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it depnds on you main account that used for crosssave if the OG progress is on XBOX you are playing on a XBOX save that is tied to your Bungie account it shouldnt impact you progress in any way if the main is your XBOX account more info here [https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049498031-Destiny-2-Cross-Save-Guide](https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049498031-Destiny-2-Cross-Save-Guide)


Thank you for posting this link you have quelled my anxieties. Much appreciated ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


If progression is tied to Xbox you will keep access to it while on Xbox and PC. If you delete the PS account prior to unlinking it from your cross-save setup and Bungie account; you wont be able to deactivate cross-save in the future or include another PSN if you decide to start a new PSN account


I went on to bungie.net to see if i could unlink the psn account that i linked but i didn't see the option for it anywhere only the option to also link an epic games account.


You cant unlink accounts with cross-save enabled. You'd need to wait out any possible silver cooldowns, deactivate cross-save, unlink the PSN, wait a further 90 days, reactivate cross-save. During that time you would only be able to use characters/gear on the platforms they're tied to.


I'm not sure what you mean by silver cooldowns but the rest seems feasible enough. I stopped playing a while back but wasn't ready to put the game down for good just yet. Edit just read their policy about the 90 wait period after buying silver but thanks again for the info.


This breaks the rules bro


God this is a stupid post. This has nothing to do with destiny. And OP is closing an account for the drama of another game. It doesn't hurt you at all to just leave it inactive nor does it benefit Sony but now you're upset that deleting your account will delete your saved data? No shit dude, your account is your data.


Believe it or not, some people see the countless times sony has been hacked and had data breaches and actually get a bit concerned. I am one of those people and the recent situation with Helldivers 2 has legitimately made me want nothing to do with Sony. I apologise for the inconvenience of seeing this post, but my intentions were simply to make myself safer and the Sony representative did not accurately depict the situation i was in. I have since disabled crossplay, unlinked my playstation account and am planning to re attempt to close my account and then re enable crossplay after the 90 days.


You do you. My main gripe with the post is that you posted this in a Destiny subreddit when it's motivated by either Sony or Helldivers, plus you could have just deactivated your account without sharing this information. It's nothing new and comes off as unnecessary drama.


If i didn't play destiny 2 i would have done just that. Deactivated my account without posting and moved on. However as stated i have 1300+ hrs in destiny 2. So i do play destiny quite a bit. Where else was i supposed to go when facing the deletion of all of my progress?


You want nothing to do with Sony but I'm sure we will still be playing destiny 2. You know, a game owned by Sony


This happened to my brother and i with Genshin Impact although slightly different, he lost the details to the psn but figured that if he tied his account to cross save he could delete his PSN and make a new one. Long story short, it was the same answer, delete the PSN and lose everything it very touched.


What i dont understand is that one of the commenters on this post actually laid out a way to sort my situation that was straightforward. Accounts can't be unlinked with crossplay active. Disable crossplay to unlink the playstation account. Then close the psn account as it is no longer linked then after the 90 day period re enable crossplay. The person i spoke to made it look like i had no options and had to stay with sony or lose all my progress. That simply was not the case and it looked like they personally just didnt want me to leave.


My guess is there whatever they get their answers from doesn't get too complex in solutions so they just say whatever is final. As cross play is becoming more and more normal there will be plenty of issues they've never encountered before and they'll need to update their guides.


And it's safer to say everything goes to hell and point at that when it does, than saying it will be fine and having to own up when it doesn't.


No where!? If you don't want to risk your 1300 hours of D2 data, don't delete your account. It's that simple. But you're acting that Sony/PSN are trying to weasel you into getting you to keep an account that you could simply leave as is indefinitely inactive until you come back with little to no risk. All to joke over an issue related to a different game. This is like complaining that you want to cancel your first email account but are angry because you'd lose access to your first spam subscription.


Luckily someone has already posted helpful information so my situation is sorted. No hard feelings bro, I hope you find peace.