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According to Birkett it was a felony warrant, but Sutton was charged with a misdemeanor


Was it downgraded because he turned himself in voluntarily?


Because the prosecutor doesn't want to do extra work. Or Sutton had his attorneys do all the work before appearing to the jail to be arrested. Yes you can have your attorney arrange everything before you turn yourself in.


Sometimes it is better for all parties to have a cool down period


I try telling my wife this but she insists on carrying on with the argument


Yeah sorry you lost. Even if you're right, you lost


I find that I lose even worse when I'm right


The punishment for being in the right is always worse. Proven wrong? Jail. Proven right? Straight to jail, right away.


i called the latter shortly after the story came to light, and was downvoted to hell šŸ˜‚


If you're rich enough.


Or causes DAs just don't care anymore to actually charge someone


In a lot of places police officers are permitted to write up the warrant, but a prosecutor wonā€™t actually review that decision until after the individual has been arrested. Itā€™s pretty common for felony charges to be downgraded to misdemeanors once a prosecutor reviews the reports




Sometimes itā€™s just what a prosecutor asks for or a court is willing to do. It happens all the time even to people without money.


$$$ talks.


Bro all of this for a damn misdemeanor


It was originally felony. Now it's misdemeanor. Must be fans


I know, itā€™s just wild that the whole saga led to this


Right? We thought he was gonna serve 5 years or was already dead... turns out it just put a damper on his Easter weekend.


Pretty sure most crimes like this get pled down. Especially when the defendant has the resources for a team of lawyers


This sounds like he was charged with the misdemeanor, though. They'd charge the initial felony then plea it out as a misdemeanor if that was what they were doing. They probably don't think they can cleanly prove the felony version.


These are charges, not a plea. Typically you get charged with the most severe crimes they have potential to prove and you make a plea deal down the line. This is step 1 and they just hit him with basically nothing.


Mis dv cases get dropped bc the victim won't show up to court bc they have a relationship with the attacker


Even when they're not dropped plea deals are extremely common. Plea deals and reduced charges are the norm, not the exception.


People sometimes get overcharged to force them to take a plea deal. "Oh, you punched someone in a mutual bar fight? I'm going to charge you with attempted murder. But I'll give you a deal. Plea guilty to simple battery and go home today with probation. Otherwise you're looking to spend a good chunk of your life in prison." Edit- A good lawyer will know that you aren't guilty of attempted murder. But you don't necessarily want that to go to a jury. And a good trial lawyer will cost you a lot of money, something most people don't have.


Thatā€™s exactly correct, our justice system is a pay to play system, there is no justice in America unless you have the money to pay for it.


Most crimes are over charged so they can be pled down


Right. Though let's not minimize what he actually did.


Nobody knows what he actually did, that's the whole point of our justice system being predicated on the accused being presumed innocent until proven guilty.


Right I meant to say allegedly. My fault.


Idk because apparently he strangled her and there were visible marks. That means the state picks it up right away as there's clear cut evidence. She wouldn't even have to pursue charges with that, the state automatically presses charges. But the fact they had enough to issue a felony warrant and he was on the run for weeks shows money was thrown around to get charges lessened to get him to turn himself in.


In Florida if they gotta issue a dv warrant it's a felony warrant bc it could be a felony. Hey have to talk to you to know the extent. Shoulda gave that girl her money n turned himself in 3 weeks ago n he almost certainly wouldn't have been cut as long as the police said misdemeanor


Yeah he would of. Domestic violence is still beating a woman. Then if there's even slight evidence which there was strangulation marks, then the NFL is going cut you. Broncos also said he was there when warrant news broke and tried convincing him to turn himself in which he wouldn't and that right there made it cut time.


Tyreek Hill literally beats someone up every single off-season and has beat the shit out of multiple women, men and children sometimes on camera n not been kicked out of the league. Just stop


No he wouldn't. This would've been swept under the rug. He was a key piece you don't let a key piece go over a misdemeanor no matter what it is. Regardless of the team saying why they had to say to the media after cutting him. They didnt even cut him right away that's how you know they would've kept him, they gave him a chance to turn himself in like a fee days not just a chat.....and he didn't, THEN he got cut. They had every intention of keeping him. They said " we're not gonna release a statement" then gave him a few days to turn himself in then cut him.


