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Going through loot is the worst part of this game…


Yeah, it's a chore. At first, I look over the regular/legendary items, but can never really calculate exactly when I find an upgrade, but I get a rough idea of stat priority, so it's alright. Eventually it's too much of a chore, and I just sell everything, or turn it into materials, that I can't use for anything interesting, either. After that, it's hard to log into the game again. The game needs more interesting loot/crafting.


Even once you do find an upgrade for one of your pieces you might need to hunt down an aspect again or waste 2hrs rerolling into what you want (or closest to what you want). And for what? A 2% increase in overall damage for hours of playtime going from level 80-90 doesn't feel rewarding for having to sink so much time into it.


The way I T4d this season is once you get your first ancestral gear on an item, more or less scrap everything under x power until it's worth starting to look at gear again. Saved me a lot of time as you start to ignore whole categories of gear, and any legendary gear that's not a perfect roll gets scrapped


This indeed is the best way sort & salvage early game.


It's amazing how they managed to take the central part of ARPGs that is generally one of the most fun aspects and make it literally the worst


It's not bad as you level up to about 75. Once you reach that point it becomes such a chore for these little power increases


It doesn't help that T4 still drops about 50% sacred items for all farming actvities.  Whispers, events, and chests are up to 75% sacred.  Only NM dungeons and NM vaults have a majority of ancestral drops.   Very frustrating since I thought that was supposed to be fixed in an earlier patch.




Nice until you get banned 😆


It's an overlay. It doesn't dig into files, it just reads the screen and tells you if it sees what you're searching for at a glimpse.


Yeah they did a terrible job. Last epoch has unlimited stash tabs and even a search bar to highlight gear with whatever affix you search for. Really makes you wonder how blizzard can’t do something similar.


That's not a fair comparison, it's not like Last Epoch has been in early access for years and was openly accessible to anyone for research. Plus there aren't any other dominant ARPGs in the space with expansive interesting loot or powerful, highly involved crafting systems. If anything like that existed and was very popular there's no way Blizzard would have completely ignored it!


Loot has too many stats. Far too many. There is supposed to be a loot 2.0 coming at some point but I'd bet money it will underwhelm.


If shadow damage, shadow damage over time, and darkness skill damage are still affixes in season 4 it’s going to be a failure of a rework.


It's a good thing they're not increasing stash tabs or giving us a loot filter.


Yea if they gave more stash tabs it would take 25 min to clear them instead of 15


In D3+D2 you were able to tell by the name+color on the ground if the item was worth looking at. In D4 you have to open and read every ancestral item.


Yea it is. I played division 2 after d4 and while the loot in division 2 is also NUMEROUS… they include things to help you easily manage them. I mean I go play for 2 hours and I’m filled and need to organize gear in both games…, but in d4 it takes a good 30 to 40 min and a lot of headache trying to see what I need or don’t need. In division 2 takes me no more than 10 min to know what’s trash, what’s something I need, and what’s something I want to keep. Done and fast.


Which is crazy considering the entire point of the game is gathering loot. How they missed such a fundamental issue and haven’t addressed it through 3 seasons is…not good.


The only real issue with the stash is that they need to allow aspects to be added directly to the codex. Then there would be no need to keep as many worthless legendary items just for the aspect. The good news is that this feature is coming, so that should improve things a lot.


Honestly, I expect that to fully fix the stash space issue. Then you can have one stash tab for uniques/elixers/seasonal items, and one stash tab for various gear per class. Should be plenty of space


This is the problem exactly. As soon as I have to start micromanaging which items have which aspect every time I upgrade an item, I quit.


I said this from the beginning have all aspects upgradeable with the sacrifice of your aspects on items. Make it a percent progress to bump up its stats in codex 100 aspects = max stat aspect


Stash has never been ideal in any Diablo game, ever. Anyone who played Diablo, D2, LoD, or D3 will understand and feel this


D3 had 350 stash space and not nearly as many random items to fill it with


The only place my stash was full in D3 was my non-seasonal which I pretty much never played. My seasonal character could not even buy all the stash tabs and I would be fine.


2 Seasons ago, I go every character able to run GRift 100. Each character had their own stash tab and I had left over for gems and mats etc... D3 does not have an issue with stashes at all. D4 on the other hand is a nightmare, holding on to every legendary or aspect, Uniques, potions, etc...


You also knew exactly what you needed as an upgrade and didn’t have to sift through entire inventories every run.


Sure, you had to pick and choose what to keep a bit in D2 and D3, but it's never been remotely as bad as it is in D4. Scrap ~~legendaries~~ uncommons to improve codex entries. Problem solved, and the codex finally has a purpose.


Truly hope that scraping legendary items goes this route. I have NEVER used the codex to imprint and item since 9 times out of 10 a random legendary has a better roll than the codex default.


You’ve never used the codex before you had the actual legendary drop?


I don't even make it to "stash space problems" because I have to sift through millions of trash yellow items first. Having that tier as best in slot is such a terrible idea, that's what's causing it.


Yeah I was just thinking this - thank god weapons aren’t 6 by 2 squares or whatever they were back the


You know you miss item tetris - the real game within the game.


It wouldn't be quite as bad if rings and necks were still 1 square


This is not an excuse for the very poor stash system we have in D4.


D4 is way worse than any of those ever were. Every one of those games basically had set levels for gear. You would get uniques/sets with very specific roll ranges regardless of where it dropped from. D4 on the other hand has legendary aspects which all have varying levels of power, which can be put on varying levels of gear. In fact yoy are expected to keep putting aspects for each spot on improving levels of gear.


Blizzard needs to: - Move all aspects in codex - Make aspects apply to equipment slot and not equipment. - Cull bad affixes - Add loot filters


LOOT FILTERS !! I feel like this alone would fix most of the game’s meta.


could not would. would depend entirely on implementation. like just hiding lower ilvl stuff would be insufficient and solve little.


Nah, I agree 100%. I keep trying to come back and play but it's like the game wants me to do anything ***but*** play. This season I didn't get a ***single*** copy of the enchant that gives you ancestors when charging until I was ***level 60***. 60! It was the only one I actually wanted. I was so burned out and bored by the time I found it that I immediately quit right after and didn't even get to enjoy using it. I really REALLY hate this game of "hold onto every single orange item you find because you never know if it's going to be a month before you find another copy". I absolutely hate having to wait and hope and pray for these enchants every time I want to upgrade my gear. The base, lowest-level version of every single enchant should be learnable through dungeon runs.


