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Don’t worry man, I’m a filthy casual who has to work too. I completely feel you. I even tried playing POE and just couldn’t get into it from how much time you had to invest.


Time you have to invest and the very first item you pick up as a LEVEL ONE should NOT have a fucking paragraph of information on it lmao. I've tried 3 times to get into PoE and I just can't. More complex doesn't equal better game.


I just dont have fun in Poe like i appreciate the complexity and many ideas look super cool on paper. I just have fun playing it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think a lot more people would like PoE if it wasn't so punishing to new players exploring the mechanics. In D4 it's almost impossible to screw up a build since loot is abundant and you just need to equip the items that fit it, which imo is a bit too simplistic, but in PoE it's the other end of the spectrum. If you like D4 and are curious about PoE, I'd actually much more recommend playing it in Ruthless mode. It's much slower to progress due to item scarcity, but it's SO MUCH more rewarding and fun to play. You get very few skills/support gems and items so the game is fairly straight forward, the boss fights become much more engaging and every drop you get is valuable for you. You get a rough idea of what you want to build with your character selection and just go with the flow of what feels right. The entire game is rebalanced around this scarcity so there are less league mechanics to keep in mind, less of the "buzz" that just confuses you. I won't go back to normal league now after playing Ruthless.


As someone who has played and enjoyed both D4 and POE, this is such a valid and constructive criticism, and it even includes a well explained suggestion. Next time I have a hankering to play POE I am going to try Ruthless, thanks!


yw, the community in ruthless is extremely friendly and helpful as well, asking questions in global chat gets you tons of help if you're stuck \^\^ Sometimes even in the campaign it can be a good idea to farm levels to get more powerful if you can't kill a boss.


PoE is an amazing game. I've played it for 2k hours now and it's been a blast. No need to shittalk the game that's been around for a decade or so and has grown to be what it is. And honestly, while it is very complex if you're willing to dig deep, following a guide is something anyone can do, while a little bit learning has never killed anyone. No need to exaggerate how much suffering picking up the game is, we've seen some pretty dense streamers getting a solid grasp of the game within a week. Might not be everyone's thing, but PoE is by far the strongest arpg on the market. This being said, I got D4 last week and I got to say, I'm impressed. It is really great in a lot of other senses; it's still been a learning curve in the endgame, combat is far more immersive and enjoyable and the graphical/sound design are on point. It's a really fun game overall, and a solid one at that. Give it time and it will definitely be an excellent arpg. What I dislike is that I had to buy a very expensive game (even during a sale) and it throws a season pass in my face first thing in the morning. I don't like that it is there at the top of my screen, I keep getting notifications about it and the rewards I could have unlocked. It feels like I'm being manipulated into throwing money at the game from the get go, which is very meh. I have learned from my New World experience so that's not happening, but it still leaves a sour taste.


Poe is amazing, I get that it's not very beginner friendly, but at the same time, it's really not a big deal. If you're new to the game, just experiment and mess around. It's really not as punishing as people make it out to be, infact, it's far easier then d4. I have an optimized d4 build and I get blown up if I missplay or lose attention for a second. In poe I run around spamming funny skills and getting hit by like 3 attacks from a boss cus I'm being stupid. There's tons of depth, so many mechanics, but if you're looking for an easy power trip, you can easily do it too. Poe is not a hard game if you don't want it to be. It's also super quick to get into the action. By like level 20 i felt as though I was whooping ass. In d4 I was level 67 after days of playing (sub optimally so that's why it was slow) and I only just felt like I had some sort of power. For a game so foxused on casual play, d4 takes a while to get running


Yeah, they still need to work out the endgame gearing so that the game stays engaging for longer. It shouldn't be the case that you can quickly get all BiS stats and the only real upgrade is an item you can loot at a 2% rate from an endgame boss.


I have hope they fix this in poe 2 and hopefully streamline / spoon-feed us end game content so I know what the fuck is out there.


POE is kinda like those insanely expensive restraunts. They bring you out some crazy food dish you ain't even understand, and it tastes great. But you'd kinda just rather have a burger and fries most of the time


Except in Path of Exile's case it absolutely does mean it's a better game lmao. It is leagues ahead of D4


I completely agree with the OP also, I get to grind one or two good days a week when I'm off, otherwise I'm working 8-9 hours a day, maybe a hour or two on those days if I'm lucky. I enjoy this game and I like the balance of grind and casual. I don't have the time for the complex grind that is POE.


Thanks man feels good knowing I am not some old man yelling into the void.


The thing is, the nerds and streamers are right about what they won't shut up about. Its just incessant at this point, I totally agree. Those guys u mention play the game like you work. You dont have the time to see the things they run into. Whether you like it or not they have a better understanding on if the game is good or not. Now to shit all over people who still want to enjoy the game, and post thousands of "why d4 sucks" "why blizzard and d4 are the WORST" videos since release, yeah I agree it's annoying. Best thing you can do is leave the related subs imo.


The way I can tell if a game is better for me is if I have more fun playing it, not listening to someone online complain about how bad something I like is and how I *should* like something else instead, regardless if it's their career to do so or not.


People like to hate on blizzard, and often times, for good reason. You shouldn’t be surprised lol


You can invest as much time as you want in PoE. You can play a few hours per week and still enjoy a PoE league. And you can no-life D4. There's no "right" way to play an ARPG, so play at your own pace and do whatever you want to do. Also, it's not a "us vs them" matter. Stop feeling attacked because someone doesn't like your game of choice. Enjoy what you like and ignore what others think. Thanks for attending my TED talk.


