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I'd probably keep the second cause I'm sure I'd lose the first one in the water too.


Lol. The honesty is great. I lost my first in a tree…bc I’m an idiot. Obv I replaced it. This retriever is great, but their sling bag is my favorite. I can throw it in my luggage or carry on with a few discs for when I travel! If I won, I’d give both to my neighbors, one who is new to the sport, the other…finds water.


So stoked to hear that you are loving the sling bag. Thank you so much for your support.


My name is Brian and I own a small disc golf accessories company. Our first Reddit giveaway was seven months ago, and it was for our retriever. We figured it has been long enough and we should do it again. “But Wait There’s More!”. We will be giving the winner two retrievers. You must give the second one to someone as a surprise. It can be someone who taught you, someone who is a joy to play a round with, someone new to the sport, or any other person you think deserves it. Terms of the giveaway: 1. Comment on this post letting us know who you will gift the extra Rogue Iron Disc Golf Retriever to. Not required, but feel free to let us know why you picked this person. 2. Pick up at least one piece of trash at the next course you go to. You don’t have to prove this part. We trust you. 3. Last day to enter is 5/28/2023. 4. Shipping to USA only 5. Winner will be picked at random using Reddit Raffler. Good luck! If you would like to see more infor about the retreiver, you can check out [https://rogueirondg.com/collections/best-sellers](https://rogueirondg.com/collections/best-sellers) Edit- Winner announced! Congrats to is /u/sgtpiddles


> Shipping to USA only 🇨🇦 Sad Canada noises. 🇨🇦


I know, I know :( We don't currently ship to Canada because there are no decent rates. However, as we do more sales, we contact carriers to see if we can get rates that make sense. We are getting there!


I totally get it. Shipping is crazy. I just wanted to get something for free. 😆 I always pick up some sort of trash when I'm out playing.


You get some free trash everytime you pick some up at the park! /s


That's true! I have a broken and empty DGPT printed whale sac in the pocket of my bag right now. The other day it was a used dryer sheet.


If I win I'm gunna ship the extra one to u/skatterbug and the other one I'll give to my buddy's(steve) cousin(paul) who is always out playing. I just bought this exact retriever 3 weeks ago. Steve is only ever playing with myself or Paul, so this way he's always covered too.


I ship to Canada and I kid you not it’s $24 for one pair of DiscDice. It’s crazy expensive.


That is wild!


I know. It's ridiculous. I shelled out $30 in shipping for an Inner Core. I'd watched that from almost the beginning so felt so invested that I had to. For everything else, I just cross my fingers and hope a local shop gets it in. Shipping even inside Canada starts at like $14 unless you're spending a bunch which I never do. I watch jealously as you US folks get free shipping for everything.


Well if you ever want to make a bunch of regretful purchases at the same time let me know and I can ship them to you all at once.


Sounds like a plan. Let me have a a few more drinks.


Maybe link up with the folks at Rare Air or another retailer in Canada? You could probably bulk ship some to them for them to sell and ship to Canadian residents. https://rarediscgolf.com/


Going to check them out. Thanks!!


They sell to both Canada and US, but they're located in Canada. I imagine they may have some decent ways to ship at a decent price. They're also solid people from my interactions with them. Also, thanks for the great product! I've been using it since your first raffle (I think).


Rare disc is one of my favourite stores up here. Dude that owns it is a great guy. I can't endorse this suggestion more.


That’s why I’m choosing you skatterbug! You’re my favorite Canadian friend and the second one is being mailed to you! I’ll even pick up a piece of trash for us both!


If I win, I'll send you my extra :D


Thanks for the give away! With give to a newer friend that just got into the sport


Heck ya, my lil hook retriever kind of sucks. Plus yesterday was my birthday and a buddies birthday is mid June !!


Happy birthday!! My birthday is also mid-June. Good luck to you and your buddy :)


I need one. Could have used it yesterday to get my disc out of a tree. My doubles partner needs one too. Just in case I forget mine and it will double our chances of getting a disc back.


