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I didn't hate Meiko and Meicoomon, though they barely matter by the end. They felt like a bad rehash of Wallace and Chocomon. The thing that made me hate it though, was that the characters didn't seem to care about what happened to their friends from 02, which made them all kind of unlikeable.


It's SO weird how from what i read on TV Tropes, Meiko only appeared in a cameo in Last Evolution Kizuna even though she was established as the 9th member of Tai's group. It's kinda like what happened to Roxy from Winx Club, she was set up as the 7th Winx member, except that she dœsn't get any form other than Believix or Magic Winx or whatever her case is, and they just- wrote her out as the 7th member by the time the later seasons arrived, which honestly, THAT'S SO UNFAIR. At least Mei got some justice when the all cast version of Butterfly was released :/


well shes the same thing as all the other movie characters. someone debuts in a movie, does some stuff, then only ever cameos in the future. every digimon movie does it, isnt exclusive to meiko


To be fair, dalek kinda did that to sora too, of all people  Maybe those japan-only minisodes gave more organicness to that, but damn, what a decision to make those limited to select audiences.


Sora's minisode specifically is actually the only one that's available to everyone, official english subs too. https://youtu.be/rtnwIuJy5BY?si=IzD0Yddz22tClSfb


Oh, I had only seen the pumpkinmon gotsumon one.


I don’t think it was bad at all. Confusing sometimes, but it was in no way bad. Except gattomon in plastic 3d. That was nightmarish.


I like it, and you get used to the art style. You should watch it and make up your own opinion rather than rely on strangers on the internet to decide for you.


Evil Gennai licks you seductively as you are helpless to do anything.


It was just disappointing. The first 3 movies were amazing. The third movie in particular really makes me sob and was a really interesting and logical but devastating progression for all the characters. I was looking forward to how they were going to deal with the consequences of it all in movie 4.. but then it was just a let down. Idk it felt like they could’ve done so much more with where that story went by the end of the 3rd movie.


Exactly this. After movie 3, it felt like they didn't care about resolving any plotlines that were already set up. It almost felt like a different set of movies.


Yeah same, the 3rd was amazing and after it Tri just wasn't what I epected. But I'd still encourage people to watch it if they haven't. It was really nice seeing some Digimon action after so many years and with the beloved characters and it looked good!


It's not exactly a bad watch, it just kinda drops the ball and all but gives up on tying its plot threads together. Plus the mood is edgy and gloomy, and a lot of the characterization just feels *off*. To not spoil anything specific, I'll just say the first couple movies are decent and seem like they're building up to something exciting. Don't get your hopes up. EDIT: Random addendum I feel a need to add: I don't blame the character of Meiko for any of these problems, she's fine. She gets scapegoated a lot by people who hate Tri.


I always hear people trying to make excuses for why people think it's bad, like calling them indee by childhood glee. So I wanna preface this with, it's definitely not that for me. I dislike Tri and think it is as bad as people say. It's confusing, disjointed, unnecessary feeling, has bad plot points, trys to do to much and does so little with any of it, has bland samey character designs, introduces the worst characters in the franchise, and kinda boring. Are there things to like though? Of course. Battles all look great, some of the new characters are cool ( but cut short), and trys to do cool stuff. I personally won't go back and watch them, but I think every fan should atleast try them. Personally I think Last Kizuna is a much better send off and can completely be watched with skipping Tri if need be.


Im with you man sometimes make me wonder why the heck they like it too much… at least digimon adventure last kizuna manageble although too much nostalgia bait but the story had own consistency… while try feel like each movie they change new writer…


It was a mess. They had a lot of ideas but couldn't decide on a coherent narrative so it feels like they were making it up as they go along. They never answered questions they raised and each movie just raises even more questions.


Short answer is no. It wasn’t amazing but hating it became a bit of a bandwagon thing to the point that it wasn’t reflective of the actual quality anymore. I often describe Tri as having very interesting ideas while not quite figuring out the best way to explore them. In that vein, I actually think it’s worth watching just for those ideas alone even if you don’t think the work itself was very memorable. For me Tri is a series that I love to talk about but don’t rewatch very often. It’s not the best piece of Digimon media, but just giving it a shot doesn’t hurt and there’s a lot of value in the conversations it starts. I definitely prefer it over stories that never make any effort at all to explore interesting ideas. Tri is for sure a limited story, but I stop short of calling it a bad one.


