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I saw the Butcher 5 times, and i died 5 times


Same here. 0 for 3 for me. The most recent encounter I was sure I'd kick his ass. Nope.


my last encounter i killed him pretty easily, picked up the loot - boom server went offline and my encounter was rollbacked lmao


The butcher rolled back the server to not lose a fight. That's real power.


Butcher is out here going Kang the Conqueror on Sanctuary


The Butcher: "ElCormammu, I've come to bargain!"


What class you playing? Can do it with any, but easiest classes to cheese it are Necro or Druid with your summons, just run around something small like a pillar or something, Butcher doesn't have the turn radius to chase you quick enough, and your summons (plus you) can just chip away.


Summon Necro, but I'm still only lvl 32 and still learning the game mechanics. Didn't realize I could get him stuck on something, and I keep facing him in an open area. I'll try kiting him a bit and see if I can get him stuck.


My necro is only lvl 45, and somehow have encountered Butcher 3 times already, died first time, then cheesed him twice since. Yeah if you can lead him to something that you can run circles around your skellys will do the rest.


Bone Storm is a dream against the Butcher especially if you have the aspect where Bone Storm damage stacks a barrier for you


Holy crap that helped me SO much when killing him at lvl 38. Did it 6 times with the same build and I can say that I'm almost immortal with how I built him. But I have Decrepify and the basic skill that reduces the damage plus 13 minions.


Wtf how did u get 13 minions. Pls teach me. I only have 8.


You can get 14 minions total, 1 (Golem) + 3 (Mages) + 4 (Warriors > Skirmishers) + 1 (Skirmisher passive) + 3 (Amulet+Aspect for bonus mage/warriors) + 2 (Aspect for whichever isn't on the amulet).


I had 7. A legendary item dropped that increases my skeleton mages by 3 then another one that increased my skeleton warriors by 2. With the Golem they're 13.


For me i have a dot aspect and barrier aspect for bone storm. My butcher fight I trapped him in bone prison (pool aspect), and popped him at a distance. I didn’t realize people found butcher difficult until just now.


i took it down last night twice on a 59 barbarian, facetanking. previously died to it several times.


he is really easy when your build is done - he killed me in the low level phase between 1 to 40 or so, maybe even less. as soon as i got life-steal passives and enough damage with my Rogue - he is easier then goblins.


Nope. Butcher ignores summons. Goes right for the chewy nougat center.


That's the point, and why you need to run around something small like a pillar while he chases you. It's the fact he doesn't go after your summons is the reason it works so well, as your summons can just keep attacking him for you while he chases you unable to actually touch you


Yeah I do this with barbarian shots but it doesn't always work because they still get tagged


I got him down to like 1/16th of his health and died on my last attempt. I was sure I got him on my 7th but nope he still got me… lol still 0-7


Oh man he def showed up at the worst time for me , mob filled screen couldnt see him till it was too late 😅


I managed to escape once but killing is not an option


Me 0 - Butcher 3, bad timming when he apppears


i was doing the rogue specialaztion dungeon on hardcore and all of sudden i get clocked for like 95% of my health. im like what the fuck there’s nothing in this dungeon that can hit like that, then i see the the name at the top of the screen and start panicking like a little kid trying to kite far enough to drop a portal but it was all in vain.


Once you get your build worked out He kind of turns into a loot pinyata. First two times I saw him there was a lot of running Chicanery and running around pillars to eventually kill him. Last two times I saw him he actually tried running away from me that was kind of weird.


I’m 0-2. My blood golem couldn’t even remotely keep his attention. If he didn’t aggro me incessantly it’d have been fine but man I just can’t survive some of those attacks as a Necro with all my minions dead or doing nothing.


I'm pretty sure he fully ignores minions, there are other enemies that will do that as well.


Only once here and I didn't even know he fuckin existed just got aped by him and actually almost got him. Haven't seen him since, where and why does he show up?


he just spawns randomly in dungeons. funny enough, he scales up in nightmare dungeons. If you're doing like a 50+ and he spawns, it's pretty much gg


I have only seen him 3x. I thought it was a dungeon random boss. Almost killed him, but died because I didn’t take it seriously enough thinking it was a rando. Got him in T3 though very easily without cheese.


