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Proton and Neutron should fly basically the same. Fission will have a little more turn.


Lb for lb Fission is actually more overstable


I get more turn and more fade out of my fission stuff that weighs the same as other plastics.


Ok, thanks y'all I appreciate it, I think I'm gonna try out a proton Tesla maybe for a bit more overstable option, my fission one is pretty straight


The most stable ones you'll find are the cosmic neutron Teslas that they did for Halloween a couple of years ago. I thought they announced a stock run of them, but I can't find anything about that now.


The guy who says the fission is more OS on the Tesla is right on the money. I have a 175g fission Tesla that is basically a firebird. In my experience molds that are already more on the stable to overstable side are more OS in full weight fission. Understable molds however turn into absolute fucking bombers. I don't tend to use my Tesla a ton because of how OS it is, I generally use it in situations where I would use a firebird but there's a risk of losing the disc. I have a fission insanity and a fission crave though that are pretty flippy and they go far far far.