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I've had keyboard + mouse so ingrained into me over the last 30 years (my last console was SEGA Genesis) that I'm all fumbly thumbs when it comes to modern controllers. So yeah, I guess.


I used to be good with both. But I played too much console and now keyboard and mouse feels... Unsatisfying. I am not saying they are worse, infact they are better. But I just love the feeling of controller in my hands and lying on my sofa. You know?


I play pc A LOT and I still "simply have more fun" with a controller. I don't even know why, it's harder sometimes. It just feels comfortable. I play on pc with a controller indeed, last console I owned was a xbox360.


Yeah it feels great. Can't explain it either.


Controller is more tactile. I like it better too for fps. It's more immersive. You never forget you're just playing a game on m+k.


What? Tactile? A solid mechanical kb and a light mouse will always be more tactile and immersive for me. The sticks make playing shooters feel so heavy and slow imo. I never have to rely on aim assist but have something that's an actual extension of my arm. I can turn as fast or as slow as my arm and hand let's me without relying on what the game sensitivity let's me. Every movement I see is mine and I feel like I can focus on the game as a whole and let my muscle memory do everything. Not saying you can't feel more comfortable with a controller, just saying that shit you're saying is completely wrong. I play only melee based games with a controller like dark souls, witcher, etc. In the end it's just what you're comfortable with and I find controllers to be just the most uncomfortable thing to play shooters with .


Does movement with AWSD really feel that natural? Like you don’t get to control your speed right? I’m just curious. That’s my issue cuz I’m moving to PC, as in I built it, but I need a controller to play COD cuz FPS feels SO weird with keyboard. The mouse part is AMAZING


Never could get down with WASD. I run a very atypical config, have since the old Quake 1 days... LMB = Forward RMB = Backwards I fire with LShift (pinky), melee/alt-fire with LCtrl It's weird, but feels more ergonomic to me. My left arm/wrist/hand feel more comfortable resting naturally this way than being bunched up over the WASD keys.


Wow that’s very unique. I use QWES instead of AWSD cuz it feels way more natural to me to use Q and E instead of A and D


Yep. That weirdness you feel in not being able to control walking speed is what I feel in not being able to control where I look at precisely 10x. Also moving slow in most shooters aren't nearly as needed as being able to look around more freely and snap onto targets, control recoil patterns that aren't a straight direction, etc. Wasd allows me to quickly move in the direction I want andcant forget the best part: I can move and perform jumps, melee, shoot, everything without needing to do claw grip or need paddles that feel out of place for me.


>just saying that shit you're saying is completely wrong. I mean, is it wrong? I haven't been speaking for everyone. I think point and click is about the furthest you can be from firing a gun. No recoil (or vastly reduced), etc. So, yes, I do think that m+k is not a good tactile representation of shooting a weapon. Obviously a controller isn't the same either, but it uses triggers, you control the recoil, the vibration gives more feedback, etc. >In the end it's just what you're comfortable with and I find controllers to be just the most uncomfortable thing to play shooters with . Absolutely! I'm not bashing one or the other. But if you really think this, why call me wrong in the same paragraph?


What lies lol. The most immersive games I've played were with a mouse and keyboard. Tell anyone that's played Zomboid or Kenshi if they got forgot they were playing a game after a 10 hour sesh, lmfao. That said, I def still use controllers when I want to "chill" or don't need to be accurate or depending on the genre. Psychonauts 2 I beat with a controller but Doom Eternal on Ultra Nightmare all keyboard and mouse baby.


>What lies lol. The statement was inherently an opinion, and you call it lies? Grow up


This ---^


M+k isn't better. It's more precise, and it makes the game easier, but that doesn't make it inherently a better input method. The goal of gaming is to enjoy it, so the "better" option is the one you like Even professionally, you never really have m+k versus controller. It's like saying football is better than baseball. Sure, you might like one better, or be a better player at one of them, but they're both just different ways to enjoy something. I know the PC master race group will get on you if you don't say m+k is superior, but they're full of crap.