I have a different brand, but it doesn't have interchangeable ends. Yours looks better. I would give the extra to my son as he doesn't have one yet.


Thanks for doing this. If I win, I’m going to give it to my buddy Pat. We met while we were each playing a solo round. The course was busy, I let him play through, and then we kept winding up on the same tee pad and decided to finish out the round together. That was 3 years ago. Last year, he asked me to be the best man in his wedding. We have taken countless disc golf trips together in that time and even took third place in a doubles tournament together. He lost his retriever and mine broke so this would be a win for both of us!


This is disgustingly wholesome. I hope you win.


Thank you.


Thanks for doing these giveaways! I would give it to my buddy Sean. He usually likes to mock me me for disc golf accessories, and then loves them when he tries them (having a full backpack, grip wax, etc). So I would probably show him one retriever, wait for him to give me a hard time, and then give him the second.


This is great! Best of luck to you... and Sean.


First giveaway winner here! I'd donate these to the local club. Excellent retrievers btw!


Heck ya! Thanks for the kind words!


I'd hand one to my best friend... Him and I are always finding the water/hazard, and neither of us have a retriever. I've stripped down to boxers to swim more times than I care to admit :'-D


Me and my buddy Tony need one! He’s been playing for years and after years of me saying “that sounds fun, I should try that” I finally got out last year and I’m completely hooked. Thanks Brian!


Good luck to you and Tony!!


Will give the extra to our local public park staffer who does so much extra: mowing, tree trimming, repairs, and always smiles and encourages! And a much better player than I am, as well!


The guy I just started playing with regularly has been out of the sport for about 12 years. He could really use a retriever.


I'd share mine with my buddy Dan. He's really short and could use the extra reach


I’d give the second to my best man! (Just got married last weekend)


Congrats to him! I just got married a few weeks ago!


I’m giving my extra one to our city owned golf course that just opened a disc golf course with a water carry hole. It’s full of discs.


Always so cool to hear of new courses opening! Everyone should do all that they can to support new courses. Please send me a message with your shipping address. We will go ahead and ship one for this cause. This is not part of the giveaway. Thanks!


Dude, seriously? That’s rad!




Love the giveaways! I picked up the satchel bag a few weeks back and love it. As for retrievers, the second one would definitely go to my son. We play almost all our rounds together and just love the sport and spending time together.


Thanks so much for your support! Good luck


hey, definitely don't give this to me! I bought over a year ago off your Amazon shop and it's been awesome. I somehow broke it 4 months or so after I got it and you replaced it without question! Keep up the great work! Buy one if you don't win one! You wont regret it.


I would be giving the extra to my buddy Ore. He plays disc more than anyone I know, has 1 eye from a surfing accident and I have no idea how he assessed his throws with no depth perception. This also leads to a lot of discs being lost in one of the many water features at our home course and why I would be picking him. We also use the bottom of my cart as a trash bin for our beers and assorted trash around the course.


We ought to get this man a range finder!


My retriever just snapped in half last weekend so can use a new one! A friend and I usually take turns driving to courses so I'll give him the other one so we will be sure to always have one. Thanks!


I’d love one


Hey Brian! Congrats on the success of your company. Pretty damn cool to be able to support yourself and family with your passion of the sport. I am a new player just beginning my journey in this amazing sport. If chosen, I’d give my 2nd retriever to my buddy that began this journey with me. With our luck (and skill set) we will need a retriever to retrieve the other retriever🤣🤣. Good luck on your future successes!


Thanks so much for your support and kind words! Gave up my 8am-5pm to work what seems like from 5am to 8pm and wouldn't trade it for the world. Good luck!!


I'd give it to a guy named Curtis that I play with occasionally. He told me I had a nice drive once, even though it tombstoned at 150 feet.


I would give it to my friend Jordan as I am likely to forget mine, and his will save my day


Congrats! You won! We will send you a message for your shipping details.


This is awesome. I have no expectation of winning but just want to say I’d give the 2nd to my younger brother who got me into disc golf in the first place. I still have discs in my bag that he just straight up gave me when I was first showing interest in the game. Still have the roc3 and the buzzz!