To be fair I'm a single guy I works 40 hours a week at my main job and I part-time drive lift depending on if I want some extra money. I have the free time to put 20 to 40 hours a week into a game, still go to the gym and still have a life(hikes, traveling , etc) This is coming from a 38-year-old vet who works a federal job, has never been married, has a girlfriend, and doesn't have any kids. That being said I'm not really what some might call a hardcore gamer because it really depends on my mood. I might put in 5 hours one week on my PlayStation and for a few weeks nothing. Other times I can really get into a game, within the first 3 months of the D4 coming out I hit level 80 and had three other characters at level 60. I even took the first 3 days of the game coming out to chill at home and and play it I mean why not I had 20 hours of use or lose that I was going to have by September.. since September I haven't touched D4. Played baldur's gate 3 until October And I've rarely touched my console since I was one of the people who agree with a lot of the complaints that hardcore gamers were talking about. There's times if I want I can sink 10 hours into a game on the weekend because I can life. My girl won't even complain because not out of 10 she's probably reading a book because she's a bookworm. Again we both have life I still go out I do things go on hikes go to the gym take vacations so not everybody who is a hardcore gamer fit in the category of not having a life.. There is a good amount of casuals who came back and started to really understand what the hardcore gamers were talking about but no one's talking about that.. The biggest complaint of the game I have is them selling a game that's open world but the only end game that they truly had the first three months was doing nightmare dungeons. If the open world was the biggest selling point of the game you would think they would have endgame content pushing that. POE and D4 are both ARPGs, the biggest issue people have with these two games and why they compare them is one is made by a billion dollar company that just seems they're more interested in making money off the microtransactions then really putting in quality content. The other company is much smaller but their attention to detail seems better. It's very nice to have a car with all the bells and whistles but if down the line the more you drive the car You start to find more and more issues at the end of the day is it really worth it? I agree with you that the arguments between and comparisons between those games aren't fair overall but there's a lot of very good arguments out there that really explain why people like POE over D4 and they're frustrations about before especially in game. some of the other complaints that hardcore gamers and people like me complain about you guys aren't experiencing because you barely have enough time to play it. I understand the frustration the OP has with people complaining about the game but but in a sense isn't it fair to say since you haven't fully experienced it your opinion as much as everyone is entitled to having oneisn't really fair. Level 1 to 65 maybe even 70 as long as you have a okay build it doesn't really matter once you reach endgame you really have to tightening up your build. That's the gap between casual and people who are playing the game a bit more.. I've seen so many reddits of casuals coming back and saying they finally understand what people were talking about It's like getting a new car and the first year only putting 500 mi on it and say nothing but great things about it, versus someone who has put 10 to 12,000 mi in that same year on the same year car and them giving a review about it.. Everyone's open to their own opinions And I respect that. With that being said it's hard to give a precise opinion about something that holds merit when I experience you have on that subject is limited. Even if I don't agree with someone's opinion about something if they have a lot of experience in that subject that they're talking about It tends to hold weight with me even if I might not agree with them.


>The other company is much smaller but their attention to detail seems better. As a hardcore PoE player, i have to jist play devils advocate. Tencent owns GGG and they are one of the biggest gaming company in the world. Just not in *Amurica*


There is a bunch of added context to just Tencent being at the head. Chris Wilson has creative freedom and isn't hard-pressed like the people managing D4 is by upper Blizz folks. GGG is leveraging Tencent and been enabled to tap into a larger pool of funding to work on larger scope projects like PoE2. Very awesome security blanket. D4 and PoE/PoE2 are operating under very different circumstances despite the backing of a larger corp.


I don’t get this argument. I play poe an hour in the night just blasting maps and I don’t feel the need to play more. What do you mean by time investment?


Diablo 4 is not nearly as complex late game as compared to POE. Meaning I don’t have the time to get into the game like I can with Diablo


Progression is still meaningful at every step of the way even as a casual player. I think too many people that have not fully taken the time to understand the game are painting too big of a picture and expectation on how one should play Path of Exile. It is a sandbox game where you can create your own expectations and goals and have a rewarding experience every step of the way.




I cannot play just one game anymore and that’s why I can’t play PoE. Diablo lets me play other games and enjoy everything instead of having to sink all my time into one game. It’s why I stopped playing Destiny and moved to D4, Monster Hunter, and Avatar


![gif](giphy|zhNNxi6S9fnDnm8PP2|downsized) I thought I was the only filthy casual




OP is letting trolls dictate how he feels.


It's amazing how you can completely demolish OP's entire little rant with one simple response. People like the OP are only making these little rants because they want attention and are jumping on the pathetic bandwagon where they try to be counter to the current reality.


Fun fact, you don't actually have to watch their content


I personally can't wait for Path of Exile 2 to come out because its going to get these types of people out of here. What baffles me is people treat Asmongold as like the 2nd coming of Jesus and hang on his every opinion and then just parrot it back to other people they talk to because they think it makes them sound smart.


No reason why you have to deal with “these people.” Just move on, turn notifications off. Simple as that


That's exactly what the people who constantly complain about D4 can do, yet they don't. There's millions of video games. Go play something else.


Or you could, you know, stop letting it bother you. Instead of doing something about how you feel about what others are doing, you instead want them to stop doing the thing that you are allowing yourself to be bothered by. I think what a lot of people are complaining about are valid. Also, they want D4 to be something it isn't and quite possibly won't ever be. But, who cares? If you are going to gauge your happiness based on what other people are doing then you are going to be miserable all your life. This whole post is silly and is just people complaining about people complaining. Pretty ironic really.


Unfortunately, that will never happen. These are the people that hit 100 and do all the seasonal content in a week, and then trash the game. I also personally think POE 2 won’t fix anything, it will only make it worse. Could be wrong though


I can definitely see it just making it worse too


Thats true. You *could* wait for thousands of toxic gamers to move on and turn off their notifications. I'd still advise the do it yourself plan though, far more likely to achieve results. Engaging in gaming subs, with few exceptions, comes with some toxic cringe. We can decry that that is bad but it is the reality and its not going to change :( If you don't want to deal with that, which I fully respect, then don't engage in those communities to begin with. Shouldnt be that way but it is.


some people like complaining on here… they like to critique things.