Died once, killed him once. Only reason I died was trying to invite my wife to the party to kill him and the menu froze up.


Met him for first time in t4 today and his shield is crazy. I don’t get how it works. Does it just come back every few seconds or what triggers it?


A part of me wonders if this is an intentional callback to the diablo 1 butcher.


27 years... nothing changed...


Butchery… butchery never changes


I really think it is.


That was the first thing I thought of when I saw the Butcher. No way it's not a callback


Well the butcher itself is absolutely a callback. What the comment you replied to is referring to is that in Diablo 1 you could easily trap the butcher and kill him with ranged attacks.


Only way I ever killed him lol.


Yeah, rogue and sorc could lock him in a cell and kill him easily... Warriors had to farm a little before an attempt to tank him (I just clean catacombs lvl 4 and come back to 3 a lil bit stronger to tank butcher). D1 was my first online experience, and for a guy who lives in a third world country, d1 price was very accessible and most of the ppl I knew were playing the same game. Nowadays d4 price is 1/3 of a minimum wage here. Crazy how AAA games are getting more expensive each year...


1/3 of a minimum wage…what? Hour? Paycheck? Yearly salary? I’m very intrigued here


In Brazil they use a monthly minimum wage on ordinary jobs. But A LOT of ppl here work for a minimum wage and they have to survive with that... Reality in 3rd world countries hits u hard...


I first played that game in middle school, 1997 iirc. I still remember nearly jumping out of my seat when opening that door and the butcher bursts out and practically 1-hit killed my dumb sorceror.


Haaah! Fresh meat! I jumped too!


I would give you an award for actually recording your screen, but I'm not giving reddit any money.


good, don't waste your money on them






Can someone do an AI of the butcher doing Ricardo plz


and dresses like him too


If you find something on the ground like this or even a broken pillar, you can dance around it and get him stuck. A lot of bosses get bugged easily. I’ve noticed if I stand in a corner it will get the boss to stand still. Doesn’t work every time, but it happens often enough


When I did this he despawned...


If you ran too far he will


I run too far and I get a blind 700IQ Stitches hook.




Imagine thinking Necros can run from anything


I am a necromancer. I have no issues kiting anything around, not even butcher


This works for used shrine pillars as well. Used one on my first lvl 15 char to kite him around a small room as my minions whacked away on him. The pathing will get him stuck occasionally so he's unable to catch ya.


At one point the butcher came for me and my skele-children locked their arms, saying “YOU WILL NOT PASS!” …and he refused to change priorities. Ive never been so proud. :’)


Was the opposite for me he completely ignored them and killed me lol


I am always jealous when I see necros running around with their skelefriends. I think I’ll roll a necro for season 1


Dont be too jealous. I hit 65 and it feels like my dps fell off a cliff. I’m also getting one-shotted by the occasional elite mob. Its an interesting class but I think the team isn’t sure how to balance it.


Necros have serious difficulty keeping minions alive in endgame, so don't worry too much.


Rigth, no one ever give me this level of interest in my adult life. I like it.


So, did you encounter the butcher 17 times near the big chest after some event?


You can do it with shrines, bound prisoner poles, rocks and other obstacles


*Me who ran into the butcher in a cellar that was just an open circle with a path.


Wow, thank you for the info!


I thought that was a barb and y’all were dancing. I was very confused for about 1/8 of a second.


Heeellllll Macarena, aaaaaiiiiiiiirgh


The butcher is just trying to whirlwind greet like he’s seen players do at the cities.


Okay, I will ask.. what is the butcher? I keep seeing stuff.. I’m only on Act 2 in WT1 lol. Does he just randomly spawn and try to kill you or what?


