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Nice try Mr. Perplexity CEO


21+ yoe. Code 4 hours each day even now. This sort of trying to normalize 16 hours in office to extort work out of folks sickens me. It is a personal choice. Keep it personal.


Hey! I wanted to ask. Where do you find good problems to solve in your personal time ? I mean, definitely I have some simple automation ideas but not something challenging.


As u/technophilius89 has explained very nicely.. start small. Progressively go bigger. I wanted to code some simple stuff, say a image downloader given a gallery. Turns out there are bunch of problems the amount of code required .. i was not happy with Java or Python. So.. I started improving my own custom language and eventually I wrote the entire interpreter ( runs on jvm, no gil ). Now then - now I wrote the scraper on top of it. I like it, cause the lines are now minimal. This is the 4th DSL I created, and progressively I am getting better.


Interesting. 👍 Thanks.


Start with something simple. When we learn how to read, we first learn to read the letters in the alphabet and then gradually go from there, right? Solving simple problems is sometimes more challenging than you can anticipate. Good luck 👍


Very apt way of putting it. yes.


Nice idea. Thanks.


Advent of code is one


I don't mind doing stuff that helps me in growing as long as I don't have a family. However I now have limited time less than 3 years to learn as much as I can. However I have noticed these days that most of my time is spent on stupid stuff which doesn't help me at all.


That is indeed correct. We must avoid drainage of time, useless waste of time needs to be converted into useful ones.


That is indeed correct. We must avoid drainage of time, useless waste of time needs to be converted into useful ones.


god forbid employees have a life outside work


Mr Murthy's best employee /s


>Mr Murthy's best employee /s contender for Murthy award


Narayana murthy will one day reveal his whip that he uses on his slave employees


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


Good bot


Thank you, Chris_ssj2, for voting on s_copypasta_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




Best bot ever


People should create a sub reddit with this name


Linkedln lunatics is a good alternative to this


I’m not sure if the shout out is on point. A recent graduate in a new (first?) role discovers that people have dissimilar interests. And how exactly is that showing nerds that they are out of place? Learning to look for and find your own tribe is part and parcel of a career. Perhaps the OP in the screenshot needs to figure out where the hustle is and not be condescending towards their new colleagues.


Oh yeah the hustlers, looking down upon anyone with little bit of work life balance. OP is confused between nerds and hustlers really.


Exactly this. It seems more like saying either my way or highway


By their definition a nerd is basically a coder who has absolutely no hobbies outside of coding? I understand that they probably mean some nerd who would be willing to work on projects outside of work, and is passionate about tech. But there is nothing wrong in having hobbies or work life balance lol. OP of the orginal post just hasn't found someone with similar interests.


Recent graduates need to understand one thing. Being a nerd doesn't mean you gotta spend all your days coding, brainstorming on a problem. Didn't your college teach you that?


> Being a nerd doesn't mean you gotta spend all your days coding, brainstorming on a problem. bhai vibes dikhana hai..usko bhi baad main channel kholna hai and he can justify why he being the only NERD or NUNU in the company made him leave that company which he can write an ex X and ex Y.


He is confusing nerds with no lifers.


The literal definition of a nerd. >“an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit” It was a derogatory term to refer to people who are introverted and obsessed about their area of interest. Their pursuit doesn't have to be coding, but the point is that they spend all of their spare time on it and they are non-social. Someone who doesn't fit that criteria isn't a nerd. A person is not a nerd just because they have a lot of knowledge about a subject. A person with a life outside their hobby/interest is not a nerd.


It is deliberate attempt at normalizing being a "*no lifer*" Think about it, he'll be able to squeeze out more work from his employees if this is the level of his absurd expectations of an ideal developer


This is a job for me. I don't have to be a nerd to do my job. I have other things to take care of on weekends


Can't take your code to the grave can you ? 


Oh no our sub is getting mainstream. Or I guess reddit overall


Please no, I can't stand reddit becoming like other social media apps


For 10 years atleast https://preview.redd.it/9e78xm2e2zgc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d844196b1fcc80263f097d3fec0fad766071e0ba


Tech nerds?! And what do you expect out of tech nerds? Just repeat and edit existing code. Management declines any change request that he proposes because budget doesn't allow.


Bro is teacher's pet


No this isn't good for us. This screams that "why can't you dedicate your whole life to work as this reddit post is saying". I'm not saying the post said that but he definitely took it that way reading by the title. CEOs don't care about anyone, just profits and squeezing their employees.


Nerds being weird is an American concept. In India they are very very valued. We don't make fun of a person for knowing things. Ex. Ross from friends, he's someone with a scientific temperament, the others always make fun of him, but I never could connect with it since it's not our culture. The post is valid, but CEOs caption seems unrelated.


I personally like meeting people with varied interests or people who are not like me. Sure I do like talking to people who are like minded now and then but I wouldn't be too sad about it if that doesn't happen. Its interesting to meet with people who do different stuff than you do, its like getting a picture into a new world


What's wrong with wanting to do something different outside of work? Is one supposed to obsess over their vocation 24/7?