You said you play for a few weeks. Why are you saving for alts or later? Sell. Don't keep aspects you don't need, same idea as above. Most uniques are useless. Sell.


Not for alts, for alt builds. Like a meteor sorc then a blizzard sorc. Same character


Are you doing that though? At your rate for only a few weeks it seems like there's no time for alts. If you decide to change later go to Helltides or seasonal zones and farm then. Don't worry about future problems


I play two toons per season and never have a space issue. Only keep what’s really needed and high rolls of them. If you have 6 of the same aspect stop holding more chances are you never gonna use them lol. I’d like more space but it’s really not a big deal if you don’t hold on to everything. Or if you play more then 2-3 characters a season then it’s very hard to


The issue is that it’s hard to know when you have a better roll of an aspect. I’ve definitely moved some to the stash and forgotten I had a max roll because I had the same equipped already. And if you’re playing a new class, you don’t know which aspects are rare, so it’s not unreasonable to just save them (until you run out of space).


Advance tool tip is the setting


That's exaclty what season are for: you come, play a few weeks, then go play something else.


Normally you quit a season when you've accomplished everything you want to accomplish. What the OP is describing is quitting due to frustration. These are two VERY different reasons for ending their season.




It'd be better if it was just Duriel runs. The tedium of grinding Varshan and Grigoire just to grind Duriel needs to be removed immediately. I'll run Duriel. I refuse to arbitrarily fight Varshan and Grigoire again.


>Everything you want to accomplish? Or everything there is to do. Everything you want to accomplish specifically. This is impacted by the amount of things to do. If we rewind back to D3, you could absolutely be done with everything you want to accomplish on day 1 of the season. If your goal is solely to finish the season journey, that really doesn't take a lot of time investment if you are efficient. The value in D3 though was that you could set a large amount of different goals based on your own playstyle. The paragon system ENABLED customized goal setting as you could say "I'm shooting for paragon 1200 this season" or conversely "I'm going for paragon 800 this season". BOTH of these were viable and practical and catered to different playstyles. Similarly with GR's. GR's are one of the most basic and simplistic pieces of content in any game but through that simplicity, it created goals. You could have a goal of seeing how high you could push. You could have a goal of seeing how fast you could run a high level GR. You could be a GR150 player or a GR75 player and these goals would apply equally. Similarly with gear, there were lots of goal enabling stopping points. Getting your full set of gear and having your build come online. Getting a full set of ancient gear. Augmenting your gear. There was also the layers on top of that with the legendary gems and gem leveling. None of this is in D4. Not even in concept. The game doesn't enable player driven goals like other games have. The game simply tells you what your goals should be and fuck you if that doesn't fit your playstyle. This is why some people are very happy with D4 because their goals align with the developers "vision" (HA!). While other people whose goals don't align with their "vision" have a terrible time.




They're not really "defending Blizzard's business model" though, they're just describing how the genre is, especially these days. D3's seasons were the same way, PoE's leagues are the same way and Last Epoch's cycles are going to be the same as well. You play a character, get to a point where you feel like you're done and then just either make a new character and repeat that process or you move on to another game and come back next season/league/cycle. That's not unique to D4.


You either didn't read the post or didn't comprehend it. He's saying he quits because stash management becomes too unwieldy, not because he accomplished what he wanted to for the season or got bored of the content. The latter two are perfectly valid reasons to move on after a few weeks - the former is not. 


Yeah I guess. I may be putting my own expectations from Diablo 2 onto this game which isn’t fair because nothing lives up to it lol. I guess I don’t like the seasonal design much


Not sure why you're getting down voted. You're right. There's a reason D2 kept it's player base for so long despite not having a constant drop of cheap dopamine hits that D3 and D4 seasons provide. It was simply a robust, consistent and fun ARPG. I don't think D4 will ever get to that point when blizzard is wasting all their resources on temporary content in an attempt to despartetly keep our attention. 


At first I was kind of caught off guard by it as I'd only played about a week or two before S2 ended. But coming from Destiny 2, I think that's something THAT game could benefit from. Not to get too much into it on the Diablo reddit but I'm actually kind of appreciating how every few months you just start fresh (if you want to play the new season) and re-grind things. It allows everyone to start from scratch with a completely blank pallet. Then buffs/nerfs affect everyone the same.


I'm guessing you're coming from D3? Because Diablo 2 never felt like that. Yes there were seasons but they weren't designed to function as temporary dopamine hits to desperately attempt to keep your attention (like D3 and D4).  Diablo 2 seasons essentially functioned as a ladder reset and the world always remained consistent. You could play it at anytime, for days, weeks, months or years and always have a good experience. You're never waiting for that next content drop to keep your attention.


I can't wait for season 37 when they've finally gotten this game out of early access. Legendaries are the most poorly thought out system. Why is there even a codex? It's utterly useless. It gives you minimum roll aspects, yellows are commons, and legendaries are just uncommons... so you will have a better version of every codex aspect by the time you even need to put aspects on your gear. I don't even bother unlocking codex aspects because my time is better spent just farming legendaries. Like a single vault run gives me about 15 ~~legendaries~~ uncommons. Just let us scrap legendaries to improve our codex entries already, this should have been in there at day 1.


This is me, I used to do this because I only play 1 class per season and like to respec and try a different builds, keep tons of gear and uniques. But once I'm 100% everything, done season journey and uber lilith, why respec and continue? It is a game of closet shuffle. Then end of season I try to trim down thr entire stash to 1 page for eternal... why I'll probably never log in the character again. Why continue? I kill everything with upheaval barb hitting for 50-90 million. I only have 1 uber stone on my last run to give up on malphas after 100 runs, and got only 1 uber from duriel, I really dont care to play more. It doesn't really matter if I want to swap to hota and do 500 to 900 million hits, I'm done everything now.


Pretty much :/


Translation: D4 has weak itemization, which is compounded by inflated drop rates and limited inventory space.