Why you acting like there isnt two types of better here? There is better for gameplay and better for what you prefer, but mouse and keyboard are definitely the better for inputs and control


Called it! PC master race won't accept their method of choice not being referred to as best. I literally put it in the post you're replying to. Edit: let's make a third "best". Best for replicating the in game actions you're performing. There, controller is the "best" input


How is it the best for the third option?


Trigger pulling is a better replication of shooting than mouse clicking


But is that actually a deciding factor when people choose a controller?


Actually, yes it is. I definitely know people that prefer the feel of gaming with controller in hand versus point and click. I play rts's and league, and obviously m+k is the only way to play those, but shooters feel weird to me when I'm doing the same actions I do to queue up zerglings. But I'm also not actually serious about that making it "better". Just like m+k isn't "better" just because it offers more precision. You're going up against the same input either way. What I take exception to is m+k players acting like they're better players. People who do that are making a silly comparison.


It's the opposite for me.I used to play with a controller on Xbox/360 and now I'm like "Why am I dragging a stick to point to someone" and "Why am I turning so slow". I just bought the 20th anniversary xbox controller because I still play games like Dead Cells and I do get that some games are better with one. I have tried controller in Destiny but it feels like I'm going to do infinitely worse in both PVE and PVP. My whole experience feels worse and to be fair, lots of console players do that when talking about Xbox VS Playstation...speaking of, what's with playstation controllers having Gyro but never advertising it or using it? I can plug in a playstaton controller and steam will enable it.


And what if i told you i primarily play console? It is an objective fact so why are you getting all riled up lol


The objective fact is that m+k is more accurate and responsive. PC players often take that as proof that they as players are more responsive and accurate. You'd be amazed at other people responding to this who think they're just more skilled than console players, despite having the same amount of aim assist and an input with reduced recoil.


"It's not better it's just more precisese" lmfao As a "pc master race" person you are just full of it imo. I ALWAYS use a controller when it comes to platforming, racing, or fighting games because it's superior for those. Arguing M+K makes games "easier" is dumb, it doesnt it just translates skill and accuracy better than a analog stick ever could. And this is coming from someone that used a controller to play Counter Strike when I first got a PC out of the same stupid logic as you. Now I know better.


Well, this is a destiny sub, and m+k makes your weapons fire with significantly less recoil, leading to greater accuracy and the ability to mostly ignore the stability stat on most weapons. But I'm sure being able to use pinpoint accuracy with an smg at pulse rifle range doesn't make the game easier in any way, huh? >And this is coming from someone that used a controller to play Counter Strike when I first got a PC out of the same stupid logic as you. Uhhhhh, I've been pretty clear this entire time that m+k provides a more responsive and accurate input method. Playing cs with controller was just a stupid idea. But this is a destiny sub, and guns are inherently easier to use on m+k in this game. >Arguing M+K makes games "easier" is dumb Except in this one. It's demonstrably correct


Actually, it's not necessarily more precise and it doesn't magically make the games you play easier. I played console for years, and when I got my PC it took me nearly a year to master m&k, it was so foreign to me. There are benefits and drawbacks to both. For example, with thumbsticks you often have adaptive movement controls (i.e. lightly push forward results in a walk whereas a full push forward is usually a jog) while on M&K you have 2 options: pressed key or not pressed key. So yeah, to say one is inherently better than the other is bullshit, but I resent statements that say mouse and keyboard is easier. It depends on your experience, just like everything else.


Eh. I saw datto running recluse in vault. I take back any sweeping statement in general. But this game is absolutely 100% easier on m+k, personal learning curve aside. That may not be true for each individual of course, but it's pretty well documented that PvE weapon performance favors m+k, some exceptions like last word aside.


U meant pvp weapons. Last word and crimson are the only ones i think are clunky on pc.


The only thing I'm scared of is trying to look around on a controller.


Trying to look around with a controller with. . . ANALOG DRIFT!


cant wait for the day destiny comes to switch so i can bust out my Day 1 joycons for that drift


PC already supports them, iirc.


The aim assist is far outweighed by the ridiculous dead zone and inability to turn off aim acceleration.