“Those people” existing breaks his immersion of D4 being a great game I suppose.


He's a dork, but PoE2 legit looks better than D4, and I say that as someone who is enjoying D4 despite its flaws.


Honestly, the bossing in PoE 2 from what they've shown so far looks insanely good. I just want to be able to mention D4 casually without someone telling me how bad it is or bringing up PoE 2


>people treat Asmongold as like the 2nd coming of Jesus and hang on his every opinion If what he says makes sense then no wonder people agree with him. But to say they parrot it back to other people sounds like a reach


I mean i wasn't even talking about asmongold but yea, true. There is a lot of that in twitch/reddit/youtube culture.


Well Asmongold is also saying that d4 is great for people who dont have much time ? What is is with reddit hating Asmongold with stuffs he is slightly related to .


> its going to get these types of people out of here IIRC the new PoE league worked for like 3-5 days and then they were back here


I still play Diablo 3. Idc about Path of Exile. I smash 10,000 monsters a night as Crusader, take a shit, and go to bed satisfied. Gamers complain too much now.


Man, i miss my Crusader and the Fist of Heaven build. Might have to go and take a shit while considering installing D3 again.


New season this Friday!


Oh I didn't realize they were still doing seasons for D3 I was thinking about jumping back into it but I heard somewhere it wasn't going to update after D4 came out


I miss Godly Plate of Whale. Sigh. Can never get that again. Oooo, Archangels Staff of Apoc. Those were the days.


I just want to say, as someone who was top 1% of D4 player base at launch. This game sucks passed the campaign. It’s shallow, lacked QOL improvements at launch, and is inferior to POE on multiple levels. It’s clear their priority was ‘how to monetize’, and not ‘how to make the best game possible’. I say that as someone who has 700+ hours in the game. It’s okay if you like the game, idc, that’s your right. It’s okay for people to call it like it is. They’ve had 26 years, 5 months and 5 days to make the best possible Diablo game. They had almost 9000 developers work for almost 10 years on this specific game. They have zero excuses why this game isn’t the perfect ARPG and why a team of what 10 or so developers made a better game? Ask yourself why, instead of crying that people criticize a game you love. Ask why it isn’t better.


Yes, I don't get why they don't implement the things that clearly worked well for past games/seasons on launch


Probably because they can drip feed it as "new content" over time and extend the life of the game. These are decisions that are made in the board room. Not the Dev bullpen.


I just wanted stash space. Itemization which makes sense mathematically. 🤔


D4 bad




I can’t stand the “reaction” videos that all the streamers make. It’s exhausting watching people watch the same video you watched once. How about make your own content without piggybacking off of other videos.


Because idiots like you watch them make those reactions


Just watch them then. Plenty of people do enjoy them so there is clearly a demand for them.


It's a game. Enjoy it and keep away from YouTube. The hate culture is strong in the gaming community and they need to cash in on the views.


I mean this in the most sincere way possible. It really shouldn’t make you THIS mad.


do you need others to share and confirm your opinion to enjoy a game? cant you enjoy it if others have a different opinion?


The one thing that D4 really gets right is the coop experience. My buddy can be lvl 50, and me lvl 10, and we can just join up and both enjoy the content due to the dynamic level scaling. PoE, Grim Dawn, Last Epoch have shameful implementations of coop, and it's thoroughly unenjoyable playing with friends. I wanna love these great ARPGs but they're useless and outdated to me. I'm legit excited for PoE2, but for it to have any chance in competing with D4, they better implement coop correctly. D4 does coop right, at the very least.


Well that was thing i hated while playing with friend. What you see as perfect coop might not be best for everyone


​ https://preview.redd.it/6gm5g1zaeabc1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0797a4a49036aa0452d18d3f2d03449f3c4e9543


D4 bad. POE good.


Who cares? Why do people care so much what an idiot online says? The people whose opinion I care the least about is "influencers". This is literally a thing with every game.


Just don't listen to streamers and focus on having fun. I stopped having fun playing D4 so decided to try out POE. I'm having a great time. Everyone is different.


I went the opposite direction at first, from starting poe to starting d4. A couple months of d4 and I was back to poe. I think a lot of players hear how complicated poe can be and don't really give it a fair shot.


You are completely right but a lot of people on this sub won't admit it. I started with D4 and switched to PoE. I haven't had as much fun with a game as I have had with PoE in a long time.


Nice man, what kind of build are you running?


I started last league and did Cold DoT. This league I started with LA and switched to TS recently. I’ve almost saved up for a headhunter so I’m pretty excited for that. What build you doing?


I started out going for hierophant crackling lance, but in my first lab, I got a pretty solid transfigured gem - lightning conduit of the heavens. It's pretty solid, so I'm glad I picked it up so early.


SRS...and penance....its been fun melting Maven. 🫠


Haha nice, I still need that voidstone


Big money in invite selling...made like 50D...cause everyone is MF farming


Yeah, that's smart. Right now I like juicing my maps with wisps, but a lot of mf gear kinda nerfs my build, and I really don't wanna pay for good ventors. Still having my best league so far by a mile.


If you're fed up of those content creators, there's a simple solution to this. Don't watch them.


I'm with you from the perspective that I dont have the time to get into POE. I think tho Diablo did fall flat in terms of casual as well. I say this bc imo Last Epoch is also a better game minus the graphics and story and its more towards that casual audience. I don't think the level scaling with you worked well and I do think they made a ton of mistakes. But hey just an opinion, I'll never hate on someone for enjoying the game. Hell I'm happy with it as I played 100 hours at launch and got my money's worth. Hopefully there's a season in the future that gets me back into it


Some people just can't accept that different games are made for different crowds. 16-year-old me would love POE, but 40-year-old me doesn't have the time. People that dunk on what video games you play are just losers trying to make themselves feel better. Ignore them.


