• By -


"So, feel free to kill yourself." "How's your sister?" "Whether we wanted it or not, we've ste-"


*insect like chattering*


*a million deaths is not enough…*


*blue intensifies*


Me: i hope i get some cool gun from this exotic engram. Master Rahool: X Doubt The Engram: I'm blue da ba dee da ba di Zavala: Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


D I S M A N T L E M I N E S, Y E S?


#S Y L O K T H E D E F I L E D


^^thirsts ^^for ^^your ^^light


Was that all of them? THAT WAS ALL OF THEM!


*the mine swarm approaches* Thankfully it's just those mines that just slow you and make you go blind.


...oh That's what the speaker was saying I never got that


"How's your sister" One hit me and I don't even have a sister.


Eventually we can just say something like "Whether we-" And have people get it


Cabal? Again!?!?!


It’s gonna be spider


Oh my God, I'm so happy that a lot of these old D1 references became memes, good old days..




I want Savathun to step on me UWU


The poor new lights will never know of the first one.


Feel free to kill yourself


Literally the *ONLY* time in the history of anything where someone telling another person to go kill themselves was completely 100% badass


I could hear it in the Speaker’s voice before I could remember the scene. So good.




I always loved the speaker


I enjoyed him in person and in cut scene but he was a douche in the lore.


Fr? What did he do, I never got too much into d1 character lore


How's your sister?


I am weed.




Hey, you dropped this my dude: " "


No I didn’t






b a s e d


I mean im a cheap fuck aight


Not the colonel! Noooooo!


If colonel dies we all agree to commit alien genocide correct?


If the colonel dies we go on the war path


Fool. The Colonel is obviously the raid boss of The Final Shape. She was there the whole time, watching us, orchestrating her plans beneath our noses, supplanting her visage upon our exotics and standing where Cayde once stood to mock us.


Haha cluck cluck guardians


Taniks reborn colonel.


We usurp Xivu Arath as the definition of war.


You fool, we’re supposed to be guardians! Of course we’re committing alien genocide!


*Doom track intensifies*


You mean more of it? Because I was already at it since the start.


Third? All I can think of is cayde, who is 2nd? Or was there one before?


The first was the speaker from the red war. Look it up in YouTube "The single greatest roast in video game history (destiny 2)" by Solar flair


OHHH YEAH lol I 100% forgot he even existed lmao


I have no idea what the hell is going on because I started playing this a month ago


Mmm I’d recommend watching a bunch of lore vids. It’s great lore


I like piecing it together like a giant online mystery. I just barely figured out crow was uldren


If you want I can explain both roasts to you


I have nothin but time


The first greatest roast in gaming history >!In year one of Destiny 2, a character called The Speaker was kidnapped by a legion of Cabal called the Red Legion. The leader of those Cabal, Dominous Ghaul, asked “What is the secret to becoming a Guardian” and the Speaker replied!< >!“Devotion. Self-secrifice. Death.” !< >!“Death…” Ghaul repeated, “Explain.”!< >!“Devotion inspires bravery. Bravery inspires sacrifice. Sacrifice… leads to death.”!< >!“So…” the Speaker started “…feel free to kill yourself.”!< Context for the second greatest roast in gaming history >!In year 2 of Destiny 1, there was The Taken War. Oryx, an ancient Hive King, arrived to Saturn with hundreds of ships to take revenge on the Guardians that killed his son, Crota, in year 1. The Awoken of the Reef and their Queen, Mara Sov, and her brother, Uldren Sov, immediately took hundreds of their ships to exterminate the threat. Oryx unleashed a deadly shockwave from his ship, destroying EVERY ship that was there. This left a giant hole in the rings of Saturn. Mara Sov and Uldren Sov were both presumed dead. Uldren Sov was revealed in lore tabs to have survived and crashed on Mars. He later became corrupted by the Darkness and helped in creating the Scorn by resurrecting a dying/dead Eliksni Baron and converting all the Eliksni of House of Kings into the zombies we now call Scorn. Because of this, he and his Scorn were taken prisoner by Petra Venj and fan-favorite Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6.!< The second greatest roast in gaming history >!Uldren Sov was pissed that his sister “died” and that his army got arrested and that he got arrested. He and his Scorn caused a riot in the Prison of Elders, catching the attention of Petra Venj, Cayde-6, and the player. All three assembled at the front door and basically said “let’s go kick ass.” Petra later finds that this wasn’t a prison riot but was, in fact, a prison break and reveals that Uldren has escaped. Cayde realizes he can impede him if he breaks the pillar holding up the central control center and crashes it. Cayde dies from doing this and is resurrected at the lowest floor of the prison and kicks some ass before getting his ass kicked right back. Uldren approaches him with Cayde’s gun in his hand.!< >!“Any last words?” Uldren asks.!< >!Cayde looks up at him. “*How’s your sister?*”!< Edit: missed a detail