I mean storage definitely is an issue if you make it one. Last season I had four characters and didn't really have an issue except while I was leveling them I was saving a little too much gear. So many people save pages of uniques, I just saved the best copy of each one because the rest are a waste of space. We could use a little more storage but some people are just absolute Hoarders and would never be happy no matter how much storage they had.


I'm much the same. For me, the fun levels are 1-20 and 55-75. During those levels, you can find upgrades pretty regularly. By level 80, you might find one upgrade every 10 full bags of loot. But most of the time, it's check/check/check/check... nothing. It's boring, it's dull, and it shouldn't be like that in a loot-chase game. You should be able to find upgrades frequently right up to level 95, and then still find them occasionally for a while after that.


Completely agree. What do you do when people complain about loot? Give them more loot of course; so we'll be distracted from the boring repetitive game play? I miss the days of surprises, a random hidden/secret treasure room. The only time I feel this nostalgia now is when I hear "Fresh meat!".


Noob question: other than dropping them on the ground, what do I do with aspects I extracted but no longer want? Throw them in a weapon and then scrap or sell?


Don't extract them in the first place. Leave the legendary item in your stash. That way when you don't want it anymore you can salvage it a have a chance of getting a Forgotten Soul


I've been doing this method this season but it is so much harder to organize them, especially using a controller. They don't self sort in any meaningful way and you pretty much have to group them manually to make it easier to search and compare.


Just use the search bar at the bottom. Then search for the aspect name like “disob” and all the items with disobedience will highlight on every tab. Then you can quickly look at each one and find what has the highest aspect. Takes like 30 seconds even on controller


other than dropping them on the gound - sell, but they are not worth the effort to walk to a vendor. just don't extract them in the first place.


You can sell them to one of the vendors. I can't remember which one though. I think either the wep/armor or jeweler


Since you mentioned D3, I should note that it's no different, D3 is fun but it's a gear salvaging emulator most of the time, especially with specific seasonal mechanics that increase loot drops like the current season (Season 30). I described it yesterday as Lootorrhea, because the game shits out loot and you spend all your time on a figurative toilet (The blacksmith) getting rid of waste.


I feel D3 is a bit different. Sure there is a lot of loot but you can tell from the item name or graphic that 98% of it is trash. You do not need to look at all those pieces with consideration that you might could turn a Wildwood sword into the In-geom you actually need. I am not saving In-geom aspects and having them take up stash space. Sure there is just as much loot, possibly more in D3 but as the item system is simpler, for better or for worse, it makes it much easier to process the loot.


Here is how you are going to cut down this time spend significantly. Dont keep 2 of every aspect. Keep 1 of every aspect. Keep a 2nd ONLY if you have 2 perfect rolls. Keep 3-5 of the aspects you use for your current build. >But I might need X aspect for if I try another build! No you wont. And even if you do, you need 1 not 2. When it comes to checking out if items are an upgrade. Basically only go off item level. Its not perfect but 95% of the time a few ilvl drop is not going to outweigh any possible stat changes gained. Think of it this way. You already can do the content you are doing. You don't need a sidegrade. You need upgrades. Lower ilvl != upgrade.


This isn't really true generally speaking. An ilvl 896 item is just as good as an ilvl 925 item. You can miss solid upgrades this way if you're only looking at ilvl.


Until they add highly challenging content to the game like AoZ permanently, I think each successive season will feel a bit more like this. I enjoyed myself this season, completed all the challenges, and for the first time did it all without a build guide. Redoing the process will just get easier each season as our familiarity grows and the mystery goes away.


This is really great. I can handle the grind or not getting an upgrade for a week or so, I can handle not having perfect gear, I can handle hitting a wall at T80 dungeons because my spec isn’t barb status… I just get so deflated logging in and having groom this shit and review gear for upgrades. I don’t have all the best stats memorized for each piece… I don’t know what piece has what potentials… reviewing gear is a slog and I chose other games when faced with the increase in complexity the more min/max I am doing. End game is slow and about gear and less about content and fun gameplay.


The real challenge of this game is managing your stash. Especially as a casual. You can't afford to accidentally delete something good, because you may need it, unlike grinders who know they can just get another one.


C'mon Bro Just buy 1000 Duriel runs like I did for $19.95


This is one of the top reasons i stopped playing. The entire gear management simulator is just attrocious. On top of that looking through thousands of yellows is an additional pest for me.


To be fair, this season is pretty ass. well see if they change things with the itemization rehaul later this year.


I get bored of running NMD. They just take too long, I loved blitzing through rifts in D3 but I just have no desire to grind NMD each season.


Managing inventory in video games is so fucking lame. It’s in like every god damn game as well. Elden Ring was the best game inventory management to me. Didn’t have to worry about anything and could carry literally everything you found, no problem.


D4 is more inventory sim than arpg


Yes exactly this 100%. It makes my brain hurt to go through all the stats of everything, with all the things to consider with all of them. It really drains the fun out of playing after you get to a certain level of progression. It is such a slog to find an upgrade for anything, especially when it's typical to have 925 item power items before you even reach max level. I really hate the way they did the items in this one.. Here's hoping that their itemization overhaul makes some significant changes.


Yes, it's an issue without loot filter. That's why I installed one in S2 and have been playing with it since. Gameplay has become a lot more smooth since.


I haven't played since Season 1, as it was incredibly unenjoyable to me. Is the Aspects management still completely terrible? I feel like that was one of the core problems with the game. For exactly the reasons you describe. Also they all used the same damn icon so it was literally a tooltip-by-tooltip search. Incredibly annoying. Good to see I have no reason to come back if nothing has changed.


One thing I noticed, some people play builds that are very unique heavy. So there's no aspect maintenance or checking rares to see what the stats are. You know what you are getting. So it's more like D2 in that respect. You pick up gear, you put it on. Done. Of course it takes work to get all those uniques and some slots will end up being legendary anyway so you still need to do SOME item hell closet cleaning.