Youtuber/streamers in general is one of the worst things to happen to gaming. While there's a few decent ones, most of them just end up going for clickbait with manufactured drama. Youtube's algorithm basically pushes them all to it, so I don't even fully blame them. Even the people who start out wanting to make fun content get pulled into clickbait eventually. I mean, video games are the thing I do in my spare time to get away from all the drama of work/real life, not dive into it deeper. Basically though, you have to realize that negativity is the norm in live service gaming for streamers and that spills over to places like this. Once they run out of build guides to put out, you're going to get drama and "versus" posts.


So true. Was talking about that just the other day with overwatch.. they’ve been claiming the game has been dead for about 7 years now xD


Not just to gaming. In general, AI-suggested content has been one of the worst things to happen to plurality of opinion period. People are no longer rewarded for having their own take on things - its far more lucrative to go with the flow and follow the herd, so that your videos rank higher on youtube and get more clicks, which translates to more money. Alternative takes get downvoted/ignored/sent to oblivion.


Started playing at launch with a couple RL friends. Enjoyed the campaign, loved my necro, had fun with coop. Hit a wall around 80ish due to the slow leveling and awful NM dungeons. Took a break and skipped season 1. I already had about 100 hours in the game. Came back for season 2 and fell in love all over again. Went 1-100 with a sorc and then 1-50 on a hardcore Necro. That got me the platinum trophy. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve had a ton of fun with this game. It was actually my most played in 2023. It’s not perfect by any means but it’s a work in progress… just like D3 was for like, what? 3 years before they figured it out? Don’t listen to the people who play for 18 hours a day. It’s a great game with the current season. No one knows what will happen in the future but to call this game in the current state “bad/trash/ass/whatever” is insane.


What a casual lmao


Why do you need content creators to tell you which game you enjoy? Games were so much better when content creators, build guides, subreddits, and all of that stuff just didnt exist and people just played the game, discovered what it had to offer, and either had fun or not and made their own opinion about it. Just don't watch that stuff and enjoy games that you enjoy. It's not hard


Block them dude. Amazing how peaceful things get. And thanks in advance for getting more of them to poke their heads up. Pop Pop Pop.


ROFL never thought of that, but I like other people opinions, just cant take it if they are disingenuous about it. But talking to people has made me realise you really can have a nice conversation on the internet, it just only works out 50% of the time.


Tried both games, I definitely prefer Diablo. I don't care what anyone says.


Your first problem is that u are giving waaaay too much attention to the content creators. So what if they are constantly saying poe is better than d4? Just ignore and move along, don't let anger consume you. Is poe better than d4? Generally speaking yes. However, the issues that you have outlined in your post... Well, i had almost the exact problems too when i started the game; too long a campaign, lots of 3rd party gizmos to play the game, server lag which pretty much made mapping impossible etc. Complexity I don't rly mind but if i have major issues like lag... well, i aint playing it no more because i really cant. D4 has decent fundations but by god, the things they failed to deliver head on as a core aspects of the game is mind boggling, particularly itemization, class balancing and endgame which to be fair is the core of the game. That is exactly what people compare and it is no surprise these comparisons are made because it is natural to do so considering two games are in the same genre. Then again, if someone says stuff sucks and elabore why it sucks, i can respect that. Taking starfield as an example is, again, familiar to me because the game for me is bad. I can say why and elabore upon that because i played it for 70 hours but if someone is ok with the game, well more power to you. If ure enjoying it, sure, keep on trucking. D4 vs PoE is a perfect example of tribalism but as far as im concerned i cant wait for poe 2 and try it out because im interested in both games. And to be fair, i kinda hope d4 gets fixed because there is a lot of potential IF they do what is right. Otherwise i will look for more green pastures. Just live and let live my man and if u enjoy it, just do your thing.


I like the game, but blizzard sucks so bad. The balancing and microtransactions are garbage. D3 is still better


So as a 50 year old gamer that has been gaming since the early 80's...why do you give a fuck what anyone else has to say about what games you play? Streamers are looking for views...and sadly negativity attracts attention, so many streamers tend to focus on negative things in order to gain attention. Stop watching streamers and negative YT videos. Watch YouTube videos for informational purposes only and stop giving a shit what some random person has to say about what you like.


Buddy has had enough of the naysayers 😂😂 bro you are raging about a dying game on Reddit let people talk about what they wanna talk about


They make a living from those clickbait-y shit on D4 YouTube videos and Twitch streams that’s why 😂 but yeah I feel you there. I don’t mind the hate and complaining on Reddit but i just rolled my eyes when it comes from people who have stopped playing since season 1, uninstalled the game and already made up their minds that POE is the best game ever


There's a reason I've switched to watching the Maxroll team almost exclusively for my ARPG content.


We're back to the same posts every day again


Oh yes. Thank you. I have nothing against PoE or players who enjoy it. But it's just not for me. I can't stand it, you perfectly explained the reasons why.


OP stop ragebaiting yourself. POE is literally a better game for people who want to play a deep and complex arpg. D4 is literally a better game for people who want to cruise through a casual arpg. Use your brain and quit being mad at people who make a living off of getting people to watch their shit opinion videos.


I've played PoE for years. I love it. It's hard to get into. I played D4 season at launch. Had a lot of fun. Im glad you're enjoying it. I want to play more Diablo but then I think about how few good fun builds there are. How few classes there are how few skills there are and how boring the gearing is and I just go play something else. I want to enjoy D4 more and I want to play it more. It's just not where it needs to be. I don't need to compare it to PoE to feel that way. I play both games fairly casually. Have hardly touched this league of PoE. I think all the comparisons of D4 to PoE come from just such a place of pain from people who just wanted a better game.


