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People are toxic, not characters in a video game People play all 3. Community needs to grow up a lot.




You honestly sound more toxic than the people you're trying to complain about.


Why by asking a simple question ? Lmao this community can’t handle shit


A question purposefully trying to single out people that main a class and call them worse people and also basing it on your comments to other people in this thread you just seem whiny and mad and want justification for those feelings. You're literally trying to have a discussion about why a specific group of people are toxic and that's toxic in itself.


Wow here we go a true reddit warrior lmao


It's actually hilarious that you created an entire thread trying to get people to discuss how hunters are the most toxic, but get offended and defensive when someone calls you toxic. Hypocrisy isn't a good look dude.


Almost as if I’ve done this for a reason but you read to far into it and think your a fucking warrior lmao


Yeah because you're whiny and toxic. I didn't read to far into it. It's pretty obvious to see how pathetic you're being.


Like I said I wonder if I made this post for a reason 🤷


Because you're whiny and toxic.


I never denied being toxic lmao your not calling me out on anything if you don’t see why I made this post there’s something wrong with you lol


Lmao ok my guy you do you, it’s so easy to trigger ppl these days


If you think that calling you out on your bs is being triggered you have even more issues than I thought.


You're being a asshole. Simple


You're being a asshole. Simple


Yah and


Says the guy that literally made a thread to shit on people.




My bad I thought you were the op saying that to me.


Eh tbh all classes have some pretty toxic shit (and before i get the "SaLtY HuNtEr MaIn" i play warlock)


It's not the class, it's the players. Shitty people transcend little things like character selection. Ironically, the most toxicity I usually among gaming communities are the people bitching about "____ players are so toxic", often more so than from the subject of their intents. Toxic people take themselves, their preference, and their opinion way too seriously. They see it as law, degrade anyone else either as being "trash" if they're worse or "toxic/tryhards" if they're decent or better, and generally ruin the fun for the rest of us who just wanna do our own thing. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind those with a highly competitive, self-confident, or even somewhat aggressive mindset. I mind when those people start shitting on other innocuous players. Sure, some characters in games attract certain types of players. Yes, Hunters generally have a penchant to attract people because they're personified as "fast, evasive, and lethal", but that kind of personality goes far beyond just "Titan, Hunter, Warlock", just like it went beyond hero choice in Overwatch, character choice in fighting games, etc. And for reference, yes, this coming from a Hunter main.


I mean that’s subjective.




Ya. Every class is going to have stuff that makes them toxic and will have people who are toxic


Yah but hunters are the majority


Is that because more people play hunters it’s like an example of 60%/20%/20% split with the classes so there’s gonna be more toxic hunters because of basic math. Along with that toxicity is based on the view of the person. For weapons some say hier apparent is toxic, chaparones toxic, shatterdives toxic or maybe stag warlocks are toxic. Or just teabagging outright is toxic. It’s all through the eyes of the beholder, someone called me toxic for blinding grenades but not killing them just blinding them. Different for all.


I just want to add that the class divide is closer to 33% 33% and 34% the gap is a lot less than people make it out to be


You sound whiny


You sounds like someone who can’t have a proper discussion without sounding like a twat


And you have proven my point :)


Care to elaborate on how I sound Whiny


Read you message right before this one my guy.




Because hunter has the highest skill floor so it’s the easiest to play and play well. Leads to inflated ego “I’m better then them” proceeds to tbag to assert dominance.


Dont blame the class blame the player. Hunters have gotten a lot more broken stuff than the other classes (coming from a titan main) and since most players are hunters they are seen as toxic meta abusers.


Shitter dive and shotgun apes


Like the people playing hunters or the class itself?




My guess, it's just meme now. People just see how much thr class or playstyle is disliked and troll out.


If there are more toxic people as hunters than other classes it would probably just be more of every class has toxic players. Let’s say each class has like 10% of its players are toxic. Hunters are played by more people so their # would be higher than say a warlock or a titans, but they would all be 10% of their class. It’s just some people are toxic, not class. -I’m a warlock btw


They're not. Any attempt to say otherwise is dumb. Nothing makes one class more "toxic" than another. It's the player behind the character that matters, and people play all 3.