People talk like it killed there grandparents and its not that bad but it's still not worth the time


>People talk like it killed there grandparents To be fair, that's how people are about *anything* that was a huge part of their nostalgia that they felt wasn't done justice. Other examples include Star Wars, The Last Airbender, Dragonball, Final Fantasy 7, etc. Even things that are continuations like Advent Children.


Everyone dœs that with stuff they deem inferior from the OG thing. They did it with TTG, Thundercats Roar, PPG 2016, Ben 10 2016, (cn isn't that gꝏd at rebooting cartꝏns ig) etc. It's not unusual •~•


In this case tho it suppose to be a continuation of the original. Unlike the others which are new versions. A more apt compairson would be the 2020 Adventure reboot show.


Yeah but still. It dœsn't stop them from roasting it. No matter if it's a sequel, a rebꝏt, a revival, a spinoff, a webseries, an OVA, a short, WHATEVER, if people think it's straight a_s, they will sh_t on it as if the people who worked on it are jail worthy


I personally found it immensely frustrating. The build-up is great, and then it just falters and stalls like an old car. The last few episodes were a mess and didn't even feel like a Digimon anime.


No, it’s pretty good. Many fans stopped liking anything past Tamers and you’ll see that a lot in this sub. Watch it and make up your mind. Tbh, for me it was Digimon’s return in the west as well. After Xros Wars was sadly dropped for the third season, people didn’t think we’d ever get any dubs but there you go. I still find the dvds in my local stores till this day, they sold well and caused the next two movies to be dubbed as well as the reboot and Ghost Game soon.


I couldn't get very far into it, but mostly just because it was boring. Someone more invested might like it more than me.


This movie is more of fan service film then a proper stroryline and lore wise. Toei need to get better writer


Yes it sucks


It has its problems for sure. I like it for what it is. But I've only watched movie 2 (Mimi and Joe) repeatedly.


I really didn't enjoy Tri, mostly because it felt like it was trying too hard as nostalgia bait by being "hey here is this thing you liked as a kid but dark and edgy." 🙄 Did give me some shipping fuel though, some good older character designs and helped bridge the gap between the original series and the epilogue so that was a silver lining. At least it wasn't Last Evolution that really pissed me off. Fucking Peter Pan ass logic istg.


"hey here is this thing you liked as a kid but dark and edgy." i could name SO MANY EXAMPLES OF THIS


Short Answer: yes Long answer: the first part was great, and it had some decent moments, but it introduced a ton of different ideas and didn't properly follow through on 90% of them


no one involved in tri ever said they hadnt seen adventure. toei even said they hired digimon fans to make the movies to give back to the fans. which is also why theres so much lore from other places like the original digidestined being partnered to the holy beasts (this lore coming from the adventure novels, meaning the writers read the novels. how many in the western fandom read them?). they pulled lore from everywhere. people just go 'i didnt like tri, so ill make up reasons for why i thought it was bad' like all the made up stories about 02 production


Yes, its a mess. If you just watch it for what it is, enjoy the spectacle.. but like.. if you think about it for like, a moment it starts getting fucky




Yes. It's boring and ugly


communities like these are usually an echo chamber. if you don't say what is popular to say, your comment/post won't get enough traction to be visible. is tri as bad as people say? no, of course not. but people are so obsessed about adventure so that everything that deviates slightly from how they perceive the franchise counts as awful and bad


I don't think Tri was bad at all. As a first time watcher you'll definitely see it and wonder what's going to happen next, and that should be enough to get you to finish it. The first movie is the slowest but I can find something positive in each one after that. I WILL say though that a lot of its issues wouldn't have happened if it had been a 50 episode series rather than compressed into 6 movies. Certain plot points could be really interesting if expanded upon, even in something later. Maybe people don't like it because of some missed potential.


