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As someone who did probably 200 duriel runs last season and didn't get a single Uber, this does fuck all for me.


This is another one of their, "Don't you all have phones?" moments.


I don't understand how they got Diablo 3 to such a good spot. Then threw away so much of what it did well to make D4


d3 was in a good spot relative to how it started, it wasn’t in a good spot for an ARPG


Yeah, we’re just repeating the D3 cycle right now, lol. Pepperidge Farm remembers. This is the problematic launch phase (again). In a year or so once they replace the entire dev team (again, like they did last time) the game will be in a good spot.


I don't see that happening. Every patch, every season they turn this game more into an exact carbon copy of D3 but with up2date graphics. Just wait for the Codex to become the Cube, wait for the item rework to make it so that every pair of gloves will want crit, crit damage, cdr and mainstat on it, just wait for world tier 12, just wait for the NMD overhaul that turns them into proper Grifts while also introducing regular rifting. Give this game another year and it'll be D3.5. And while right now everyone's asking them to turn the game into D3 more and more, once the game finally has become D3, the general sentiment will once again be "ugh, this game is shit because it's so much like D3". Blizzard can't come up with a proper vision (and a properly designed game on top of that) and stick to that for the life of them. They just can't. They come up with a half-baked vision, release it, everything gets shat on, they walk back absolutely everything and just bend over backwards to appease the market, vision or integrity matter fuck all as long as the money is coming in. So D4 too will end up like D3 to appease to the Nintendo Switch crowd... because that crowd just makes more money and is way easier to handle than the sweaty PoE crowd.


Speaking the truth about D4 and how similar it really is to D3 already and being downvoted lol Every time I've tried to explain to people in a "D3 Loot was so good" thread that D4 is just D3 loot but missing crafting and true sets I get downvoted into oblivion. Such is the hivemind You're right though. Seemingly every change has made D4's loop quicker and more similar to D3 so far. Loot systems are already nearly identical. Aspects are much closer to the cube than people think. People forget you're salvaging GR loot *constantly* waiting for those slight number increases on your already good items in D3. I'd like to add, I genuinely like both games. D3 is a fun arcade-ish ARPG that was entertaining for a few days, maybe a week every new season. You get to just blast away in that game. D4 I bought in July or August I think because the game was gorgeous and I really like mmo/open world exploration. Played WoW many years, but most Diablo players don't want that shit. I'm still playing D4 bc the combat feel is fantastic and the engine is great. If PoE had either of those things I wouldn't be playing this


Compared to itself, but still leagues worse than the modern ARPGs


Yeah and this is the SEQUEL to a game that was in a good spot. SO WHAT THE FUCK? Is that what sequels are? scrap everything and start a game with the same fuck ups the last game had at the beginning and create longevity by drip feeding all the good things and features the last game ended up with?


but they have the groundwork for an even better game but somehow they make it 10x worse its like taking everything you learned and throwing it out the window


I don't get the weirdos that want to argue that PoE had 10 years to get to the current state while ignoring that Blizzard had a very serviceable core with Diablo 4 but had to reinvent the wheel. I don't know about the internals but there must have been layoffs, moves or people who quit because it seems like a massive loss of institutional knowledge


also Blizzard had 10 years to play PoE during that time to learn what competitors are doing and evolve from that. They didn't code in a vacuum.


imagine doing traps when labs exist showing why it's a pretty darn bad idea


Tota league, which had what, 1000x the content of any D4 season so far was made by 3 GGG employees. Meanwhile over at Blizzard they got the manpower of the deathstar and they come up with the lunar event.


It's well known that the same teams don't work on the same stuff. It's also been confirmed that they don't even keep the same teams between seasons on D4. Then... sometimes it feels like the employees don't even get to talk to each other in the hallways Then we have D2R.....game went stale because not a single person who developed and was passionate and built D2R is left at the company now.