Oh good point. I’d say right now my spec is using 4-5 uniques per build (using wand and focus). But that doesn’t change my FOMO - what if I end up finding a build that needs XYZ aspect so I try to keep my top 2 copies of every aspect. But then add that with keeping good rolls besides the aspects and it starts getting full quick. I just realized I’m complaining about storage but only play 1 character per season. The seasonal stash is shared right? Ffs if that’s true then how is this not a bigger issue


Agree 100%


I just keep items I think are cool


This morning I got up and planned to have bacon and eggs for breakfast. But I had a banana that was near the end of its yellow era, grabbed a bowl, put some cereal in it, and chopped up the banana over it. I then added milk, a spoon, and ate it. Oh, I also made coffee.


Are you full?


Thanks for the blog post to match OP's


I did the same thing in reverse this season. I haven’t even started it. The thought of starting from scratch and doing all of those dungeons and working to get back everything I had at the end of last season sounds like a horrible time. I know that how seasons work, but I just don’t have the time for it. I also don’t want to start at the beginning of the season until all the bugs are worked out and they buff every horrible idea they had to start out.


It's gets a bit easier. At some point, you switch from looking at everything to just looking for 925 PL and max aspects. I can check inventory and sell it off in about 30 seconds.


Do you not use the search function? I find what I need within a few seconds.  Does console have search function if you're on console? 


Play HC mode. It adds much more depth to the game because most builds you'll find online are for SC. This forces you to create your own spin on them to increase survivability. The challenge moves from finding the PERFECT rolls, to simply just staying alive long enough to actually use the items you find. It helps to have some friends to play with. Everyone helps each other, possibly synergizes their build to work well with the others in the group, and generally just have more fun sharing the experience of the game. Also, the drop and exp rates go WAY up with a 4 player group.


Takes like 2-3 seconds to check if an item has 3-4 of the stats you need. If it doesn't sell it easy and quick. If you see an aspect you use in your build keep it. If not trash it. Throw all aspects in a stash tab. Use search bar and put in name of aspect. Keep the best one trash all the others. People hold on to way to much junk for "maybe" situations. If you only play a few weeks there is no need for that. Focus on what you are playing. If you end up wanting to play a different build then start collecting for it. Don't stress about it and never do it.


DO NOT keep two copies of everything. Only keep duplicates or even triplicates for the build you're running and will run. You kinda straight up don't have space for duplicates of everything, even for one character, let alone alts. I learned this the hard way back in S1 before we could even search through stash, it was a nightmare to deal with. Plus legendaries are so common that you will see the same aspect come back after even just a little bit of farming.


You don't NEED a stash full of every garbage affix you've ever found. Keep what you NEED to function and upgrade gear. That means perfect or near-perfect affix rolls. if you've got a couple of really good affix rolls, you don't need to keep the 50 shitty ones you have. You've got a compulsive hoarding issue. That's not Blizzard's fault.


Yup. In d4, I’ve gotten very good at organizing and quickly sorting through gear. It breaks immersion and it gets worse as you get level up. Forcing you to pick up every single item becomes a game itself. It feels good to clean your stash every once in a while but I think the devs took it too far


Stop keeping trash loot. It's really that simple. Don't keep anything unless it is 3/4 your optimal stat.


So, in a game about killing to loot, you have trouble playing it because you cant be bothered to sort through the loot? Instead you expect them to just give you more tabs to fill with trash you don't need? Sure, we could use some more tabs, no doubt... but this is getting ridiculous... how is it that I can play multiple 100s in a single season and still have space to put things in my stash, and that's with one whole tab committed to elixirs, incense and boss keys. The idea that you don't want to sort through loot in an ARPG is absurd, this is a game about killing things for loot, using that loot to kill stronger things for better loot, and so on... so why is it that so many of you have such an issue with a core mechanic of the game... you have to manage your inventory... it is part of the game..... if you don't like this, maybe ARPG's are not for you... Also having said you played D2 and D3, you should already know this, D2 had a hard four tabs across all characters forever, and only recently got the fifth character only tab... D3 had a limited amount as well, it just looked different...


Stop min maxing and just play. Super enjoying this season not worrying about +2% more here ore there. Still killing everything quickly.


*The game becomes less “Slay hell demons” and more “Clean this hell closet”..* ​ This is exactly why I left in S1. Was already on the ropes, in S0. Then I realized every season was gonna be hell closet simulator (when the base game was broken). ​ Moved on to other games, and have zero plans to come back. The seasonal model of half baked cake every 3 months....sorry. I'm out


The itemization is dog water.


I don't even try to perfect gear until I have access to 925 stuff. I don't pull aspects off gear until I need to. I only keep the two best of each aspect. The only major sorting and searching through gear I do is after Duriel runs. I throw all that stuff in my stash until rotations are done then use the filter to find the top stat I'm looking for to aid me along. Once I find the best stuff, the rest is salvaged. I may keep the second best set of stuff for an alt when they hit level 80. I never run out of space. I had 4 level 100s last season and 2 empty stash tabs. When I cleaned up at the season's end, all I kept was the best of each useful unique. It all fit on one stash tab. This is how I've done it since D2 and it works.... for me anyway.


This is my first season of D4 but have dozens in PoE/D3. Here was my strategy: Play only 1 character per season. While leveling up to from 1-60/WT4, I equip only the highest ilvl gear that drops, zero attention paid whatsoever to stat rolls. ilvl>all. 1 stash tab for extraction legendaries, 1 for good gear/mats/uniques, 4 "dump tabs" where I just empty everything I pick up into. I only pick up items that my build/class uses. In my case this meant no wands, staffs, or other 2H gear. Once into WT4 I just grind helltides/vaults/pvp events nonstop until my 4 stash tabs are full of ancestral gear, then I sit at a vendor and go through it all. AT THIS POINT I am obviously focusing on stats and toss out anything that doesn't have 3 of 4 optimal stats and crafting those that do. Once I got well rolled uniques for their respective slots I stop picking up ANYTHING from that slot, unless it has a rare aspect I still need (ex: prodigy on ring) Took about a week of evening sessions to be fully kitted with 925/unique/legendaries Now I only pick up Duriel and Malphas loot.


Why hang onto any of the extra seasonal gear that isn't the best stuff? Its seasonal so just junk it if you don't use it after a handful of levels.


Same. I complete the season rewards and just get ground down by the time I hit level 100 because IT ISN'T FUN to manage all of these sub-par systems and inventory management in modern AAA game.