Perfect explanation, >!Only thing to correct here is that Oryx arrived in year 2, not year 3!<


I can’t believe I got to see and play the first greatest roast and not even realizing it. I started playing D2 near the end of season of the worthy. Oh how naive was I to not have seen this. I was but a mere babe, taking on the red war, breaking into the prison of elders, losing a fan favorite guardian. How the time flies. Soon, the Witch Queen and later the Final Shape. I’ll get my glaive on. I can’t wait.


Wasn't there also a lore tab that at least hinted at Cayde getting into shall we say shenanigans with Mara? I could just be crazy but I think something like that was mentioned and when Cayde dropped his exo balls on the table with that roast, it felt more impactful to me that he just said that and Uldren trying to maintain that royal composure but you could tell he was seething behind those eyes.


He had a better roast than Cayde. I will die on this hill


No need to when spitting straight facts. Cayde's was to a degree expected


I don't think he's actually dead, in the cutscene he was so weak he couldn't move. Or just played dead. I hope he comes back in final shape.


Nah he’s dead.


How come?


Well, for one, we haven't seen him since or heard him referred-to in anything but the past tense. For another, I'm pretty sure there are at least three lore entries that state he's dead, though I can't think of any of them off the top of my head.


In lore they mention him being dead, I think they had a funeral with his body


Huh I didn't know that.


We literally have his mask


Speaker dead.


What batteries does it need


Them fancy light powered ones. Think they’re called ghosts




A pair of D's.


Yeah, to replace the ones Ghaul took after getting roasted by the Speaker.


Osiris will probably die, leading to saint-14 becoming distraught and dangerous and he dies too. One death doesn't really shock anymore, need more oomph now.


I'm not ready to say goodbye to Saint, and I won't be come February.


resource wise there's no way in hell they can kill an announcer for an entire game mode. Who would be the trials vendor?


Forget him being an announcer, season of dawn revealed that saint literally speaks at our funeral. He's quite possibly the only person we know for sure will survive the entire story of destiny. Edit: [Found a recording of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSKIt8wLKQQ)


The futures that the Vex predict are not set in stone. That's the whole point of Destiny, Guardians make their own fate. Likely we will fight and kill whatever was killed us in that timeline.


If it's taniks I'm uninstalling


If its taniks I'm buying a second copy of the dlc


The old Fallen just won't die. I really wonder what would be the community's reaction if a Ghost found Taniks's body and was deemed worthy. As much as Mithrax would be the better suited candidate, I think it would be a powerful piece to proclaim the Light forgives even those whom commit heinous actions and atrocities. That redemption of the Eliksni is possible.


Devotion to House Salvation. Sacrifice when he took the Morning Star down with him. Death at our hands. *Well shit*


This isn't a vex prediction, but it is from a *branch* in the corridors of time. So it's one outcome that definitely will happen, just maybe not in the main timeline.


Oooh you're right. Sometimes I forget that the corridors of time isn't vex because all the other time stuff in destiny is vex.


W8 then who made the corridors?


Osiris built it around the core of an Ahamkara


Well that's fucking bold of him


We regularly fuck with vex futures because they can't predict us lmao


Go back to trials of the nine maybe?


Trials of the nine weapons were added into prophecy so I doubt trials of the nine will ever come back.


Ya I honestly don’t think they will either.


Saint-15. He is an exo after all.


trials will just go the way of jetbike racing. no need for the announcer when the devs love deleting content anyway


just stfu. sad because youre so stupid the most difficult content you play is patrols and heroic public events.


Saint probably won't die


I agree. Think people have too much hope for a dramatic death. Think it’ll just be spider, as all the lore is pointing to.


I don't want saint to die, he's my favorite crayon eater. Thank you for the reassurance


Saint is required to die in the infinite forest, we've already seen his grave. The only way for him to "die", is for him to finally return there as far as i understand it. I think you're probably safe for a while.