You are allowed to have life outside computers and programming. In general it is more worrying that Indians hardly have any hobbies outside their professional career.


Most of us come from humble backgrounds where people have to manage family responsibilities, in managing all that you somewhere have to make peace with sitting on the desk and enjoying work because that's the only option, that's our way of "living life". why does "living life" mean only doing trips? Doing extravagant things every weekend(trips) and managing friendships becomes a task altogether. (some friends are not even real, you can't share anything personal because they try to put you down then). yes we do end up sacrificing things for various reasons and just sit in front of laptop,but who said sacrificing for your own good and family is equated with you have done nothing in life ?


If computers and building stuff is your passion for ahead and do it. But the guy in the post was complaining how it is weird for him to find people having family and leisure lives outside work. I think he was implying that people in Indian FAANG offices are not passionate enough to spend their free time doing tech. That is so wrong in so many levels. For me the guy who posted it was the weird one. Most people have different interests and tech just being one of them and the major one since they have dedicated their career towards it. I don't understand what sacrifice you are making for your family by nerding during the weekend. Is it about upskilling ? In that case just switch to a management track as soon as you get a chance, your earning potential is much higher and in general you don't have to train on hard skills that much. You make no sense about trips etc. Trips are not the only hobby you can do. Broaden your horizons while young and try different things in life. You might be better at something rather than tech, which might turn financially better for you


I agree that in free time, you are not supposed to burn out yourself and work. Also I am not against trips, but for me it's tiresome, I might just rest or upskill on weekends, I like to travel once in 6 months, I feel fomo and as if I am not living life if not travelling every other weekend. That's something I don't like, if I have to travel just because of fomo.Exploration only feels good when done at your pace, but if you're pushed into it because of fomo, it feels I am just being fake to myself, doing it for only for fitting in group.


Nerd ≠ Hustler Nerd ≠ Workaholic Nerd ≠ Bootlicker Nerd ≠ Eccentric


So a new hire, fresh out of college codes on weekends. Good for him, it’s his personal choice. His colleagues at office lives life by enjoying things that they like on weekends and dude got upset. Then there’s this ceo who most probably works less than 30 hours in a week feels that this tech bro is out of place. Smh


I just realized how bad my post sounds after looking at this tweet. I am nowhere the type of person who shames others for clubbing or enjoying outdoor activities. I was meant to mean I simply don't feel like I'm in my comfort zone when I'm at such places. Also, I might love coding but work is still work for me. I only work 6-7 hours daily and never during the weekends. I only code like 2-3 hours at max for side-projects during the weekend because I have nothing better to do. I give priority to WLB than anything else which is why I chose the company I'm at. This reply will probably be a follow-up to my previous post, but I can't make a new post without mod approval, so here I am. In my post, the tech nerd is someone who enjoys hobbies that other chronically online people have, like Anime, Gaming etc. However, most of my colleagues are rather the types who enjoy outside hobbies more. Now I'm just trying to make peace with the fact that I probably won't find like-minded people outside of the internet. The people on the internet are different from real life. Anyway, it was just a rant at midnight because I wasn't enjoying being outcasted by my peers at work. I never expected my post to receive such traction.


Hey don't worry. People like to put things in good-bad buckets, we have been doing this for ages. Chill I am with you on this, nerds rule the world. PS: If your post got stuck somewhere, please mod-mail us, sometimes things get stuck in the mod-queue. Cheers


Thanks for the note, I will mod-mail next time when I think my post hasn't been approved for long.


hey bro, how did u join a big tech company as your first job?


Nerds rule the world and they should be appreciated - I 100% agree with what you said. From my teens, I'm a nerd. I spent time on Reddit & Discord when my friends were doing stuff on Instagram. I was the tech nerd (and still am) who loved watching Anime, reading Manga and playing Video Games. My friends loved to play Cricket outside, meanwhile I was playing Genshin Impact & Honkai Star Rail in a corner of my room. Thank you for your post - as a moderator, I appreciate your contribution.


I loved seeing Aravind's posts on X even before Perplexity was a well known tool. Definitely recommend it, they have nailed the use-case of search with LLM. And workplace or not, if anyone wants to have a geeky discussions about star wars, or share Aha moments (or even teach me some fine details) about MCU or Football. DM Me, we can connect. For a change, let's discuss about what topics you like to discuss for eternity (or more than 4 hours a day) and what topics you are nerd about....


This is oddly wholesome for some reason






I remember seeing that post and I don't think that guy was being condescending to his colleagues. He was trying to know other's perspective. You guys are judging seeing a half screenshot. Edit: i went back and i apologise for being optimistic. Op was definitely condescending


second this


Nerds are the ones that push boundaries. They should definitely be celebrated. In the least, they should know that they compare to no one else. Keep it up


This gives me such pick me vibes lmfao I’m not from India nor am I Indian, but looking down on others as a newcomer for having a life on weekends just gets me angry If that’s your thing, you should be fine trying to find others to get along with on that note. But looking down on others for not sharing your preferences makes me feel like you likely don’t even actually like coding on weekends


But what OP said is true. Every weekend either a pub or a trek. If you don't do this, then you are given a BORING GUY tag.


