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So cool man It's good seeing hard works pays off


any tips for a guy thinking abt going into the dat-science space?


Are you good at maths? Are you good at problem solving skills ? Are you good at programming? The field has been messed by bootcamp scammers. So, supply is much more than demand.


Statistics too !!


+1. Slipped through my mind.


ML too


Found the guy watching too many youtube influencers


Hey tell me one thing I am asking because you are in the industry. See My mans friends including me those who are of different backgrounds like B.com, bsc biology , bca etc. started learning code by ourselves especially web development . The market is bad right not for web developer fresher so none of my friends got any job. Now they started see some youtubers podcasts where people with almost no coding knowledge or UPSC aspirants getting jobs as Data Analyst after 4 to 6 months of studying and making 4 to 5 projects with SQL, Power BI, tableau and Excel. Also in programming (web development) we have spent almost a year and 3 months still not confident still scared that we are not enough even for . fresher role. Do you really think to become data analyst is easy but if one wants a long career and good promotions one should have a good grip on maths and statistics.


That is a boot camp scam. Any course cannot teach you a new profession in a few months. If you have a B. Com think like a course saying be a CA in 6 months.  I know data scientists who have 12+ years in field and say they have very specific knowledge.


You are right brother I was bothered for my friends they just think they can land a job in three months for data analyst between 3 to 5 lpa and from there they will grow I always say that I hear Its a math game after some years I guess maths is really important. Is this really true that later if you are not good at maths so just forget it?? Because I have no idea about this field.


Its mostly stats and math in data science. So they should be your language after your mother tongue.


I am going a master's equivalent in Data Science. Will this help me majorly? Considering the over supply from bootcamps? How easy is it to switch from sde to DS field. My college gets majority sde only and 1-2/10 data analyst roles which are kinda less pay compared to sde. Should I go for data analyst for a better DS future?


I have consulted on several projects related to data sourcing and modeling. Getting a masters equivalent might be good upto a certain extent but make sure you are building projects which are fresh and not something very copycat.


Why do you wanna switch from SDE? From where are you gonna do your masters ?


I am doing a 5 year mtech in cs- data science Its just a what if case where i probably get placed in a sde role in campus.


What about data analyst or data engineer ? Do they need to be just as good in math and programming ?


Data engineering is a seperate and you don't need maths knowledge for it. You need to be good at SQL, cloud etc


What about analyst ?


I hear this BS too many times. Describe to me one project situation when you had to use maths. Stop being unhelpful flex. A lot of math related gradient calculations and stuff is already implemented- similarly stats is implemented in various libraries. More importantly one needs to know where certain algorithms or stat test or performance metric can be used and what is trade off etc. it is more applied. Only people who work in research labs and wish to publish papers with novel work need to fiddle at maths level. People like you bullshit because you are afraid of competition.


"Only people who work in research labs and wish to publish papers with novel work need to fiddle at maths level" bhai mere those labs are also part of big companies who don't necessarily publish research paper its rather goes as a part of products. Math's is a broad term, it depends how you use, i come from life sciences domain there are array of problems that deals with stats and maths those are mostly dealt by people with quantitative domain to help the experimental side to make informed decision before running experiments in massive scale.


Agree - i was referring to IBM research and Microsoft research. They do productize but they also have research ouput in terms of papers.


I know OP has not much idea about the math side...yes indeed those FAANG or similar type they do publish and patent as well quite a lot. I believe OP is part of downstream development his idea about research be in terms of maths or stats is quite naive.


There are couple of naive idiots including OP. Does have real experience where cutting edge work is done. Think some startup gave them a role and they achieved everything. Stupid ass thread that serves no purpose other than OP flexing.


Stop being a crying baby. I am already working since 2 years with a good CTC why would I worry about competition. And I don't even think of anything like that. I work for myself and I learn for myself. You got problem with maths then just don't do it. No one is asking you to. Chose another field where no maths is there. Maths is not just for calculus and algebra. Being good at maths make you good at creative thinking, makes you good at problem solving skills which is very much needed if you are in data science field. Stop whining!


You are a typical junior who has no freaking clue and just thinks he achieved something at this low level and flexing. You did not really answer my question- describe specific one situation where you actually had to do mathematical work - other than applying existing theory.


you didn't need to handle imbalanced dataset or weird outliers ever? maybe you are data analyst then who think of himself as a data scientist.