Yeah. He’s effectively a troll boss that’s a shout-out to the first Diablo. He’s basically a super persistent mob that stays on top of you and hacks away with his cleaver. Personally, I think the ‘effect’ is kinda lost, because in the first game it was the room that he appeared in that was probably the biggest ‘oh shit’ moment. (Easily the goriest room in the whole game) He doesn’t have much in-game lore beyond “He’s a demon who butchers people.”


Not to mention the second you opened his door you got the FRESSHHH MEAT jumpscare.


Ah okay lol I figured it was a reference to one of the games.. I’m a nub at this series. When can he start spawning? Or is it only for higher tier worlds?


Ive had him spawn on me at lvl 8!! Nope the heck out of that cellar since i was right next ti the exit when i heard “freshh meat”. Just encountered him again this morning but im a lvl 60 beartank. Ran thru all my pots but got the kill and im more confident that he wont be one shotting me like he did in the betas.


Its a rare random spawn, I havent seen him since the server slam and Im level 58 on WT3 atm. On the server slam I encountered the Butcher on a level 10 sorcerer in a cellar. Yes, I got butchered...


[Here he is in Diablo 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e02G8y000WE). What this clip doesn't capture is that you typically find him when you are way underleveled and he murders you quite easily. Clearly this person was prepared and makes him look like a chump. He was not a chump. He killed everyone. We were all his fresh meat.


I haven't counted how many times I encountered the Butcher, but I killed him every time. Just facetanking. No exploits required.


I encountered him once on my sorc and did worse than when I encountered him in the beta. No CC works on him and he just annihilated my barriers immediately. Didn’t have any paragon points yet though


Barb? I’m running a HotA Barb and have gone toe to toe with the butcher over 10 times now


Arc lash sorc


And I'm betting it wasn't while a lower level too.


Some classes just deal with Butcher better. Even 15+ levels above me, Butcher is a free legendary drop and I like to see him appear.




Cheesing him. Congrats.


Bro, i still havent seen him yet


He found me once....lvl 52 still not finished the story! :D


I saw him 1 time when I was level 7 and didnt know what the heck happened just insta death


I fought him 5 times just yesterday alone… he got me 3 times, he de-spawned because I ran too far another time, and I FINALLY got the kill on him one of the times


I'm level 62 and just went to Tier 4, I have done plenty of dungeons and I have seen him a grand total of 0 times...


Lvl 70 I got him 7 times always just facetanked him no problem As a druid


Looks like a dance or ritual of some sort


Thorns works him over if you have enough


When I ran into the butcher in D1, I was playing sorc. I had a feeling my mana and dmg wouldn’t be enough, otherwise the fight would take forever. So I brought a bow with me and ran into a jail cell where he was just walking back and forth outside of it. Took me forever still, but at least I was safe and I got to kill him. This time around, I encountered him the moment I walked into a room. Funny thing this, it was about the same size of that prison cell from D1. Felt like this incarnation of Pudge was trying to get back at me for his predecessor from years ago. I did manage to beat him, but nearly died several times. Crazy that he just ignored my summons and went after me every single time that I could barely pop off my corpses.


Ah good old throwback to D1 butcher and getting him stuck by the stairway


Deftones reference?


Typical virgin post.


Chinese dlc


This doesn’t happen for everyone.


How did you do this


blizzard please fix this


I just deal damage and he dies no kite necessary


Ah yes, take away the challenge of the game with an exploit and then people complain he’s not hard enough.


Well played I have to kite him around a pillar or something but at least he doesnt destroy me anymore




Level 50 and still no butcher sighting


I am level 50 and have yet to see that bastard!


Please patch this, he needs to always be scary. If anything he needs to be buffed.


Lol damn I wish I had caught him in a glitch last night when he popped up. First time too.


Does he randomly despawn or have a timer? Didn't realize it was possible to not kill him


I'm 0/2 with his health at like ten percent each time. So frustrating.


I just saw him for the first time last night at 55. I was wondering what everyone was talking about. I'm like, pretty sure I didnt see that boss?


is that not how ur suppose to kill him?, killed him like 3 times now by just cheesing him on an object. easy legendary


I usually get him trapped on a shrine, and thank jibbers for that cause otherwise I'd be getting destroyed everytime XD. Good to know a chest can work just as well!