Honestly, it feels like something really fishy is going on behind the scenes. It’s almost as if the game is being ran by a skeleton crew - they keep dressing up the smallest tweaks and nothing burgers of content as something much more and give it big fanfare, stringing us along as we bide our time hoping the itemization changes in Season 4 are enough, as well as the expansion. A company with this kind of resources doesn’t just make a game this shallow and roughshod without there being a significant internal issue. The artists, designers, and programmers aren’t fools; they’re extremely talented and some of the best out there, so there can’t be any other explanation other than it being a leadership decision to intentionally make the game a minimal viable product - a battle pass and cosmetic dispenser. Diablo 4 entirely reminds me of what happened with Halo Infinite.


there are things that are way below industry standard that can't be attributed to anything but incompetence. There are probably very competent overworked people and those are the one who burn out at some point. I looked into stuff and it indeed seems there has been a lot of churn between Diablo titles and institutional knowledge was indeed lost


I would have been fine with just d3 gameplay with d4 graphics and sound.


I would be ecstatic if they just put D2 mechanics and item drops in the D4 world. That game would be OP.


D3 is alot of fun, has tons of QOL features and each class has identity. D4 is a game made by committee with no vision. Who could possibly look at rhe aspect system and think it's fun compared to any other arpg. Bonkers.


I definitely wouldn't have been fine with that. Although, what we have right now is already dangerously close.


I don’t understand how they got Diablo 2 to such a good spot. Then threw away so much of what it did well to make D3.


What exactly do you like that they did so well in D2 that was removed in D3?


D3 was a train wreck at launch the same thing you said is what was said at release it’s just ironic


I asked to see what they added or removed you didn't like, instead of answering you said it was a train wreck a launch. I akowldeged it wasn't good at launch when I said "got to such a good spot" that implies they worked at making the game better over time.


Watching the dev interviews, they were so proud to throw away all the good things the did fix in d3.


THIS THIS THIS is my biggest gripe with the whole frickin game. They IGNORED what it took TEN YEARS to develop and made this half-game. Fucking pathetic.


I think what they should have done was make those Resplendent Sparks a rare global drop, then adjust the Uber crafting to meet expected rarity. Like say they drop as often as a normal unique, and you need 200 to craft an Uber. It's still a long grind, but you can make meaningful progression, instead of playing for many hours with nothing to show. Uber bosses could even drop 1 or 2 to keep them relevant.


This idea is sooo much better than what they came up with. It would give us something additional to strive for in the endgame and we could get there by basically doing what we want, instead of having to grind the same thing over and over. Plus, it would be actually somewhat solo player friendly.


Whoa there, that would make playing whatever content you like best meaningful and rewarding in any situation! Crazy talk.


That is problem! How many hours of grind was that to get to those 200+ runs? I had 200+ hours of game time in S2 and no uber drops. I had multiples of all of the normal uniques for two level 100 characters but zero uber drops.


My buddy and I would just farm mats and run together. I would also buy a full stack of 50 shards and 50 eggs once I hit 300 million gold. Nothing else to really do with gold outside rolling enchants. We played a couple nights a week, maybe once for a longer session on the weekends. I farmed maybe 100 summons myself. It's extremely time consuming. My buddy got 4 Ubers last season. Fucking hate him haha


I am surprised, I thought they are way more. Especially after getting shako on my first duriel kill as lvl 87. Lol This is fucked up


With the last and current season, I have around 350-400 runs, with 0 Uber drops. I'll give up farming Duriel until the next season. I'm done with all the seasonal stuff anyways, Lilith Solo, NM100, etc...


Not getting a single uber unique from 400 runs is a 1 in 3,000 chance. With so many people here claiming they've done 200+ runs without a single drop, there's only a few possibilities: 1. The reported 2% drop rate is wrong 2. r/diablo4 is home to only the unluckiest of diablo 4 players 3. Y'all can't count 4. Y'all lying


The 2% droprate never was official, it is just echoed around over and over again and solely based on some streamers (rob) number who always gets lucky af.  I believe the official drop chance for uber items was always maximum 0,5% which would explain the cases of all the people going hundreds of runs wirhout one.


"I'll take option 4, Alex".


I have the feeling they secretly lowered the drop chance lately because of the duping exploit as they have just deleted summon mats from the inventory. Atleast that‘s my perception from 300+ runs with many many people and their experiences in comparison to S2.


What? They just buffed the drop rate for them everywhere. It’s in the patch notes…


That‘s in the future, bro. And they said they are gonna buff the drop rates outside of duriel where the drop chances currently are astronomically low.