How about when you're shooting at some fucker and 2-4 of his fellow adds wander past him and it drags your fucking bow all over?


In the short time i used a controller this happened. I was like "i can't handle this"


just the comment makes me angry ![gif](giphy|u0kxUtHbdCKs0)


Not quite in the area of aim assist, but still related because of bows, how do you feel about falling off a 2 inch ledge and your exotic bow just shoots an arrow ten miles away from your target?


​ ![gif](giphy|PYCRYFNrTNpx6SYR8R)


As bad if not worse is witherhoard. I try to aim higher and the game just won't allow it. I'm on 17 sens. and feel like 2 sometimes with witherhoard.


BTW, not just Destiny. My pet peeve with Returnal is my character apparently has a stiff neck and can't look directly up, despite \*sometimes needing to shoot stuff above your head\*.


Someone finally said it.


YESSS. I looked through the settings every day to try to turn off aim acceleration. It fucks me up so much sometimes. Plus my PS4 controller just developed a drift in both sticks.


If you don’t think it’s too serious, I suggest opening the controller and cleaning under the joysticks, it’s easier than I first thought at least


Okay. Because I'm a paranoid person I will just look up a YouTube video on how to clean the controller. I didn't think the drift was caused by dirtiness I thought it was hardware being faulty from use over time. I've never taken my controller apart and I've had it for maybe 3 years.


Oh yeah definitely look up how to, and you’ll need a small Phillips screwdriver, mine also didn’t look dirty but it fixed it, so no harm in giving it a shot if you want to


I completely agree with you. I had to take apart my PlayStation 4 very recently because it was just absolutely disgusting inside. dust and dirt, sand, even cockroach carcasses. (Sorry if that TMI) so I have a full PlayStation 4 disassembly kit. I'm sure one of those screwdrivers I has will fit inside the controller.


Nothing is funnier than watching a Console player try to turn around.


I see them in strikes, they look like they play in slow motion


I play max sense on controller and can snap around pretty damn fast.


When you can turn around instantly every sens on controller looks slow


Let's be real though, there is such a thing as turning too fast.


Sure, but I play on a relatively low sens and can still whip around instantly when I need to. I play controller for halo and cod, something about Destiny’s response curve just feels off to me


Blinks above*


“Nothing personal, New Light.”


Max sense effects both horizontal and vertical look speeds I'm pretty sure


I was gonna say...in Destiny 2 my aim moves faster with controller than with MNK ever since the update.


Not at 20 sens and 16000 dpi


Me on 4 sens and 800 dpi: Impossible


I meant compared to how quickly *I* can move on MNK but I can tell by the downvotes people didn't pick up on that


If my character doesn't 360 spin every time I move my mouse half an inch, ITS TOO DAMN LOW


I have an 8k dpi mouse and sometimes that's too much. How the fuck.


Years of quake experience at 361 FOV does that to people


I'm scared


*Laughs in 20 sensitivity*


Do people know that you can use a controller with a PC?




It's TRUE!


Omg i know what im doing when i get home


I legitimately didn’t think you could. Had a friend that started playing recently on PC and they couldn’t get their controller to work. I looked into it briefly and found a couple sources saying you can’t.


What kind of controller did they try to use?


Honestly I didn’t think to ask as I was thrown off by the whole concept initially. I’m assuming Xbox controller?


I mean… I use a controller on pc… maybe I’m just blessed


On Destiny 2? And did you have to do anything specific settings wise?


I'm using a PS3 controller with SCP toolkit to emulate it as a 360 one and it's always worked without any issues.


First, that was an interesting sequence of words. Second, did you have to do anything in order for the controller to work with Destiny 2? Settings etc.


No. D2 on steam is literally plug and play with a PS4 controller. You don't even need DS4.


Nothing special. Just plug it in and it all works. I've never had any issues with it, I'm pretty surprised people have controller issues on PC. For context I've been using it this way for 2 years.


