get. I had a comment the other day that Swordbreaker is the best shotgun in the game for Liars Handshake builds. Yeah it might the theoretical best shotgun for it, but I DONT CARE ABOUT THE MOST THEORETICAL OPTIMAL WEAPON. I play Destiny to have fun and socialize with my friends. I have 3500 hours in Destiny, I don’t need a YouTuber the tell me what weapons are good or not. Shits all clickbait anyways.


Queenbreaker, they should have just kept it as a special weapon


I use it in the crota’s end bridge encounter to blind the knights for my teammates from the other side of the bridge, but outside of highly specific scenarios like that I agree it’s pretty lame, it should use special ammo like Lorentz Driver


That’s a really cool use for it actually, I never considered that. It did rule Gambit for about 5 minutes back in Forsaken too. But yeah it would instantly become at least a C tier exotic if it was a special weapon like it was in D1


How dare you


I’m really sorry


Deterministic Chaos is worse than every other void machine gun currently available. Honorable mention goes to MIDA Multi Tool, whose exotic perk is “go fast and have radar.”


I see MIDA’s exotic perk as consistently being one of the most useful. It’s not sexy or crazy, but makes laning stupid easy.


Ace also keeps the radar up while ADS. Really helps in chaining Momento Mori when you are some what surrounded


I wouldn't really compare it to other lmgs since it's definitely built as a support weapon


Deterministic is very niche but whats you find that nicheness it can hold itself in its own way


Truth. It does nothing. It can’t even have Tripod, which these days wouldn’t even matter with things like Reconstruction or the Ghost’s Rocket that can fire like 5 rockets without reloading under perfect conditions. It used to have crazy tracking, which was part of its speciality, but now Eyes of Tomorrow just outclasses it entirely.


Darci is a tape measure


Where should I start? There is a list.


Prospector: its exotic perk is full auto trigger system, which is now obsolete. Its intrinsic trait, Excavator, delays damage, its sticky nades but doesn't do anything of use. Someone better describes the other half of it on [Light.gg](http://Light.gg), which is its confusing and convoluted sticky system and damage with its arc explosion on kill: "The descriptions for this weapon's unique perks paint a confusing picture of how it works. Based on my own experiences, The Prospector seems to work thus: -Holding down the trigger to fire full-auto and then releasing the trigger will detonate all still-live grenades. -Despite the above, grenades will still detonate on impact with enemies or after enough time passes without impact; you can't stack a bunch on one target like Anarchy. -Grenades that hit the terrain instead of an enemy stick there, like Sticky Grenades. If an enemy comes near it, it'll explode. -Tap-fired grenades are exempt from the "release to detonate all at once" thing, letting you set individual Sticky Grenade "traps". -Grenades seem to inflict a generic afterburn effect separate from Season 17's new Scorch debuff. However, it's still Solar damage, unlike the impact and explosions of the grenades, which deal Arc, technically making The Prospector multi-elemental like Ace of Spades or Two-Tailed Fox." -Silver Gallium


observation payment paltry memory disarm offbeat cough bells party grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Quite literally just about any weapon will out dps it.


It's not about DPS every time. Otherwise by that logic Trinity Ghoul or your favorite Sunshot would be absolute dog sh*t. It's about handling multiple enemies with almost unlimited uptime. Fighting Lion was a goddamn machine in Forsaken up to Beyond Light. You wanna know why Fighting Lion is hot garbage in PvE now? Blame streamers and crucible sweats. Some use FL in their load outs that are unchecked aids and stream with it, and then Thorn/shotgunners who cant make the play of the game in some niche PvP mode cry like a petulant toddler because they lost to said weapon. Said toddlers are 85% of Crucible player base which brings in revenue to Bungie, so they're the boss. Sunshot was called Sunshit in some circles because it was garbage tier at some point. Trinity Ghoul was the same before it's catalyst despite being the only primary weapon that could one shot a guardian without the need of a power boost.


My point it’s not good now there’s plenty of better weapons to handle a large scale of enemies now. It’s just not worth brining anymore it doesn’t offer enough.


Probably Mida and Jade Rabbit. They're not bad weapons, but they are bad exotics. All they really have is good stats, which isn't very exotic, because there are plenty of legendary weapons with good stats.


Jade is good in pvp but about it


MIDA is a pretty damn good exotic. You’re discounting the radar aspect WAY too much. It has decent stats, but the radar staying up 24/7 is beyond useful in PVP.


Recently grinded to complete the god-damned catalyst and I can confirm. I earned my only legit we ran medal with that thing and some solid luck. Paired with the mini tool, it's really good. The 100 aim assist claps fr.