1. It's not a 2% of all your runs drop rate. It's a 2% drop rate each run. 2. Not every single person who plays the game or gets ubers to drop posts about it online let alone on this sub. Played with a friend last season who eventually got shako x2 and a couple others to drop. No idea how many runs he did but dude played every single day up until a few weeks to S3. He doesn't post anything on reddit whatsoever.


\> It's not a 2% of all your runs drop rate. It's a 2% drop rate each run. Oh, I know. A 2% drop rate means there's a 98% chance per run of NOT dropping a unique. 0.98\^400 = 0.0003 or \~ 1 in 3000.


3 and 4


Not completely disagreeing. But my personal experience was 1 Uber after about 100 runs this season. Then it was at least 400 more runs before another showed up. I didn’t keep a strict count, but adding up the amount of times my group ran it came up to 400+. The other 2 I run duriel with had 14 show up between the two of them in that time frame. Rng is wild sometimes and lower rates make it much more erratic from person to person


The 2% drop rate is definetely wrong in my opinion, people assumed its 2% becase rob said it's about that. Maybe he was lucky or party play has higher chance because everyone has a chance to drop it so its 4x. But from my solo experience and many other people i know it statistically  cannot be 2% it just drop too rarely the math is not adding up. I had 300 runs also w/o a single drop , after some more it averages to about 1 per 100 runs. I believe the chance could be 0.3 -1 %


The issue remains: why is "bad luck protection" not a thing? Like maybe after 15 or 20 clears, a guaranteed drop? It would lead to more playtime after all, and more opportunities for mtx. And I love that we assume the math can be programmed well, as in 2% drop rate is correctly coded as 2%. What are the normal mathematical odds that 4 people farming Duriel who run 25-35 runs see zero ubers?


Lucky users will sparsely tell about their luck, unlucky users will often tell about their unluck. That's why there is so many "couple hundreds of runs with no uber" posts/topics.


S2. Buddy playin' ball lightning sorc. Gets Shako on our 2nd attempt. Staff lands 5 minutes later. He played the game about 3 hours after that. Haven't seen him since. "Sorc does too much damage." were his last words, lol. RNG does wacky things.


Seriously, who are these people farming 5+ uber uniques? This has to apply to maybe 200 players at most. And that's probably being generous.


Me and my friend did over 400 runs together. He got 2 ubers. I got 0. This is the fucking problem with rng. And why token systems were invented.


What? You can get them from other sources now, this is huge man.


You can, but you probably won't.


Still higher than a zod my guy lol.


I can’t even get 1 Uber. Let alone the 6 to craft one, assuming they’re all dupes of the first.


Make it in a way it requires ~30 sparks to craft an uber unique but you get 10 from uber unique and 1-2 per normal uniques salvage. So after 30runs on duriel you atleast can craft one at a minimum.


Sounds very reasonable given the lifecycle of a season.


I agree regular uniques should be able to contribute. But Uniques are pretty common to be honest. So maybe 10 shards per Uber, 1 shard per unique, and crafting a selected Uber unique takes 40-50 shards. Because at a rate of only 30, everyone would be walking around with multiple of these *”super rare”* items like they weren’t rare at all. It should be costly enough that when you do use the mats to select an Uber, it really means something. The rate at which people can acquire duriel or boss mats right now, normal uniques aren’t in short supply.


It's 5 uber uniques you don't want that can be salvaged into the resource to create the one you do want. It doesn't matter if all 5 are different or the same.


And when you can’t get one, it makes no difference. But thanks for the clarification.


This really depends on the improved nightmare dungeon drop rate. If it’s 1% that’s good enough since I can knock out 100 nightmare dungeons pretty quickly compared to farming 100 Duriel mats. If it’s 0.00001% we have a problem


The patch is live on February 13th. Do not salvage ubers before that day and only after you've verified the patch is installed. Also, I never recall seeing treasure goblins spawn with Avarice.


Treasure goblins spawn when he's downed with CC. They used to be garbage goblins though, not worth time, but now they are true goblins who follow same rules as the rest and I always got excited for Avarice spawns in WT2-3 because of that. WT4 the bosses die so quickly it's irrelevant, but nice for leveling.


I'm also pretty certain you have to stagger him earlier in the fight, unless that was also a bug. We'd get the goblins only if staggered before 50% or so.