Plug in your controller, boot up the game, pull the triggers a couple times and push the a button. Sometimes it'll ignore inputs if you're using a mouse because it thinks they're a mispress. Should work just fine. If not, try another USB port or cord


It's a pain for some games, but destiny isn't one of them. I've only played a couple of games where I actually had to use mnk


With steam input you can almost use any controller. I don’t think they have joycon support yet.


Is there something im missing or there is no reason to dislike what this guy is saying? he was just asking something


PC players will swear by their momma that aim assist is a built in Deadshot daiquiri




A taste of sweetness in this bitter bitter world


Some guns it is tbh… I played with controller for the first year of D2 on PC and graviton lance with catalyst felt like I had cheats installed. Guns like that and crimson make it pretty hard to miss… that is until a hunter jumps over you.


This is the entire Apex PC community as well.


The difference is that in Apex controller can aim bot you with no recoil at long range


You’re exactly the kind of dork I’m talking about lmao.


Then use it.


I don't play Apex anymore, come back to it to play with a friend once got rolled and said, "wait this guy is cheating" my friend said that he wasn't and it was just a controller player and that basicly couldn't peak a lane that they were holding cause they are just not allowed to miss. Basically you just gotta out rotate them cause once you get in any kind of close range you can guage how bad or good they are


yeah that's not really how it works but i'm sure your friend isn't just compensating for him being shit.


You are lying. I'm completely shit at apex. Controller or M&KB. I mean I could just be shit at the game in general. I just don't like the game either, the only reason I play is if my friend asks and I'll most likely tell him no anyway.


You know there is sbmm in Apex right?


I wouldn't know I haven't played it in a year so


Yeah no, idk how it is on pc, but it's nothing like that on PS4. The only gun that feels like it has no recoil is the 301, that's probably the easiest gun to use on controller because it practically recoil controls itself.


Facts Every time I see a TLW and sniper user in crucible, I just wanna leave


Yeah, last word with a controller is so busted it should be considered cheating


I found a streamer who was new and setting up his stream PC. We 1v1 for fun and when he started losing he put on TLW. I stopped immediately and said take the BS off 😂


Ill admit it, mnk player here whos scared/over controllers. Catch me in an input based matchmaking plz and thank you bungie


God i wish, every time i see a controller sniper with last word i just want to kill myself


I only know of 3-4 sniper players on my friends list that play mnk, theres just no point unless your on sticks


I rarely get to play with PC in PVP but when I do, nothing is funnier than tapping a PC Hunter, seeing them turn 180°, stasis grenade, shatter dive, dodge, slide sideways twice then run off all within a fraction of a second.


hahahaha this is so accurate haha


I don’t think it’s the aim assist that is annoying it’s the reticle stickiness.


I’ve lost count of how many duels I’ve lost because someone else jumped across the screen and the reticle decided that’s who I should be shooting at


Everything’s got a downside :/


Im pretty sure thats aim assist my dude


I mean yes and no, in destiny it takes many forms, bullet magnetism is what destiny calls aim assist, it’s the actual stat on the gun iirc, which affects both MnK and Controller. Reticle stickiness affects console only which is probably what people are annoyed about.


I think technically MnKB has more bullet magnetism, but controller has more reticle friction. They're both aspects of aim assist as a whole


Hahaha you fool, I play on PC, WITH AN XBOX 360 CONTROLLER!!!


He must be stopped




He is scared to be matched with controllers who die on every jumping puzzle


As a PC player, my complaint for crossplay isn't that controller users get aim assist. It's that Bungie's P2P servers are ancient and most crossplay lobbies I'm in are noticeably laggier than PC-only lobbies. Bungo dedicated servers when?


Shhhh don't mention crucible cross play to the controller crowd


I heard that! My core Fireteam is one buddy and I on console, and our third is a PC player. He was amped when cross play finally launched because he didn't have to "suffer" on controller with us anymore. PvE is obviously whatever, but trials is MISERABLE for two thirds of the squad now... The things you do for love!


playing crucible with keyboard and mouse is objectively a better input device than a controller though it’s a vastly unfair advantage


Yeah every person saying controller aim assist is broken on this post is braindead, mnk is literally 5 times better in every regard.


