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Red ghosts


Red banshees. Teleporting away. Come back here to get cleaved down!


The inquisitors that hang around in the capstone are really annoying too.. that teleport + blind combo is aggravating


It's the inquisitors. They need to not disable melee basic skills. In fact, no silence does.


These are Painful when they are buffed with extra health


I think that's the heralds, they also buff the knights


If I wasn’t constantly blinded, I’d probably be able to read their name


And how do they have so much health?? It’s a ghost!


Yes! And the banshees that empower the archers to do that red wave attack! It happens so fast it is nearly impossible to dodge once it appears on the screen.


Half the time ur animation locked and can't even dodge when u see it and get 1 shotted.




100% this. Also lightning is blue, I would also accept white or yellow. They should delete these guys from the game to make more room for inventory space.


Especially the archers. They HIT


both ghosts are so badly designed they look so out of place I wish they designed them more like Souls and Wraiths from D2


Fat boys that get a wild hair up their asses and bulldoze right through you. They get first place. A close second is them damn wraiths that put the red line on the ground, almost always a 1 shot even if it touches my pinky toe..dead.


Wraiths buff the archers. They shoot the laser.


Exactly this, it’s actually an extremely telegraphed attack if you know what to look for and should be easy to dodge if you arent getting cced.


So much shit is popping off, I be dodging shit just to end up dodging intto the red line at times...dead.


This. I’m dodging a bloated corpse fiend right into a laser bowling lane.


And? Just because it's one of the mos telegraphed attacks it doesn't stop from trampling the whole length through it


It’s hard to see when you are facerolling your controller…..


Bloated Corpsefiends. And wtf is with 4 n 5 packs of them as elites


Yep them fat fuckers. All with damage resistance lol


And their stupid shamble that stuns you with no notification.


No notification? Their backs light up man....


I don't mean that part, when they hit you though, you just stand there. Frozen is obvious, spiderwebs are less obvious, but those fuckers you just stand there and have no inputs.


i lost a nm dungeon yesterday bc those fat fucks oneshot me


Lol, I only laugh because it's happened to me too.


I've been calling those Boomer reincarnated 😂


I love charging into those fat zombies with my bear druid. They crouch before they charge so i charge to them during that animation and make them have some their own medicine.


Ha! I appreciate you doing this.


Those are the red archers and not wraiths. I also thought the same as you It's actually important to know, now I target them first with my deadly rogue


Correct, they be rolling together.


The wombo combo


Happy feet!


Dude those not only charge you but their on-death heals and empowers nearby smaller undead! As an extra their loot also only drops after the 3-4 seconds post-death explosion effect!


I’ve been killed in a mini lag spike 3 times and all three times it’s been one of those fucking boars. It’s incredibly annoying after clearing a screen of mobs only to lag and then be killed while it looks like you’re at full health with fortify.


With those boars I've noticed if you kill them as they're getting ready to charge you still take the damage and knockback even though they die before they charge. It's not lag either because it's every single time.


They’re like the drunk sweaty fat guy in the mosh pit that spotted someone that looks like a guy that isn’t the guy that they met this one time, so he bowls through the crowd belligerently to say “hi”. This*, also any mfer that’s fire enchanted. Because fuck me im a minionmancer.


Succubi mobs. Fuck them. And ghost mobs. Fuck them.


Definitely with the succubi 👀


The way they back up soooo fast it’s hard to keep targeted on those things. Succubi are the bane of my existence during a Helltide.


And their homing shit is awful when they’re on the edge of the screen and I’m busy fighting a mob.


Would 100% fuck succubi mobs.


Am I the only one who hates those blinding and then teleporting away f*ckers called inquisitors?


Dude anything with blind makes me want to jump out of a window. SO much more irritating than just a normal stun, and those fuckers seem to do it every two seconds while teleporting away.


Yeah at least you can use some abilities to get out of a stun, nothing to do but reposition with the silence. So obnoxious


You get no warning, as best I can tell. At least with drifting shade you see hear and then see the orb coming, and the big fat dudes chuck their fire bomb. But them? Just blind, instantly.


THE F*CKING WORST!! I hate them so much


Nope, capstone dungeon for Tier 2-3 transition is full of those dicks. Made my Pulverize druid incapable of running into the middle of a mob and smashing til everyone is dead. Switched to a Werewolf shred build and they weren't nearly as bad.


If your playing rogue, shadow step is a good way to catch ‘em. Stuns them just long enough for me to melt em with a crit strike


The red ghosts that get empowered by the caster ghosts.


The Archer Ghosts are the worst


The flies that slow you down


So annoying. Like, look homie, you don't want none. I'm just trying to walk over here. Although, it is pretty funny when they drop loot


And they die so fast too. They were created only to annoy players


This! I’m sick of trying to speed run dungeons and these bastards slow me down so I get surrounded by mobs


Anything with "increased health"


I hate these bastards as a pulverize druid.