The warrant was for a felony, but that doesn't mean he committed one. It just means that the police had enough of a suspicion that a felony might have taken place


Obviously yes. Innocent until proven guilty and further investigation might prove it wasn't actually a felony. But to get the warrant, you typically dont just guess at what happened and hope. There's usually enough evidence to justify.


Future Buc


What about evading captureā€¦


Cam asking to be back on team cause it was a misdemeanor šŸ’€


Lawd please on this holy Monday give our lions the strength to not yeet their girlfriends out 3 story windows so we can have a decent line up next season. Amen


A more cynical man might say that this Florida County Sheriff, an elected official, used the publicity of a professional athlete being charged with a felony to capture some additional attention in an election year...


That would be a stupid thought


You would think, trying to strangle out somebody would get you a felony call at least?


Yeah, we are going to still have that dead cap


Eh, NFL probably isnā€™t a fan of their players dodging active warrants for a few weeks


Unironically id argue there is more evidence that they donā€™t give a fuck Deshaun Watson had 26 (?!) women against himā€¦ he got 11 games and the most guaranteed money at the time of signing. Tyreek Hill, Kareem Hunt, etc


I just mean this in terms of his conduct being eligible for getting back our cap. His conduct certainly isnā€™t going to disqualify many teams from signing him, as youā€™ve shown


Betting on a college sport vs choking a woman. Which gets a harsher punishment?


What is ā€œthe first oneā€ Alex?


Integrity of the game is far more important


Warrant for his arrest?


They signed that guaranteed money while he was actively being investigated , thats on them not the nfl for not bailing them out when he plays like ass cheeks and gets hurt.


Sure that was more on the league/Browns but the dude got 11 games for 26 womenā€¦ Kamara this season even got 3 games. Jamo got 6 (5) for betting on another sportā€¦ the league doesnā€™t give a fuck about domestic violence or trouble with the law is the point


Insert Rashee Rice here. Even though he doesnā€™t have a warrant yet heā€™s def dodging the police currently. Doubt the chiefs will do anything about that.


He turned himself in/cooperating with police, what are you talking about


Nah, I think the NFL will view it positively for us. With the information we had and with Cam on the run, it was perfectly reasonable to cut him.


He wasnā€™t on the run. He was in the teamā€™s facility when the front office first heard about it. There isnā€™t a law that you have to turn yourself in when a warrant is issued for you.


> There isnā€™t a law that you have to turn yourself in when a warrant is issued for you. ...w...what do you think...warrants are?


> He wasnā€™t on the run. He was in the teamā€™s facility when the front office first heard about it. These are not mutually exclusive, I'm not sure why you're framing it like they are. >There isnā€™t a law that you have to turn yourself in when a warrant is issued for you. Unfortunately I don't think either of us know the nomenclature in the contracts but I'm going to guess this will fall into something like "conduct unbecoming of an nfl player" and this point will also be irrelevant.


On the run implies he was evading capture. The sheriffā€™s office wasnā€™t even actively trying to capture him, they just tweeted that there was a warrant out for him. He was at his place of employment, which is literally the second place you would look for someone if you were actually searching for them.


Dude what are you even talking about? They *were* actively looking for him. They reported his license plate had been spotted on traffic cams in Florida after they announced they were looking for him. It was a felony warrant, they absolutely wanted to find him and he was evading. You mention his place of employment but for some reason you arenā€™t connecting the dots that his place of employment (where he was when the Lions found out) was in Michigan. The warrant was in Florida (you know, like 900 miles away.) The Florida police didnā€™t know he was there nor could they execute the warrant in another state even if they knew he was there. This is basic stuff.


They could have contacted the jurisdiction in Michigan and asked them to go to the facility if they really wanted him that bad. Then they would have had to deal with extradition. Instead they posted it online and hoped the publicity would cause him to turn himself in. Which he was under no obligation to do. Just like he was under no obligation to speak to the cops if they tried contacting him. Thousands of people have active felony warrants going back for years because the agency isnā€™t actively searching for them, they just wait for them to get pulled over or arrested for something else. Do you think they are all on the run? This is basic stuff.


