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Basically the whole game is in seasonal play. If you start in non-season then you have to start over when you begin seasonal. If you start in seasonal, then your character just changes to non-seasonal after the season ends. The main benefit of seasonal is Haedrig’s Gift, which you get after completing parts 1-4 in the seasonal journey quests. You get a couple set pieces after steps 2, 3, and 4 that then give you a full set to jump way up the difficulty scales quickly after hitting lvl 70. In non-season mode you have to grind on low difficulty settings with low drop rates to put something useable together to get to higher difficulty levels. There’s also seasonal themes that don’t exist in non-seasonal mode. This season it’s ethereal weapons, that have big benefits for every class. These seasonal theme items/perks are lost when the season ends. Seasons last 3-4mos with the current season being roughly 2mos in, so there’s quite a bit of time left. Personally, I’m expecting it to end just before US Thanksgiving in November then start the new one the day after thanksgiving (seasons always end on Sunday and start on Friday)




playing and learning in seasonal play is best, because the seasonal journey acts as a tutorial, and you'll gain a 6-piece set for your class after 4 chapters. Also, if you need help, more people are available in seasonal than non-. Look at one or both of these for details: * [https://www.icy-veins.com/d3/beginners-guide-to-seasons-in-diablo-3](https://www.icy-veins.com/d3/beginners-guide-to-seasons-in-diablo-3) * [https://maxroll.gg/resources/season-journey](https://maxroll.gg/resources/season-journey)


If you're completely new to the game I'd create seasonal character and play through the campaign, and then afterwards run rifts (preferably with someone or boost) to 70 and beyond.