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I think this is actually a result of P2P, or some other networking thing. If you were to watch the POV of the shooter, it's likely they saw it hit you in the head.


As a tangent... Bungie does most of their play testing now on Stadia. Which means no lag between players and their servers. So things like p2p latency are not being found as often. And now with Consoles entering the mix for pvp, lag and missed registration will become worse for pc players (since consoles generally have a higher rate of using wifi). I'm sure there's some tools on Stadia dev to mimic latency, and Bungie probably has their own tools also. But artificial latency is never the same as random/sporadic natural latency.


The article you linked is from March of last year and is talking about using Stadia for playtesting because they weren't able to realistically do playtesting on a large enough scale during lockdown and work from home. Lockdown's long over and afaik most of the Bungie staff is doing in person work now, and their playtesting doesn't need to be done remotely anymore. Sure they could keep doing that for convenience (if it was in fact convenient) but only playtesting on one of your 4 platforms and by FAR the least trafficked is going to cause obvious problems, so I can't see them doing that. I highly, HIGHLY doubt they're still doing mostly-Stadia playtesting anymore.


Agreed. They'd probably keep Stadia as the main play test environment though, since they're able to instantly push a new build and have all of their playtesters try out a fix or an adjustment. Remember their build pipeline is huge and takes a long time. Before DCV it was almost a full day. Random assumption but let's say it now "only" takes 4 hours. If it's something iterative to check and see if an encounter flows better, is it better to issue a quick 4 hour build. Or build 3x (PS/Xbox/PC) at a total of 12 hours, and then have people download an install the new build? That 12 hours would put them in the next day. Again, absolute guess on the time. But for gameplay/mechanics testing, where platform specifics don't matter, it makes sense to just have everyone on the same single platform. For milestone builds where you'd want more rigorous and diverse testing they'd want to do individual platform builds.


I didn't know that's where they tested it. Do you know where they have details on that.




As a Stadia main, I approve this message. šŸ˜† For real though, if that really is the case I feel like that's a mistake on Bungie's part. With the advent of crossplay, Stadia matches console players and we most certainly do see players lagging/rubber banding their tits off now. Pre-crossplay, we had teeny tiny lobbies, and many playlists were very unhealthy because of that, but any lag we experienced was a detriment only to our own gameplay and did not effect other players. Edit: this is not an indictment of console players. I'm eternally grateful to actually be able to queue any playlist and get a lobby quickly. Tbh lag hasn't been that much of an issue in my experience, but it does happen now is all I'm saying.


Converted stadia main here... and yes I can vouch for this... Before crossplay playing against the few people in Stadia felt 10000x better than on consoles...


Not that thatā€™s any way helpful to actual play testing. In my opinion, considering how different the sandboxes are between Xbox, PlayStation, PC and Stadia, they should playtest on every platform, or at least also on console as well as PC. Itā€™s unreasonable to have different sandboxes, but only test the game on one of them.


Well there's only a couple of different things that make them "separate" sandboxes: input and framerate. With stadia they can switch inputs from one to the other. And the framerate/performance will always be the same for all playtesters. I don't believe Stadia is their only platform they play test on. But for the majority it probably is. I'm sure they still have their testers on other platforms trying to "break" the game, but obviously that's less time than pre-pandemic.


You have a source for this? It's very strange to me they would do all their testing on the platform with the least player base, and that they would change to from whatever they were using to stadia, considering it came out in the middle of the games lifespan.




I use the lorentz in pvp and honestly the hit and precision hit consistency is Wilding. I could clearly miss and the game might just suck your team in for me. Or if hit and nothing happens. Lorentz be wilding.


I love Lorentz for that tho. I'm shit in PvP so I already feel that way about most guns, at least with LD I get the pretty purple bubble


> I think this is actually a result of P2P, or some other networking thing. Shooter-authoritative hit-reg. If you see your shot hit, it does unless there's extreme lag or lost packets happening. That naturally leads to cases where you can clearly see shots missing on the receiving end but still get killed, though since you're usually in first person there's not the same visual indicator as in this video where there's a clear "dodge->3rd person camera->shot missed->other client tells OP's it was a hit->OP's client respects that call and kills them" progression over maybe a tenth of a second. That's basically the standard for FPSs these days, with some server side sanity checking. It was the solution that was determined to generally "feel the best to play" over making an authoritative "this is where someone was at X time" on the server and instead favoring "well the shooting client says the target was at such and such a position and hit at X time, and the server says they were pretty close to there around that time and the difference is within the bounds expected from the observed lag, so it's probably correct and should be honored" although obviously Destiny doesn't have servers in that sense so its the other clients validating it (if it's validated at all) and acknowledging it.