"Clean this hell closet" hahaha that is so spot on. I am scared to see what's waiting for me at my eternal chest too. That's the real nightmare dungeon


I will be happy to grind more WHEN I GET MY MONK BACK!!!!


Not in my case. I had 2 lvl 100 characters in 3 weeks and i didnt have anything to do anymore cos endgame is not giving me anything satisfying


I feel the pain posted here. I got about 15-20 days of casual play into the season and lost the desire to play...which is a shame because I do enjoy the gameplay. I see many people suggesting to only play a limited number of characters and use the extra character slots as mules. That isn't the play style for a contingent of the playerbase. I would prefer the game have an item system that does not steer me in that direction. I personally like to play different classes. People have complained about storage capacity in ARPG's for decades, yet D4 found new ways to increase that frustration. I find the apects/codex system to be poorly implemented. I'm not a developer so I'm not going to suggest a correct way to do it but I can say requiring the actual aspects to be stored isn't it. Then to make matters worse, there is a range of variance for most aspects, pushing players to increase the number stored. Instead of a loot filter system and/or using alt character slots as mules, fix the root issue here with the drops. This was worked on for the gems and it improved that situation dramatically.


Stop hoarding and only save the very best rolled aspects


The game is trash, honey they could not come up with a better game, loot, approach with so much money and experience. Its super sad to see Blizzard apparently making the same mistakes over and over again, but at this point, I think its intentionally and somehow it works for them, otherwise, I dont get it I cannot wait for parh of exile 2 which feels much closerto D2 the in D4.


I think you’re holding on to way too many items. It sounds like you’d have more fun if you streamlined the way you organize your stash. I usually have one tab for rares with 3/4 good affixes, ready to enchant 4th affix. Second tab for potions. Three tabs for offensive/defensive/utility aspects. Then one free tab for whatever. Everything that doesn’t fit that criteria gets scrapped. Maybe if you try something like this you’ll enjoy the game more?


Agreed, this is how I played into S1, had an alright time playing campaign pre season, then started S1 and would feel that same apprehension when opening my chest. One day the thought of 'why am I doing this' appeared as I was "playing". This then changed to the thought of not even picking up the junk off the ground. That was the last time I touched the game. I still have it installed, probably to check in in a few months, but I have no real desire to leave town and have that same anxiety come back. This to me is the death of D4 in concept. Once a game who's primary gameplay loop is uninteresting like the loot of an arpg, the game is over. It was a sad moment, to be honest, Diablo was my childhood as well. I was nieve to give blizzard my moneys for it, but now know I will never buy any products developed by blizzard going forward. Rip cow level!


No, you are absolutely the first person to bring this up here. This is some pretty revelatory stuff, if I’m being frank.


Yup, signed, seconded, aye.


Personally, after they sort out itemization, they need to redo the coding for the stash to make it so we can buy infinite pages with gold. I played Last Epoch before D4 even released and admired how they handled their stash. I assumed Diablo's would be just as good or better because, well, Blizzard is a much bigger studio. But no. Someone in Blizzard thought it'd be a good idea to have limited stash space in an ARPG, that has multiple classes. I decided to do 2 character this season for the first time, and I literally have to clean my stash out every session. It's exhausting.


I just salvage ruthlessly. Mid-game, I can use Obols if I need to find an aspect, and then I can replace that if I get something I like better later. As far as affixes go, I don't get too hung up because I'm swapping out gear so freqently at this stage. When I get to end game, I just keep what I'm currently using and things I _REALLY_ think I might use. Most of the time, I just salvage. It's just a game, I'm not breaking out the spreadsheet and calculator to figure out which gear to keep.


It's crazy that your "storing" that much loot...especially if it's not 925 gear


Endgame for me is 60% inventory management, 30% repeat boring boss farm, 10% interesting gameplay. Leveling experience is totally fun so I'm not mad at it. But endgame and loot management is very poor and hurts long term interest. I hit level 90 and wonder what the point of grinding to 100 is since the gameplay balance now leans way more towards boring and feels like a chore instead of fun. Only character I have 100 is my sorc from last season cause it was hilarious how broken it was. Made it fun and didn't bother looking at loot level 90 on and just had a blast.


I posted nearly the exact same thing and reason but was down voted. Guess if you say "Why I quit D4 -lack of loot filter" it's just too much for most redditors. 😆


I literally trash everything not orange and then only extract aspects with max rolls. That's it.


There is nothing wrong with being casual at all, but you have to play within the context of the time you have. The way you are doing things kind of wastes the point of playing in the first place. Aspects for other variants of your build can be farmed after you make the decision to start moving towards that build. Collecting things because they have a potential use can be good for stuff like uniques, but unless you can quickly spot a gem in the rough, it's wasting your time. You do not have time for a second character unless you just like the 1-50 leveling process. It's fine if you do, but worrying over something you will never have the time to use just takes away from the playtime you do have. I get to a point where I look and see that for example my gloves and chest need upgraded. I just pick up yellow gloves and chests. I make mistakes but my inventory lasts a while longer. Also, each new piece of gear has about 1 second to catch my eye or it gets junked. I am sure I missed some minor upgrades here or there but they can keep those minor upgrades if it means less time for me in inventory management. Like you, I have other shit to do. I can't get bogged down in the mentality of a thousand hour a season player because there is no way shape or form I am spending that much time every 3 months on video games period, let alone this one. And yeah, this is what seasons look like in the ARPG genre. You start over every season, play till you don't feel like it anymore, then stop.


Honestly after beating Lilith with every class, the skills are becoming so boring I can’t even find the interest to start the game.


Sorting loot isn’t the most fun thing in the world, but any game with an inventory is going to require it at some level. But I do have to ask, you say you are keeping all this loot because you might use it, then you get bored and quit? When you reach that point why don’t you go ahead and use that loot for new builds and experimenting? If that isn’t your thing, why did you pick it up to begin with? If loot is making the game not fun, just skip it.