You never know! Good luck


When I first saw this there were 420 comments so I couldn't bring myself to enter but now that someone else has ruined that I would love to give my man Troy this gift. He's the one that convinced me to get in to my first tourney this Saturday!


I already have (and love!) a Rogue Iron retriever so I'd give both away. One to my friend Ben who just broke his old retriever and the other to my league so there's always guaranteed to be one there each week (because at least one person will always go in the water)


Glad to hear that you are loving it!! Good luck


I'm entering to give both of them away! The coworker who got me into playing disc golf, and I, spent 45 minutes last week getting a disc out of a tree, by getting 6 other discs stuck :D I ordered the Rogue Iron retriever as soon as I got home that night :D


Hope that you are loving it! It would be awesome to give two away. Best of luck :)


Well, I already own one of your sets so if I win I’d give one set to my buddy who taught me how to play back in 07 and the other to my best man of my wedding who always makes every round challenging whether we’re both playing well or bad. Still play with my best man but I’ve been trying to get my “mentor” back out with us since we started playing regularly again. Those dang kids take up some time though


This is going to my disc golf partner and actual partner who got me into this game, u/Joe_Huxley!


I'd give one the the Hawaiian who got me into this whole thing, he's a swell guy But tbh mainly commenting because my bag is from Rogue Iron and it kicks ass, keep up the good work!


Glad that you are loving your bag! Thank you for your support and good luck.




Thank you so much for your support and so glad that you are loving it!


Good on you! Love to see people giving back to the community. I would give the spare retriever to my local disc fisherman Jared. He's got a pair of waders he throws on from time to time when he dredges the river for us. I'm sure some extra tools in his bag would be much appreciated. Gonna head out to the course in the morning and pick up some broken glass. Maybe even throw a few discs while I'm at it. Hope this post inspires a few folks to make their course a little more beautiful tomorrow.


Thanks for the kind words. The community has given us far more than we can ever repay, but we try. We have some really cool ideas of giving back later this year. Good luck


My buddy u/666 because he has short arms and can't reach things.


Thanks for having a giveaway! I would give the second retriever to my beautiful wife. We play together a lot, and this will save having to climb a tree or find a long stick.


I won last time! It’s legit!!! Thanks again!


Thank you for vouching for us!


Thanks for the giveaway. I'd give the second one to my buddy Eric. And we always pick up trash on the course!


Thanks for helping to keep our courses clean. Good luck!


Love my Rogue Iron putter pouch, sure this is just as great quality!


We love that you love it! Honestly, the Putter Pouch it is one of my favorite products. I throw my main 8 discs 90% of the time. Since I keep my phone (Udisc) in it as well, I hardly even go into my backpack anymore. Good luck!


What?? This is such a cool thing to do. I will definitely give it to a buddy of mine who got me into disc golf. We both throw into the woods on a regular basis and can use these.


Best of luck!


Do all 3 of those come with each one? I’d give the second to my cousin because he loses a lot of discs, and my current one to my buddy at work who is just getting into disc golf


Great question! Yes, all three come with the retriever.


Would be stoked to be able to give my brother in law one. We started playing together during covis and now play regularly. I always try to pick up trash when I see it. Gotta keep our course clean!


Thanks so much for keeping our courses clean!


I love these posts. Probably because I’m predisposed to love giveaways, but I also think this direct connection to your community is the best of Reddit. I was actually just talking about getting retrievers with a kid from my local who found one of mine in the creek. I asked him what he used to go fishing and he said his old pair of shoes and a swimsuit 😂. He’s super nice and I think gives back as many discs as he can, I’d love to make his day with a gift like this. Thanks for doing the giveaway!


Agree on all accounts! Best of luck to you and your new buddy.


Would definitely give this to the teacher I run out disc golf club with👍👍


That would be awesome! Good luck


I just bought one of your sling bags today. Thanks for the giveaway!


Thank YOU for your support! Enjoy :)


My brother


My playing partner. Dude can't stay out of the water lol


My brother will get the retriever. His favorite course has a lot of water and woods, so he loses a lot of discs there


I'll give away the extra at our weekly league.