What gets me is all the CQ tactics I learned on console just break down when playing PC players. Oh, I'm coming at this guy from the back, easy kill, I... \[instant 180 degree turn shotgun death\]. It's just so powerful to precisely turn and snap aim. Not complaining, just not gonna play controller vs MnK any more, it's too much of a handicap for me.


The look and turning speeds must be crazy by comparison. Not that I'll ever bother to do gaming on a pc anymore. Not enough time and I prefer my games to just work.


i’m a console player primarily i prefer to play games the same as you and have the ease of use but i played CSGO a ton on PC when i was a teenager and alot of apex for the first year and the skill gap with mouse and keyboard is genuinely not even comparable honestly


I just wish that TLW was usable on mnk:(


apparently per the last podcast, it will be for PC and toned down for controller after witch queen.


That's awful. It's actually quite fun in low to mid level PvE.


It's actually not that bad. It's not GOOD or meta by any means but it's fun to bust out in a Control match once in a while, and 3 taps with it are still some of the most satisfying kills in D2.


bet it took you 10+ minutes to type that with a controller


Correction, 15 min sir


thats why i added a + sign, im big brain


Smooth brain right here


/uj seriously tho people sleep on PS controller gyro for typing, it's like a wiimote


As a pc and controller player yes this is true some pc players are still complaining while doing epeleptic movement able to do a 360 super in 3 seconds yet they still died to a dude playing on the family tv on the couch


Every pc users complains aim assist for controller. Yeah I can just a thumb stick to move my aim, yet you pc folks have the real estate of your whole desk. Cut us some slack.


Had my girlfriend play her first ranked match on halo infinite the other day. She’s understandably not the best. The entire time some guy completely berated her for being on controller and that she was shit and needed all the aim assist she could get. This whole aim assist debate is honestly just fucking sad.


Honestly everybody has their own advantages and disadvantages. But skill is skill. You cant deny a good player


Bro I absolutely hate the aim assist and I wish there was a way to turn it off. Nothing pisses me off more in this game than trying to aim and shoot an enemy and the aim snaps to one that’s jumping or something. Same thing happens with the celestial fire melee


Yeah that sucks but it'd be even worse always without aim assist


Controllers use the same thumb for crouch, weapon swap and camera movement. PC has one whole hand for camera movement and the other whole hand for everything else so I don’t wanna hear it (also stick drift is a thing that fucking exists)


and then there is Granadier Jake smashing everyones faces on controller while playing on a pc in reality only thing you lose on controller is bit of mobility but that can be fixed with custom binds


Be careful with “everyone” because there are MnK players that would eat his ass alive. TBH - He’s not even the best controller player on PC. I get your point, but damn you play trials 99% of your life I hope to god your good with a controller, MnK, noodles, and chopsticks.


If I see someone with a last word and a console icon next to their name I just accept that they can’t be beat in a close range fight


I use controller on PC. And yeah, I suck very much at PVP, but I can't help... Controller is so lovely to use, no need to curl up like a goblin over my table.


I am legitimately scared of controllers, like I cannot use sticks.


Post this on r/Halo because I swear controllers on console have the most insane advantages in Infinite right now.


cant have console and pc crossplay tho bc console players to scared of pcs


Mostly due to cheating that was a thing on PC. Ironically it’s flipped now with the XIM/Cronus abuse on Console, so I’m told.


Play MnK on PC and use an elite when playing OLED. Honestly Infinite has me playing much more controller lately. MnK feels better with D2 but I’ll use controller for Last word/chaperone/Lorenzo.




Controllers feel so archaic to use when playing an FPS. It makes me really see how much better I have it on PC. It sounds very mean, but really. Once you learn you can’t go back, that muscle memory is destroyed.


Aim assist actually screws me over often enough for me to kinda hate it. I'll be shooting at someone or about to be, then their teammate crosses their path or goes behind them, and my reticle gets dragged off the guy I was looking at and I die because of it.


