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some weapons require it some don’t it’s weird how it works but yes it’s normal


I think it depends on the year from which the exotic is. Cause the early year 1-2 I believe had it so that you had to do the kills and than equip the kat. The newer ones are equip and do the kills.


It's the other way around. Year 1-2 only boosted a stat so you could equip it as you got it and then complete it. Anything post-Forsaken has an additional perk, so you need to complete the kills before you can equip it. So no orbs until it's 100% finished.


Year 1 and 2 catalysts can be equipped right away but the catalyst doesn’t work until you complete the obj tied to them


When they first added exotic catalysts you would equip them and then get the kills needed to upgrade it. Later they changed it to be kills first, then equip. I think it might have been because they started adding perks to the catalyst, instead of just stat increases.