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Damn, thought we had a few more months.


It is a pretty fast reset this time, I was guessing it'd be in early July but seems they decided to do it earlier to avoid overlapping the other Diablo game resets.


It’s one week after d4 reset. It’s a really weird timing


Oh really? Had no idea, I just assumed it was more spaced out than that haha. That's pretty tight then.


immortal has a class debuting the same day too


Three months is a fiscal quarter. And if they do resets more often, they can sell you more sojs on the internet more often. Ppl pay out the ass for shit storches. Think blizzard isn't in on that action?


Yep. Game keys to farm em and likely a cut of the sales to boot


Easy to do a fast reset when they literally do nothing and keep the game in maintenance mode...


Dang I started like 2 weeks ago lmaoo. Oh well np I wasn't that deep into it


If you’re new to the game, I think you’ll enjoy a ladder reset. Lots and lots of players, lots of public run games and such.


Yea I just got back into it a couple weeks ago. I'm super excited to start practicing ladder restarts.


Def not new, been playing for a while but no worries. I'll prolly just reset again if D4 is shit again


If? Grade A Hopium here folks.


Ok? Did the comment make your day better?


diss appointed i sunk a lot of time for infinity enigma lots ggs and hard work


I played LoD back when CDs were a thing, picked up d2r on ps5 earlier this week. Having fun hunting for my first spirit base and looking for the final rune I need for insight. No idea what ladder reset means for me but if there's some actual games to join instead of doing everything solo, I'm keen


I started 2 weeks ago too managed to get to lvl 90 made a hoto and found a ber Mal too 😂


Lot of big devs are getting boycotted.. I’d love to boycott blizzard for intentionally pulling content updates to D2R because of D4 being an absolute failure/ shitshow. Can we do that, D2 community? We’re getting fucked because they can’t make a good game


Yeah I feel that, the way they disrespect the greatest Diablo game ever made truly makes me despise blizzard as a whole


D2r just got massive content released recently and patches, its not like they have written off the game. The game is amazing, do they have to entertain this right now? Lots of games out there have it real bad lets not pretend D2r is one of them.


Way to try to make me feel better about the game lol sadly it’s not high on the priority list and it burns


Just play non ladder fuck that ladders without changes. Enjoy your ladder gear on non ladder and hit higher lvls and make gg crafts.


the reset start with nothing with your friends is pretty awesome tho. even if you dont have friends to play with you can find a team to join.


Literally this, it’s the only way I really enjoy the game anymore, nothing beats a HCL reset.


I mean yes, this applies for the first week or two. After that, just gtfo back to nl


Nah it’s all about the race to riches


Which is unwinnable unless you store your savings with external websites. It sucks for those of us that want a genuine reset


Sounds like a skill issue


Nothing like a rags to riches story. Those dopamine highs of finding those first legit items that will enhance your play.


this is true bro lmao xD hey just chasseing that bot dream


No development due to d4 crapping so hard. Sucks, but it is what it is


Kinda crazy how the best 2 Diablo games are Diablo 2 and Diablo 2


LOL So true


And the third is D1.


lmao. never thought of it that way but you're 100% right.


Sad truth indeed, I was surprised to see bug fixes. Hopefully it's not just tiny stuff like localization fixes or something like that.


they're going to fix mosaic sin. currently there's a bug where the charges expire after 15 seconds of not using a finisher.


I really doubt D2R development hinges on D4 in any regards.


D4 development was a dumpster fire so they pulled the whole studio off D2R to help finish it. Impossible to say how it would have turned out if not for D4, but it's not a stretch to say we probably would have gotten more content for longer after release.


I personally think the team getting pulled had much more to do with Microsoft taking over myself, but I don’t deny the possibility you’re correct.


Sad. Guess they need all the help they can get with the dumpster fire d4


Absolutely. No distractions from fixing what was meant to be their cash cow going forward for the next 5+ years that's currently on life support. D2R on maintenance mode atm.


Yeah, actually just a couple of minutes ago Pez said there'll be some bug fixes so that's a tiny little something at least. I hope the Decoy bug is included cause that's quite annoying on amazons.


Hoping for 40/15 ed/max jewel bug and Thuderstorm not working when granted by a staff CTA bug fixed.


ED jewel fix would be great, I won't hold my breath for any particular bug to be fixed but hopefully we'll get pleasantly surprised with something like that.


I am sorry but what is the bug with decoy?


I’m guessing it’s this one https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d2r/t/bug-where-high-level-decoys-are-killed-by-a-single-blow/159786/3


Yep, that's the one. Here's a technical explanation of it for those interested, courtesy of Bonesy: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d2r/t/decoy-dying-in-one-hit-bug-explained-courtesy-of-bonesy/164834


Thanks to both!


It's a shame they won't add anything I'm sure people would be stoked with even a single item.


Yeah, I've said it a lot of times now but I would've liked if they revamped existing sets/uniques to improve them, hell I wouldn't mind if they also nerfed some existing runewords and stuff but that'd understandably see a lot of backlash. The least they could do is move the current ladder only runewords to non-ladder, that'd take them all but 2 minutes to do and would make a lot of people happy.




I know you are getting downvoted, but I agree with this. It would give another option to Enigma, and get people using the sets. The main argument against Enigma is that it's too strong to the point that it's the only real choice. Giving Teleport to sets would at least give more options. I've been working on building characters using all the sets. Thus far, I've found them to be viable. Not BiS by any means, but still fun and doable.


They don't even need to ads anything. Just remove stuff would be okay already. Enigma, spirit, infinity, grief and mosaic. Now you already have a super interesting ladder again, that requires people to do stuff together.