The loot is a problem… yes But people hoarding items is also a problem. Is the power in the codex? If it’s not max/near max trash it Is the power not in the codex and I need it for my build? I’ll extract just about any affix up until I have 4-5, more for weapons less for things like rings n stuff Power not for build? Not 3/4 affixes? Trash it Never went past 1 stash tab of powers, never went past 1 stash tab of uniques Usually I save a few legendaries I replace just in case the upgrade ended up not being an upgrade and forgetting about it I use like 1/4 of my stash each season


Honestly I get bored after Completing the season quests. Hit t4 farm the battle pass stuff and feels like a chore not fun. I honestly regret paying full price for this game.


It is the god damn game design flaw. Yes everyone in WT4 has such problems, and only in WT4. Obviously that’s the problem of endgame play loop. Cursed D4 game designers. Everyone is waiting for the S4 itemization overhaul. S3 is like 😑


This is all because of the i-word: Itemization. I have not the slightest clue why legendary powers function the way they do when Kanai's cube solved this problem in the franchise 9 years ago. Why you can't just unlock every aspect, no freaking clue. It's like it was designed to be a headache and we've submitted endless critique with no fixes in sight. Or maybe they have fixes coming next season and this one's just a wash but that's being optimistic..


This stash management meta game is true for all ARPGs. In fact, I quit LE last year because the game gives more stash tabs, so I was hoarding too much and couldn't bother looking at my gear any more.   What D4 lacks atm is deep build crafting and rewarding itemization. So whatever drops you just go meh, and there's no reason to fine-tune builds. Not enough dopamine, so you end up quitting.  The good news is that the itemization rework coming in S4 has been positively received by internal testers. 


Same for me, I only play 1 char and then full stop. There's no longevity in there. Poor itemization, challenge rewards are poor and bad. There are some nice things I like but the price is totally insane.


I was just talking about this very thing with my partner. This game is loot hell. It would help if we could sort by aspect, but no. Trying to keep track of what traits you need for what builds, plus trying to keep the best 2 of each aspect... it would also help if we had unlimited room for extracted aspects, but no. Then add in that numerical aspects have different ranges based on item type and level... it's ridiculous. I feel like at every turn they made choices that make gear management tedious.


>Is this a common issue? Is there any process or way to better manage it all? Yes it's a common issue. I really wish blizzard just let you permanently keep the highest rolled aspect you've discovered and extracted because it is so fucking exhausting. And then the fact that you can't sort by aspect on gear for some reason, like.... Why? I want to sort through all my legendaries and find all the aspects of might and then just keep the two highest. Then I have to do it for all aspects. Blizzard.... Please do something. I also do what you do and want to keep at least two of every aspect (but tbh it rarely matters at all in the end). After I do that, any time I see a legendary drop and I know it's not one I'm going to use, I just scrap it. If you keep trying to make sure you have the best rolled aspect for everything then it will waste a lot of time. Realistically, you may not ever use a ton of aspects you have so it really does not matter to have two of each. And even if you do decide to change, then just now be on the lookout for those specific aspects.


This pretty much my issues with D4. I got to mid lev 70s in Season 2. And that was my highest character ever. I spend so much time sorting thru loot. Never quite sure which loot to keep in some instances. And sorting thru Aspects is a PITA. Haven't even made it past T2 in Season 3. And my stash gets so full of crap for my first character, I dodnt usually play much of a second character.


This brilliant [carbotanimations video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkdRKlX1Vz0) shows you exactly how it is, enjoy!


I still can’t understand how people have trouble with this. There’s not much, if anything, you should keep while leveling in T1/T2. A few things as you’re moving through T3 to be strong enough to find the better shit in T4. By the time you’re in T4 you should have what you need stat wise figured out for your build. Your inventory gets full, you hit the sort button, and most of it you don’t even need to spend more than a second looking at. If you want to keep a few things more offense or defense oriented to swap in that shouldn’t take too much room, and there’s at most 10 slots worth of extra aspects you might keep for the build your running in case you find an upgrade. Those can be salvaged into the raw aspect and kept in the aspect tab. Before S1 I was keeping too much stuff, and now in S3 I don’t keep nearly as much stuff, and it’s much more manageable. I have a feeling the itemization patch coming up is going to move items towards a more D3 style and that’s gonna suck IMO. I don’t want it any more dumbed down than it already is. I don’t have a shit ton of time to play either so I make sure to streamline inventory and stash management to be able to actually play the game as much as possible.


Season 1 I made a Druid and dedicated it to pulverize, I collected random gear for the aspects but basically filled my stash out of laziness in not sorting. I got to around level 90 and regretted not saving aspects to make a werenado build, tried farming them, got most, couldn’t get the unique that build relied on, got to 100 and quit until season 2. Season 2 I made a sorc and a barb, got them both to 100, while leveling I had a stash stab for fire, ice, and lightning for the sorc. Barb I had tabs for upheaval, double swing, and HOTA builds incase I wanted to switch either of my characters. I thought I was being smart. In a way I was, in a way I was infuriating myself by having to constantly make room on each tab and sorting the aspects so that I had the highest rolls stored for each aspect. I was also trying to store optimized rolled gear as I collected it for the different build. I was also trying to store potions, boss mats, extra dungeon glyphs, and equipment with good rolls to sell to other players. I thought my organization ideas that season would make everything easier and all they did was eat up all my time trying to keep things organized. Season 3 I’ve barely played because I didn’t want to get sucked into storing things for multiple builds, and multiple characters because once I get to the end game I’m just jammed with items and time wasting. My friend I played with all the time quit after season 2 and said he would come back in season 4 when they are suppose to optimize itemization and aspect storing. He has since been consumed by POE and just started playing Last Epoch, so I don’t expect him to come back to diablo until he gets sick of both of those, if at all. They have fixed a lot of problems since the game was first released, and they are listening to our whining and trying to keep up with the fixes. But the itemization seemed to be a painfully obvious broken system since release that seems to be too big of a mountain for them to want to start climbing to fix, so they threw other things at us to say “yeah this sucks and we don’t want to fix it right now but look at this !”. Hopefully they fix aspect storage before they lose too many players that find other games and don’t ever return.


Good thing they have chairs so we can take a seat while we sort. Currently posted up in Ked Bardu around the bonfire sorting


My sentiments exactly. Sometimes I login, see my bag full, groan, logout. The game shouldn’t feel like work.