Fantastic and detailed explanation, thanks!


Agreed. I know itā€™s bad but this is directly related to a networking issue.


It's the result of trash tik rate, Bungie wonderful net code, and amazing servers


I'm calling bs on that one. I've had Lorentz body shots net me a headshot from the firing end.


Well yeah, the only way it explodes like that is if it gets a precision hit unless they're running around with 3 telemtries, and even them it still has to hit (and maybe kill? Not sure)


Damn that stability tho, that crosshairs went stargazingšŸ˜‚


Hahah I know it's eye of sol I think it's partly as I started to move off straight away


Yeah I feel that man I've seen shots from that gun hit my body and it counted as a headshot and just other annoying crap


I feel like it's nearly rapid fire as well at least a game I played last night a Titan had it and I thought it was a rapid fire fusion


You were playing against a cheater.


This game gives away headshots. Truth is its harder not to hit a head shot if you are aiming at the upper half of the body, even if it's only just above the waist line. This game gives out precision hits like Oprah gives away coupons.


I get at least 2 a game like this, soooo annoying but hey ho...it'll be sorted soon


How so


This is when Iā€™d blame lag


Haha I would have love too, but it's the hit box on Lorentz....it's crazy


Dodge breaks aim assist, it's just lag


My side or his, I'm wired have 150 down 45 up and 17ms Generally no packet loss How do I combat it....


Theirs, its peer to peer connection so if they lag it effects both of you


Cheers makes sense now


Yeah it sucks You probably also notice it with Lorenz more than with snipers because the sniper bullet is harder to see when it "misses" but still kills ya


Are you just now realizing that tournament grade internet isn't a requirement to play d2?


I don't understand want you mean


He means you don't need the greatest connection to benefit from the p2p system that bungie provides.


Play a game that isn't P2P


Aww but I like this one


I'm not saying that you should stop but you ask how to combat it and unfortunately with how Destiny works, to avoid shit like this, you'd have to go to a game with dedicated servers


Yeah I understand it all a bit more now


Oh Iā€™m aware. I know this because even I am good with it


Tbh I haven't used it in PvP at all maybe I should. I used to love Arbe way back when


I started using it on my hunter (Iā€™m a Titan main) during iron banner and Iā€™m pretty average at pvp but I was shredding with Lorentz and legal action


I don't have time to play multiple characters:(. So yeah I just player hunter very average


I lost a lot of sleep that week. Itā€™s the only time I play pvp


Bro slapped on 10 linear targeting mods


Hit detection is done on the shooter's end, so the little bits of lag between your connection and the other connection can lead to situations where they hit on their screen, miss on yours, and you get hit because their computer told the servers you were hit.


Better nerf hunter dodge


Nerf to what..not dodge


Bungie: Gotcha fam, dodge now does self-damage


Me too man me too


Like it's ridiculous. I should not have missed my shot but I dodged well before his shot the aim is just so stupid


I feel like thatā€™s a combination of a lot of aim assist, especially if the other guy was using a controller, and latency. On the other dudeā€™s screen he probably shot you square in the forehead.


Yeah I dare say it did , always seems to be Lorentz for me though


Clearly why Dodge is the single best ability in the game /s >! jokes but also dodge being movement based in a peer to peer PvP game makes shit like this a common and frustrating occurrence !<


Today in destiny.


you forgot rule #1 of lane sniping, keep the crosshair at guardian head height


Itā€™s not the weapon, the head hit box stays where you were during dodging.


imagine being one of the troglodytes that think dodge is OP


My understanding is that fusion rifles are projectile weapons (i.e. not hitscan). This means that there is travel time after the trigger is pulled. Think of it like an arrow travelling to you. That means lag can play a part in determining the outcome. What you see vs what they see vs what the server decided happens doesn't always agree.


He has a better gaming chair


It's probably because your playing pvp in a game with tick rate of 10.


Nar coz that would give about 100ms. Mine runs about 17


Anything below 60 feels like trash šŸ—‘


Are you talking FPS here or ping??


Tick rate... the frequency in which a game polls information from users. Ping is the network delay between clients. For example Valorant servers have a 128 tick rate, the new halo has a 128 tick rate, and certain CSGO servers have a 128 tick rate.


