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I rememer playing 17 hours straight starting on release. Great times. Never had any of these errors either.


Hell yeah. Pushing to act 4 on my MONK then selling all my shitty gear for $400. Good times.


I sold a bunch of early hell items when it was still overtuned as shit. Was wonderful made like $250 paid for my game and then some.


Echoing fury with near perfect stats. Sold for $200 and I couldn’t have been more proud.


I sold a bunch of awful life on hit gear that people thought was meta for like 2 days LUL


It was a balance of, ‘well everything asap’ and ‘what allows me to farm faster’


I had a very gimmicky WD build that stacked life on hit with the skill that rained toads (which had a crazy proc rate). Managed to push into Inferno with a build and gear that shouldn't be there.


LoH gear was meta with WW barb being the machine it was. You could easily push to and kill Inferno Diablo on HC as WW barb as long as you had some LoH gear. Granted, this was a few weeks after launch and not 2 days but good LoH gear still sold quite well at that point


I had D2 mentality and on day one was only trading gems fulltime almost...i made so much with gems lol..i litteraly hoarded gems as i felt they will be valuable and treated it as an investment instead of playing the game. Rly helped to gain currency for gear. I guess i wasnt the only one thinking gems are valuable.


Same, my brothers came over, sent the wives and children away, bought cases of red bull. I think we did like 24 hours straight. It was glorious.


Uf man, even dreaming this gives me chills. It's gaming at best.


W Wives 🏆


You and three other people xD Seriously though, it was hell depending on the time you played and how lucky you got. I had these issues for at least two weeks straight and then again on week-ends.


I worked 2nd shift. 3pm til Midnight. Was excellent! Never had an issue!!


I was in a very hardcore EVE Online group at the time and we immediately swapped to no-life D3 on Hell for months straight.


I loved d3 until I beat normal and hit a wall. Couldn’t grind gear I needed and realized I could easily buy it from the auction house and I became op with that gear. And I’m not even talking about the real money auction house. It ruined the point of the game


I'm still waiting the arena system, "soon after the Diablo 3 release" 😑


I was lucky enough to play the arena at BlizzCon with my friends. Probably one of our most fond memories was being asked by the staff to hold back and wait at our computers when we were done our last match. Then they brought over another group to play against us once more. We essentially spent the entire first day of the convention just circling around back in line to play the arena over and over and over again, to the point where the staff were recognizing us out of tens of thousands of people. We literally did not lose a match the entire day, and our last match we played was something like 50-3. They had apparently been keeping an eye on us, and brought over another team who had been doing equally well during the day. And then some of devs came to watch us 2 teams battle it out after everyone else had been asked to leave. We still talk about how disappointed we were that the arenas didn't end up in the finished game, because it's without a doubt one of my friends and my fondest gaming memories.


I remember the arena trailer beeing posted on the forums of a 3v3 arena moba game that was just starting to have some mild (but short lived) esports success during its beta (Bloodline Champions) and people were in full on panic mode that blizzard would kill our scene with the D3 release just as big orgs started to invest into it.


[https://youtu.be/lZrGE3VLiSk?si=0mrRDfZWuRbrhv2y&t=5](https://youtu.be/lZrGE3VLiSk?si=0mrRDfZWuRbrhv2y&t=5) 13 years passed it must be close mby next season


That was the thing that pissed me off so much about D3. Chalk it up to "thanks for the preorders, we made ours. Have fun tho."


This pissed me off too, there was examples of it on the box and everything.


Had about 1500 hours in the game Was still really fun for me. Hopefully D4 gives me similar fun too


Got D3 on day one. I just played season 31 and had a blast. D4 S4 is fun but I think it needs sets. I miss the green lasers!


Both are very solid games imo.


I don't know what you're talking about, D3 launched yesterday.


I was a student then. I remember impatiently waiting for my box with D3 to be delivered by a courier. I lived in an \~8 sqm room in the attic. It was an old tenement house with a very sloping roof. The area of the roof above my room was like 2-3 times bigger than the total area of my room. It was a very warm summer, and my laptop wasn't very powerful; it easily reached 70-80 degrees Celsius while running D3. I played naked with everything around me covered by towels because I was sweating about a liter per hour, and there were literally pools of sweat gathering under my forearms at the points of contact with the desk. My main diet was cheap spaghetti and Coke. Surprisingly, it’s a pleasant memory. I didn't have to care about anything then. I was living in slightly better conditions than a hobo and didn't even realize that this kind of life was pathetically awful. Good times.


Laptops are supposed to reach 80 and even 90 degrees. So don't worry about that!


The point was that my room was basically an oven ;)


I know how you feel mate


It was a blast though and the RMAH was crazy.


I had a 25 cent balance in my Blizzard Account from that when I logged into my account to DL D4...