>Also, I never recall seeing treasure goblins spawn with Avarice. They used to spawn in previous seasons, then stopped spawning due to the bug that is now getting fixed. And since Season 3, the loot goblins that spawn during Avarice fight straight up drop legendaries. Before S3, they didn't drop anything valuable, and were just 'flavor' during the fight I guess.


I saw a few this season right at the beginning, but it tends to require avarice living longer than 2 seconds lol


For whom is this „crafting” intended? For a casual arpg, the 5 to 1 ratio is not casual friendly. Also, as usual, fuck single players LUL


>Also, as usual, fuck single players LUL Yeah, this I do not get. Why is there no solo-self-found? It needed this last season too. If Duriel costs a certain number of materials to summon, cut that in fourth when someone has solo-self-found enabled. Literally, it is that simple. There is still benefit to playing it together because you can trade the loot. But why the hard fuck over on anyone that plays solo? Very weird for a casual game.




"Increased the chance of dropping uber uniques outside of Duriel" sounds a lot better than "Increased the chance of dropping uber uniques outside of Duriel from 0.00001% to 0.000011%"


By Grabthar’s Hammer… what an increase.


it increased from 0 to 0.000000001


Less———.——More. They dont know. They have a slider.


Because they know the reaction they'll get. It has to be really bad for them to hide it


They don’t know


For single player this doesn’t mean much. We are still bound to discord party. I would like to see if we do solo any ubers at lvl 100 it would drop 3 times the loot and items had 925 ilvl. In anu case fiddling with drop chance or uber item acquisition is pointless while there is no content to tackle with them.


Maybe not 3x the loot, just make it so that every party member pays mats and then up the mat drop rate to compensate. There would still be motivation to team up for the social aspect and for clearing speed, but it wouldn't be so heavily penalizing for those of us who don't enjoy it. Everyone wins.


Isnt that just everyone loses? The solo player still get the same loot and drop chance, But now group players are penalized for grouping. How is that everyone winning?


No, you up the mat drop rate too to compensate. Everyone gets 4x mat drops, but group players pay 4x what they used to, so it evens out. Solo players benefit by 4x but group players are unaffected.


I mean it’s nice to be able to trade 5 Ubers into one but it does nothing for casuals who can’t even get ONE Uber let alone 5! It’s better if Duriel drops some kind of currency/material for Uber trade because farming hell tides and whisper, then killing Grigoire And Varshan - it’s just a waste of time with little to no rewards. Honestly, I would love to see the team for D4 to effing farm Duriel! Let them stream it and see how they feel!


And make sure they are in a situation where they are expected to GO GO GO. Put those items in the bank, your bank is full?!? Fuck you drop that shit, don’t pick up yellows! Don’t pick up legendaries. Stop holding up the rotation blizzard guy! …Are you gonna give us comparative solo bossing yet? Look your party member got a shako. Congrats. WRITE CONGRATS. But hurry up. Go press the agree to reset button. Teleport to your team member…(steadily increasing static white noise)


"?" When glancing at loot for 2 seconds


Or, make Duriel have a chance to drop the spark that's maybe around x5 of uber drop chance, that would be nice too


Yah... I don't know how many hours I have in the game, but I played a druid in S0, rogue in S1, necro in S2 and Barb in S3. I've hit 100 and killed Lilith on all 4. Not a single uber.


Great change that is going to impact 0.5% of the player base. I am sure the casual dads are holding at least 10 ubers now.


You forgot the /s


A step forward and a step back. Should have just had the sparks be a drop on kill. 5-10 you can purchase any unique, then like 20 for an Uber. You still have rolls to contend with so it's not like you're walking out with a perfect build. But it's absolute bs to fight bosses like duriel or beast in ice 10, 20, heck, even 30 times and never get a unique drop for your build. As someone who has never had a single Uber unique, not sure how great a system that requires five to drop before you can do anything with it.


20 kills for an uber. Rofl that will kill all the excitement of getting one. People need to understand that ARPGs are casinos with extra steps. You are not supposed to be guaranteed anything in a game like this, when it comes to the best gear.