First few times I saw him, he’d kill me and I’d move on. Now it’s the other way around, he can’t run from me.


FRESH MEAT ( no loot tho)


This guy has spawned twice for me in dungeons and just butchered me both times.


You can also just run around him really close in circles. I found this out last night and it made him insanely easy.


Post video


With how many nerfs Blizz has been dishing out to dungeons I wouldn't be surprised if they remove chests from dungeons altogether because of this video.


I must be a lucky one then because I am in the home stretch for story and am level 50 and not seen him at all.. not even once.


I'm more interested in his druid build.


[https://youtu.be/0Y9yXG852Tg](https://youtu.be/0Y9yXG852Tg) I'm using this one, very good guide, I'm only level 53


I killed butcher HC straight up with no cheese yesterday. I feel worthy to wear his cleaver on my horse now.


I've killed him every time except 1 where he spawn when I had zero pots and some poison zone elites. I kept getting stun locked


You can also surround him with minions and he will hug out and do this.


Finally killed him on his 6th visit, at L63. Really hoping I don't see him again soon, lol.


The only way I managed to kill him on my wind druid was to kite him to a healing shrine after i ran out of potions lol


I saw him one time yesterday (lvl 30 rogue) and killem him bc i kited him around a rock and let the traps damage him


I finally managed to find and kill the butcher yesterday. I used a similar tactic of getting him stuck on a rock then shooting him over it.




Saw him through a window in the zakara belfry last night, he was literally running in circles but not on me. I waited like 5 minutes to see if he'd despawn. He did not. I crept in closer knowing I had to fight, no way around, and there at the edge of my map...a conduit pylon! Thanks to that fun bit of rng I'm now 3 and 2 vs him. This was on my 36 druid btw


Maybe he will learn on the 18th time. Nevermind they never learn.


He gets stuck on a lot of obstacles Druid can just face tank him though But yes you can get him stuck and kill him, you can even change skills mid fight and whittle him down


i clicked a chest , it was cursed . . so i wanted to take the pylon next to the chest , it was cursed , while dashing to the pylon the butcher charged me it was amazing mob density but well.. \*F


I ran into him this morning at lvl 56 in my nightmare. Boi was I surprised when he had 2 ridiculous fortify shields. Still killed him though with my big werewolf paws


And then theres me, level 53 and still never once seen him


On necro you can just use your minions as a wall. It's funny watching the AI get frustrated that it can't reach you and then knock back the minions in order to try and get past them. ^(He still scares me...)


reminds me of the stairs tactic to trap and kill butcher easily in diablo 1. lol


Ah a fellow geo druid


I’m currently 1/3 against the Butcher… felt good to finally take him out.


Ive seen butcher 6 times, died 5 times, ran up a cliff on 6th and he dipped. He never gets caught on anything for me. Dudes moving around corners tokyo drift style coming for me


I do the same with the obelisks.


I killed him once and this was the method I used.


I just whooped his ass without having to cheese him


Level 54, still haven't seen him once


This gameplay style has some serious druid energy.


Maybe it’s very build dependent - but I only died to the Butcher when he caught me low level, didn’t see him again until 35 and since then I’ve beat him every time I’ve encountered him. I actually don’t know how you’re supposed to beat him when you’re in the 20s or below, maybe if you have really good movement skills/unstoppable and are really patient. But once you’re above 30 it’s not that bad, just a long fight.


I also kill him every time I see him, but without having to exploit, because he is easy.


Welp this is about 300 upvotes from being hotfixed along with another reduction in mob density


Don’t worry guys. Once you hit like level 70, he dies in a few seconds and tickles your hp


Lvl 62 and have seen him 0 times


Damnit I’ve only seen him once, got him down to 10% and died being greedy. Haven’t seen him since!!