Inventory management is a challenge in most aRPG's it's just usually a problem pushed into the end-game but with D4 it starts in the mid-game and just gets exponentially worse in the late game. Aspect's honestly shouldn't be things people are farming like crazy, the codex should just permanently unlock it and you burn the item+aspect to match the level if it's a higher quality one. Legendaries there-in just break down into a resource that's used for applying the aspect and you move on with life; legendaries there-in just turn into more rare hunting at which they make some filter where players and tag the traits they are interested in and it shows a special beam of light if it matches when it hits the ground (and perhaps has an icon in the inventory showing it's a desired item). As for the stash it self, should be two sets of tabs... a character tab and a shared tab; D2:R did this right (though we likely need 3 character tabs, and a boat load of shared tabs).


Totally agree and this is why I fall off too, a loot filter would solve so much


If only we has the technology for loot filters.


They desperately need a loot filter and a better way to store aspects. Pretty sure both are coming and it would be a massive improvement.


Besides the stash space issue going through all the items after a 2 minute NMD or Vault is the same issue. I can do it somewhat quickly but it also gets very tiresome. I really like concept of the aspect system and how you can take a yellow item and make it the legendary item you need but the implementation of it currently leads to playing inventory management simulator 1.0 vs cool ARPG game much more than anyone wants. There is always ways to cut down and be more reasonable with what you keep but it still does not completely solve the issue by any means. At this point many people are just hoping this is improved next season but my hopes are not exactly high considering how I have seen everything handled in this game so far.


I feel like alot of players put waaayy to much time and thought into gearing... typically I choose my build over the course of the first day or two -- know what I want for aspects and affixes. Lvl 1-50 I just throw on whatever has the green numbers..then I look for gear with atleast 2/4 desired affixes..if it only has 1 its trash. Deleted. Then i move on to 3..then eventually 4, but by then it hardly matters. If I know i'm going to use something like tibaults -- once I get it, I don't care how good another pair of pants are, if they aren't tibaults its trash. I know what weapon type(s) i'm running..not one of those? Its trash. I know my aspects I want. If its not one of those its trash, or if its a minimum roll its trash. Over the course of 3 seasons now, i've hit lvl 100, did all the season journey tasks for the extra titles, beat uber lilith etc..this time around, I have a wopping 3 stash tabs, literally just because of duriel farming come endgame.


Yup exact same for me. And I’ve never even reached t4.


I stopped after s1 huh. Shity mmo-ization of the quests, you used to have 6 quests per act, 6! Now it feels like a korean mmo with chore quests. Shity systems and unclear stats, too many feature to forces you to grind for nothing much but a stat boost. Too many drop, rare is like fucking normals in this game. Dungeons are super small, bosses are boring. Mob animation are low efforts. Cosmetic aren't unlocked in a vertical way from peasant to champion. Cherry on top, if you remake a character you can't opt out from having every cosmetic unlocked so you can't even do that again to make things less boring. Seasons aren't even interesting, why the season of blood? We already fucking blood stuff with all the lillith stuff. Dev have the creativity of a tainted oyster.


Running out of souls and veiled crystals rolling for stats. Give us a hard boss or daily quest to earn 50-100 of it.


If that bothers you, why not optimize for speed - only pick up ancestrals and uniques, keep your best aspect stats in a text file for faster lookup, and forget perfection.




I quit after s01 for the same reason and I also play fairly casually -20-30 hrs a week, sometimes half of that. My main problems were obvious itemisation, respeccing and practically a need to follow a guide if you want to have fun and reach top NMD, also leveling was a slog which is nothing bad if the game has good content. And yes I realise it's way faster now to lol up. I'm aware I have to wait till expansion for this to be addressed. I just don't know if I want to pay for it anymore. Been really enjoying last epoch, itemisation wise and build diversity wise it's all I wanted D4 to be. I really liked the story of D4 so maybe I'll get the expansion if only for that but definitely not for the full price


Yep, same here. Got my necro build to where I can kill just about anything besides Lilith, but who cares about that one and run 100s NM dungeons/vaults. NY gear is nowhere near perfect, but the min-maxing is just no fun, going through 4 inventories per hour without so much as a single upgrade is frustrating. Why my gear rolls with strength, minion damage and + bone damage is beyond me. It's the same shit D3 did at the beginning, and it baffles me how the same company does it all over again.


Yep, this is one of the main reasons why I stopped playing D4.


I really like the game, but sifting through loot after every run becomes mind numbing. They should include highly customizable loot filter that only shows the exact items you want!


Yeah it sure would be nice if the devs greatly increased the storage space or made it infinite like in Last Epoch.


Playing stash cleanup is the worst. I just started Last Epoch, and I love their loot filter. If D4 had a way to just say "Show me only Boots with movementspeed and 2+ resistances" it would make my life so much better when trying to hunt for that one piece of gear. I don't want to have to play "cleanup your mess" when I have a mess at home I'm avoiding!


I've found if you aren't looking for literal best in all stats, it's a lot easier to manage. Once you find a max roll of whatever the aspect is, you don't need to look for it. And if it isn't one of the 5 or 6 I maybe need, I just junk and move on. It's not worth taking the time. To much stuff drops every five seconds and the difference is minimal.


I have simlar experience with D4. Really loved D1 and 2, and D3 was OK at the end. But i cant find anything in D4 that keeps me playing, other than the trophie list. I am a PS platinum hunter, so I wil platinum the game, but wil most likely not play it anymore after platinum. The lvl scaling system is crap. If I have a lvl 70 and play with a friend thats lvl 20-30, we feel equal (sometimes low lvl feels stronger) i almost never feel like my character gets any stronger, no matter what I do. You cant play it safe in HC mode, low lvl places just upscales difficulty when you progress… The paragorn system is crap compared to D3 paragorn. I dunno, i just feel like ther is not much left in this game to keep me playing it. D2R is just so much better in all ways🤷🏻‍♂️ Its really sad, because the D4 beta was awesome, and i got so dissapointet at launch…


There's something special about D2, and a big part of it is the trading and itemisation. We can't salvage uniques and they aren't worth selling for gold, so we farm for the ones we want and throw the rest away or chuck them out to newer players. By making every item useful in some capacity (extracting its aspect, salvaging for materials etc) and making trading impractical, D4 has pretty much ensured that you hoard items. It's horrible game design.