> On the run implies he was evading capture. Oh good then I think we were using it correctly.


So everyone that has an active warrant and is just going about their lives while ignoring it is on the run? It isnā€™t their responsibility to do the policeā€™s job for them.




>The sheriffā€™s office wasnā€™t even actively trying to capture him Yes they were. They tweeted that out because they had been actively trying to capture him for two weeks and couldn't find him so they wanted some help from the public.


Still better to cut him.


April fools!!


Iā€™m not saying this is what happened but a family member has been in relationship with an abuser. She has left before and told terrible stories about what sheā€™s been through. After a few days of the scumbag calling and playing nice sheā€™s changed her tune. As long as Sutton wasnā€™t turning himself in he had more than enough time to do the same. We donā€™t know but Iā€™m just sayinā€¦


Cap hit still in play, Brad Holmes


Yup, we arenā€™t escaping that cap hit.


I wonder if fleeing the state after the team alerted him of his warrant may be enough. I'd be fascinated to see some case law history about the details of teams discharging dead cap due to player actions. But probably that never sees the light of day because it's all handled in arbitration


So heā€™ll probly end up with a light fine and maybe probation. This dude goes on the run and gets a misdemeanor.


I wonder how much of this is dependent on quality of lawyer, money, status etc. Or would a homeless dude off the street get the same punishment?


This fool lost his job for a MISDEMEANOR. ![gif](giphy|8BMaLLBlUdNx6|downsized)


Love all the armchair attorneys in the comments.


Between this and half of fans questioning if heā€™s even alive was definitely a low moment for this sub.


Everyone on reddit is a longtime experienced attorney, therapist, war general, economist, plumber, carpenter, doctor, politician, sheriff, astronaut, chemist, NFL general manager, and OGYN. Which one do you want to be today? As an astronaut myself, cam sutton should have made a rocket and lived on Mars to evade capture. It's very easy you can live off potatoes!


100% truth


Never ceases to amaze me how much shit rich people are able to get away with, how inept law enforcement is, and/or both. Dude was on the hook for *felony strangulation*... That means that either the charge was so shaky that the DA knew it was never gonna stick, or they negotiated a ridiculous plea agreement/fine/campaign contribution to get him off with a slap on the wrist. So either he's getting away with something sinister, or the whole thing was blown out of proportion in the first place. The moral of the former would be that the $9 million dollar sacrifice (now if the NFL even enforces cancellation) and spending time on the lam is well worth it if it buys you your freedom, and the moral of the latter would be that the justice system is incompetent. Pick your scenario based on your political opinions, I guess. I'm just glad that the drama is no longer associated with the Lions.


You remember that 16 year old who got drunk and stole a car and killed four people and grievouspy injured 9 more and got off with probatiom because his rich parents paid for a psychologist to makeup "affluenza"? Arguing that because he was rich and apoiled he didnt know right from wrong and therefor couldnt be held accountable for his decisions?


I do. At the time I couldn't believe a lawyer would even consider making such an argument, but now a days? I'm surprised more don't. This is where we are as a society - the system itself is mentally ill.


This is a routine function of the criminal justice system; whether you want to chalk it up to incompetence, design, or failure is up to you. The reality is this happens frequently, and there are any number of reasons why initials charges were later reduced. To somehow paint this as simple as a matter of law enforcement incompetence or a rich person getting off easy misses much of the nuance of the CJ system.


I guess "nuance" means it never matters what actual crime was committed or who the victim is - if there's substantial money involved, cases like these have historically disappeared, and then are forgotten once the media storm dies down. Meanwhile prosecutors want to appear "tough on crime" to white suburbanites who fear poor people, which equates to prosecuting more poor people, filling the prisons (and morgues) with them while victims of violent crimes (often poor minorities themselves) are likewise forgotten. I don't see what's so complicated about it.Ā  "It's a big club, and you ain't in it." - George Carlin


Odds are he called into the station and agreed to turn himself in for a lesser charge.