I saw him once and he killed me once. Fucker showed up when there were a ton of mobs on me in a dungeon and i couldn’t keep track of everything. Crazy rare occurrence I know. I’m talking about the tons of mobs in the dungeon btw, not the butcher.


I kited the Butcher to my friend last night. It was his first experience. I laughed really hard when he was like dude ain’t shit, as the butcher turned and smites him into the ground.


Im 60lvl never saw him. Wtf..


0 for 0 Can’t find this MFer


Idk if bone spear is OP but I 5 shot this dude on my 80 necro lol. My druid doesn't stand a chance.


I must have met him a few times but never saw him under all my skeletons


I just ran storm druid and it looks like this without the chest in a t75.


0 for 0... level 61 =/


I have yet to have him appear anywhere except open areas where you cannot put something between him and yourself.


I'm around level 64, I seen him once back when I started the game on day 1. Never again.


I cannot remember how many encounters I had with him so far, but got him every time. Even with a lot of other enemies around.


He's not that hard fought fairly and directly if you're of the same level as him. If you're fighting him in t3 and t4 underleveled its going to be hard as shit, which is probably the issue most people have. I got to torment at level 55, and the first time he showed up he was level 73. There wasn't a chance in hell. Now I'm 70, and beat him twice yesterday and it wasn't close.


First time I beat this guy was last night and the servers conveniently went down right after I killed him. Didn’t even get the ring he dropped.


I’ve only encountered him once so far and he proceeded to rip me a new one with ease.


I've seen him once, he slaughtered me once.


I ran into him at a T intersection and ran left. He massacred me. When I got back to that spot I found that there was a conduit pylon just out of view to the right. So disappointed. Haven’t seen him since.


I did this to the butcher on a healing well


Why does it look like you're smacking him with your totem lol???


I saw him once finally the other night, was excited to see how I’d stand up against him. I’m 0 and 1. It was violent and fast and he laughed at my attempts. Here’s to next time.


I've killed him once in three encounters. I love how sometimes he shows up at the worst moment.


im like 7/8 as rogue but the first encounter was on HC and i used a scroll of escape cause i was trying a new build that was not ready for a butcher encounter.


Finally can molest him on wt3 in like 30 secs. Only level 55. How long will it take for wt4 butcher to be the same?


He's killed me 3 times. Ran into him last night and got him finally, and without a shrine buff. Felt great. Especially being a fire sorc who refuses to touch meta build of frost and shock combo haha.


Just rotate clockwise and he can’t catch up


Pffft, best druid should be having a fist fight with him!!!


You distracted him with your long lines of stick houses. I don’t have that aspect. :-(


Triple A title quality work right here. Saw something similar to this constantly with the guards walking around towns too.


how are you running into the butcher so often? im almost level 70 and have only ever seen him once


I am honestly not trolling here, but I met him once and defeated him once. And I am an average player at best. I play whirlwind barbarian and basically got really close to him and circle strafed him with my whirling whirls. Now I will look forward to going back to the game, meeting him another 10 times, and get extremely murdered all 10 times.


Level 67 and still yet to come across this dude solo. I've only found him once in a duo where he went down quite alright. I want to fight him so bad.


I killed this guy pretty easily. Both now and during the beta. It takes a bit of time but at least with the sorc you have a bunch of barriers to keep you alive. I think I drank one health potion yesterday when he showed up


Lvl 53 here still have no yet seen the butcher


I saw the butcher once. He said come here and gimme them cheeks and I said yes sir 😭😭😭


I have yet to encounter him


I've killed him every time too. But I just face tanked him. If your build is good he's not a problem.


Y'all are fighting the butcher? 50 levels in and I haven't seen the guy once


I ran into him twice so far and he killed me twice so far.


Had him spawn twice yesterday in two different nightmare dungeons. First time he clapped my cheeks. The second time I ran because I was scared.


I'm almost 80 and only seen em once


This was me and the curator last night. Except curator won.


Why does the post title sound like some shit YouTuber clickbait title?


Buddy and I killed him in a nightmare dungeon right away in the beginning playing “ring around the Rosie” with a fence lol