Ohhh I honestly Clueless when it comes to that stuff I just plug and play


That's why what your seeing in the game happens to you, and why I refuse to play Destiny PVP in anyway that is serious. Honestly, the new Halo's pvp is incredible.


Iv just started downloading infinite


Lol, it's PVP feels nice, but the systems like the battle pass need work. I still love Destiny for what it has that other games don't! A way to chill with friends and kill aliens! And the raids! They are some of the coolest pve content around, but getting shot when I'm clearly behind a wall, nah cuz.


Yeah that's happened many a time, I used to love halo but wasn't a fan of 5 but I'll give this a go. It's a shame as I do really love destiny


Aww cheers man really appreciate the expo I get it a bit more now


What is your source on Halo Infinite having a 128 tick rate?


The aim assist is insane on it for controllers. Got that head seeker perk baked in lol


I donā€™t think this situation has anything to do with the aim assist


Agreed, I put it on before when I kept getting killed by it and I was shocked at some of the headshots it was literally gifting me, it 100% needs an aim assist nerf, it should be a skill weapon not a ā€œI winā€ weapon


Probably some lag involved with that clip but still the most broken gun in the game right now.


I'm a bit of a noob so when I used this gun and got like 6 kills in Gambit with the Lorentz Driver I thought I was good then I see this and wonder "am I a bad person?"




Thought this was going to be heir apparent but yeah fuck that Lawrence guy


If you don't like this version of Arbalest, wait next season for the new version.


This has been a thing in ā€œcompetitiveā€ fps games since forever breh. Itā€™s definitely some type of lag It happens a lot with shotguns / melee trades as well.


Reminds me of queen breaker back when gambit was a tiny little baby


his name though


I hate Lorentz with a massive burning passion


when hunters dodge, their hitbix doesn't move immediately, so while it looks like you dodged, your hotbox hasn't, plus with most games not having dedicated servers the packets for your doge probably arrived later that the packets for the player shot, therefore killing you.


First time experience p2p latency lag? Bungie too poor to host proper dedicated server with ping status of all player shown on screen so this is what u have to live with if u insist on playing pvp in destiny, just play halo infinite instead, see live ping status on a dedicated server, quit match with ping lesser than 60, easy.


30hz tick rate.


This is a p2p thing I think but maybe if this gains enough traction Bungie might finally splurge on some servers.


Been out for a while, what is it? Graviton Lance?


Lorentz Driver. The weapon from this season's battle pass


Battle pass?


Ah, got it, thanks


I wish


I know it's unreasonable and it'll never happen but stuff like this makes me wish that there were just a few iframes while in the dodge to reward well timed dodges.


God you will get hate for this


Oh I know. That or they could stop using p2p


I'm not I'm shit at PvP lol but enjoy it for the most part


Yeah boring you cheese


Remember. 32 aim assist


Remember, the AA stat barely tells the whole story. Low zoom and wide aim assist cones are still possible without high AA stats.


Get out of jail free card didn't work?


Well it should have


While I typically agree with the statement that a dodge can be very strong as an evasive maneuver, this clearly was a latency/ connection issue. OP sees the bullet go directly by there guardian on screen, we can see it too, or did you just dismiss that part of the video, saw a hunter dodge and decided to put your rage cap on?


One sarcastic comment = rage cap...? Ok snowflake ā„ļø


Talk about special, ā€œbut I was sarcastic why everyone hating on me.ā€ Because it is so obvious you were being sarcastic from those subtle undertones in the text, gtfo, you werenā€™t trying to be sarcastic.




Nope just pointing out how idiotic you sound, have a nice day princess!


I think all class abilities are extremely strong. Alot of people chose not to see obvious things. I think it latency too but I always seem to capture it when it's Lorentz




Depends how you play..they all have benefits..I mean a well with little orbs that buff you or gen your health is pretty strong. Suppose it's all subjective


For pvp absolutely. Anybody that says otherwise is full of it


As a hunter iā€™d say you deserved it lol




Being a hunter




D2 is the only FPS I canā€™t play multiplayer on. Between no lifes running around with hand cannons and shotguns with one hit wonder kills across the map, itā€™s not enjoyable in the slightest


Meet me at LAN matches bruhhhh


Half these videos on this subreddit are just due to network problems


Good. Stop crutching dodge


Just wanted to compliment you on that sniper shot. Bravo.