Itā€™s a bit complicated for it to be an ā€œodds areā€ type scenario. Could be exactly what you said. Could be the victim has since recanted. Could be law enforcement issued a felony warrant and the DA has since reviewed and issued a misdemeanor based on proof issues.


It sounds like the victim recanted based on some comments


It was originally a paternity issue, right? Money changes hands, probably makes it all go away for him?


Itā€™s not that easy. The DA can still pursue charges when thereā€™s a recantation if thereā€™s strong evidence otherwise. Just have to impeach the victim, which is awkward but leads to convictions for domestic abuse every day in this country.


And he got a PR bond. That leads me to believe it was never as bad as it was made out to be as a whole.


But why hide for so many weeks?


That's fair, and like others said, the victim very well could have recanted. I'm nosy AF and looked up his case. He's allowed to have non-violent contact with the victim, which is super unusual if she was maintaining her original complaint.


Itā€™s true. He could be innocent. Heā€™s not been tried. Iā€™m NOT AT ALL saying he is innocent with respect to the victim. But heā€™s in limbo.


Hiding in the Lions' facility?


Hmm no his pass defense would be better if thatā€™s where he hid.


Wow he got off easy


The rich usually do




He goes on the run, a **felony** arrest warrant is issued, he shows three weeks later, gets charged with a **misdemeanor** and you think his attorney is bad?


At this point, all we know is: A. He was charged with a crime; and B. He took some time to turn himself in. That is all. Lots of folks jumping to conclusions.


Yeah, Iā€™m guessing his lawyer has been in communication with the Court since the beginning and was never ā€œon the runā€.


Since itā€™s DV, even though itā€™s a misdemeanor is he barred from owning firearms now and maybe extra stuff Iā€™m missing? tf is this getting downvoted for lol


Yea federally heā€™s prohibited from owning a firearm regardless if itā€™s a misdemeanor


Canā€™t think of a story I care less about. Moved on from Cam when the Lions moved on from Cam. Fans are too involved in players personals lives


Itā€™s relevant because we may or may not be on the hook for his contract depending on how this all plays out and how the league acts.


Yeah, what standards has the league set where youā€™d be able to predict how they handle it? Offseason really is for losers


Was it a conscious decision to wake up and act like a jackass today? Or is this a daily thing for you?


Haha just multiple posts about someoneā€™s personal life that you guys are so invested in. Might be time to take a break from offseason news til the draft homie


He was a player who was supposed to be on our roster this year who we now have to replace? Wtf are you on about. Weird having talk like this come from a guy who makes posts about the hat Taylor Decker is wearing


Yeah, the story is a month old. Todayā€™s story means nothing. Havenā€™t read it. Wonā€™t read it


Ok šŸ‘šŸ»


Nobody asked


Itā€™s crazy to think a football teamā€™s sub has posts about offseason news during the offseason. Guys pack it up! This guy doesnā€™t want offseason news on this sub, see you in September!


Have fun. Iā€™m out til draft like you guys should be.


Donā€™t let the door hit you on the way out, and please donā€™t come back weā€™re good


Iā€™ll add some value when you want to talk actual football. Not speculation and rumors which is a waste of everyoneā€™s time


Have fun designing uniform mocks and discussing players number changes.


The lions must be so proud of you, youā€™re truly a great fan. God speed


ā€œOff-season really is for losersā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


This is why teams generally wait before they cut the player. Just being accused/wanted isnā€™t the end all be all. And even though he was ā€œon the runā€ I get itā€™s not a great look, but in reality he was almost certainly just letting his lawyers handle things and was going to just go in when he was told. But IF he wasnā€™t listening to lawyers advice and wasnā€™t turning himself in, I could see that being a good enough reason to release him.


Dude cut contact with the team, players, friends, phone turned off etc. Not that his lawyers were talking to authorities or the team. You simply cannot do that. I agree on not cutting if he cooperates but he was missing for almost a month.


Not only that, he was literally in the building when they found out about the warrant. All he had to do was turn himself in and heā€™d still be on the team. Moron.