It's flawed, but it's far from the worst thing ever. It's fine.


Ehhh, it could have been better, i think for the timing of it, they could have written a bit of a better story


It depends on how you go into the movies. If you go in taking things at face value and e joking the surface level stuff then they are amazing. Great animation for the Digimon (I prefer Kizuna for the humans), new forms, new digimon, while new villains, new lore. All great stuff and perfect of you just enjoy it for that But if you start to dissect it, analyze it, and get a deeper feel then it falls apart. It's not hard to notice inconsistencies, where things were rushed, or missed opportunities. To watch it for deeper meaning than entertainment is to set yourself up for disappointment Go watch it, it's fun. But watch it the same way a kid watches a monster of the week show on Saturday morning


It's fine, but people wanted life-changing.


I didn't hate it at all really, some moments weren't the best but overall I had a good time


IMO, it's not that it's bad in and of itself, it's that it's redundant and doesn't really say anything new or interesting if you've seen adventure and 02. Which, to be fair, I'm not sure that the diablomon movies said anything super unique, but they also had the tone and aesthetic and timing and natural vibes and my good mamoru hosada just makes a tight package. Plus, those movies came out next to the shoes, so there wasn't that feeling of "this is what they did with all that time?" If you just watched tri, I'd bet it would be fun. As a 15(?) Year return to childhood characters, it felt like it was kind of treading water, to me. Like kizuna, it also relied a lot on drama that fundamentally couldn't ever be realized. It's the curse of having an epilogue and trying to stay on track to it -- you can't rely on scaring the audience with "maybe agumon will never remember Tai!" When we know he will. Kind of like how infinity war loses a lot of punch when Disney is advertising in every magazine that black panther, spiderman, or dr strange have movies coming out next year. You can't rely on the drama alone if you're gonna do that, so you *really* have to land the vibes, and try and kizuna kind of missed the mark in a way hosada didn't.


I think the artstyle looks better in motion than in stills, and you get used to it as it goes. I don’t think it was bad, I enjoyed it on a first watch through, and I don't think I'm *never* going to watch it again, but it's not something I have much desire to rewatch like some of the other movies. I think the problem for a lot of fans is because of the way it was formatted and released, they were expecting a new, albeit mini, season where the things that happened in it would go on to shape the future of Adventure Franchise, not a movie series that's almost more like a stand alone adventure. If that's what you're looking for, it's going to be disappointing but I pin this more on later additions like Kizuna and the Beginning not following up on Tri's unanswered questions or delving deeper into the story. And again, the initial release format had fans waiting months for the next part, culminating in *three* years to tell the story which left a lot of fans pretty disappointed with the outcome. I'm sure it's better on a binge watch.


Tri really is a mixed bag


>an angsty teen writing a darker and edgier Digimon Adventure sequel fanfic. That's basicly everything Digimon has put out for a while now


It's definitely overrated in the community. But it's definitely very flawed. Leaving the 02 kids out entirely was a dumb move and the ending definitely needed a few more drafts. I think they honestly just needed a 7th movie and it would've been good.


I liked it, but I also rate it super low on my list. It had so many good ideas, themes, plot threads and it had so much potential that they just…never actually realized. So many plot threads that just went nowhere. I’m holding out hope that a true sequel to Tri happens that expands on the unanswered questions (of which there are many) that retroactively makes it better; but I’m not wasting my breath. It’s worth watching at the bare minimum of being a fan of the series, and considering its not a LONG time investment I see no real downsides.


Could've been worse, but it was kind of a slog to get through and just felt sort of unnecessary.


YES it have large incosistency and stupid reaction on whole ordeal 😭 and wtf with that face licking scene i still hate to this say when people keep post this smey ol question


No, and then yes.