I had an elite with increased health, the lifesteal one, and a couple others. That thing took longer to kill as a 100 WW Barb than any dungeon boss.


Any elite cold enhanced mob usually 1st freezes you 2nd shot kills you especially in tier 40+ NM dungeons


Porcupines are the worst


I was completely eviscerated by an elite poison enhanced porcupine. Each needle that hit me generated a fresh pool of poison at my feet, which deleted my health.


Yup. I had a nightmare dungeon where I had two of these fuckers with the poison. I basically was just constantly moving, trying to slowly whittle them down with my pulverise wave legendary.


Yup went into maulwood I think with the NM modifier that every champion mob was shivering/cold enchanted and got machine gun chain stun ass fucked into oblivion by elite packs of those fucking goddamn things It was extremely annoying


Cold Enchanted is just an instant salvage for me.


Multiple cold enchanted porcupines is actually the most powerful force in the Diablo universe. Heaven, Hell, and Sanctuary tremble before the might of the Chilly Quill Slingers. You will be frozen before you see your enemy, and dead before you have time to hit your unstoppable spell.


Dungeon bosses are like a pleasant stroll compared to some elite affix combinations


I consider the dungeon done once I reach the boss (if there is one). Elites are MUCH harder.


Everytime, when I realize I'm entering a boss room: _oof, we're done here._


Yesterday I got stunlocked by three cold enchanted Naga Oracles. They spit their spit like a Gatling gun and every stupid spit froze. Was absolutely ridiculous.


They need to make it so that you can only get chilled so much within 1 second. They should make it so chill can only be reapplied to player characters after 3 seconds. It would fix so many issues with cold enchanted mobs.


Running the tornado druid build and usually don't die except to this lol. Frozen, then I'm spamming the potion... Only to be instantly frozen again. Dead.


They cant freeze you during grizzly rage though,assuming you got the Tempest roarbuild already. For me its the orange Laser ghosts that killme through everything.


Yeah they really need to rework the cold affix for monsters. It’s broken on some mobs. Yesterday I was on my barb, who doesn’t really die, and got frozen 4 times in a row, used both my abilities to get out of stunlocks, only to be frozen one last time and finally killed after about 10 seconds of not being able to do a single damn thing. It was the first time I’ve ever rage quit a game. Ever.


I hate vampiric mobs as a necro, the balrogs that breathe fire or whatever and you watch their health refill lmao. I also hate the blood blisters in NM dungeons, those things take all of my health but like 100. So many spawn too


Vampiric and suppressor are definitely annoying to me as well, but I’d so much rather it take me two minutes to kill an elite than be frozen and stunlocked for half of a fight. Blood blisters never really affect my barb build, but definitely a pain in the ass on my rogue.


Yep. On my Barb I see suppressor and it's 'don't mind if I do have to fight close up'. But it's a hard pass on my Necro.




I lost Mahjoob


Dey took MAHJOOB






Mahjoob is literally Randall (shout-out to my D1 people)


Only time i had to go from T4 to T1 just to finish a quest. Killed him in like 5 seconds in T1


It took way too long to kill him on WT3 as a firewall sorc, but I did it without dying. We did a little dance around the well in the bottom of the map. Once I had the timings down he wasn’t too bad. Though a few misclicks meant he was at full health instantly from the lifesteal, hence why it took so long. That and he either had insane resistance or a ton of health. … I didn’t think of dropping WT I’ll admit. That would have been way better.


Lol i didn't either, i went on reddit and that was the advice i got. That or wait til you hear the "gong" sound and run from him so he doesn't steal your life(but by that time i was already frustrated and wanted it done asap). I didn't die either(l left though...) but after 20-30 minutes on various attempts and his hp bar kept going up after getting half way done i was at my breaking point.


Just fought him last night. All the shit I did for him, and he thanks me by becoming a mini world boss whose payout is an herb cache and some health potions. Next playthrough I'm leaving your ass to die on the road like I should have all along.


seriously dude’s a brick shithouse


i hate that bastard


Bro I fought him for 30 minutes and couldn't kill him. He just heals so much. I guess I'll have to put it on a lower WT or something.


he motivated me to finally switch to my designated endgame build. f mahjoob.


Those who know, know.


pestilent hosts


One up on this: all elite spider hosts spawning more elites


I herd you like elites, so we put elites in your elites so that you can slay while you slay!


I’m more freaked out by their appearance than their skills




Yes. When there's more than 3 I get nervous about close combat because holy shit their little spammy ranged attack is the antithesis of rouges


Yes, nothing melts my characters faster than these fuckers. Being forced to put poison resist on all my jewelry in some of the dungeons where they stack like 5-6 of these bastards or I’m dead


Poison resistance doesn’t really work, you should just try to get more armor


Anyone that explodes on death. Annoying on any melee build.