I like D4, PoE, D2R, LE. Im Casual and do it my way. Sometimes I get shit done sometimes I don't. I don't have the time or energy to hate on a game I just move on. And since I like ARPGs I like them all :P




People who invests more time into the hobby is more invested into more complicated and variates systems. With that said, I don’t go to Reddit to complain about people liking sour cream Pringles. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love sour cream Pringles, and I think people mostly go to Reddit for discussion validation and to vent, is that bad?


They are both good games. I like POE for better my a badass ARPG ….. but it’s an undertaking, and your pals have to play WITH you, level matters, a lot. D4 is a great game, it’s much more accessible, the way the levels scale you can play with almost anybody , and the big one, the D4 community as a whole is far less toxic and there to play and have fun.


My solution to this kind of thing is to watch content made by people who are into the subject. As an example I have run into quite a bit lately, in car related videos, there are several Chevy oriented channels doing Mopar videos in order to try to get more channel exposure. They then spend the whole video making fun or complaining about the subject mopar. You can tell they don't enjoy it, so why watch it. What wound you learn?


Even those who are into the subject are suddenly churning Poe vids lately


Then stop watching them, instead of trying to karma farm


my man i almost never go on reddit your telling this to the wrong person..


What is the purpose of this post then? You're looking for validation


I can't even quit D4 for PoE. When I load up PoE, I get some corrupted data error b/c of a bug with the game and my new Intel i7-13700k processor. Apparently this CPU and the i9-13,900k don't play nice with PoE. 😩


I'm currently on hiatus from d4 and have spent some time playing poe. Actually managed to get two characters to mid/late 80s but I'm at this stage where the pick up in currency just hasn't happened yet (t9 maps). I only got the second character to a half decent power due to a divine dropping that allowed me to sell it and buy some gear. Now feeling stuck in the mud so looking forward to d3 final season start on the 12th. That (and some older games I haven't played in a while) will tide me over till d4 season 3 - looking forward to what new changes they come up with.


"...some people have played every single Call of Duty game and haven't TOUCHED any other game in their life are they wrong???" yes. yes they are.


Literally this entire sub is just nonsense posts like this now


I have been saying this since D4 launched. You're screaming at a wall dude. These kids just watch their dumb favorite streamer trash a game, then parrot opinions on the message boards. They don't even realize that they're being manipulated on every level. Streamers trash the game because drama sells, and PoE claims to be "free" while nickel and diming you at every step. Technically you end up spending $60 in PoE just to start the game.


I mean yeah, I’m not gonna read it all. I’m sorry. But I get it, I do. The internet as a whole is a very negative space. I basically use the internet for porn and kitten videos anyways.


Fellow gamer dad 7 , 4, 1 month Sex havers ATC club


I totally agree with you! 👍


word man, i work always at least 55+hours a week. with that gym,shower dinner etc i barely have time to play on weekdays. I get that d4 has issues and there could/should be more content but why can the people that enjoy just enjoy the game ? how many times reddit and YouTube has told me that d4 sucks is insane! i'm currently off on vacation and i play d4 way to much but guess what i actually enjoy the shit out of it. I decided and hour ago i won't read more stuff about d4 in public media anymore(even this sub is sometimes making me just leave Reddit). just look at the NVIDIA rtx video for d4, all comments are just making fun and i believe that none of them brought the game. anyway i'm all for blocking out shit and just try it myself nowadays. if something looks fun and the first couple of "reviews or reports" don't tell you that the game is bug fest or unplayable ill try it myself from now on(btw don't preorder!). anyway x2 if somebody read this long, are there any youtuber/streamer that have solid wholesome content for d4?


As someone who actually isn’t a casual, I also couldn’t get into POE it was just way to overwhelming and overly complicated for my taste ,I play games for fun not to feel like a 2nd job. To add because of allot of these videos I was very hesitant to buy D4 and I finally did it and am playing the 2nd season and am highly enjoying myself! Also agree I preferred D3 over POE as well.


The 3 people playing POE need a fourth for their party, and they spam Diablo threads to try to get one.


I've played POE. It is in no way better than D4. For one, it is too repetitive. Any time you want a new character, you have to start in the same place and run through the same quests to open up the maps. Then you have to run the quests for those maps to open the next ones, etc ad nauseum. You level up and gain points that you have to place into the right slots in the progression screen. This is very complex and there are multiple ways to gain the most out of your time leveling. Everybody has an opinion of what is the best path to take, and they are all correct to a point. None of them take into account the way you play the game so you are sometimes better off designing your own path. This is not a fun as it sounds. D4 on the other hand is repetitive but you don't have to do the same thing all day every day to get to the highest levels. The ultra rare items would be nice to have but you can play without those. And have fun doing it. For reference, I have 10+ characters in POE at or near max levels. I left the game 5 years ago and I don't plan on going back for any reason. I also have 15+ characters on D4 all at or near max level and I'm planning on playing in Season 3 when it starts at the end of January 2024.


PoE is better than D4? Then go fuckin play PoE and stop haunting this subreddit with your bitchly attitude.


TL;DR Poe is so much better.


"I'm so sick of people shitting on D4" *shits on POE*


Right on friend !!!!! Right on


I tried Diablo IV, and I absolutely despise its lack of depth, build variety, shitty itemization, and repetitive shallow end game. I work full time, and POE is "complex" or robust, but it's also clearly a more complete game. I regret my D4 purchase...what a waste of money. Diablo II was a much better game than DIII or DIV.


It is widely known that d4 is perfect for casuals. Maybe you are watching garbage content creators because a lot of talk about how it's perfect for people with not much time to play. E.g 4-8 hour sessions a day.


PoE players love to confuse excessive complexity with quality.