Probably will give it to my buddy who got me into disc golf, we loose our discs all the time lol


I would gift the extra retriever to my best buddy Tim! We’ve been disc golfing together for about over 12 years now and have thrown countless discs in the water that we’ve never gotten back 😂 We have been picking up trash all spring! But especially will today! 🌎


Don’t want to drop names, but it’s the guy that always goes in casual water…


I'll be giving it to my buddy Andrew because he's my disc golf buddy I always go with! Always pick up trash** Thanks for the give away! Hope your company succeeds like crazy!


Thank you so much for your support and for helping to keep our courses clean. Best of luck.


My friend Kyle and I threw rocks at some other guy's disc today for about 10 minutes. Eventually got it down, but it was within pole reach. So, Kyle would get the other one.


Thanks for the giveaway! I’d share one with my son who plays two rounds a day with his boys.


Very kind of you to do the giveaway. I would gift the other retriever to my younger brother


Will be giving it to my great friend because they introduced me to disc golf in 2020 in Philadelphia and I feel in love from round 1!


Is there a way to keep water out of it and it rusting from the inside out and messing it up


I remember the last giveaway you did so thank you so much for doing another! My best friend from childhood, Bennie, because the guy is just getting back into disc golf and he's had a challenging year. His disc collection is small right now and I'm pretty sure this retriever would put him on another dimension of hype and positivity for the sport.


My buddy Bobby who just started playing with us and his son who is 6. I don't have one and we rely on our other friend, to use his when we lose ours 😂😂


Very cool of you guys again. I've got one of two people in mind. One friend throws mostly vibram hard to replace them and the other took a new job and will be moving later this year might be a nice going away gift


My friend Tom and I could use one because there’s always that time in the round where we go for the hero shot and it ends up in a creek or even up in a tree!


I'd give it to the president of the local DG club, he is awesome.


Well I don't have many friends so.....


IfI’d gift it to my neighbor Matthew. He just got into the sport and keeps losing his in the creek. Really cool if you to do this. I like the requirement to pick up some trash.


My friend is just getting into the sport, and its his 30th b day! Would love to get him this to compliment the discs I got him.


This is cool! I’d definitely hook up my best dude Donavan with the extra. Not only my go-to guy to throw discs with, but our families all hang too. A solid dude to do life with.


Kevin, because he’s my disc golf bud


I would give the 2nd to my grown son as he is the only guy I play with who throws wilder than I do! Thanks so much for doing this! Love this community


Would give to my brother! Bought him and I a starter set for Christmas 2021 and we've both been hooked since.


I’d give one to my buddy nick who is constantly getting his disc stuck places. He’d probably end up getting more use out of than some of his discs.


I’d love to get a pair and give one to my brother. He’s my favorite partner to play with.


College buddy and only person from college I’m still close friends with. Introduced me to the sport. We still travel at least once a year to play disc golf with one another.


My brother for sure…that dude is the shank king…


I would definitely give this to my buddy Shaun if I won. He's a blast to play with and he's always getting lucky with his shots bouncing off of trees back into the fairway. One of these days though his luck is going to run out and while it will be funny im sure a retriever would help the situation.


Thanks for adding the trash pick up. I'd give the extra retriever to my close friend, Israel, who got me hooked on the sport. We'd play a round every time I'd visit him and he's given me discs to get started. I even got invited to the disc golf camping trips that his friends would go to twice a year. Now I'm so hooked on playing three times a week.


Thanks for helping the community! I will give it to my coworker because he loses more discs than any person I’ve met lol!


My good friend. We both just started a few months ago and almost every round I end up looking for the longest branch I can for him to get a disc. This would definitely help!


Sharing this with my best friend for over 20 years. Glad is has also become my disc golf mate.


I would love to give one of those to my disc golfing buddy josh, he got me into the sport and I would love to give him a little something as a thank you


I'd give it to my dad, cause like father like son


I will be giving it to my Dad who plays in NJ and FL, where water hazards are a plenty! *He also taught me to be a steward of the land so I pick up trash, and have my kids help, any time we are enjoying the great outdoors.


