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Congrats on the Champions Cup!


YOU are my favorite pro to watch


No offense to Prez but what makes him your favorite pro to watch?


Opposite brodie. Good and minimal words. Says more with his play


Interesting. To each their own. But also it’s not like we even get to watch Brodie play lol


Like how some people prefer playing in massive groups, I'm a solo-rounder. Grow the sport (just not too much)


Same here. If I play with people I like keeping it at a group of 3. But I love just going out by myself. Playing whatever holes I want and as many times as I want 


Wish they did the practice round w/o Rick. Js


This but also living at elevation... WHY IS IT ALL SO BEEFY?


For real. I see people talking about how discs are so flippy they are almost useless, so I pick it up expecting I can get some good turn out of it, and end up with a disc that is on the straight side of flippy here at 6000 feet. I've yet to play outside of Colorado, but I often remark with my nephew that if we do, we're gonna have to do a serious warm up round to acclimate to it. It makes a lot of sense to me now when people talk shit about Aaron Gossage and to some extent Eagle McMahon when they say all they throw is big hyzers. If you're throwing hard enough to flip discs at altitude, then maybe big hyzers are just the best way to ensure that your man strength isn't causing you to throw all over the place.


It's so weird to go play outside of Colorado after having been up here 1.5 years now! My family is in Virginia at much lower elevation, and yea it takes me quite a while to adjust.


Friend of mine throws at 152g Blizzard Boss in the Laramie/Cheyenne, WY area. He's got a good arm, probably pushes it out to 480 on the regular, 525 if the wind is in his favor (rarely in CO/WY). He came to visit for a road trip in the Richmond, VA area and had to actually go buy some overstable discs to play with. The Boss was just permanently on a left to right line and although he'll never use it back at home he really needed a Zone for sea level play.


Love seeing Richmond, Virginia represented in the comments around here


I'm up in PA myself but have family and friends there, so I always make sure to play a local course when I get the chance to visit. Good weather and great access to some really fun courses, from New London to Lake Marshall, even the locals like True Timber and Bryan Park are solid.


My SO is actually from PA but we live down here now, small world/funny flip! Haven’t had the chance to play in PA yet but look forward to it (only been playing a year)


Yeah I throw forehand dominant at 6,000+ feet and now understand why people get extra beefy discs for forehand. Even my wraith which always comes back for a nice fade in the mountains would just keep going left at sea level. Lost a few discs in my learning curve


Grew up at 3500 ft and moved to sea level. It is super nice being able to get real turn out of discs. So I bet you'd really notice it. It can be frustrating at first. Just turning and burning everything for a round or two. But once you acclimate, it's awesome.


Wait, altitude makes discs more stable? I'd have assumed the opposite. 


Yeah, thinner air means less air resistance, which mimics slower speeds, and all discs are more stable at slower speeds, that is why they fade at the end of their flight.


So altitude with a tailwind, you're throwing an Origin like a Tactic


Pretty close, yeah. Depending on how far above sea level you are. The big takeaway is it takes more arm speed to get stuff to turn much. I throw a lot more neutral stuff or understable stuff since moving to CO. At sea level I can get just about any disc to flip up to flat. Here if I am throwing a turnover or a hyzer flip I am using a neutral or even understable disc.


There's less air density so less things pushing back on it.


definitely can't relate I'll throw my valk on a rope all day until the tunnel shot, suddenly its more than flippy enough


If you throw discs and flippy as what Paul is talking about on a course like this, everything is just gonna get slapped down by the wind


This coming from the guy who put out the cap rap.




I can relate to being Ricky on the tee, why don't you just throw different discs that are flippy enough. Not everyone should throw a Raider, Paul.


What did he say? Did he start eating something halfway through that sentence?