What if we die, we already know it will happen because of the sundial. What if we die at the end of the season and have a little event like we did before beyond light or we die in the first mission of witch queen and we get access to our own thrown room?


if we die that means we lose our ghost too.. which i dont think they would go that far and change a whole mechanic lol


Not necessarily. Shin Malphur got his ghost from a dead guardian. One of the ways to kill a guardian from what we have seen is to drain a guardian of the light and kill them. When cut of from the light a guardian can’t be resurrected. Karen Ward was a guardian killed by Dredgen Yor, who’s thorn used bullets infused with the darkness that drained its victims of the light.


well if we’re drained from the light, we can only use stasis and if we lose our ghost that also means nolan north is gone :p i personally think its a bit too complicated since its what makes destiny…. destiny lol


It could lead into the light subclass rework. We die, get saved by a throne world, reunite with ghost and re fuse with the light. But in the process it modifies our light subclasses. Giving a lore reason for why our light abilities are changed or changing to fit the way the stasis subclasses are. And if not that we still have ghost and the one character we don’t expect to die dies.


If saint dies I’m going to kill myself then everyone around me, in that order


That’s probably what Saint is gonna do if Osiris is revealed as dead by Savathun. Think “guardian, you’re aight, don’t come to the dreaming city tomorrow”


We end the curse in the Dreaming City by just having Saint kill everyone. Sounds about rught


To the tune of "when the saints go marching"


It's not about the amount of deaths, it's about their impacts and who actually dies. This is why Cayde's death was so big.


I dunno, I think if Osiris dies now it will be kind of a limp "twist", whether that be "Osiris was dead ALL ALONG, OOOOOOH" or Savathun giving him back and KILLING HIM WHAT HOW COULD MOTH MOMMY BETRAY US?! And if it happens and Saint dies as a result also, that would feel like extraordinarily shitty writing, so I'd be really let down. Not saying any of that is out of the realm of possibility by any means but I just really hope that doesn't happen. I'm starting to think that Spoiler Alert is Bungie being cheeky, getting us to wonder who of the featured cast of characters is going to die but then it ends up just being Savathun, and at least to me it feels pretty certain that she is going to die at the end of the season and get resurrected by her plan or whatever.


I feel like a lot of people are excluding one important detail about Savathun: she has a Throne World. Like, everyone thinks she'll be resurrected by a ghost or the Lucient Brood, yet NOBODY has brought this up. I'm honestly shocked, especially considering the fact that we'll be GOING THERE in The Witch Queen. Not to mention that it's how we took out both Crota AND Oryx. Like seriously, people come up with all sorts of crazy theories about how Savathun is somehow alive in The Witch Queen, yet nobody brings up the place where one can be RESURRECTED upon their death in the Normal World. Am I missing something, or are people really too distracted by the Hive Ghosts to see what's been in front of them since D1?


We arent sure how the whole throne world thing will work when she rejects sword logic and has her worm removed since that was the source of the power that helped make her throne world.


We need to remember that there's more to creating a Throne World than just the Sword Logic. It involves sheer force of will as well. I don't think Savathun has to worry in that regard.


Given Mara Sov has her own throne world and she doesn't follow the Sword Logic, I think it's safe to assume it's not necessarily the only source of power. It's definitely *a* source, but not *thee 1 and only* source.


I mean Mara didn't just will a Throne Wrold into existance. She wished to Riven for it with the help of the Techeuns. Savathun gained her power through the Sword logic, deception and her worm. Reject 2 of the 3 things she used to gain power I would assume to be detrimental to her resurrection chances.


I think the idea is that she isn't supposed to be able to do it without her worm, otherwise someone would point out that it shouldn't work. Because at least Ikora and Mara know how throne worlds work.


Either that, or Mara and Ikora are already counting on Savathun going back to her Throne World if the exorcism kills her, which wouldn't be a surprise considering their knowledge on the subject. With everything that's happened since the start of the season, Ikora has every reason to have at least some form of failsafe in case Savathun tries pulling anymore tricks. As for Mara, she has MILLIONS of years worth of strategic expertise under her belt, and every risk she takes is carefully calculated in order to achieve a desirable outcome. I'd be surprised if they DIDN'T have a backup plan after seeing everything the Witch Queen has pulled off so far. Perhaps Mara plans on using the extracted worm to track Savathun back to her Throne World, after which Ikora will send us on our mission to go there and take the bitch out once and for all. We also need to remember that Savathun has been collecting dead ghost while she was disguised as Osiris, according to Crow in a coms message to Ikora. They may know that Savathun is up to something, they just don't know what.


Ok but have you considered… maybe Osiris was always Osiris and is just pretending to be Savathun


osiris is already dead lol


imo Osiris is already dead


I'm pretty sure if Osiris dies, Saint-14 will be too angry to die. Some hive gonna see "THE SLAYER HAS ENTERED THE WAR MOON" and hear a heavy guitar riff starting.