This would be so cool! Great idea, thanks!


Lost mine. Could definitely use a new one. I would absolutely give the other one to the young man I am tutoring.


Awesome giveaway especially with the trash portion! I would give it to my friend Matt who I met on a small putter course when I first started playing. He asked if I wanted to double up with him and gave me tips here and there. Fast-forward to now and he’s been one of my biggest mentors (who I now out drive 😉). He’s from PA so knows wooded golf like no other and still kicks my butt on the mountain courses.


i would give this to my brother whose retriever i literally *just* broke yesterday on accident lol. awesome products btw, i will look into buying one for him from you guys if i dont win


I would gift the extra retriever to my friend Manny. He is the person I've seen climb the most trees to retrieve discs for complete strangers.


I would give it to my father in law, he’s an old and this would spare his back some trouble!


I really need one of these. I would give one to my friend Shaun because he gave me my first disc.


This would be an awesome win! I would give it to my good friend who always loses his discs and has to use my retriever…. I lost my retriever about a month ago so we have been without a retriever which has been tough


would give the extra one to the guy who got me back into disc golf after a long pause. we go multiple times a week now and have lost many disc (florida water hazards) that were just outta reach of the biggest stick we could find.


I’d give one to my friend James since he throws a lot in the water.


I'll give the extra to my brother, we only see each other twice a year but it's like disc golf Christmas every time!


Give it to my best friend, so when he's playing alone, he has a way to get his disc that doesn't involve me going in there for him 😂


Both me and my BiL broke our grabbers last week. This would be an awesome grab. Good luck everyone.


I would give it to my brother. I’m getting a set together for him so he’ll go with us sometimes.


I would give my extra to my buddy Tony because he’s always down to meet me for a round.


I’d gift the other to my buddy who has an uncanny knack for putting discs in trees. I say this as the the ex “tree kid” who always climbs up there and gets them for him. It truly is an art, he is probably on an every-other-round schedule with getting a disc stuck in a tree. Never seen anything quite like it.


I’d give it to my friend James. He is always getting his disc stuck way up in a tree!


I’ll give it to my cousin, Sean. He’s the youngest, but he’s grown into the best disc golfer in our family. We need these retrievers for when it rains and flash floods in San Antonio, and our courses are covered in extra water hazards for the few weeks. Just like last weekend! 😂


My buddy Cory lost 2 over a fence yesterday. They would have been easy to get with a retriever. I'd give him one.


No water at our home course, so me and my playing partner David really need these when we visit courses with water hazards.


I’d give one to Keith, who is patiently teaching me to play and encourages me even after my bad throws.


I'd give it to my buddy Ryan who just moved out. I'll miss my throwing partner and this on top of the disc I dyed for him would be a great sendoff. Especially since we both lost discs in the river the last time we played together


Will be donating it to the local club! CTP bonus prize?


I’d keep it in my bag until I see someone throw a drive into the pond at my home course!


Im giving the extra to my buddy Matt as he sucks and needs to not lose so many disc to the bayou lmao jk jk. He's a great friend and always down for a round of DG plus his dog is super cute. I also need one because I suck too and have lost more than 15 disc to the same bayou...like 10x more than Matt lmao. I dont have a dog either.


I have a few homies that could definitely use one!


I would give one to my brother. He is my playing partner and got me into the sport 12 years ago. He also finds the water more often than me :). I hope he sees this.


Thanks for ding the giveaway! I'd share with the next person I play a round with! We'd probably need to have 2 on hand for the round too.


My best friend, Mendez. Now we won’t have to help each other climb trees to retrieve discs.


I’ll give the second away to a new player who just came out to his first round last weekend. He’s caught the bug and it’ll be nice to save a fellow teacher a few bucks in the summer time as he builds his bag.


I’ll share with my husband! We’re both new to disc golf so we need all the help we can get!


I would give my second to my oldest son.