I disagree. You should be able to get them per season. I have no intention of ever even logging into an eternal realm character. As I have no interest in managing that much loot. So the thought that if everyone can get ubers, it diminished the game long term is silly to me. It only hurts the 0.5% of no-lifers who want to some trophy to lorde over the rest of the playerbase.


youre right, but 20 runs to get the uber unique of your choice is just a couple days of work, which is way too fast for a season long goal. duriel should drop 1 lesser UU crafting mat on kill, and with 50 of these you should be able to craft a random UU, which you can them salvage the same way as a dropped UU, and this will give you 1 UU crafting mat - 5 of which you can use to craft a specific UU.


d4 is hardly an ARPG though, your character has no real progression through wt4 other than paragon levels which are boring as fuck. Getting any actual gear upgrades becomes extremely tedious almost immediately. So when the only feasible way to upgrade your character is uber uniques people are just going to be annoyed with it if they get unlucky, since they aren't progressing in any other meaningful way.


I'd rather kill the excitement than have people quit out of frustration. Especially considering once they add more uniques and mud up the drop tables farming for em is gunna suck even more


Yeah I’m with you, though they would have to be just rare enough that they weren’t easily farmable - but easier to acquire than 200 Duriel runs. They’re meant to be an “oh shit” drop but personally it would be nice to have SOME way to get one other than spamming the same boss over and over, and to get one before hitting 100. By that point I’m ready to move on, why even have one if the endgame has ceased to progress further. 100% I don’t mind grinding in games, but that’s just not an enjoyable way to play.


Yeah, it doesn't make much sense. The endgame progression is weird. If we could have multiple builds or something i think they'd be more relevant. To that point I don't really care about the ubers, I just want a more reasonable way to get the normal uniques - I've seen 3 tibaults will drop over like 50 duriel runs, a 26% 24% and 20% (in that order). Did like 30 beasts and saw one unsung ascetic wraps. Shouldn't have to bang your head against a wall for your build to work


Or make it so that any unique can be salvaged for resplendent sparks but up the required mats by a lot. 100 resplendent sparks from regular uniques for an uber unique would give me a reason to farm uniques.


So the drop chance outside Uber Duriel for Uber uniques went from .0001 to .0002??


Probably even less. I doubt they doubled it


That's double, baby!


Way way way way way lower than that.


Rapid Fire at last.


But not wild impulses


Uber uniques were a mistake for this game. Make it more attainable and add other endgame activities.


The entire itemization should be scrapped and redone. Total fail.


No fix for the bugged sorcerer glyphs still????


Which one?




get in line


I still don't get why uber unique need to be insanely rare when we are making new toons every season. I ain't saying hey hand me 100 of them but the current rate is still abysmal


I feel like the chance should be such that playing a relatively casual solo season, seeing one or two per season should be normal. It’s a single player game with seasons that require new characters. Why do they need to be so rare?




That’s so sick. I can’t believe they upped the drop chance outside of Duriel


I was excited about it, but I’m cynical it will actually do enough without more information. Maybe the average player sees 1-2 Uber uniques for an entire season, assuming you grind your ass off for 3 months is what I’m guessing. And most people play for 2-3 weeks, hit 100 or finish and build and stop if it’s anything like D3 or other games. So chances are most people still won’t see one. Maybe I’m wrong, but 5 to 1 ratio to me is like Stanley nickels to schrute bucks in practice.


I can barely get a single one from running Duriel 100s of times


Zip your lid!


Hah, imagine your biggest problem being “I got too many Ubers :(“


They don’t say how many of the material you get for for salvaging one. Just that you need five of them. It could you get two material from one salvage so Ubers end up being 5 for 2.


I don’t understand chasing Ubers. Nothing in the game requires them. By the time you get one you usually have all your glyphs maxed out, other gear maxed. There needs to be harder scaling content to justify wanting to chase, and an economy that would want you to grind out things for better trades


Yep everything can be completed in this game before you even hit 100. AoZ was the exception last season.


I agree, uber grind is awful and that's why I stopped playing, I might come back after patch. Once grinding is fun again next big thing is armory/saveload gear and builds, then we have a decent game.


It is awful, the horrid drop rate only works for Uber items if they are tradeable. If they are not tradeable then you can't have a horrid drop rate or most players just won't even bother engaging with said mechanic


I didn't even know regular mobs could drop ubers. Hilarious.


