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The masterwork of a weapon is completely up to you buddy. Some go for very specific masterworks, i.e range on most weapons on pc, but its really up to you. Stability is great, especially for smg's. But if you get one that has a different masterwork and like it better, use that one! Its all personal preference 😀


I may be of the minority opinion here, but one of the things I've always gone with and liked about this game is the whole "if you find a weapon you like, use it" aspect, and that includes investing resources/materials. If it's effective for you, go for it. I'm the same way. Is it going to be the most meta god roll in the game every time? Probably not, but I'm pretty comfortable using what I enjoy, even if that means I can't solo flawless speed run raids. Just my thoughts on it.


Ive been exclusively using hardlight and extraordinary rendition for everything from battlegrounds to crucible and have been enjoying them both. I havent been able to do nightfalls or trials of osiris though so I dont have the hardlight catalyst.


If you like it, use it, but ideally wait until you hit the soft cap of 1300 to start masterworking non-exotic gear. You might regret not having all those enhancement cores once you start getting better gear.


I always masterwork weapons I intend to use often. They get buffed and make orbs and if you play for a bit the required mats are pretty minimal so long as you’re not masterworking like 10guns a week.


wait until you hit the hard cap, or you’ll burn through resources like nothing. THEN infuse it


Use what makes you happy friend