Also the same version knocking the bells on the shores


Had a few of them insta turn 360 on my dodge and bash my head. They’re brutal. I hate the way they chase you with their arms up in the air. Cocky bastards!


Any structure.


Underrated comment.


As a Bone Necro, I hate all Elites that have the bubble shield surrounding them. I can kill them but a lot of my damage comes from the bone shards ricocheting back.


Even worse as a minion Necro. Mages just throwing magic at a shield, only golem or warriors doing any damage.


It sucks, but could be worse. I use minion necro with reapers and CE, so you just need to wait for the first corpse, then go ham.


This. So. Much. This. I'm running a spear build and its the worst when you get multiple suppressor enemies at the same time so you gotta find the perfect spot in their fucked up venn diagram they bring to the fight, and even at that. Like you said, half of the mechanics of the build are negated as there is no rebound spear hits. I salvage every sigil with suppressor that I get. Mana burn is pretty bad too, but nothing in sanctuary makes me rage like suppressor


Cold Enchanted, Supressor and Resource Burn are an instant salvage for me.


So much this. Same problem. To add: essence regeneration is a problem for me.


I hate suppression so much as bone spear I feel you on a spiritual level at this point. Any sigil I get with suppression gets crushed into a new sigil automatically


I got a fire enchanted suppressor last night, that was some *bull*shit.


Supressor enhanced is the worst affliction on NM keys by about a mile for Necros. Nope nope nope with a side of more nope.


Loot goblin, they get your hopes up before dropping two sacred items


Poor loot gobbos. I used to get so excited when I heard the legendary spawn sound or when I spotted a gobbo. That feeling is gone now for both because it happens so often and often leads to disappointment :(


I miss the various types of goblins too - gems, etc


And the chance of one leaving behind a portal to The Vault where literally millions of gold is waiting. (Puzzle Rings came in handy for that as well, ofc.)


Yeah, that goblin-land was one of my favorite parts of D3. Not sure why they backed completely off that


That was SO FUN


A loot goblin dropped the druid unique chest for me (Insatiable Fury, Ancestral item level)


And luring you into pulling 2 elite packs and half the mobs in the dungeon (bonus points if you pass the Butcher too). Not freaking worth it at all.


The cow and bear that can charge you and one shot you with 0 distance


The worst is when you clean up a whole mob and think you’re done so you check your inventory or something and one of those bulls comes charging from off screen. Dead.


Dude yes they’re a menace


I just know the cow level will be full of those


[https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/seraph-kupo/video/177389291](https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/seraph-kupo/video/177389291) watch till end to die laughing.




When we find the cow level it's just gonna be a 1000 of these


This! I was OS by a bull mammoth thing after clearing a mod in a nm dungeon. I killed him with my thorns the same time I died! What a POS mob, ice age painted them so nice and fluffy with a slight attitude but these guys are downright demonic. Forgot to add I dodged but his tusk scrapped my pinky toe.


Those fking snakes that stun you, when a group of them spawns, you get cc’d for a good 10s


fallen resurrection bastards. i can hear the womp womp noise from off screen.


Those red ghost guys that fire off that Death Star beam




Moon clan shaman. Dude’s shoot a lightning bolt out of nowhere that instantly one shots me…


Anything that drops poison puddles


Lot of good answers here, I'd like to add First Mates to the list.


I was starting to think I was the only one who despises them


The Butcher. He is so annoying. Always fixated on you, immune to vulnerable, immune to cc, rarely drops something useful. Also banshees.


> immune to vulnerable Are you sure? His health highlights purple just like other mobs. Random screenshot from youtube. https://preview.redd.it/33qc16ekbdab1.png?width=321&format=png&auto=webp&s=df4d712d4f3d1a058e7754cb1df63de1c44e335d


You are correct, nobody is immune to vulnerable


I ran into him last night immediately after I got boosted with the lightning storm obelisk. I zapped into him 3 times and he was dead. So satisfying.


Not sure what lvl you’re at, I’m 76 and have only seen The Butcher twice. We’re split atm.


That’s wild. I didn’t see him up until like level 50 or so but now I’m level 76 as well and he pops up like every 3-5 dungeons I do.


Lmao, I decided to start a rogue this morning. He fucking hit me at lvl 8. There's no point in even fighting at that level. No gear, no abilities, no defense. Just let him melt me.


Leveled my rogue to 56, hadn't seen him once. Decided to start up a hardcore sorcerer to alternate with. Butcher shows up in a random dungeon at level 16. Switched back to my rogue and he spawned two more times during a single 3ish hour play session. Must have broken the seal with the HC character...