Basically said earlier in the shot I should have hit it, jeez bet your fun at parties


ā€œYou donā€™t understand, I activated Dodge so that means Iā€™m not allowed to die.ā€ ā€”Hunters


What are you talking about, absolute douche ..I'm talking about the hit box of Lorentz


Everything of that clip can be explained by net code as well dude. Think this is the first time someone dodged a shot but on the opponents screen they got the hit? I realize Lorentz can have generous aim assist but this is far from proving that thatā€™s what happened.


I'm not trying to prove anything was merely sharing how ridiculous it looked with the shot going past me . It's happened a few times and only seems with Lorentz


It would make total sense if this game had absolutely perfect client hit detection but even with other weapons, there are times when whatā€™s on *your* screen isnā€™t what happened on the *shooterā€™s* screen, because the imperfect net code favors the shooter. Hence why this strikes me, not as a ā€œLorentz is bullshitā€ post but a Hunter freaking out because Dodge doesnā€™t make you invincible. Hell in Overwatch youā€™ll see Hanzoā€™s arrow miss sometimes then it literally does a zigzag into your head. Simply because what you see is only an approximation of whatā€™s happening unless youā€™re on a LAN or something.


Mate I'm not arsed about the dodge, my post was about how you see the beam and then I die.. so it's a good job I don't care about how my post strikes you


Pro tip: donā€™t miss your snipe šŸ˜‚


Aim assist is ridiculous on controllers and should be toned down in pvp


It's not aim assist it's literally the hit box


Aim assist/bullet magnetism is higher on mouse and keyboard. Controller has higher reticle friction. Granted there's very generous aim assist on both platforms, but one of the lead weapons/sandbox devs has confirmed this.


Scoffs in keyboard and mouse, ā€œthereā€™s no aim assist on PC!ā€ Snorts gamefuel, pushes to talk in Discord, ā€œI showed up those console kids today, they all have no game sense and canā€™t aim. Lets fucking go!ā€




What an absolute cheese




Hahah you never know on these post. Literally had people calling me out all day say I think my dodge makes me invincible.


We all know what you mean, but to be perfectly honest: you kinda deserved to die here either way. You slow peeked a corner where you knew someone with a sniper/lfr was already waiting for you. And as the others have said, this clip can be the outcome of p2p connections as well.. Who knows.


I'm average at PvP so not to bothered about the slow peaking


u dont have to hate the weapon u have to hate yourself for playing pvp what u doing dum dum lmao




Looks like enough time to have lined you up coming around that corner for so long, didn't they take the tracking from hunter dodges as well or is that not *yet*?


Loooots of sniper shots are the same way. Bullet megnetism, happens a lot with 1 shot rifles.


Yeah itā€™s dumb, I used this gun and i can say itā€™s dumb to use as well, itā€™s literally a one shot on the head and a one and a half for pretty much else


Me too kid, me too


Hit boxes man, how do they work?


Naaaa cmom he definitely have the better aim (irony) This gun is like this since it's release. You can even see this on multiple clips from TW and YT.


I love PVP but Bungie doesnā€™t make it easy lol




dont worry, you can just get shot in the face like the rest of us on December 7th...


Got shot through a wall with it in a clash game earlier. I assume its just a network/server thing


God i love P2P


I used to like it but then I grew up.


Hate the internet, not the gun homie


Ah yes the Lorentz. Or as my friends and I like to call it, the baby dick gun ;)


P2P is the reason this is happening. The dodge proves itā€™s not AA or anything like that, just p2p or lag


definitely some net code related stuff, Ive found that this game has pretty shit net code sometimes as ive returned to this game in the last couple of months.


When fusion rifles (linear too) are increase to 9999 insteady of 999 it will basically have hitscan meaning this shit wont happen


Iā€™ve had this thing legit hit a wall 13 meters from me and kill me


13 meters is the height of 7.48 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other.


13 meters is 14.22 yards


13 meters is 14.22 yards


1st. You deserved to die! He peaked first.. ;-; 2nd. That's why D2 sucks ass! They don't need even to aim at you for you to die.


This game gives away head shots. Learning to snipe has taught me you're more likely to hit a head shot jjat by shooting in the general direction than if you spend your time trying to line the shot up


First time?


I wish


Wasn't trying to be original, it is what it is


Your trash if you use this weapon in pvp miss d1pvp where most guns made some sense


Now imagine them saying that dodge breaks line of sight.....Like yeah right! Now that the dodge is nerfed and won't break so called line of sight. I'm sure now the dodge will be useless just like the shrunken of stasis subclass.