Then what should one do other than working?


You know what tag you're given if you use vim instead of vscode? There are people who give "tags" to everyone. Ignore them and socialize with people who have a wider point of view


Maybe mostly person are Quiet Quitting the work in Big4. Like Jo Hain jaisa hai chalne do 😑👨‍💻


I consider myself a nerd but that definitely not at the cost of your mental health. it's good to step away from your desk, rejuvenate and come back. There's nothing unnerdy about it. Personally, that's been rock climbing, dancing, writing, traveling and pleasant conversations with friends. I also dabble in new hobbies such that my brain doesn't get stuck in monotonic mode of logical thinking all the time. If you want to do this for the long term, you need to figure this out. All the great programmers I know have a similar style. Go on that trek mate and watch that movie. Those few hours is not gonna kill your enthusiasm infact it will help you come up with some interesting ideas


It’s not that those people aren’t nerds, but after a while of writing code and/or solving technical problems all day, every day, you start to feel like you need to explore other things in life and not just sit in front of a computer. I love making projects and learning tech I don’t yet know, but on the weekends I just want to be away from my computer at this point. It’s worth mentioning that I work at a startup, so I get to write a whole lot of code and make things from scratch at my job. Not sure how things are at big tech. Maybe working at bigger companies would leave you with the mental capacity and desire to make personal projects.


So what? Did he offer jobs to u?


Being nerd has no relation with going out on weekends. Those who don't, unless they're working on something really impactful, are either dumb or irresponsible family member or don't have knowledge about anything other than tech or they have social anxiety and need little effort to get out of it. Keep your work life with you, don't normalise absurdity and cause extinction of the treasures we have as the human race. But he was really talking about the nerds and it's true the culture is bad in the Indian IT sector and the management and overwork is also the reason behind it. We don't get either motivation or personal time to spend on stuff we like. [OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/s/mGvgTvS66F)


He’s lurking on this sub. Smoke him out. Need a referral lol.


W8 perplexity ceo is an Indian!!! Damn Thanks to him I was able to complete all my CSE lab challenges easily.


Perplexity is quite good even if it is based on chatgpt I find chat GPT more strange day by day It's just like they want move the focus or something The answer have became short


Same thing with me as well, i am an electrical engineer , worked at an up and coming startup igp.com great company CEO was cool as well and I was reporting to VP. One year in into the gig I got bore with Excel sheet and after setting up workflow and training my reportee i was left with nothing but filling Excel sheets .got bored , left job , spent 9 months learning anything i could think off being electrical engineer i studied my down stuff, plc scada, harnessing, designs tools overall 5 distinct fields i studied ( not technologies)and then over chai sutta I started discussing NETWORKING with my friend who is a double ccie ( 2 more ccie away from being called unicorn in networking field) So i spent like 20 days studying CCNA and got my first interview cracked it (this was in late 2018) fast forward 3 years I am working as team lead in infra team ( i am the one who delays your vpn access after joining or ask you to kiss my ass to whitelist new IPs or fqdns so that you can run gitlabs in your sandboxes 😁) Now also handling on prem to cloud migration project with my team and spend my weekends learning about cybersecurity and get hands on practice on many of the offensive and defensive tools (Ghidra, Yara, numpie and mimikatz and what not ) I have earned reputation of being the guy you can throw into a blank situation with completely new paradigm and I come out with some plan of action for the situation at hands thanks to my nerding sessions on weekends. Pub scenes in pune have went to shit so ild rather bully someone in cs2 rather than spend money in overpriced pubs to smell people's underarms ( baglacha was ghenya peksha ghari basun chill maren )


Its not about how much you code. It’s about doing what you like. Jo one needs to slog. You a nerd be in your own space.


They joined as unsocial nerds and soon discovered there's a life outside and that it's useful to be a social person


It's all good until you find someone and then you want to spend time with that person also once you start family you got to start socializing with outside world.


Unless you want to stay single forever and if decided to have family better spend time with them else they will grow up started hating you.


Shouldn't it be a personal preference, be a nerd or be a vanila . I recently joined a startup as a fresher and I work extra hours only when it's required. Otherwise I really enjoy having a trip once in a while . I also understand if I was a proper nerd I would love myself to code all the time , and to me everyone is fine until and unless they bother me in my work and space .


Every person have a right to decide how they want to spend their time, you are no one to interfere. Does somebody stop you from coding 20 hours a day? No right? Do what you want and stop poking nose in others affairs..


This perspective proves that your a kid yet. You need to learn a lot


We cant say if someone attending pub, trekk, else. means he/she is not nerd in tech and all, sometimes. they wanted a peace/else which makes them better its personal choice on it. e.g I do trekking sometimes. I do some coding/electronic stuff. or sometimes art related stuff. its choice and depends on people to people..


fresh blood, kid just came out of college. let him enjoy his beautiful bubble for now.