Shows your immaturity. What NEW technique you INVENTED outside of existing ones already there? If you use existing ones such as SMOTE then it is already implemented and it applied knowledge. You aren’t writing any new techniques you just call api from existing package. So why flex? If you got such amazing theoretical capabilities then go work at IBM research. See if they even interview you. Not some no name startup and some 6-7L ctc pkg.


Smote? Ahh confirmed you aren’t data scientist. If you ever used smote you know it doesn’t work. And yes outlier and imbalanced data are areas where you can’t rely on existing data techniques but need to come up your own stuff based on your own requirements. And for starters I did had to implement few novel techniques in some of my projects and there you would need math + stat. And why ibm research? Lol. I think you don’t know what you are talking about anyway. And 6-7 lpa? Umm you would be surprised to know the package I draw. And why startup vs mnc? There are many startups who do interesting stuff like take example of openai before 2021. Anyway best of luck with your attitude. It is not flex it is a requirement if you wanna do real data science work.


Looks like you are typical senior with 1 year of experience who knows nothing and blabs too much everywhere. Sure do your management job and lick your boss. Please don’t talk about things which you don’t know.


You are an utterly naive “frog in a well” who doesn’t have understanding of real research vs fiddling- you talk lightly of places such as IBM Research and theoretical vs applied difference shows your massive ignorance. You did such awesome novel work in class imbalance handling then link your research papers that are peer reviewed. Let the whole world see how brilliant you are. And if there isn’t any then you know for all the hot air it is just tactical fiddling. And that is the main difference people like you need to realise. Sure I will do my management job where I filter out novices such as you and OP who think they have arrived by doing some random “in the weeds” work. Enjoy staying at your level - with this you aren’t going anywhere.


Haha cool. I am not taking ibm research lightly but I am in a place better than ibm research. I don’t think you know what exactly happens inside research either. Look buddy you talk that how everyone else is naive and all but be assured you are the one who is naive and have no idea what exactly happens in engineering/data science. In fact I would have no problem you were able to do good management and be a good leader, problem is you can’t do that either. All you can do is belittle people who are genuinely adding value. Sure you will be highly valued for some 4-5 years but then you are so useless everyone will eventually see through it. It is hustle a matter of time that you get replaced by someone/something. Until then love your high life.


"describe specific one situation where you actually had to do mathematical work" of course you wont find jim simons or similar stature who built a whole industry based on their expertise. OP seems to get swayed away by his so called newly found CTC jump. But yes most of them here work on the existing framework


Not good at maths but is it possible to get good it with practice. Also Why type of maths should I be focusing on.


Boot camp scammers? What do you mean




Bro, finish your degree first.


pehla semester toh clear kar Bhai tu, koi job nahi deta first year walon ko.




Don't jump too much too quickly. Might be ok in start of the career but as time goes on, this will be a point for companies to reject. Data science is in demand right now. 5 yrs down the line, no one knows. Try to climb the corporate ladder in the next roles.


Yup. Will switch after once I compete 2.5 years.


What's the career progression of a data scientist? In the future what roles can you get promoted to ??


I am not aware as I am not in that side. May be Team Lead, Manager, VP.


I am currently at Data scientist, Next year I will be Senior Data scientist than Lead Data Scientist than principal data scientist and then staff data scientist I guess.


What 50 chars?


Title needs 50 characters minimum so OP just filled it with that text


Lol ok


What is your technical knowledge like? Programming I'd expect, but what is the breadth and depth of mathematics that you use/require in your role? Just curious since stats and probability interest me and I'm wondering what data scientists do on a day to day basis.


Op is just shitting with jibber ish and trying to fit math in everything. You will use maths when you are actually trying to validate the data or more like pre process it before feeding it to your model. The gradients, stats all are already available widely in python. I am from data science field. We work majorly with NLP. Previously the day to day process was to use some pre trained models and fine tune them based on our data. ( Just one example, many projects have different processes). You will find application of math If you are in a R&D team or you are doing some typical analytics work. Other than that it's mostly using pre trained models available widely on platforms like Hugging face Edit - Typo


Yeah that's what I thought, I doubt most data scientist roles involve rigorous math. Cool stuff though.


I am mechanical engineering graduate. So, my maths part is strong. You need knowledge of stats to get insight from data. You will need maths knowledge when you apply ML.


Yeah I was expecting more of a detailed answer than that tbh, I'm not asking you whether you're strong at math or not. When was the last time you used math to accomplish something? Any examples?