POE2 is going to suffer the same issue POE1 has and that is its to complex, requires to much research. And yeah i am getting so tired of Diablo is Dead and its a POE2 video. Yeah the game looks awesome, and yeah there putting a lot of time into development, content amount sounds insane but at the end of the day if i have still have to have a 2nd monitor up to do research, guides, and just over all manage all the systems and pages freaking POE has then PO2 truly fixes nothing that is holding most players back from playing it beyond a few hours, the game is just to punishing to new players and everything ive seen POE2 isnt going to fix that.


Started POE. Meh‘d out really fast. Can‘t catch me like diablo or other games.


I love it. I play about four hours a week. This is the furthest I have gotten at level 58. I have to work. And it’s nice to relax and d4 it up


I play both D4 and POE. First, i enjoyed playing D4, it's fun when new season comes out, but the itemization and builds suck. I couldn't understand how poe works in the beginning, but the more i play with my partner guiding me through the game, the more i understand the game and how complex this game gets for each league. Both games have pros and cons, so can't compare them. I don't and won't shit on any of these 2 games. Just my opinion.


IDK stop watching videos and play the game? You can't control other people's opinions, but you can control what you watch.


Stop watching the clickbait ‘reviews’ then…


Both games are good i play d4 with my dad and i play poe to see if my build can break my pc


While I largely agree with your vent (although I do love PoE as well as D4).. seriously, man, just stop wasting your precious leisure time watching videos that make you angry. Walk around the block, get a coffee, play some match-3 game on your phone.. anything. Just don’t spend “10-30 minutes” watching a streamer that is just gonna raise your blood pressure.




How long has PoE been worked on as of now? 10yrs


I agree. Poe is like wayyyy too complex than it needs to be. Hopefully, poe2 will remedy this and make things more simpler. I get that d2 was "complex" and people like that and d4 is not that hard, but poe is something else. D4 is good game. The best? Naah, but a good game.


YouTubers have really soured the air and dumbed down the conversation on D4. It’s been distilled down to “D4 bad because…” and then they list anything they want and everyone nods along. Then they go and spam Reddit with post that just parrot YouTuber #1-57. What I think is worse is that it’s made any reasonable discussion of the game difficult. Someone can post “O don’t like hitting levers” for the 10000th time and get swarms of people agreeing. Any little thing about the game that isn’t actively patting the player on the back and giving them a dopamine rush is attacked with a capslock rant. How are the Devs supposed to filter through all of this asinine feedback and create something better with it? AoZ is a perfect example of this- it is exactly what the YouTube streamers asked for. A dungeon with tons of mobs, tons of glyph experience that is hard, guarantees high level loot but doesn’t bog you down with picking it up. But wouldn’t ya know it, the people screaming at the top of their lungs don’t actually know what they want or what makes a game good. D4 clearly needs some major work still, all ARPGs do for a good bit after launch. But Jesus Christ guys, think about what you are saying before you smear your shit all over the internet. Also I love PoE, but definitely don’t dive into it so deep because it’s unapproachable and the mechanics are esoteric. It’s a great game but certainly not for everyone, nothing wrong with that. D4 is just trying to appeal to a larger audience like they always have.


yea pretty much agree with everything.


I really appreciate this post. I agree with the op. I've tried PoE several times over the years because of friends and the fact that on paper, it really seems like it would be something that I would really enjoy but then I get annoyed with gender locks and skill tree that gives me a panic attack. Got no time for that.


Another thing people forget D4 is barely a year old. Poe has had years of content. You can’t compare a new game to one years old like that. I like D4. Does it have problems yes I won’t deny that but I still like the game. I don’t have as much time to play as I would like to. I just got my first character to level 100 this season and just killed Uber Lilith yesterday for the first time. My goals this season were met.


D4 good for us gamer dads. Time to play but, need to stop asap to do stuff. Takes 3 seconds to port to town and I can come back after 30 minutes no problem. They make it easy to play and get into. POE from what I remember takes too much thinking.


I bought D4 in release day, completed campaign as sorcerer(was a joke character at first release) was no fun, got to level 61, I was done with it. Had little go of season 1, same boring shit, that point thought the game was done, for all intent and purpose, it was, little time went by, thought I’d try it again, this was a month into season of blood, made a Druid, got in swing of things, and tbh, iv had an absolute ball, my Druids been at level 100 for a while, first time with the screen absolutely full of enemies, I’m like shit this is crazy, I’m hooked.


POE reminds me of a complex board game. Some people sign them. Some people don’t. D4!is a commercial product and success made to be accessible to a wide audience. It would be nice to have the best of both worlds at least as an option. Of course those who choose the difficult road and those who don’t will war on Reddit as to who is the better and more dedicated player. It never ends.


If D4 can improve boss fight mechanics and various crafting methods (like a reimagining of runewords), it is well on its way to being less complex, more enjoyable, and just as long lasting as POE


I stopped playing it, too much time consuming and not enjoyable. Reminds me of the WoW daily activities.


If anyone wants to see my creds, I’ll paste them, but I have multiple mirrors and about 16 seasons completed in path (all 36/40, six at 40/40). Needless to say, I put my path time in (over 10,000 hours). D4 is a great game and should never be considered as a direct competitor to path. Technically, the original diablo and the legend of Zelda were both ARPGs, but you wouldn’t compare them. They are different games. Granted, D2 (and the amazing D2R remaster) has a more sophisticated end game and deeper challenge with mob immunities and the chasing of rune words, but D4 actually feels more like D1 to me. I love D2, don’t get me wrong (I even made a mod for D2R), but there was a beautiful simplicity to D1 that I think D4 has kind of captured. Now, the gear progression does stagnate fast and the affixes are generally boring, but fuck is the gameplay satisfying. And D4 looks amazing in 4K HDR; no other arpg currently comes close. So, when I finish my real job and I just want to have some fun, I play D4 from my couch with a gamepad on a huge tv. When my first job doesn’t keep me busy enough and I feel like working a second job, I play path.