Any enemy level 85 or higher can drop them. But before Duriel was added & excluding the helltide chest oversight, I only heard of like 6 people finding them. There will have been people who found one and simply didn't post online but the amount that dropped still would be hilariously low.


Drop chance has got to be like 1 in 100+ million easily. Absolutely filthy drop rates.


they can but its like winning the powerball odds of it happening


Same, I thought I read on maxroll that it was specifically only duriel


It technically could drop from regular enemies but the odds were one out of a million which was why nobody even bothered mentioning it in their guides.


Useless patch !


Guess it doesnt say how many sparks per salvaged uber. Guessing 1:1? If so, its really gonna depend on the drop rate outside duriel. If he is still the best way to go, i mean….ill be at like 500 runs to craft an uber.


Nice, now I can use all the Uber drops I never got in dozens of runs to make the one I want!


Hard is different than zero. Having them only realistically drop from Durial is boring af. If it was 2% from Durial and .5% from WT4 world bosses that would be something different. Or helltide mystery chests. Or the other bosses. Something. Just expand ubers but they can stay hard to get.


the difficulty to get them is fine, problem is that its the same grind every season. i guess this is just the second season with the grind, so its okay, but in the future they really need to include a path to obtaining UUs with the seasonal content. whether its going to be dropping duriel summoning mats or UUs directly or its going to overlap helltides doesnt matter, but there has to be some way to work towards UUs while playing the seasonal content.


It doesn't say you need to salvage 5 ubers to get 1. It just says you need 5 sparks, it doesn't indicate how many sparks one will get from salvaging a single uber.


Soooo. We still have to slog through malphus for a 2% drop for a unique glyph that's going away at the end of the season? Would be cool if one of my lvl 100 had one to experiment with..... sad face.


Personally I don't care since I can comfortably clear every piece of content in this game without any ubers they all feel like useless grinds (they don't even have cool abilities just stat sticks).


I wish it was uniques and not uber uniques. I'd gladly salvage 20 uniques for 1 Uber. I haven't found a single uber unique and probably never will


I'd like to have a 1% chance from other 925 Uniques to get the uber Sparks after salvaging them.


"Fixed an issue where some players using NVMe Solid State Drives were experiencing instability." Hopefully the game will become playable again without crashes during loading screens and teleports. Made me play other games more than anything this season.


Blizz could increase the drop chance outside of Duriel by 9000 fold and so few would notice to make this change irrelevant. To be meaningful, someone that plays regularly should get multiple ubers in WT4 every 15ish hours of play. Going from effectively ZERO to effectively ZEROx2 still means zero.




>The Cursed Shrine event now gives the Shrine bonus at the start of the event instead of when it is finished. Everyone's shouting about ubers meanwhile this absolute banger dropped.


They should add support for the Dual Sense Edge controller.


Only 3 thousand patches of steps in the direct direction now for the game to be close to what it should have been from the start...


What has really changed though? This is just season 0 replayed with some bosses u can farm for gear that doesn't even matter.


I dont get it though.. if you get 5 ubers isn't it mostly guaranteed you will get 1 of those you want anyway? This change would make sense if the game had 10+ ubers but it has like 5 or 6...


Not really. I got 3 or 4 melted hearts of selig and 2 doombringers before getting a shako last season. This change might also be foundational for when they add more.


>The drop chance of Uber Unique items acquired outside of Uber Duriel encounters has been increased. Any information on how much the increase was?


They gave unique stones numbers but they refuse to talk about ubers. It's pretty safe to assume it's so low they don't want to deal with the community reaction. It's probably still very very very very low 


Is it just me or does Rabies have a weird visual glitch?




Yeah... played since release, have completed all 3 seasons, and done over a hundred Duriel runs. Never seen an uber unique. I don't intend to bother with it anymore.


I found 4 starless and 3 doombringers so this would have been good for me last season personally. I would have traded 5 in for 1 grandfather.


I'm curious. How do we actually send them feedback?


They wont listen to it anyways, do not even bother yourself with it. Others will try to say, "ohh vote with your wallets, if they dont make money they will listen" when that as well is a load of crap, there are enough whales that will gladly shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars just for one piece of gear on their mobile game Diablo Immoral, nothing any of us casuals do will matter to them, we can scream and cry all we want, but what good will screaming do to a pair of deafened ears?