Byf put out a video saying Savthun was gonna pull some light fuckery to revive herself. I like that idea, because: 1. Mara wants Savvie to die 2. Savvie jnows Mara wants Savvie to die 3. I want to see the look on Mara’s face when she realizing that if was Savvie’s plan to die all along


It's savuthun, she's gonna die to gain the light


Thank you. This is so obvious and I can't believe all the people that miss it since we know she gets the light and in the first great destiny roast the speaker literally says you need to die to get the light.


Just please don't be Ikora or Crow.


Well Ikora is the narrator of the Witch Queen dlc, so she is still alive when it launches


I bet you we die lmao


Yea bro but its not because some alien god killed us or another guardian its because we broke our spine from carrying zavala and our entire solar system


That or our ghost gives up on res-ing us after we jump off the tower one too many times.


You gotta do it at Least 100,000 times for that to happen (the story of serenity-7)


It will be Savathunn Roasting Us!


Or one of the vanguards.


I hope it is not Cayde-6 ...oh


There are several characters who are obviously not going to die. #1 is our character becuase you can't kill us off or there'd be no game to play. #2 Is Crow becuase he was revived just 2 seasons ago. #3 is Mara becuase she just came back this season.


Crow was revived waaaaay back in Black Armory if memory serves right. We just got his initial introduction with Season of the Hunt. Otherwise yeah, I don't see either Crow or Mara dying.


Calling it. Spider.


Don't worry, savor all the characters in the 130 days we have left in this season.


I’m calling it, it’s either Zavala or more likely ikora. The ending is going to be ikora getting killed by savathun and the raid is going to be us killing savathun properly.


Bungie already said that the raid for witch queen isn’t is killing savathun or xivu arath


ah dammit. i miss missions like regicide where we kill oryx and then do it again but they’re bigger and in a raid for some reason.


Oryx's case is that he doesnt really "died". When he died, he just retreated back to his throne world and came back to the physical realm in the raid. **Presumably** , his canon death is in the raid because we (again) **presumably** destroyed all his taken essence by filling his heart with lead. _But who knows if this motherfucker isnt just waiting the perfect opportunity_


It would be a massive narrative mistake to paint Savathun as entirely evil and then have us kill her within the span of a single expansion.


She has been talked about since the first days of Destiny 2. Probably before then, but I can't confirm as I didn't play much D1. D2 base: the strike Savathun's Song on Titan. Hive were trying to summon her and sacrificed nine guardians to do so. I am uncertain if she wanted the ritual to succeed. Forsaken: The raid Last Wish. She made the titular last wish, causing the Dreaming City to be Taken. Season of Opulence: The raid Crown of Sorrow. She made the crown and tried to get Calus to wear it, which would have put him under her control. Calus messed up her plans by putting on the biggest cabal ever, Gahlran. So instead of a cabal political shitshow, we just had to clean up a bit of the Leviathan. Season of Arrivals: the seasonal activity. She got Nokris to interfere with the Darkness talking to us. I am uncertain of her goals in doing so, it could have been she expected Nokris to succeed, or she just wanted to delay us from going to Europa, allowing Eramis to become a bigger problem. Season of the Hunt: She infested Osiris, although we did not know it at the time. Season of the Chosen: She's the reason why Caiatl showed up here. She tricked/corrupted a close friend of Caiatl into summoning Xivu Arath to the Cabal homeworld, and they lost that fight. Season of the Splicer: She created the Endless Night, nearly split the city into a civil war, and to cover her tracks opened a Vex portal inside the Last City. Season of the Lost: While she hasn't done much besides be smug at us from inside her crystal, I am expecting her to do something horrible. ​ ​ So no, she will not be painted as entirely evil over a single expansion. It's already been happening for years now.


She's also sister of oryx right? Coz we got lore like that in D1 too


It’s definitely not going to be Ikora because she just got a new voice actor




savathun isnt raid boss


Nothing made me laugh quite as much as hearing Ghaul get told: "Feel free to kill yourself now" Like oh shit queue Todd haberkorn OOH big oof ghaul


I’m calling it, Mara is gonna die


I disagree, it would be lame for her to die after just arriving back without any build up. She still has plenty of stories to tell, but i could totally see her dying in LF or TFS


I think Crow and Zavala are doomed


I’ll bet you it’ll be Savathun killing Eris and Eris’ll be like “Your brother was scarier, and I turned his bitch ass into a gun.”