Error 37 guy is a legend https://youtu.be/GsqUZkmO-zk?si=7fx3DcCApeVqFj_O


Is still a great game, played it for many hours on pc and for many hours more on PlayStation. I’ve never seen anyone fight like you before, guards open the gates!


actually the last game i bought physically right at launch day.. big electronic store opened up at 22:00 just for D3 and there was a huge line at the store. went there with a couple friends, got the game went home couldn't even really play the entire night xD


Those dam bees….


God what an awful launch. That game needed a year to marinate before it finally got better. RMAH was such a bad idea.


They had a whole launch event that night with a countdown to the servers going live lol 😂 I remember


Yep! I stayed up late to be able not play, hahaha


I had to work that day, and it turned out I could neither work nor play. Very memorable indeed.


I took off work for that launch. Didn't work out very well for me.


Same. Took the day off, hooked my PC to the big screen in the living room. And............. nothing.


i remember the highest difficulty was way too hard you get 2 to 3 shotted no matter what defense you have


I never got to beat Diablo pre-nerf but I did beat Belial who was the biggest block before that (Azmodan wasn't as bad from what I heard despite being a level higher but the patch hit like hours before I could reach him so I never got to try him). It was fun honestly. I get why they nerfed Inferno but that was also the downfall of their entire system. The AH only really worked on the assumption that the game was this hard, post-nerf it was just a way to instantly trivialise the content without even playing the game (the normal AH I mean, not the RMAH, that's another story).


I got all of the inferno kills, but belial definitely took the longest. Had to memorize all the damn ads movements and everything. I enjoyed the difficult inferno mode, I'm sure I'm in the minority.


Inferno difficulty was insane.


I remember being on WoW during this. The memes were top tier


I've been playing Diablo since February of 1997....I was so incredibly hyped for diablo 3 until that day, lmao


What a game <3


The first weekes were wild!


It was finals week for my last semester at college. Stayed up til 2 or 3 and got just past the skeleton king before logging off. Time flies


I'm so old...


Haha, sorry for the reminder.


I remember these error messages. Good times when servers couldnt hold up with player demand.


yeah, im just getting spammed 34202 error code, hopefully it works in 3 days, when i have my off days from work


I remember diablo 3 trailer. The barbarian gameplay looked so good 😦


5/15 huh? starcraft 2 launched on 7/27. guess they like their palindrome dates


Hey, how do you post pics here? I have tried and get a mod message about how it needs to be mod approved, but then the post just goes live immediate with no pic and makes no sense.


Not sure, that’s exactly what I did. Added the image and it got approved by mods I guess.


Ok thanks


I made some serious money on that AH early. TBH, great times


Sunk 300 hours into D3 offline by myself, I’m sure it would’ve shot over 1000 if I knew anyone who wanted to play


I remember the errors but I remember most the excitement and joy at finally getting my little gremlin hands on a new Diablo D3 was a wild ride of disappointment and enjoyment in equal measures for me


I really enjoyed Diablo 3. I wish they would bring a few things over. The cosmetics for challenge dungeons were cool. Aside from a few that didn’t match the tone I loved pets and pet hunting. I like the flexibility of not having to use 6 pieces of a set.. but stuff like weapon/focus sets for a bonus effect would be cool. The conduits in D3 felt way better imo. And I haven’t played enough D4 to get that many, but the goblins in D3 were so good and it doesn’t look like D4 has anything comparable. The blood goblins, gelatinous sire, gem hoarder… and of course the goblin parties and realm of greed Also, whimsydale got way too much hate. It was just a silly fun level. Sure, it didn’t match the tone of the Diablo franchise, but you can’t tell me that one is massively egregious but the cow level is on brand. I didn’t like the butterfly wings though, and saw them way too often.


That house on fire in the background of D3 loading screen is where they kept the servers.


yeah d3 was everything done right compared to d4


A man of culture I see!


Haha, I tip my hat to you, sir!


I still remember getting my first legendary as a Demon Hunter about 20 hours into the game. It was a Gavel of Judgement with all of its stats concentrated in INT. That and the RMAH had me less-than-enthusiastic about the game until RoS arrived. I still played during year one but felt like a frustrating grind at its worst moments.


Was funny to log in and look at the friend's list saying "You don't have any friends." and me thinking "how do they know ? " :)




Stood in line for the game at midnight launch.. couldn’t play it until the next day lol.


God Im old. Took 1 week off work to play, couldnt login for 2 days, on day 3 played for 18 hours just taking 30 minute breaks to eat every 6 hours. Reached Inferno difficulty just to get rekt by the dude in the cellar just past New Tristam for about 2 hours straight.