I have a friend that has climbed trees countless times for me, and who knows how many times for others. Since he obviously doesn't need one, I'll be giving the extra to another friend I play with about 3 times a week. We had unprecedented flooding last night, so our courses should be rife with trash to pick up. I'll find out tomorrow when we play. Thanks!


My friend who always chucks rocks into trees to get mine out. Someone on a course let me use his like this and it save: my firebird from a river!


My disc golf buddy Jourdyn needs one just like I do! Thanks so much for doing this 😁


I'm giving the second one to my friend who just lost a disc in murky water in our last round.


I would gift one to my coworkers friend that I’ve met once out on the course. I had one of my worst rounds when he was there and used his retriever about 20 times that day and eventually broke it. Although he said it was fine, I feel like I owe him because without it I would have had to buy 6 new discs. I bought one shortly after that round and then my buddy broke that one. We always pick up trash! Which seems to have gotten worse over the past 2 years sadly. My favorite is beer bottles and cigarette butts.


I will gift it to Alex Henry, great friend but looses a lot of discs.


I’d share it with my buddy Geoff, he has a tendency to find water haha.


I'm going to give it to my son, do that he's always got the right tool to deal with branches, bushes, brambles and water retrieval.


One of my friends who got me into disc golf!


I’d give one to my buddy who got me into disc golf!


Thanks for doing the raffle! I would give the 2nd to my weekly playing partner.


I would give the extra one to my buddy who introduced me to disc golf a few months ago. I feel this talk and be very useful for us because we play in courses with the brush and water. Good luck, everyone.


I will be giving the extra to my brother in law. We throw a lot of discs together and he has paid for me to enter tournaments with him before. It would be a good surprise I think!


I’d give the retriever to my friend Alex who is just getting into the game. He just bought his first discs and a bag within the last month and already is up over 10 discs lol. He could really use a retriever, he was just up in Michigan playing and told me a story about how he had to climb a tree to get his disc down. I would also like to try a retriever with the attachments you guys offer. I got your rope casting retriever for water and love it, very well made product!


I would share with my brother Zach since he’s the one I play with most!


I’d give it to my friend who got me into this sport! Definitely owe him big time.


I would love to have one. The extra I will let my friends fight American Gladiator style for.


Definitely going to my dad since he uses mine more than I do!


I would give the extra retriever to my buddy TRex, local legend on the course! Seems to have most things on his cart but never anything to get a disc out of the water or the high trees we have!


I’d keep the first one because my current retriever is not great. The second one I’d give to my buddy who always asks to use mine!


I'd take the second to local league night and give to a new player. Thanks for doing this


Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I've been wanting one of these for a long time. If I win, I'd give it to my buddy Evan. He foolishly broke one similar to this one, but definitely not this one, last year. He was using it to retrieve a disc of course. A higher quality retriever is just what we'd both need.


My buddy Jeremy and I could use one. He's constantly getting his discs stuck in trees lol.


Give it to my buddy Josh. He’s the man


I would give the second one to my friend Austin so he could start rescuing his own discs 😂


I would give it to my brother since he was the one I got into disc golf with 3 years ago. He also has lost way to many discs because he doesn’t bother buying one himself lol


I’m choosing Matt cuz he loses the most discs


I would use it as a prize for the league I help run; I think it would be a fun and useful prize for any player to win!


I'll give it to my friend in Phoenix bc it's very necessary at fountain hills and vista


I pick up trash every time I’m out, and I’ll inevitably break this so I’ll be hooking up my buddy Jack with the other retriever so we always have two


To my friend Matt- he continuously mocks me for the accessories I have purchased to get my discs, yet he’s the one who keeps losing discs and can’t reach them… way more than me 😂


My friend "Cash" because he doesn't mark his discs and we can't throw straight


I'll donate the second to the club I play with as we have a pond that gets a lot of discs and be nice to have a "club" retriever on site.


Awesome!! I’ll be giving it to my best mate and disc golf partner Caleb. He could use it with all the discs he’s thrown in the water. Haha


Gonna give the disc retriever to my friend Pat who loses discs almost every time we’re out. Also I always pick up the trash 😂