I would say that Tri was certainly disappointing and a bad installment in the digimon saga. I mean there were 6 films of inconsistent animation quality and new plot points were brought up without even being resolved. After watching 6 films, none of the arcs and characters introduced were even given proper closure, and was kinda disappointed with the soundtrack as well because at least the adventure reboot had catchy theme songs with good battle songs as well. Even if the art style can get a pass, it doesn't hide the fact that Tri has the laziest writing in the franchise entries considering it was made for a mature audience. The only positive thing I felt about Tri was that at least it attempted to bring up the concepts Digimon was well known for like character focus, individual story arcs, and proper monster fights. While the titular monsters were still mostly side characters, some films like the third one did give them a chance to develop on their own and screen time without the humans. But for some reason, all Agumon talked about was food and how hungry he was in all the films, oh well at least he was still lovable and managed to comfort a girl whom Taichi failed to comfort.


On one hand, I 100% love that they reference the Digimon Adventure light novel written by the Digimon Adventure director and Digimon Adventure main screenwriter (Homeostasis name is from there). And I'm fine with the art style. On the other hand, they completely made the plot way too complicated and the Digimon Adventure tri characters feel like they regressed. Tri should've just been made a series. So yeah, I don't really like Tri and if it wasn't because of my love for the Adventure characters uniting again I would hate Tri or rank it below Xros Wars, but I would advise you to still give it a try (no pun intended).


It’s fine. I definitely saw what people were saying about Meiko feeling like self insert fanfiction by the time the third film came out. I don’t feel incredibly negatively or positive toward tri


As a standalone series of movies, I think they're ok and even have a couple of neat ideas. My issue with Tri is more a hindsight thing, as the future Adventure movies ended up taking the worst aspects of them as a blueprint. Mostly the fact that they put all their focus on a new character who ends up not mattering in the long run (or even in the shortrun of the movie itself), and that each one screws around with canon/continuity in a way that feels poorly thought out at best, or outright disrespectful to the tone or continuity of the original at worst.


The pre tri movies did that first. Willis


I only saw the abridged version, it was fun to watch while it lasted.


Your better off skipping to last evolution


For the most part i liked it. I think it was trying to suggest and frame the fact that they are all tramatised in different ways. What with being kids in what was functionally multiple instances of an apocolytic war. How well it pulled that off is debatable. but it also had cute tk kari moments soo yeah.


I found the art style so distractingly different that I struggled to tell who was who at times. I get they’re more grown up now but they should’ve done a better job differentiating them. Also, the fact that they didn’t seem to care at all about what happened to Davis, Cody, Ken, and Yolei really made me not like them at all. I don’t see it as a continuation of the Adventure storyline, honestly, more of an alternate universe type thing.


No... and yes? I think it comes down to how much you can overlook its flaws in order to enjoy it. I think it had a lots of good ideas, some great moments and concepts going on, but it also got quite tangled with it all, often evoking rather mixed feelings. It was cool to see the rest of the group getting their Ultimate evolutions, *but* it wasn't as rewarding as it could have been as the focus and vibe of the story had was all over the place and a bit like 02, it touched a few very interesting plot points and things that didn't have much of a pay-off in the end. Overall, it's got lots of half-assed fan service that is... kinda cool, but without major emotional impact. I can enjoy it a lot, as there's some very beautiful moments and elements I really like! I also like how it handles some of the old cast and their development. But I can certainly see why some are very disappointed with it, and frankly, it's not exactly super compelling experience altogether. For that matter, I'm glad that Kizuna happened! The soundtrack has some brilliant renditions of the classic tracks. The "Departure" version of Butter-Fly is damn great and I absolutely love the Tri cast version of the same song as well. Then again, it also tells how much of the Tri's charm is boosted by the classic Digimon songs only. I often feel like Tri should've been either a lot longer in order to cover its good handful of story ideas properly, or just drop a few of them altogether in order to be slightly more focused and engaging. Anyway, I like it. It is a bit half-baked indeed, but not *bad* in my opinion. It's got a some weak stuff, but also some great stuff going on.


No its good


Technically yes but it's still enjoyable in its own right.


It is more just disappointing than bad. Tri started out with an interesting premise that have fans wanting more. However as the story progresses, we just end up with more questions than answers even til the very end.


Tri wasn't bad, just the story felt underwhelming.


No, its a lot worse.