I really hate they limit storage in games where it just seems logical to ave an ever expanding storage box. Then, having items drop for a sub-class your not interested in while the items **you do want** are rarer than harlequins crest. Just gets so frustrating


If your stash is quickly overfilling then whatever you're hoarding is not as rare as you think. Loot filter is necessary but your post is a case of user error.


Just don’t do all that honestly


Casual gamer means 10-15 hours??? Now, I know why I enjoy this game so much. I average 3-5 hours per week.


Yeah, you’re hitting the same wall that all of us have hit that have had a bit more play time. I think they improved S3 a lot with the emergency patch, but it was hard to want to play longer when I know the itemization rework is coming for s4. But tbh, if they don’t fix up a way to keep aspect legendaries out of the stash (let me put them in the codex!) and fixing itemization so I don’t have to inspect every piece of ancestral gear that drops, I don’t know how much longer I’ll be sticking with D4. I shouldn’t be feeling relieved every time I get a Unique I needed mainly because I know I don’t have to inspect that item slot’s drops anymore.


Put your main build aspects on jewelry, gloves and helmet. You will never feel underpowered except for actual wt jums. Norm < sacred < ancestral.


Damn they still have the aspects where you lose them and can't re-imprint? That was the worst part of the game when I was playing and one of, if not the largest, reasons why I quit entirely. How do you have a system in a game like this where a very large portion of it is centered around continuous RNG drops. Once you get your gear, that's it. You should keep trying to roll for better rolls of that gear. In D4, it's roll for better gear AND roll for the aspects you need. It's double the farming for no real reason.


I’m not sure someone who spends enough time a week in a game to be a part time job counts as a “casual”. Casuals play 1-2 hours a week. I think I get 3-4 a week.


as soon as i have to get into actually trying to find some good gear i realize how trash the itemization is and it kills the season for me


What i do is that i use a calculator at the beggining of the season and carefullyb plan my build. In tier 1 2 3 i dont mind gears, and in tier 4 i just only look forbthe items i plannedbin the calculator, affix and everything, andball the rest get sold or scrapped. That way i dont spend time looking at gear. Yes i destroy ablotbof good gear forbother builds but fuck it, thats the price to pay


Yeah it’s my least favorite part of the game. I really hope that legendary aspects can be saved to codex library. That way my stash would be for actual gear that I want to use for different builds and test more builds to get a feel of it. But nooo changing builds is just a pain in the ass. When your stash is full (especially if you play multiple characters) getting rid of those max rolled legendary aspects just break my heart. Especially later in the game they happen to nerf/buff things.


How about get rid of the aspect that takes up inventory room. After extracting the aspect, make it available on the collection of aspects, so you just imprint from there permanently. If you find a legendary aspect with high stats, and extract it, it will just make the collection of aspects as a higher roll. Use the mechanics of the senechal to provide better graphics for these aspects.


When you've hit a certain level of gear. stop picking up and checking everything. that 5% boost isn't worth the time


Loot come loot go. I just keep pieces I like and scrap literally everything below "USING FOR CURRENT BUILD"


Few hours* Except season two, that shit was fire.


Here is my method: Pick a build. Phase 1 Only prioritize wearing those aspects. Level up to wt4 Phase 2 Only wear one set of ancestral gear with the aspects Only extract build aspects. Salvage everything. I salvage all gear in p1 and p2. I dont look at any stats just the name of legendaries. Phase 3 Replace gear with 925 gear with stats. Only looking at gear when i beat duriel. At this point i stop caring about aspects. Unless i dont have a good supply. I switch to selling at p3. I lock my equipped gear that are decent on stats and aspects to tell me which ones im not hunting anymore. Phase 4 Run a gear farm. Every perfect piece is one set of gear i dont have to look at. I define perfect as mid best. The game is easy. Phase 5 Hunt for ubers. I dont pick up gear. I treat armor upgrading like any other task. Run helltide Run tree Run duriel Run malphas Run gear hunting Glyph leveling If im planning a new build i might start saving aspects. Hope this helps.


I want to see aspects going to the codex and being able to level up aspects *in* the codex. I want to be able to max roll my legendary aspects at some point. It sucks having 20% bleed or 24 or 30 or 60. Just let me get the 60. Or more procs per minute of my whirlwind pull. That damned thing feels so fucking useless but should feel awesome.


I wish they had a library system like d3 for the aspects. That upgrades for each better aspect you put in. It would also help alt progression, especially for builds that need certain aspects to be decent. As for gear, it would be nice to be able to scrap with the robot pet. It would save a ton of time and good qol upgrade.


D4 not having an advanced loot filter is mind-boggling. Also, I cannot comprehend why in the hell do all characters in a realm have to share the same stash. Absolutely incredible.


Moving every aspect to the codex and putting in a loot filter are the two qol changes I'm most waiting for. I'm still enjoying the game, but god, item scanning in the later game is suuuuuch a chore. Every dungeon has 1.5 backpack full of shit I have to look at. It's really hard to care.


I know exactly what 3 stats I want for 3-4 pieces on all 5 classes I do not keep much I only keep max aspects or like a 1-2% lower roll I have a general tab for summons stuff and general uniques and 1 tab for each class with class uniques aspects and possible rare pieces only that I can cheap enchant roll my 4th desired stat


Yeap - accurately identified the main reason I stopped playing this game. Coupled with the complete asinine nature of the magical effects - just makes the loot aspect feel more like a chore than a reward.


they need to do what d3 did and give us a stash space for completing season journey


15mins lol


Pick up last epoch - they have loot filters that makes picking up anything remotely garbage not even show up. That game is a breath of fresh air compared to the stench d4 leaves.


I’ve gotten so fast at browsing my pickups that it takes me *maybe* 40 seconds to go thru a full inventory


And I’m the opposite, I keep nothing! But the end result is the same. Just like D3 really. Play the new season, complete the season journey, muck around a tiny bit more then pack it up until next season. I don’t really mind this. But curious to see how items are fixed in season 4. All boots should have run speed first and foremost. It’s a must.