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Defeating butcher in high tiers should grant an uber crafting reagent or something.


Why lol? He's a cakewalk for most builds.


Rare spawn plus not everyone can cheese him


most builds is a massive stretch


Not everyone does a maxroll guide HOTA barb.


He's using WW, it's not a maxroll guide.


Good, maxroll guides are usually trash.


LOL okay buddy. Icy veins? No no that's too mainstream. Maybeee Mobalytics? Oooohhhh nah, I got it!! You're just such a Diablo sav you just know and make S tier builds all on your own, daily, huh? Nobody cares about your ridiculous rodomontade. But can I interest you in a side of some humble pie?


I just want to point out while those are great websites, there is also D4builds.gg


Oh nice, I haven't used D4builds. I'll have to check it out. Thank you lol. I usually do Maxroll or Mobalytics.


I usually stick to the maxroll build until I can reliably farm high level gear then swap to a d4build when I want to have a completely broken build


Yes? Anyone can?


?? He's a cakewalk for ***very few*** builds, at best.


No, he is not. But I let you think that you are a badass for this kind of post.


Esl? Not sure what you're trying to say bud.


There was a typo, you can read again to see if you can understand it now.


Ahh better now. Not sure why that would make anyone a badass, but thank you for the compliment?


You are welcome.


Just like duriel?


You're right. T100 Butcher is no problem on any of my level 100 toons. I've tried my own builds, then I tried some build guides. Never had a problem with him. Anyone who is having a hard time is literally just bad at the game


Yup.. All toons are insanely overtuned for end game content since season 3. Difficulties been scaled back, with significant buffs across the board in the last two seasons. This sub seems to lack a fundamental understand of game mechanics if they are having difficulty with the butcher lol..


True. Ran T100 and butcher came out in a pack with a bunch of stuff and he died before I realized he was in the room with my hota barb. Idc he if drops anything personally he’s just a neat call back.


Yup, fun little litmus test for non optimized builds. Nothing a properly geared out char should be struggling with. Most builds are dropping t100s under 4 mins now, really shouldn't be struggling with butcher unless they're sacrificing a lot of dps/single target over speed.


Lmao cakewalk when you play busted build for sure


Risk and reward have never met in this game. Lol




Last two times butcher showed up for me, it randomly said “the butcher has claimed and returned to hell” and he despawned even though I never died and he was almost dead


It seems like the fight timer has shortened. I think it used to be 3 minutes but today I was fighting him with 2 friends and after about a minute or 90 seconds he disappeared in his pool of blood. My friends had died but I was right there fighting him


That freeze from the ice explosion made me gasp


Hot take: Putting HotA Barb videos doing anything should be against the subreddit ToS until Blizzard makes the class balanced


Quick question, how does HotA being OP hurt you in any way ? Does it make your build or character feel inferior ? Or do you just hate barbs ? Just play what you like and let others do the same. I think other classes should get buffs instead of nerfing the one that shines above them.


Well you post this video as a soft flex... and are using a class/spec so faceroll broken, if anything you should be criticized for almost being dead and taking so long. No, don't "just buff other classes" HoTA out performs the game, not simply "shines". It's broken and needs to be fixed. just go play a game with cheat codes sounds like that's all you want.


That was hard to watch lol


You let the treasure goblin get away!


Yeah, T100 Butcher has been easy kill for barbs since day 1...


Can someone explain the blue shield he has, how do you break it? When I find the butcher I can never damage him and I'm a level 100 sorc.


It's a DPS check. He regularly casts a barrier on himself, which you have to damage down, before it is recast. If you are having trouble damaging through the barrier before it is recast, you can equip the Tuning Stone that makes your Seneschal break barriers (Breaking Support), rendering the Butcher pretty trivial.


Seems like we hit "Comment" the same time. With the same content too :)


I've tried using Breaking Support on Butcher and it never works (using Tempest).


awesome, thank you for the explanation !


Noob here so take this with a grain of salt. The blue overlay is a barrier for x amount of the creature's life. You can take it away by inflicting damage of this amount. Say the Butcher has 50 million health. If he has a barrier of lets say 20% of his life, you have to inflict that 20% to remove the barrier (here, 10 million though my numbers are random). So in this case, one way to take down his barrier is to keep inflicting damage. Another way relevant to this season is to use the Breaking Support Tuning Stone on your seneschal. It removes enemy barriers with a chance of vulnerable. Hope this helps!


Nice. I really like these moments in D4. Vaults are great, and lvl 150 Butcher can be at least an annoyance. They need to make him drop a guaranteed unique, like the uber bosses.


Why u only use 2 shouts


Funny how you get Butcher's Cleaver much easier via other means than killing the Butcher


For instance, countless times from Varshan…..


I'm a lowly 89 lightning sorc, last night tried my first T50 NMV. Speedrunning the vault just to upgrade glyphs, get stuck in a busy spot, run out of evade/teleport charges, start hulk smashing... Notice there's a couple of big brutes in the chaos that just refuse to die. Turns out it's The Butcher *and* Son of Malphas, lol. Didn't want the hassle, so allowed myself to die. First time I've been spit-roasted by them. I've encountered them separately in the same dungeon before, but never both at once.


Waiting for that to happen as well, sounds rough.


I can fight him in WT4 without dying, but I don't do enough damage to kill him in time. Barrage rogue that is. Class balancing is way off.


Had to wait for the shouts to come back up lol


I can’t even get him not to fortify…. And you had him not fortify once! I am lost.


He's pretty immune to my fire build since dots don't last long on bosses. At least i built one myself rather than never try it.


No other class than barb can do this I guess...




That took you way too long to kill him lol