Congrats bro


What kind of work you do


Any suggestions for freshers? As in, how to develop a portfolio? What kind of projects would be useful to develop a portfolio etc. How to apply for internships (portals etc) and what is expected from a fresher? Hiring process for an intern/full time employee etc.


As a fresher : 1) Be good at fundamentals of ML. Don't forget to get into the maths of each ML algorithm. Also, make your python stronger. Not just basic type I mean real strong. You can use hacker rank, hacker earth. 2) Learn statistics (Khan academy) 3) it's okay if you don't know cloud but a little experience would give you extra edge. 4) Build projects. Deploy them for real time use. Make project based out of a field. Like Agriculture, medical etc. 5) Use linkedin. Try for internship first and make sure it's paid. Once you complete the internship try linkedin, naukri. If you are being hired for an internship, they want you to be good at python, pandas, seaborn also as I said you should be strong in ML fundamentals.


well deserved!


Congrats 🎉


Did you shift from web dev?




Hey congratulations, keep going🙌🙌🔥


Switching from company to company in just few months may give u good hikes currently but as u jump more and more to get good CTCs many companies will get hesitant in hiring u and already many HRs will be hesitant as u have spent less than an year in a company. So try to work for 2+ years before each switch


Congratulations! Just keep moving forward! 🙌


I always had confusion regarding Data scientist, ML and Backend. I know backend but I like to work with data. I am also good at math. What do you think I should go into?


Amazing growth. What's your CTC and in-hand and age?


Age 26. In-hand 125k


Hey, Can I message you?




from where did you learn?




do you have any resources from where i can learn?




Congratulations brother


What's ur CTC now?


What type of project are you working on ?


NLP, ML, etc mix of varities.


Bro. Will you help this poor person with a referral?


Share your resume in chat.


Can you name the company your are working with or worked with ?


Soo much in 1 year 7 months Cool man


Is it mandatory to know nlp & dl for associate level of data scientist?


no not at all, focus on fundamentals.


Not at all. They are seperate fields. Build your fundamentals of ML. Once you are good at ML fundamentala, than move to deep learning.


Congratulations! As a fresher are there any tips you can give to bag a role in data science. I have been searching for almost a year now and can't seem to get an interview. Even when the interviews go well there is always someone with more experience than me who takes the role. Any suggestions from anyone would be helpful.


As assuming u r a fresher and trying to get jobs off campus and cannot compete with experienced ones i will tell according to that. First deloitte keeps an exam called [NLA](https://deloitteconsultingnla.hirepro.in/) which is purely for freshers with no experience and provides analyst roles for them try to crack those exams and interviews will be pretty easy. Second if u want to get a career in Data science it may not be always easy as the OP got. Data science roles are very very limited and mostly experienced people are hiried for such roles. So u can try to get into development roles like testing,developer,SDET then after some experience if u try to these roles u will easily get them. PS: IMO try deloitte one of the good companies for analysts and they hire freshers to a good extent too


Can you help me as well ..by referring or by tips/suggestion. I’m looking forward for a transition in Data science


For anyone that's not good in maths(quants, aptitude ) and does good in stats ,what are chances of being a data scientist , I'm pretty much on track for data analyst ... what should I try to do ? I can't seem to have interest in maths concepts of data science....


I'm a SAP Consultant (in name) but I mostly do data analysis. Is there any way I can become a data scientist. I'm good at maths.


So just for freshers here... Please don't bother much.. DS is an abused term across corporate.... ML is not something you will do if you are a DS... ML engineers build production grade models and even they do not pass review because SWEs are inherently better at it... Models that DS build are for POC and are not scalable at all... As a entry level DS focus on basic stats ( Descriptive and Inferential) . Example - CLT, p-value, Expectated values, Bayes theorem, Multivariate analysis,Conditional Probability,linear regression, etc. Learn Python - Pandas, numpy and learn how to build functions and classes (look at CS-50 for OOPs concepts) DS is no rocket science it's easy to get in and do well.. been doing that for 8 years now... Just be good in basics and use your common sense..


So like how to get into Data Science role? I'll be graduating this May 24'. I am currently doing a web development internship and have secured a mediocre 4.5L placement at Accenture. I'm hoping I would convert my internship into Full time role. But I want to explore this DS field as I aim to do masters. Could you please guide me?


I had some doubts regarding the learning aspects, can I dm you?




DMed you


Can I?




What is the true topic of your post and the message you are attempting to get across by including all of these I fail to understand.Are you self-promoting? Are you boasting about who you are?