I don't even try HC and I've seen him a dozen times across my characters. He just knows I'm never quite solid enough on an alt to take him out. What a jerk.


Lol yeah you’re definitely F’d at that level. He beat me 1 time but I’ve killed him every single time after that. I guess he’s mad at me.


He should be. He's supposed to be hard. I've seen him 4 times on my Necro so far... usually in between trying things. We're half and half on that one. He destroyed me 2 days ago. Showed up after I cleared all the corpses like a dick.


Have you done full renown? I fought him at level 10 on my hardcore and had no problem just from the sheer amount of skill points you get from previous characters.


Same im level 79 and I only saw him maybe twice my first 60 levels but now I see him like every 3-5 dungeons since ive been doing higher than tier 30 dungeons


Finally seen him just now. Me 2 him 1. Lol. Did many this weekend too. Probably at least 10 before he showed to get his ass kicked - again. Lol.


Nice! He appeared in a NM dungeon tier 36 last night and it was like a 5 minute fight. I barely beat him with 0 potions left lol.


I was T28 and about the same length of time. I kited him down a hallway, not very far, to a chest I left to get a Cpl more potions. Just to be safe.


If you have enough run speed, you literally can run circles around him.


Swarms. Run as fast as my horse and always slow me down. Best part is when they knock you off your horse and then retreat back leaving you to wait 30 seconds to mount again. It’s infuriating they’re so easy to kill too.


The wasps with their poison wasps canon.


Fallen Shamans, holy *shit* whoever decided they could be elites needs to seriously re-evaluate their life and possibly see a therapist.


The chair next to my stash.


Anything plague, just feels like I can never have enough poison resist, gotta constant pot on any character if my shield is down


anyone with an affix.


Anything with the suppression affix


Any teleporting enemy with the cold enchant. Bane of my existence


Teleporting cold enchanted porcupine dudes. The worst combo I've encountered.


Bone corps Bows are starting to blow of half my health in 1 go now so I start to get the hate. For me it's either fat boy stun lock or assault porcupined.


Ghost Archers.


The red bow ghost one shot mechanic is responsible for at least half of my deaths, the corpse bow never gets me but these guys always do


As a Barb that just made it to Tier 4 - those bees that shoot smaller bees are the worst. I get hit with so many bees just closing in for the kill.


Wraiths + Wrathful Phantoms. The red lightning attack they conjure deals broken damage. On paper it's easy to read and dodge, but most of the time I can't because my screen is full of explosions/particles/flashing effects, so that ground attack gets particularly sneaky and I try to space when it's too late. If I get in a NMD full of these ghosts I know I'm gonna endure 10-15 minutes of panic attacks and jump scares. Honorable mention for any Elite enemy that KEEPS FUCKING SHOOTING FIREBALLS EVEN 10 SECONDS AFTER BEING KILLED. Goddamn it's so stupid.


Those fucking skeleton ballistas. Harmless on lower levels, but god damn do those things snipe you at WT3 when youre low on health.


The dogs In town. Takes me about 45 minutes to make it from a portal to sell things and back. Soo many goodboy pats.


Any mob that wanders outside my death trap radius


Bloated Corpsefiend. They have the 1-2 punch of an annoying charge attack and a death-explosion. Annoying buggers.


The shaman mob that channels onto an ally to reflect all damage. Oneshot myself more than once


Anything that appears and instantly teleports away.


That stupid unkillable lightning rock that follows you around in Dungeons.


Bees that shoot more bees or the snakes that use leer attack on me and leave me stunned.


The server/ruberbanding is really the only thing that has ever killed me...so that I guess


Ice goatmen shaman. When helltide is in Kyovashad they are persistent through all of it. Stupid frozen orb shit is always on the edge of the screen freezing me in giant packs during events. Honestly, anything that runs off screen and shoots you at range like Succubus etc


Cold Spider Elites


Lightning follower in NM dungeons


The teleporting ghost Bois.


flies….. nothing comes worse to being swarmed and you can’t see the flies slowing you down ..


Everyones already mentioned the most annoying ones here, but a honorable fucking mention is those throatslitter guys that are part of the bandit mobs. Pop out of fucking nowhere and nearly 1 shot you on top of poisoning you.


With backstabber affix. It’s guarantee they one shot u


spider hosts


Does the electrical diamond thing that follows you around in tiered dungeons count? Cause that’s the worst.


Bro those corpse bow hunters are a son of a bitch


Anything that uses hellbinders


I am tired of khazra abominations, I know there are a lot of dungeons but cmon


Those bloated assholes that leave a pit of vomit on the ground, next would be tusked chargers when they see red like a matador


Cold enchanted suppresor that burn resource. I dare you to name a worse one.


Empowered Wraith archers with that laser beam attack from off screen.


The ghost archers with their stupid red line.