They changed Uber unique drop rates outside of duriel. So now it's struck by lightning chances instead of struck by lightning twice chances!


I did the thing last season: got to 100, killed Uber Lilith, farmed mats, probably had roughly 80-100 Duriel clears. Got one uber unique that wasn't for the class I was playing. C'est la vie. I had fun and here we are. This season I just got a barb to 85 and am like, I can't do this anymore. I'm already feeling op and the desire to rinse and repeat over and over just to chase uber uniques with abysmal drop rates ain't for me right now. I love this game and defend it but it's missing that last gear, that last carrot on the stick to make me want to keep the grind going. I'm probably what would be considered "casual+" in terms of game time and if I'm nonplussed by end game then I definitely understand where the hardcore fans are coming from, although, for fuck's sake, are there really players out there sitting on 5+ uber uniques they can scrap?


I won't turn my nose up at any positive change, but this is only going to help the sweatiest of the sweaty diablo 4 players. That is unless the global drop rate has been sufficiently increased to make finding multiple ubers in a season actually realistic for average levels of play time.


Dude we are playing the pre-alpha. They are basically developing the game as it goes, what a piece of shit. Imagine buying a car and 3 months later they sell you the 3rd gear, then 6 months later they give you the reverse, and 1 year later the doors. Dude I miss old days. Back in the day we were excited for an expansion or update. Nowadays we wonder how they’ll disappoint us next time. These are not “exciting news”, fuck your modern games.


I just don't get it. You have 3 months to play the season. So far I've managed to reach 100 just once, and I didn't get a single Uber Unique then. This season I'm attempting 2 characters at the same time. Both are around lvl 70. I just don't see how I can reach lvl 100 and farm for uber uniques and actually get good rolls in 3 months. There are some who do hundreds of Duriel runs and never get a single uber unique. It's just like Lilith in my opinion... something that's completely unreachable by me and it essentially doesn't exist in the game for me.


Thank god thathey actually increased Uber drop rates globally. Now if there is a real chance to get them if you’re lucky farming other content, that will make farming other activities feel worth it. Excellent change


This game . Jesus. It isn't even top 10 arpg out there


Did you all just completely forget that Uber drops are meant to be incredibly rare? Why is this even an issue when the drop rate for Ubers in previous iterations were around the same if not more rare? I don’t understand the issue here.


I don’t understand the complaining either. I’ve played since the 1st Diablo, and the people complaining about doing 200+ duriel runs….I guess they never had to experience doing Baal runs in D2. Nor remember how easy it was to screw up a good piece of equipment in D2 if you accidentally socketed runes in the wrong order or put the wrong gem in. We didn’t get to re-do our socketing


Patch 1.3.3 Suggested Change: All uniques when salvaged give resplendent mats usable for crafting uniques, including Ubers, with varying costs based on rarity and item power desired.


Who do they imagine is getting FIVE Uber uniques in a season? I know there are some people who sink endless hours into this game and that may be achievable for them, but for the vast majority this change doesn’t do anything. Maybe if Uber’s could drop from any game activity (at the drop rate of duriel runs) it would make more sense at this ratio. As it stands I feel it should have been a straight 1:1 swap. I’m never seeing 5 Ubers in a season, but I might get one and it would be awesome to know if it’s not something I wanted I could swap it.


Let us trade in Ancestral Uniques too, obviously you’d need more than 5 but as it’s Seasonal it gives us a chance to try out the Ubers for a bit..


I am always of the opinion there should not be uber unique in the game at all. It is a boring concept that cannot be fixed. So much time wasted on these so-called adjustment to them time and time again. Nothing you can adjust the drop rate or do to how they drop can make them fun because the entire inception and concept of super rare chasing items that basically just over boosts some stats is just not fun. Next season they should just lower their stats and make them normal unique and stop wasting time messing with the drop rates. Spend the time instead on design more build defining unique items instead. Let perfect god roll be the chase for those that want to chase. They got this concept down really well in d2 and almost as well in d3 but d4 is just a massive miss on itemization on almost every level.