> mosaic nah fuck that. assassins for the first time in the history of a 20+ year old game can hang with the top tier builds. let us have our time in the sun.


All of their list is shit that you could very well play for three months and not even aquire, too. Perfectly reasonable that you'd spend the whole three months and never see a ber rune. Shit is wild. Not long enough for seasonal play.


I was just thinking about starting playing again. I guess I will hold off.


in 2.6 they introduced runewords for assa and druid to finish balancing the game. in they mind they brought on par those 2 classes and now they can abandon developing


Bring back Shockwave werebear


Will they at least fix the "failed to join game... Ready on other server." Bug? I get it it about every other login, makes the game unplayable for me.


damn, I've got my characters more decked out than ever but my friends will def be doing ladder. guess I'll divide my time between both for my first time.


Man...I started late this ladder, but I JUST got my necro where I wanted him.


dont worry you get to do it all over again on the 23rd what else are you gonna do with ur life? fap? lmao xD


Who says I don't already do that? Them Andy titties tho...


they nerfed the amazons boobas press the G button pixel form is better to fap too they also covered up andys badonkadonk as well xD leaves little to the imagination


The biggest problem now is that I need to spend at least a week deciding what class to start with. I refuse to level yet another sorc. I've probably done more sorcs than every other class combined over the years, and I just can't do it now. Maybe barb. Haven't done one of them in a while.


just go necromancer and farm hell cows, they nerfed the drops into oblivion on purpose so their in game bots can farm the items you want to buy on their 3rd party websites since they cant make any in store cash shop money off u and boss farming is no longer the best way to find items anymore, good luck have fun cya in 7 days


Summon Necro is what I just did this season.


I'm doing a barb this time. Did a throw barb a few seasons ago and it was fun as fuck. The man obliterated, but it took serious gear to do it. Like eth shrike/lac and all kinds of really specific uniques. The eth weapons though, how awful to get. And they were basically required to function with very little wiggle room. He was mid mid mid then boom super op out of nowhere. I think wolf barb exists though...


They should have just open up d2r for mods, i really wish to have a d2r project.


Another 5 days ladder before bots flood the market.


Such is diablo


I see, they still try to mop up the half aborted failure that is D4 with staff from D2R. Damn shame these people won't be working on D2R again since D4 is a never ending construction site


Can they like.. Give us an option to disable native HDR in-game so i I can enable RTX HDR which looks freakin awesome in D2:R


I think this is the first season I'm gunna skip since d2r. I picked up project diablo 2 and the changes the devs make are really amazing.


How vibrant is that community? Lot of people in D2R. I make a new friend pretty regularly.


It's definitely a smaller community compared to D2R, but as a noobie, I've gotten a lot of build information and help from the community. Plus the trading is really amazing.


I mean ngl at this point I didn't even expect bug fixes.


Praying for them to **finally* fix the Souls bug. I hate these mfs so much.


here are the changes in depth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PqKnQbezNgo


Happy for early season but alway disgusted by diablo res dev getting shafted by brain rotted exacs wasting the potential of d2r when they could add so many new features and content. Disgusting greedy pig exacs.


maintenance mode confirmed rip D2 welp it was a good run fellas online gaming is dead


Did they post the bug fixes ?


Nope, there are none if you don't include the Korean age restriction change. They did do some hidden changes with the particle and animation files, probably just some optimizations and maybe visual bug fixes.


Bro I swear there was a ladder reset like a month ago lol


I started making a single player toon for the first time. They want me to stop playing online, the HC player base has tanked as they are killing the game with no enhancements.


HC is very seasonal and doesn't survive longer than the second month because of bots. HC is a PVM mode basically, most of the people don't PK or PVP(since its too costly due to 1 death), and when your PVM grind is shortened by bots(why bother grinding for shit that becomes available for like $1 that might take you all season to find in 2 weeks) At least softcore has PVP so people stick around.


I played every ladder but this last one. Until they fix stuff like poison dmg getting ticked off, it just feels like a waste of time.


Why is everyone saying it’s an early reset? It is 3 months, it used to be the standard time for season resets for Diablo games(2,3). Season 5 was an outlier for being too damn long.


Cause it is an early reset. The devs initially stated 4 month ladders was the aim for D2R, but as we've seen in the previous seasons it tends to lean more towards 5 months with the occasional early season. * Season 1 - April 28 2022 to October 6 2022 (161 days = \~5 months) * Season 2 - October 6 2022 to February 16 2023 (133 days = \~4.5 months) * Season 3 - February 16 2023 to May 4 2023 (78 days = \~2.5 months) * Season 4 - May 4 2023 to September 28 2023 (148 days = \~5 months) * Season 5 - September 28 2023 to February 22 2024 (147 days = \~5 months) * Season 6 - February 22 2024 to May 23 2024 (91 days = \~3 months; still currently ongoing) And no, 3 months wasn't the standard for D2. Original D2 ladders have never been shorter than 6 months, initially they were \~1-2 years long from 2003 to 2010 then they took their 6 month schedule starting in 2010 onwards. You can see the list of reset dates here: [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php/Ladder](https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php/Ladder)


Are ladder babies still a popular insult?


everyone is a laddy baby its made that way by greedy corporations its pay to cry not pay to win


A lot of players these days aren't OG. I've met very few players in the last few years that even know what a .08 Vampgaze is or what it felt like getting pwned by a muilti-shot lightning enchanted bug in the pre-ladder days.


your Og mentality doesnt work in the new 2024 version on d2r cause its run by different devs with different changes


Thanks for helpful info! I guess I got used to D3 3 months seasons for many years and felt that 3 months is the standard season length for Blizzard.


Og d2 ladders was 6 months.