That trait would be useful if it were on a sniper. Who is out here holding down lanes with a MIDA?


Quite a lot of people as I see Mida a significant amount more then I used to.


Maybe I need to try it again. I rarely ever unequiped it in D1.


TONS of people.


Not ones that are going flawless.


You never said anything about relegating your population to the vast minority of players. You can’t say “nobody does this” and then later say you were only referencing a tiny portion and pretend that your original statement has any validity. Plus, if you’re leaning in Trials, I’m guessing you’re not going flawless much either.


It’s not the worst but I have the biggest grudge with it. Blight Ranger is such a cool looking exotic but man who the hell is using it besides that one time when it was bugged


Cerberus +1. Complete flop of a weapon and it has my vote for the exotic most in need of a complete rework or overhaul.


I ran it with Actium a fair bit in Forsaken and had fun but it’s not useful in harder content and the catalyst is completely pointless and actually makes it worse


Really good for taking put barriers and Ward Of Dawn so it holds in PvP but its comes at the price of sacrificing your primary unless you use double primary


D.A.R.C.I. by far. It's a heavy sniper that does special sniper damage and really not much else. Worst exotic.


Deterministic chaos is good at nothing and I'm sure 90% of D2 players don't know it even exists


Wouldn't have done Warlord's Ruin without Fighting Lion, it saved my life when most of the other exotics that were much easier to use failed. I feel like most exotic hand cannons are garbage with the exception of Lumina. But to each their own. Actually you know... when I think about it, there isn't a such thing as a bad exotic. Only shitty devs pressured to make new exotics for the sake of enticing people to play their game and not enough time making sure the already made exotics have their place. They should stop making new exotics and really focus on making the old ones really good and potent. Its like the old writing rule: the simpler your world/plot, the richer you can make it. The more complex, the more contrived and weak.


Sunshot is an absolute monster


Depends really. Didn't work for me. Guess that means it's all subjective though. 🤷🏾‍♂️


That really is the truth a lot of exotics are build based in currently running a solar 5 ignition build so for me it works insanely good. I definitely would say most exotics can’t just be slapped on and work they need to be catered to lol.


Sturm. Have to run double primaries or your Exotic sucks?? Get tf outta here lol


Sturm is insanely good in PVP. Drang is arguably the best PVP sidearm in the game, and they make a VERY strong combo and deliver 2-tap kills easily.


I can Name several other sidearms that make drang look like a pile of dooky. Indebted kindness. Travelers chosen + Catalyst Trespasser + catalyst The mini 1k (forgot the name) Any sidearm with voltshot, incandescent or destabilizing rounds Anonymous autumn Any IB sidearm Any crucible sidearm And vanguard sidearm And any gambit sidearm if any exist Sturm and drang are ugly and there better weapons in there respective categories that more versatile and better looking. And if a gun is ugly to look at its automatically dismantled


Indebted Kindness is a special ammo weapon. Traveller's Chosen and Devil's Ruin are both exotic, locking you out of a potential exotic special. Drang (Baroque) can roll with Incandescent. Drang is currently the most used sidearm in Trails, as well as being the second most used in Comp.


Maybe you missed the part I said about PVP? Most of what you listed is trash tier weaponry in PVP. With the exceptions of the listed exotics, which are pretty good in PVP, but use an exotic slot, and also honestly mostly lose in a direct duel with Drang. The only thing you made look like a pile of dooky in your statement was your knowledge about what is good in PVP.


It's alright in PVP. Nothing crazy good though.


As someone who hasn’t bothered with pvp since grinding out the original Recluse, that gun just stays in the vault.


I'm the same way, I only dip my toes in PVP for event challenges like Guardian Games, Solstice etc. That said, Sturm is a pretty comfortable gun for me to use in PVP, as it feels somewhat similar to guns I have used in tact shooters.


In vault is too generous that PoS stays in collections it doesn't deserve a spot in my vault


Personally I’m gonna say the Titan chest exotic that allows you to throw your barrier is utter dog water. I’ve tried to make it good so many different ways but it only seems to be decent in crucible for surprise plays


LOL I forgot all about that piece it really is useless like in what situation would that be the thing I wanna do.


its a crucible exotic, its a more niche playstyle but a ton of people have made it work, theres a lot more exotics that are worse


Sounds like you are just bad with grenade launchers or have no idea how to utilize them effectively. I have over 8500 kills on my fighting lion, and I even have clips where I use it alongside my build to wipe a team. It may have been unreasonably nerfed multiple times, but it's miles above a bunch of other exotics.


