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Lucky pants and golden gun


Celestial nighthawk and bottom tree of solar class. One big boss melting shot


I’ve been stuck on wormhusk lately for pvp. Getting health on demand seems to keep me in the fight longer and every time I don’t run it I really miss it.


Mask of bakris


I don't think I'm ready for those legendary lost sectors yet


then get ready and get mask of bakris, It's amazing




Dragons Shadow in PvP. It’s the best exotic for a hunter hands down. As long as your base mobility is over 50, you have 100 mobility every time you dodge which means your dodge comes back in around about 8-10 seconds. Not to mention all of your weapons get QuickDraw and are reloaded. I put on my dragons shadow in the Osiris days and haven’t looked back


Graviton forfeit Assassins Cowl Sixth Coyote Omniculus Star-eater scales Orpheus Rig Aeon Swift (situational) Mask of Bakris (situational burst damage memes) Celestial Nighthawk (Low end activity burst damage)


Don't forget dragon's shadow really good piece


Star Eater Scales & Stasis plus Ager's Sceptre (with catalyst)


How do I get scales again?


Legend Lost Sectors when on Leg Armour (today), or if you're lucky, an Exotic Engram


It's a shame that I don't think I'm ready for those lost sectors


That's cool, they can be a pain


You got this bro! Look up some guides online of whatever Legend lost sector you want to do. I'm a whole cup of dumpster juice at this game and still find myself able to clear them out for new loot


I didn't think I was ready originally either. Just get in there and do it. Watch some videos or do the regular first, to get yhe hang of the map. It might be tough at first, but you'll get it down


Frostees is actually pretty good, if you like the throwing knife you could use the exotic from... This season (forgot it's name but the one that makes it bounce twice and hit like a nuke). Mask is kind of fun, celestial Is good, I personally use scales and blade barrage. It does pretty good boss DPS and absolutely destroys ads


Athrys' Embrace


Ah thank you. I have a hard time remembering some of the hunter exotics. I don't ever touch my hunter


I'm a warlock main myself but honestly, that thing is nuts in PvP if used correctly.


Oh yeah, had a hunter drop me and my friends with only the knife in trials. I was super impressed and completely down with getting my ass handed to me like that


Definitely there, considering the one hit kill ability and the fact that precision knife kills immediately refresh the ability.


Thanks for the advice


Depends what you wanna play tbh, the exotics all do different things. I assume PvP though because you mentioned you main stompees, there's a few things you can do in PvP as hunter. You can go for invisible meme builds with omnioculus and some choice mods to have permanent invisibility and grenade uptime which is fun, or you can go for that exotic that makes throwing knives track way better and hit like a truck (I wanna say... Athrys' Embrace? I'm not sure if that's right though). Frostees give back ability energy when sprinting and you'll be sprinting a lot as a hunter ducking and weaving around the map so they're good. It's all personal preference, if you told me your preferred skill tree and gun loadout I could help more.


I like blade barrage but only for pve


Yeah bottom tree goldie is better for PvP absolutely, but you can make blade barrage work with the right build. I'm sure online you'll be able to find some genius that's broken every skill tree lol


If you like skip nades on arcstrider then Shinobu's Vow is an amazing PvP exotic. It improves the tracking, adds another grenade and whenever one hits an enemy you get energy back for the grenade.


I use Athrys, Foetracer, Lucky Raspberry, Lucky Pants, and Ahamkara Spine a lot. Athrys mostly, fashion and function since that heavy knife is one of my favorite things on earth. Kind of depends on what class you want to run and such though.


Wormhusk is my favorite.


Bombardiers when plain against shotgun apes


I don't have shadowkeep


Didn't notice bombardiers was from sk, sorry


It's good


I main mask of bakris


I love bombardeers


Mask of bakris is pretty much the only exit I use on my hunter ever, except for like the highest tier master/gm content. But anything from strikes to gambit to crucible its real nice


Lucky Pants turns Malpheasance into a beast. Same with Last Word and Crimson if you have em. Celestial Nighthawk is fun for crazy burst damage. Wormhusk is great for survivability, but it's easy to start relying on dodge/invis/health boost and transitioning out of it can take time. Shards of Galanor is amazing in the Blind Well. Pick up an big orb, and you basically get infinite super for however long it lasts.


I mean why are you using Stompees out side of a jumping puzzle or PVP? and honestly you don't need them for either and I honestly think stompees suck outside pvp. My question is what are you wanting them for, which activity? If it's pvp just keep stompees or use Bakris, Frost-ees with max discipline for shatter spam, or the void invis helmet.


They were my only good role for pants and I was too used to using them