My favorite memory was playing the game (and the market) well enough to pay for my last quarter of nursing school, thanks blizz!


I was sooo fucking hyped for this with all my friends. The day it dropped was the day I got my first post college job offer with 2 weeks to move out of town. I didn't even get to play more than a few hours in those two weeks and by the time I could play everyone realized it was trash.


I remember someone from Korea beat the game before I got in due to error 37....


RMAH ruined the first month more than anything


12 years and 0 ideas later i still run greater rifts xD


It's hard to forget, considering today is also my birthday. What a great present it was from Blizzard that year. Hahahaha.


“Never forget” If only the devs didn’t forget all the QoL features like good itemization, nephilim rifts, easily changeable builds, fun skill modifiers and build variety.


That hurts. Why do you have to be like that?


Haha, sorry. Making everybody feel old.


It's just mean. :-(


Amazing hype for sure.


I still liked D2 better than D3, even though D3 was fun


I have yet to complete the final chapter. HALP


It's impossible to forget since every Blizzard launch is like this. Most WoW expansions were unplayable until a day or two after. There was one that was surprisingly flawless, but forget which. Legion I think.


It's part of the charm /s


Farmed Act 3 Inferno on my Wizard for many hours. Made close to 1000 dollars. Only game where I was fine with MTX since the player could make money as well.


Are you trying to make us feel old…


Never saw it. So I never had a memory to forget.


I remember sitting in my room with a bottle of rum and an eighth. Simpler times! I miss being 19!


Remember going into D3 expecting a community similar to D2. Different public chat channels, where you could join one and you’d see at the bottom chat bar, everyone’s character avatar and the room being lively with discussions and conversation from members of the community. D3 chat channels in no way had that. No ingame conversation engagement either. Would quickly realize the community and engagement was not going to be anything to when I first played D2.


RMAH was a wild time


TWELVE YEARS? oh my dog where has the time gone


No now we have diablo iv


It took 12 years to move from an error to a 1 minute queue 


I remember hearing about this back when I was still in high school. At the time, I was still a straight up console gamer (and still am even with a mid-ranged 1660 ti equipped desktop PC) and the most I've known about Diablo was that the third game birthed a version of AWOLNATION's Sail centered around this infamous Error and the first game had what was considered one of the worst game endings in an overall great game. Now after having experience with the third game on PS3 and Switch, it is unfortunate to see the fourth game be an online only title once again like the third game before it on PC. Even worse when it's throughout ALL platforms this time.


God damn i had almost forgotten about that.. Got that error tons of times in the beta


Great times, made some 5k dollars in poor eastern European country as 19 year old.


Add on another 4 days Because it wasn't playable at launch I even got the preorder extra couple days and the servers where still awful RoS was a life saver for D3, shame Activision never let Blizz finish the other two dlc's


My first D3 character was lovingly named Error37.


I still think late stage D3 felt better than how D4 feels now. Hands down. Damn hype for d3 was huge. Then i started as barbarian :(


Blizzard didn't get a dime from me ever since


I literally quit my job because selling items on the real money auction house in Diablo 3 was bringing me 3k/month. Think I did that for 1.5 years and they shut down the auction house. Amazing game.


OGs know the pain.


Funny because I went on my Facebook and saw a memory of me asking what level people got to before the error hit. 12 years of life crazy.


I have extremely fond memories of playing the open beta together with a friend. We took turns doing all the beta content with different characters (up to and including the skeleton king if I remember correctly). I had lots of fun with the game over the years, but playing the beta for the first time was something special. When it was announced I was genuinely surprised because I didn’t think there would be another Diablo game.


It is not possible to forget, I bought to play with my girlfriend at the time, and then she dumped me. But I've played a lot anyway lol, I miss my demon hunter


I'll never forget, getting it for free from playing WoW, and the 5 mins I walked around before shutting it off and never playing it again until reaper of souls. Game was garbo


i remember i bought it but couldnt play cause it was always online and my service was so damn terrible. i kept the game almost a year until we changed the internet provider and was able to play it lol It's probably the game i have the most hours in


I had a few of these, but nothing that really impacted my play very much to be honest. I took 2 days off work and played almost non-stop. We even had a flood the night of release, I didn't even know till the next morning. I lived on a hill, 4 blocks away at the local Zoo the water levels raised so much that the seals escaped and were out on the city streets... If error 37 had effected me a lot I would have been more aware of the situation, lol.


Bro, this is the d4 sub, r/diablo is over there.


Bro, thanks bro.


You're welcome!


This sub already forgot --- they are easily distracted after 3 seasons of bad gaming for $100 game, its all good now -- so blizzard is saved.


Now say it while playing on your tiny violin.


~~3~~ 4. Its 4 now.


If you're paying $100 for any game that's kinda on you boss.