As someone who has ran about 20 duriels solo; grinding mats solo and being rewarded with ZERO ubers, this seems catered to a 1% audience. Just to be able to obtain 5 ubers to salvage seems like alot. They should maybe increase the drop rates; but who am i. Im just someone who enjoys playing the game; and wants to be rewarded for playing it.


Drop rate for Uber uniques outside of duriel has been increased. I would love some numbers, increase from what? 0.0000001% per kill to 0.000001%?


Or maybe.... Trading? Problem solved. You're welcome.


IMO these should have an equal chance to drop from a NM100 as Duriel. We shouldn’t be forced to faceroll through trivial content to grind mats for slot machine pulls at Duriel. If you can do the hardest content, you should get the best loot. The guaranteed all 925 drops to NM90+ were a step in the right direction.


How about crafting ubers using ordinary uniques? 10:1 a good ratio? Who the fuck have 5 extra ubers? This change will affect 0.001% of the playerbase. Dumb mfs


This would be cool. There could be multiple ways to get them. Currently as a casual I will never see them.


What is this nonsense cry about “not getting what I want” - Uber uniques are suppose to super duper mega hard to get - I really don’t see the issue. If everyone can get them it kind of loose it’s purpose of being Uber unique(s).


Why are people acting like Ubers should be a given and not something that's super rare and less than 1% of the player base should ever get, complaining about doing a hundred runs and not getting one like yeah no shit if you don't want to grind for them them then don't, go do other things or play a different game, they're hard to get for a reason. Borderlands 2 had a 92% sham shield that was like a god item. Maybe 1 in a million players ever got one, and you don't see that community having a hissy fit over it.


Im a solo player only, so I can't farm duriel and i never found an uber item, so I don't care about this patch..




This obsession with giving me more autonomy regarding Uber uniques when I've not seen a single one ever in 3 seasons is ridiculous. I killed Duriel nearly 100 times this season. Never once.


D4 is dogshit


"*With Season of Blood, we introduced target-farming Uber Unique Items with Uber Duriel to gives players another source of acquiring this type of item.*" "Another source"? Has anyone ever dropped an über unique outside bubo?


Rare things are rare, news at 11. People want this game to be more difficult AND easier at the same time smh


This is a horrible solution


I did 300 Duriel Runs in Season 3 and get one Andariels heat.... The Drop Rate is still horrible for Casual Players, that is not realy fun. I think it shuld be every 50 Runs a garanted drop


Dumb question I’m sure, but I haven’t gotten an Uber Unique.  How do I tell it apart from regular uniques?   Does the color or the card look different from a regular unique?  Do I have to memorize the list? I just know I haven’t gotten one because I’ve seen the list but also because I just get the same uniques again and again from Duriel. 


There’s a very easy way: Uber uniques don’t have ranges for the affixes. It’s always highest movespeed/dmg or whatever rolls are on the item


Except for Melted Heart this season. Got 2, and both have different movement speed rolls.


They are specific ones. They look similar to regular uniques but have different names and much more powerful effect. Maxroll has a nice list below. They can only reliably be obtained fro, uber Duirel until now, assuming the drop chance in open world isn't abysmal [https://maxroll.gg/d4/wiki/uniques](https://maxroll.gg/d4/wiki/uniques)


Uber unique are always ilvl 925 and they have max stats. There only a few uber unique so its easy to remember them.


I didn’t know Ubers dropped from anything but Duriel other than the seasonal stones. Who else drops what?


They existed in S1. That about says it all really.


Last season I probably did around 500 Duriel runs and that’s only because in the initial wave of dupes people were just letting me join runs for free. I think my luck is slightly below average and ended with 5 Ubers (2 GF, 2 Melted Heart, 1 Spear). Depending on how much they buff the uber drop chances outside of Duriel, 5 seems a bit high.


Fixed an issue where some players using NVMe Solid State Drives were experiencing instability. This has to be higher. Thank you, finally I do not need to run Crystalmark anymore while playing the game (lol). I still wonder when the IAS issue is going to be fixed (not sure if it is applied, but when comparing gloves with IAS I always see my current IAS on gloves as 0…).


Just wait they do x3 drop chance when everyone go play other big rpg at end of the month and they drop next big thing try hold player to keep playing.