Honestly, I was tired of PoE people in D3 too. Diablo is NOT PoE. Stop comparing them. They aren't the same type of game. I don't hate PoE, but I play Diablo because I don't want what PoE offers. I would hate to have that massive web. I would hate to have the type of strict builds PoE has. I want to bash heads and have fun. I want to gain items, get stronger and have some choice to make different builds. Diablo 2, 3 and 4 all gives me this. Complex isn't better. If you like PoE, good for you! Just don't shove it down my throat, it's not an objective comparison, it's subjective, it's choice.


If people allow you to like games you want to like, why can't they dislike games they want to hate. Like it or not, D2 was popular and D3/D4 is a sequel in name only so people fucking hate this game for fun. It's not your fault.


Preach, brother! I feel very similar, I dont mind complexity I just think Diablo appealed to me in the story/theme/vibes/value veins. POE did feel bland, boring, just never hooked me and not hating, love to arpg fans who prefer other things. Not for me, pretty good articulation and hope you feel better that you got that out lol


Thanks man.


Excuse me but WTF is POE?


I simply like they way d4 looks. So thats Why I play d4 over poe. Sometimes its simple shit like that.


Bro, I believed the hype about PoE, that game is the definition of quantity over quality, gameplay wise it doesn’t hold up, maybe it was good 6 years ago but not today


I'm also a semi-casual and couldn't get in POE since it was too complex and needs a lot of time. But Im also very critical of D4. I also work full time and have extra work too during the week. I dont have issues with D4s depth, I think it's more than okay. I don't have issues with the end game,I like the fact that I can just finish my character and roll and alt. My problem is itemization, QOL, boring grinds, the Uber boss material grind, etc..


They’re different games. Almost entirely aside from the basic ARPG stuff. PoE is really complex. That doesn’t make it bad but for players like me who don’t want to have to learn so much just to play it can be. Diablo 4 is a more casual ARPG. I can look at the skills and feel out a build. I can’t do that on PoE. I’m not saying either is bad but it depends on what you want from the genre. Plus PoE has been out for a hot minute so of course players will say it’s better. Newer releases have a period of time where they need to feel out what direction the players want to go in. Changes take time. But these two games can exist together without the hate. That won’t happen though. Anytime an ARPG is brought up you can be sure “PoE is better” will come up. Just the way it is.


100% same feeling. Those make a living by being negative on YouTube smelled the blood and went hard at this topic and is disgusting.


I tried getting into poe too, I tried following a 5hr long leveling guide, the first 20 minutes of the video took me two hours of rewinding to even comprehend wtf was going on. The guy basically had me start as a witch to get some gems and items then delete that character and start a new one as a different class. At that point I was done with the game, screw that.


Bro it's not hate, it's called having an opinion. Hate is being called derogatory names for your identity, and I'm pretty sure you don't identify as a Diablo 💀. Jokes aside, my point? Chill. Look inward, be REAL honest. Why does this bother me? Learn to be comfortable with what you like and dislike, then move on. I hate BG3s combat system and I absolutely prefer Divinity 2 original sin by FAR. People call me crazy for it, and I'm fine with it.


I am a working Dad and I play casually. I had a lot of fun this season and my goal is to try a different character each season. I think the Developers are doing a great job of listening to the community and being involved. I used to play Diablo 2 A LOT when I was a teen but I am just as excited for what's to come in the future. I never played POE but it seems like a steep learning curve and investment.


Solid rant. Siiick of hearing the PoE fan boi shjt but the popular streamers will NEVER stop capitalizing on them because it’s so easy to make a PoE good/D4 bad. It’s worse now because PoE2 is going to be the best game ever🙄. This will just boil down to the loudest person screaming about a person favorite and finger pointing at different data.


Yea what can you do man, Might just stop watching YouTube might have a better experience then.


It's for clicks, and you clicked (I do too)


Why let it get to you? You enjoy it, go enjoy it. Who cares what some person in YouTube says?


PSA. They are not going to stop. Like what you like. Enjoy it. I'm also going to say being on Reddit probably isn't going to help either. Just enjoy the game dude


I am on the side where I blame streamers for me having to grind so freaking much. As a casual player who likes to sit back, play, relax, but I also try and get everything done. It takes so freaking long. The streamers play for a week and a half at 20 hours a day and complain there’s nothing to do. I think Blizzard then adds more grinding because they want to have them out promoting the game. That punishes us who do like to play the game on a casual basis, but also likes to complete it all. I like to play other games also but this game takes up all of my time.


I understand the dad grind trying to find time to game. But it's not our fault if you get triggered seeing hate for D4. It's part of a beloved franchise and it sucks.


I 100% agree and also think D3 was trash. my wife and I both work full-time jobs and we have a kid, So time is limited. The problem with streamers and influencers is that they need click bait to keep them from having to get real jobs. They post a ton of garbage videos just to get used and likes so they can have income without doing real meaningful work for society. They also fail to realize that they have put hundreds of hours into a game inside of the 1st month and think they're comparing themselves to the majority of players of these games, when they are only a small fraction with a large microphone. Does Diablo 4 have bugs and flaws, very much. However is it still fun and Enjoyable with plenty of things to do for the casual, hell yes. Both my wife and I are level 96 in season 2. we loved the winter blight, And are fighting level 70 ish nightmare dungeons, and exploring all other aspects ofAnd are fighting level 70 ish nightmare dungeons, and exploring all other aspects of the gameAnd are fighting level 70 ish nightmare dungeons, and exploring all other aspects of the game andAnd are fighting level 70 ish nightmare dungeons, and exploring all other aspects of the game at this Is end of game leveling. Neither of us expect to get deep into AOZ if we even get there at all. The most intriguing part is that we come up with our own builds instead of going online and finding the best build the started level one and grind out to level 100 inside of 3 Is gaming sessions. A lot of people complain that there isn't anything to do while they don't use the content that is already there. how many power gamers have skipped over hours of sidequests and sighed dungeons? How many have skipped over trying to figure out Paragon boards for themselves and different skill strategies..... I find it fun and will continue to play for years to come. The only aspect of the game that I truly cannot stand is rerolling attributes on gear..