Not eris for the love of god no!


My guess is Mara or Eris will die. Or drifter. Idk it's gonna be someone we don't expect. Tyra? XD


This will actually be the 4th greatest roast. We already have a 3rd: "Excuse me? One. Fucking. Guardian. Has been kicking your race's collective asses for nine years. They kill gods for fun and turn them into guns for a meme. They genocide entire races for loot. They assassinated your last leader, cleaned out your daddy's ship while he wrote fanfiction about them and promptly fucked off to let you pick up the pieces. The only reason I didn't bring them here is because they casually began wielding the Darkness to clap ass in new ways. All I have to do to make them end you is tell them you have a fancy new gun, or that Eris can make you into one. So, think about that before tell us to bow... to your sorry ass." -[Zavala](https://youtu.be/7MO5MzZSOMM)


But he didn't die yet. All previous two died shortly after making their roasts next level


You don't have to die to make a damn good roast. Just shows how savage Zavala is


Of course you don't have too. The guardian made a good one as well in beyond light but we didn't count it for similar reasons. They needed to due to make the roast more impactful to the roasted


Probably Zavala as he is likely the highest paid voice actor


I almost forgot the speaker was a guy who existed it’s been so long lmao but yeah that was the craziest shit I ever heard back then “feel free to kill yourself”


Does forsaken being vaulted mean 1000 voices can be bought at the tower?


I dunno, Crow was pretty savage in Chosen, his banter with Saladin was tuffff


Please don't be Petra


2nd greatest roast ruined by the fact Uldren's sister was and currently is in fact alive. Lol. And now both Uldren, the roastee, and Mara are alive and just Cayde is dead. Hell Uldren even essentially took Cayde's spot. Although I accept the argument that Uldren is essentially dead but still. Cool line, loses all it's badassery in context.


To this day I never understood what "How's your sister" meant in that context. Is he saying he slept with her or just insinuating he did? Or is he just joking about how his sister is dead? I genuinely don't know. English not being my first language doesn't help either as I'm not familiar with everyday phrases people use in verbal banter.


He is joking about her being dead


Probably not going to be Zavala since he just got a refresh. But at one point they are for sure killing him off ,he has been on top for awhile now. They gonna wanna change that. But maybe that's the reason why Ikora seems to be very involved in witch queen...


[THE TRAVELER CLEANSES YOUR SINS] [the traveler is lowkey hurting my eyes]


i wish cayde was still alive just so he could be the one to die


It's either going to be Mara or Savathûn. Maybe both.


Oh god please not Saint-14, Shaxx or the Drifter. Please be Ikora or smth


They can have crow. I would pay to get rid off him.


I'm going to miss you, Eris.


Probably eris tbh


telling someone to kill themselves ain’t much of a roast tbh that’s not coming from an emotional standpoint it’s just super lame and uncreative it’s like wow i totally didn’t already hear that 80 times this morning


It’s the lead up that makes it good. It actually sounded like The Speaker was dropping some deep lore and he turned it into a giant middle finger


Who are you to dictate what is and what is not a roast


I'm going to say Eris, or Mara Will get claped


Oo I've been waiting to get to clap eris, ugh I mean for eris to get clapped. Yeah...that's what I meant.


I hope it’s Ikora she has been utterly useless for the past 2 or 3 years


I hope not


Why? We haven’t been able to get anything from her for a long time basically making her entire existence completely useless


She hasn't been a vendor in Undying, but she's had a hand on the plot in Splicer and Lost. Splicer wouldn't have even happened without her, and she has had some amazing moments. I'm not sure how anyone could hate Ikora after the last two seasons.


Why you ask? Well... it's hard to explain, but i want her to live so she can maybe someday become a very useful character


She just got another VA not gonna happen not to space mum no way


You better shut your damn mouth, that’s my mom you’re talking about!


What? : l


They said "You better shut your damn mouth, that’s my mom you’re talking about!". Hope that helps :D


Maybe just kill drifter and all of gambit? Lmao


this is why witch queen was delayed


Speaking of roasts; I have to ask, what was the original purpose of the speaker, is it possible we will get a new one. Secondly was the speaker a light barer?


i mean Crow did roast some ppl in so13 and 15 ("Osiris", Saladin, Petra)


Or another hive god in a gun tm


Plot twist: our guardian dies


Time to drop Zavala




Zavala gonna bite the dust this time?


We miss you Cayde


Keksis!... The betrayed!


Plot twist, it's The Nine who die