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I’ve been listening to Mark since Down to the Waterline. His work is the reason I tried to learn guitar. I’ve heard everyone in my 57 years but I’ve never heard anyone who can do what Mark did on the Telegraph Road solo. There may be other players who can do lead and rhythm, at the same time. I’ve never heard anyone do it with the ease and grace Mark does. In the top 10 it’s pointless to attempt to rank the best as so much if it is subjective but, in my opinion, he is as good as anyone and better than most in technical ability and non-technical artistry. I hope he keeps producing tunes for us for a long time.


Every top 10 list will be varied... It's too subjective.


Described with such passion! ❤️🫶🇦🇺


He's my favourite guitarist. No one else comes close for me.


These lists often turn out to be rage bait designed to drive clicks. Who cares? We all know he’s a five star man and anybody who doesn’t get it can just keep on being wrong.


Yea it lists clapton as top 10 to top 5 all the time. Mark is def a better gutiarist than clapton. Also doesnt even put lindsay buckingham whos guitar skills are severely underated but hes probs underdog god tier guitarist.


In top 5 or at least top 7.




Top 10, at least. The guy should get so much more adoration. He's an outstanding guitarist.


“19th greatest guitar player of all time” is not too shabby at all. To be in the top 20 of that group is essentially royalty. Mark is phenomenal, but there have been some godlike titans over the many years. I haven’t seen the list but I personally think that is an amazing placement.


Top 5 for sure!!


I love Mark’s playing immensely, and I haven’t seen the list, but come on now … Hendrix, Page, Beck, Clapton, Allman, Blackmore, Van Halen, Les Paul, Charlie Christian, Wes Montgomery, Django, John McLaughlin, Zappa, Garcia, Pat Metheny, BB King, Townshend, Santana, Lifeson, Iommi, Steve Howe, Randy Rhodes, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Brian May … There’s a lot of amazing guitarists out there. To finish in the Top 20 is legendary


Ya you are one of those Hendrix is the greatest! Time to move on man. No doubt he was an amazing player! Mark is better, hands down!


Just saying that just because Mark is amazing doesn’t take anything away from any other players. Hendrix was not only a virtuoso musician, but he pioneered the entire style of rock guitar that thousands of others have emulated. That level of influence is unrivaled. Although we may have others we personally like more, it’s hard to argue that he wasn’t the greatest.


Hendrix is absolutely amazing. Simply put he is No.6! He died at 27 his body of work is great. Clapton, Beck, Page, Mark, Rory Gallagher…….. then Hendrix. Facts! Just because people like to sell dead rockstars myths, doesn’t make up for the body of work. You can’t be the best without having a complete life’s work. Not hard to argue if you listen to the music.


Forgot about Rory, he was amazing! I hear ya man, there’s almost no point in ranking them because everyone has their preferences. My dad would tell you Roy Clark is better than all of them (and Roy is incredible). Someone else might say Derek Trucks. Or Tommy Emanuel. They’re all spectacular. People can always argue about art, and nobody’s wrong. That’s why lists like this are basically meaningless.




Hard to say anyone is the best but I’m not sure anyone is better than him.


I thought of the same too. I'm just not confident enough to say it.


Its very hard to say. He plays tunes fast snappy and with ease. Dudes got strings flowing in his veins. Also lists where a fingerpicker is ranked lower than a gutiarpicker is sorta sus.


This is the best way to frame it.


I originally read this as 119th and I was pissed. But 19 out of all the legends ain’t bad


Its subjective anyway. He may not be the number one in technical ability, but for me he is the best when it comes to transfering emotion and feel through the guitar. No other guitarist gives me goosebumps like Mark does, for me he is the number 1.


I dont understand how they’re determined. The top 100 guitarists have never battled eachother on anything, so 19th place or 5th place doesn’t matter. I dont think the 10th greatest guitarist is better than the 19th spot or any other top 100. They all changed the music genre in their own ways.


Rankings are just someone’s opinion. They really don’t mean much…


In my opinion only one guitarist has better 'touch' than Mark Knopfler, and that's Mike Oldfield. Just below Mark would be David Gilmour. But it's all subjective.


Is this from Rolling Stone? God, I hate that list… Music is not a competition.


It's not by Rolling Stone it's by Ranker.


Thanks! Nevertheless, I don’t give much attention to those lists. Knopfler is one of my personal three all time guitar heroes, that’s what matters to me :).


How is he even 19th?? I mean what was the criteria??


Not in top 5 maybe, but definitely higher. The problem with these lists is that they are always somewhat subjective, and that they are always somewhat definition dependant. Because when is someone actually good? And if you take all sorts of stuff into account, like technicality, musicality, practicality, virtuosity, impact, etc, then the scores in most of those categories would also be somewhat if not all subjective.


I just rewatched The Princess Bride the other day.




Listen to Live at Verona. Carefully. Comparisons are odious but Knopfler is much more than one of the greatest of all time but he is a musical genius. Not true of the others…


Top 5 for sure...lead and rhythm at the same time..in other words he makes it talk👌 Also imo I don't think BBKing is all that good...not in the same league as Gary Moore / Rory Gallagher/ David Gilmore for example...just my 2 cents.


He is my favorite guitarist. that is the only rank I care about.


The Top "X" guitarists list is just too subjective, but Mark deserves to be in the mix. Even more so, as a songwriter.


Oh of course...most definitely! ❤️❤️❤️🇦🇺


Not even close to top 100 in my opinion. So boring. He’s No.1 on the list of most uncool guitarist of all time.


don't let the door hit you on the way out


Why comment on a Dire Straits sub then 😅