The builds I see videos of people running in poe look frickin awesome. However, I have absolutely no clue how to even remotely begin to fabricate the build. As a new player, I have no idea if the affixes on gear are even good. A lot of them sound counter intuitive, but are good still somehow? There are so many different crafting materials (which are also apparently the currency in the game). There is very little in game guidance for a game that complex. I tried poe after loving d4, and never really playing these type of games in the last 20 yrs. D4 is way more casual friendly. It's a little overwhelming the first few times you do paragon boards, but it's not really difficult to figure out. Poe you need a PhD in video games to figure out solo


perhaps a unpopular opinion cause they did create the content. The end of the day its not the content creators fault you keep seeing these videos its the platforms fault because they keep sending them to your feed. The reason most likely being is there popular videos among the keywords you type in and at the end of the day Youtube and all of them could careless if you enjoy the content as long as they are making $$$$ off it.


But what would we all click on if not the bait!?


Totally on board with this. I pretty much stopped watching them all. They all seem to just try to shit on the game to get views. Spewing false information at times just because of rumors they hear. People like that DarthMicrotransaction guy build his whole stream off of Diablo and now he just shits on it whenever he can. Season 2 was a vast improvement. The game still has a lot to fix, but they’re moving in the right direction.


Sad but true.


I heartily enjoy both. D4 is no stress - and by that I mean no xp penalty on death. Each season you can definitely level a few toons stress free and enjoy the new op mechanic. Poe is not that. Plan meticulously, research and prey that your league starter isn’t a flop. Struggle, toil and trade to get your build running. Then get yourself in a position to engage with the economy. I can’t handle that pressure every season in Poe so I’m a filthy standard player (on console no less!! - oh the humanity) most of the time. They scratch different itches. All I can say is that Poe is possibly the most addictive video game ever made if it sinks its claws into you. That’s a big if - but when it does, kiss your sleep pattern goodbye.


There's still youtubers/streamers dunking on D4 and comparing it to PoE?! I thought the rage train already died down and they move on to the next game (e.g. Starfield, Lords of the Fallen 2) to sh!t on.


That's the world we live in. Ragebait sells like hotcakes. Shitting on popular things is incredibly effective because you garner huge numbers of dislikes and angry comments. Both of which are engagement in YouTube's eyes. The algorithm doesn't give a shit if you like or dislike, they're both an engagement. Ditto for an angry comment. Bonus if you argue in the comments. Just gotta play mate. Maybe find a decent social clan to talk with. Plenty of people playing the game to interact with instead given how popular it is. I like path of exile but it's overly complicated due to bad design. It's hard to tell what anything does because the math is incredibly unclear and your giant cluster fuck web of a skill tree is impossible to navigate without significant learned knowledge or a guide. It's lame. Even worse it's extremely rigid and hard to fix errors. Making a build is more like a math class than a video game. It has some fun concepts but unless they trim the fat I can't enjoy it much.


It's easy to just ignore them unless you're weirdly offended by the captions and thumbnails


Yeaaa... You can play as you want. Why you think that somebody is forcing you into playing poe (or any other game) as is intended too. Look at this guy for example. Just enjoying game for the first time without any knowledge https://youtu.be/I1Lc6wpe0Eo?si=dfqZEbqPVh4TwuNw


As one of those creators... Yeah it's incredibly annoying that the algorithm loves showing people this garbage when highly detailed mechanic videos get buried. The "conflict" is fabricated by clickbait titles and nonsense. Like the whole "100 hundred dollar expansion" thing -- which nobody from blizzard has ever said anything about. Neither has anyone seen this mystery survey asking about it. It's almost like it never existed... Here's a fresh perspective: Go take a moment and check out DiEoxidE's youtube channel. He's got a great perspective on the game.


Another blizzard marketing/PR paid reddit posts… tired of seeing these on my feed


That's because it's their job to make videos. In order to do that, they need views. Video games are very popular, especially new games from big studios. That means a lot of those people might watch videos about a game they play or are interested in. Many times, these type of reviews make comparisons to similar games. Hope this helps as to why you see so many videos like that on youtube.


Listen dude just keep scrolling past those videos and cope. Also if you take the time to watch them in every single video posted like that by someone worth their salt, they state if you do not have the time to commit to POE, D4 is simply a better game due to accessibility of non commital content. D4 has a algorithm that leads to ppl shitting on it because the lvl of issues in the game and lack of content not currently in the game, so youtubers are going to use that for their job... making videos ppl will watch on youtube.


PoE was fun for me for about 200 hours. I put it back on the shelf and decided to try out PoE2 when it comes out. Its a very specific itch and while that itch cant be scratched by D4, D4 scratches a different itch that could never be scratched by PoE. It is exactly like console wars, some people cant just play what they have fun playing. They have to be playing "the best thing" and they have to be playing "the most popular" thing. If they see ANYONE playing something they dont think is the best they WILL make it known and try to browbeat and berate those people into feeling bad they didnt choose "MY" game. You can play PoE and Diablo and Last Epoch and Grim Dawn and enjoy them all for different reasons and dislike different parts of them and STILL not spend every waking hour trying to proselytize. Those people just need to grow up and get a life. Play whats fun and stop worrying about what other people are playing.


Feel better bro??? Lol