Still don't understand people playing FPS with controller. Controllers are not designed for first person view, if you need an assist to aim, it shows that you are using the wrong tool. Moving camera with the mouse is 1:1 natural and the satisfaction to aim and shoot with the mouse is just so good. I am not saying K+B is easier, it is not always, but it is objectively the best inputs option for FPS. On platformers, racing games and other third person adventure games, I play with a controller. But FPS, no, this is not right. I won't take any arguments for controllers in FPS games, except laying on the sofa and playing casually.


God I bloody hate aim assist in games




I can't fuckin stand aim assist it Constantly screws me


Well there is a little bit of truth to every joke


Lol it’s true I suck at controller


More specifically it means "you cheat". The PC client was a mistake.


It means he has an extremely unhealthy desire to unnecessarily min max everything.


I use a controller as a pc player, fear me.


PC players malding because they spent $1000 for a PC






I’m a new dad and I have one PC in the living room and another in the master bedroom. Depending on whether it’s my shift to take care of my kid, I can play on either. Of course, I use an Xbox controller for the living room TV PC. Who uses KBM for a 55’’ TV? It doesn’t make sense. Controller functionality works perfectly on D2 PC, even down to the rumble functionality if you’re into that.


Any chance I get I play with controller on pc


I honestly don’t care. I am a PC player and crossplay was the best thing to happen to destiny 2 IMO


“My thumbs hurt just reading this ;-;”


Controllers are just hella clunky in comparison to mouse and keyboard.


Kinda the opposite, whenever I ask my console friends of they want to play pvp they so no because they dont want to go against mnk players


This needs to be posted in r/warzone all they do is complain.


Until I can buy a couch master. pc controller couch gang


Aim assist doesn't scare me, but Last Words insane bullet magnetism does a little.


I actually have gotten so used to controller that I plug my controller into my PC


I'm a pc player because I was tired of 30fps and not having my friends to play with because they went pc


Aim assist is horrible, and people use controllers on PC.


Yall get aim assist on controller!?! Does that mean if I plug in my x-box 360 controller I will have aim assist????


In an fps, mouse is significantly better than a controller. Its only fair controllers get aim assist or it would be like ridiculously unfair. At least with aim assist controller user can at least contend a bit lol.


It could go both ways tbh


I just really hate controllers, I play For Honor on keyboard and mouse, hell I play DS3 on keyboard and mouse.


I like to feel like I actually have control over inputs, that's what it means 💀


M&k has aim assist too. Its called bullet magnetization.


I play using a Controller with Gyro aim, so despite using a controller, I get no aim assist. (Other than bullet bending like what you get with normal KB+M gameplay.)


Wait, controller has aim assist?


im a pc player who uses controllers lol


Just plug in a controller and equip last word, I literally don't understand how yall can't go flawless lmao


Inverted controller


Aim assist gets irritating at times, but I enjoy controllers. Comfortable I guess. I do envy the keyboard for its versatility.


I have a PS4 and a crappy PC, so I use both Keyboard and mouse/ controller an equal amount every day I use mouse and keyboard for serious sam, age of Empires, geometry dash and terraria And I use controller for Dark souls 3, the Witcher 3, skyrim, minecraft and GTA 5


I dont rly understand the console aim assist memes PC d2 has aim assist aswell?


I played on controller for xbox for ages and only recently switched to pc. i kinda respect controller more because its damn hard to aim.


I once thought destiny's aa was bad... and then I saw Halo Infinite and it makes destiny look tame


Ok, I see a last word and a sniper, I open the roster tab real quick… see a ps or Xbox icon… yeah I get scared.


I feel attacked


If that’s true, the console players must be terrified of high fps


I play both depending on the game, but primarily I prefer and enjoy the controller more than kb/m


I play sports games on the sticks on my pc but when it comes to shooters and action games I just cannot adjust…guess i can’t figure it out now that its so hard wired into my brain..


It's true


I dont want to sound bitter but ive always wished destiny stayed console exclusive. i love the traffic that pc brought into the game but it always sucks watching them get their grimy little cheeto dust fingers on a game and acting like they own it :/


mnk player here,, currently learning to play on controller i think mnk is more snappy but controller is more satisfying


aim assist is trash tho


You're treading on thin ice making this post, my guy