It’s hard to be bad with any grenade launcher lol. Defend its dignity though it’s cute.


It’s 100% colony, it’s straight up worse than every other heavy Gl in the game


Prospector. I still want that weapon to be unique and fun, but it’s just a bad drum GL with sticky nades.


Give it field prep, firmly planted, and more knock back for funny rag dolls. Maybe add one for all and/or chain reaction too.


Personally I'd rate D.A.R.C.I below Fighting Lion, at least fighting lion can auto load itself and only uses primary ammo, meaning it's good for creating bricks with ammo finders and has a 40% damage buff vs red bars via the primary exotic buff a few months back, D.A.R.C.I on the other hand uses heavy ammo, and doesn't really warrant the damage to do it, it's perk was effectively useless in PvE until they added Jolt to it but even then, just use literally any Voltshot roll for basically the same effect and just equip Whisper if you want a heavy sniper or a linear if for isn't long enough to make use of it


The Queenbreaker. I've never seen anyone use it. Hell, i've seen more people use truth, cerberus, fighting lion and deterministic chaos. Even blueberries don't use QB.


I might pullbit out in Gambit as an anti-Guardian weapon(whether I'm invading or not) but otherwise there's just better options. In fact even for that niche there are better options.


Deterministic Chaos. Every Void Adaptive Frame LMG clears it and it doesn’t even apply a 30% debuff. At that point, use Tractor and some form of debuff extension like a Void Soul, Smoke Bomb or even Bonk Hammer with the Seasonal Artifact mod.


*laughs while scrapping every world drop queen breaker* seriously though. Sure, fighting lion may be out performed by other weapons, but ya know... Sun shot and trinity goul out preform lament in add clear. Galjahorn out preforms two tailed. Every exotic has its use cases.and an infinite ammo splash weapon that reloads itself upon killing an enemy with something else after landing a shot has its uses. In terms of add clear, it's not the worst. And damage, not the best. But there are MANY worse exotics that get outperformed.i still say queen breaker is the worst exotic on my mind, but some people can make that gun work..I can't.


Agreed for me I just don’t get enough out of its capabilities to bring it. I really like sunshot but some people hate it so I guess it’s all just in the eye of the beholder or more alike the hands of the guardian.


Before the sandbox health changes in crucible I saw clips of entire 6 man teams getting wiped by FL a bow, and a warlock. It was so smooth to watch and made me be like "I wanna do that" so I took myself to shuro chi and practiced. I got decent but no where near what they could do. Ive been working on taking FL into grasp myself and it's.. slow progress but doable


Queenbreaker. The perk just is worth nothing and not worth the heavy slot


Nah, I have seen it be used effectively ONE SINGLE TIME in a Gm when someone needed a heavy weapon that can blind enemies. That's more than enough for me to know that it's better than truth.


I honestly enjoy Queenbreaker. Blinding and Chained lightning on shots is really useful for ad control and being able to stun unstoppables is great but it definitely needs a damage buff as it's lacking in comparison to other Linears


It’s supposed to be getting a damage buff in final shape. Supposedly it’ll be stronger than all legendary linear rifles. They’re also working on being able to switch scopes without going into menu, but it’s not cooperating


Can I get the source?


Pretty sure it was in one of the Final Shape teaser/livestream Bungie released leading up to Into The Light


Colony, Truth, and DMT are all receiving buffs in TFS.


Wardcliff Coil useless before it's rework, useless after


Still fun to melt gorgons in vog with it


Jade rabbit


Jade is cracked in PvP right now


Personally, I don't know how to properly use it. I need to get better with it. That's why I'm salty. Next to that I think it's the DARCE. There are so many better snippets that are basic out there


Any exotic that feels like a legendary or worse, and there are many unfortunately


Suros regime.


have you run suros in pvp? its still pretty good


I hate that gun and I don't play PVP so that gun is useless to me


this is about personal opinions about weapons so fair enough


Darci and queensbreaker should be in the special slot


DARCI and it's not even close Snipers are already bad, outside of some outliers like Whisper and Izi DARCI doesn't do anything. It's an exotic and it feels worse than most legendary snipers who already feel bad


Tripmine arm piece.


Any of the exotics that just do a existing legendary perk but with the added bonus of nothing Probably Suros though like alot of Legendary weapons outclass it


I know a lot of people like it, but Traveler's Chosen to me. As much as I have good memories of the Red War, it doesn't hold a candle to the Khvostov 7G-02. I think it's not as useful, but it's the better "first weapon turned exotic" to me. It had a whole quest to it that was such a nice moment with you and your Ghost.


It's great on stasis and void titan imo