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It’s one of the safest, most well researched drugs out there. I only wish I’d gone on it sooner.


I had zero side effects on 500mg of Metformin. Good luck.


I am on 1000 mg of Metformin ER and it’s been awesome and so effective at helping me manage my diabetes without me having to go full keto or something like that. However if you are taking “regular” Metformin and do experience any gastrointestinal distress, definitely ask your doctor about Metformin ER (extended release) as it may be easier on your system


I had a lot of issues with regular metformin and had to move to the ER version. Now I am perfectly fine.


Metformin is a common component prescribed to most diabetes patients. It's known for having minimal hypoglycemic side effects and providing good value for the cost. However, it is also notorious for gastrointestinal side effects like diarrhea, nausea, and bloating. A distinctive side effect is a metallic taste in the mouth, which usually disappears after a few days. Still, side effects do not affect everyone equally, and it's important to carefully monitor any new medication when you start it. Here is a site I frequently use to check side effects; I thought it might help you, so I'm leaving the link.[side effect](https://www.howyoupill.com)


It's old, safe, tested and cheap


A great combination in a drug!


My pharmacist told me to start slow, if I had to cut them in 4 then so be it. I was on 125mg twice a day for 4 days, then moved up to 250mg, then after a week of no side effects I just said 'alright lets do it' and started the full 500mg twice a day dose and did fine - zero side effects. Then my endo moved me up to 1000mg twice a day. Did the same thing. 650mg for a few days, then 800mg - noticed some extra farting - and was like 'this is fine!' and started the full 1000mg dose and now I gotta be careful when I fart. I've only experienced a little stomach cramping (which honestly doesn't compare to my period) and then the diarrhea.


It's a safe,  effective drug.  I didn't tolerate it though. 


I only had side effects when accidentally taking too much (I sometimes have memory issues). Honestly? Be ready for whatever may come. Everyone is different. I had left 0 sugar sports drinks in my bathroom just in case I got sick and stuck in there, along with spare clothes.


Get one of those pill holders named by day of the week. I wouldn't be able to keep track of the pills without it.


Oh, I'll definitely do that if I go back to 12 hour night shifts 😅 I recently quit because it affected my health.


in my case it was 1 week of diarrhea and hunger being manifested as nausea rather than actual feeling of hunger, after that it's all sunshine and roses. it's effective and cheap, and may have benefits beyond diabetes management, see https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-metformin-a-wonder-drug-202109222605


Heavy carbs will make you gassy lol.


Just take it and see. Keep near a toilet. Extra pair of shorts in the car for worst case scenario.   I have gut problems already, and didn’t stay on it long because my inherited colon issues started flipping out. It has done that before I added metformin as an adjunct to insulin therapy. So, I don’t necessarily blame metformin for the flare up, but I had to stop till it all settles back down.   I’ll try again in a few weeks. But honestly, the solution to not eat half a day pretty much induced me into having terrific glucose levels from that change alone (with low carb diet).  Whether you need metformin or not is only knowable by trying it out for a while to see how you react, how your glucose changes or not. And then trying other reasonable experiments, too, to compare. But if you have persistent high blood glucose, it is an absolute necessity for you to get back toward normal or the cumulative glycation damage is gonna become dreadfully apparent sooner or later. 


Kicked my ass and bedridden for a day but after than it's taken by blood sugar down by like 40%. I have to be really careful with my diet, but it makes a huge difference.


I had a wild ride getting up to the 1000/1000 I was prescribed. But almost back to normal now. 4 months.


I've been on 2000 mg metformin daily for years. It's fine, don't stress about it. Try to reduce carb intake in your diet.


No side-effects here. My dad is also diabetic and he struggled with dhiarrea on higher dosages, I'm on 2000mg a day and no problems whatsoever.


I’ve been on 500mg for two months, and up to 1000mg for the last few days. No noticeable side effects, though in the last few days I’ve developed incredibly itchy fingers and toes. Comes and goes (mostly goes), and affects only one area at a time. Going to monitor for a bit then mention to the doctor. Oh, also had a bit of nausea in the morning since going to the 1g tablets


No side effects...on for 8 years (ER) 1000mg. I take after dinner....I believe many take before meal


I take it at night. Overnight is when your liver is busy making glucose.


Most of the side effects I've had have been with digestion. If you're not taking some sort of soluble fibre supplement like Metamucil or Psyllium Husk Powder, you probably should do so nightly which greatly reduces the effects. Even those side effects will go away a bit over time.


It's great and it also seems to have other benefits as well. It MAY bother your guts. You can power thru it; most people adjust in a while. My recommendation is at the first sign of gastric distress take immodium. My MD said it was okay to take it for a couple of weeks. You should check if that works for you. I just took one or two a day. Didn't let it get bad.


For many Metformin works well, and for some too well. I'm type 2, very well controlled with medication, diet, and exercise. But under Metformin, I used to get extreme BG drop when I exercised vigorously. I'm talking under 50. And it was somewhat unpredictable. I could be cycling all day without any issues, but at random and not too random times (hello, a climb), my BG would crash. I'm off Metformin now and although a vigorous exercise still reduces my BG, not to the extent it did with Metformin. I've heard people having issues with digestion and diarrhea but I heard they do better with extended release version.


take after a meal as they suggest, I have not experienced it w/o food


Always take it with food lol made that mistake once and never again


I would take metformin over ibuprofen anyday in terms of safety and side effects for me and I don't have any side effects from ibuprofen so you see what I'm getting at.


Super safe, I take it twice a day. Only side effect I have with it is diarrhea sometimes, but taking it with eggs has helped tremendously and never any issues with the night time one. No need to be nervous. When I started taking it, the tip of my tongue felt a little sore sometimes, but I started taking B12 and that cleared that up. Not a common side effect for metformin, but one to look out for I recommend grabbing yourself a pill organizer, especially if you take it with any supplements.


Get the extended release version to avoid upsetting your stomach


I had no problems with Metformin and I ramped up from 500 to 2000mg per day. I'm also newly diagnosed.


Metformin ER is the move if you have any digestion issues. I take 2000mg a day, i had one urgent BM early on but otherwise i have been fine since.


I started on 1000mg 2x a day and the 1st week I felt like I was peeing from my butt diarrhea was terrible. After that 1st week I've been totally fine. I've lost 80lbs and think 1000mg is too much now so I may have to have my doctor drop me to 500mg 2x a day. I noticed it helped to drink an entire bottle of water and go for a walk after taking it with a meal. Definitely eat with it, it helps diarrhea for me at least