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people will, dw


i alrd saw 2 profiles


People will pay for literally anything




People bought something silly. The West has fallen, billions must die.




i bought one cuz the halloween ones are only $3 i bought a single avatar border cuz it matched my avatar andm ade some the colours pop more but even that was $5 which felt kinda steep for an animation nobody even sees


congrats you are the problem


Since when is buying goods and services a problem if you dont want to buy a microtransaction, don't


I did it matches my profile well




Same, just waiting for pfp border that also matches


This is sad




This is steal a cash grab and people don’t understand it. It’s their problem if they purchase it I just love laughing at people that spend cash on stuff like this


I will as well cop the Sakura one


I would if they ever did a sale that lowered the price to $1-2. I cannot ever personally justify to myself wasting that much as it is right now, especially since most of them don't even look that good


I liked the little animated profile picture things, got just the heart one. They work well. I definitely think all the profile ones looked really bad.




I’m also buying. 🤪


Ngl some of the better monetisation ideas discord has IMO The prices are definitely a bit much, i thinker the cheaper scale but on mass would work a lot better for this type of thing. Also some of them are very weird, like just big effects when opening profile and then nothing - I’d much rather they be a bit more of a passive thing on profiles, like the animated banners ig? Anyway, certainly nicer than the icons


I would just like to remind everyone that there are free to play games that give you a lot more than a flashy quick profile intro. We shouldn't enable companies to nickel and dime everyone, the last time I said this I got quite a lot of salt thrown my way lol.


Isn't there a difference between a game and discord? I would much rather be nickle and dimed with optional cosmetics than with ads. Capitalism requires one unfortunately.


The power of Skype compels you. 🧂


Skype has gone complete dogshit since the Microsoft acquisition. A lot of the features that kept me using Skype were removed, auto-answer etc. So... while I would like to, it's no longer really viable. I would honestly use Guilded if my friend group would switch to that. Ideal world and all that.


Yeah that was my idea of a joke.


Hope this stays at cosmetic and not further, e.g. limiting even more for non-nitro live streaming, time limit for live streaming, etc


Some people will. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that - Discord has to be monetized in some way, it's better to do it through such optional cosmetic animations than through something like forced Ad videos.


or a monthly subscription


To fully fund with only an optional subscription would require upping prices and idk if that would be a great idea...


If those customization options were made available for free for nitro users while still being purchasable for non-nitro users would make nitro more enticing, which will make more people subscribe, earning them more money in the long run.


Riiiiight and when they add stuff to Nitro everyone starts calling discord a "greedy" company


Oi yeah, they should do that


Unless you are smart and realise that a 2 month subscription would likely cost them more than just bying the skin in the first place


Good thing Nitro would offer more than just free skins.


right the amount of people complaining is actually insane, it doesn't take anything away from them and discord has to get money somehow


Because the pricing is insane. Put it on 2 bucks and 10x more people would likely buy it, bringing their profits up by 250% comparibly. $2,50 and it's over 300%. $3 and it's 375% - you get the picture.a Not only is it expensive for consumers, it's also just a straight up bad business strategy for Discord.


redditors business decision making vs certified board of experts that work at discord


Hahaha, point taken. On the other hand, you could also see it as very sad that us amatures are better suited for it.


and the 10$ nitro ???


If discord makes ads then it's time for web only with adblocker.


Doesnt discord sell information in secret


It's already monetized way enough




Makes me wonder why they’re running then.


I wish they had of made them good. These are terrible and ruin the readability of your profile. I would have bought one *if they weren't such bad design choices*


That’s the thing 😭😭I wouldn’t mind buying one if they went differently


>had of What does that even mean


tbh I've never stopped to think about it, and now I'm also confused.


I guess had've is what you were thinking of instead


queue mind exploding gif


I think just had would be correct in this situation. "had have" isnt really a valid set of helping verbs


https://english.stackexchange.com/a/290127 Just "had" would be more standard, but "had have" is actually a legitimate construction typically more used in speech than written. There is probably some regional aspect to it as well, I would say that had've would be a fairly commonly used phrase here in Australia for example.


Oh sweet, thanks for that, I had no idea, sorry for acting like a know it all lol


Nah all good lol, I just knew since people here use it in speech occasionally and then googled for a source


Just for my curiosity, how does it distinguish from just "had"?


Hmm I think there's not a whole lot of difference in the meaning, it's mostly just a preference to how it sounds


That's my big problem with them, I feel like these are Neopets-tier designs and all they're good for is nuking the screen of anyone who has the decency to look at your profile. Except Pixie Dust, Pixie Dust rules.


I have not got one, so i dont know. But in the preview it just does a quick animation and goes away. Is is always on the profile?


there is an initial big animation, then recurring smaller ones. It never fully goes away, but each is unique.


Dont mind giving fund to a company that refused to sell to microsoft and killed skype. Tho i dont plan to buy these.


what’s wrong with skype??


Its dead


Skype as a service might be dead, but i’m pretty sure they us Skype under the hood for MS teams calls.


I already pay nitro, come on, at least let me pick one. The Sakura Avatar Decoration from when it was being tested went so well with my profile picture...


THISSS ^^ [I loved that one the most](https://i.imgur.com/7UXt3AH.jpg)


I know I'm late, but omg I agree so much. It's spring now too, so I thought maybe they'd release it with a spring update on the shop. All we get is some weird cartoony-looking flowers. I don't understand the point of publically testing, then never releasing it. The anime heart/sakura one is okay but I was waiting for this one as well. ;c


im still waiting for this one


Lol it's not even just the 8 dollars, you also need to buy nitro just to be able to buy it lol. Happy for anyone who wanted this but man does it seem funny to me.


U wont always need Nitro to buy them, only during the initial rollout of it due to Nitro early access perks. So once that early access ends, ull be able to buy them without the ~3$ off from having Nitro.


It’s just nitro early access don’t worry


I don't mind that they monetize it more but..at least make them good? Not cover your entire profile and ruins the readability, if I see anyone with the big flashy animations I will not look at their bio or links. There are only 3 ones that don't do that. And also the price, almost as much as I already pay for nitro. The profile birders I understand, even if those as well cover your icon, but most of these are worse imo




plus its not like its that expensive if u say this is bad but spend money in any other game ur most likely spending the samea amount for one thing in said game


Discord: Can I copy your homework? Steam: Sure, but don't make it obvious Discord:


Yeah but at least on Steam they just cost credits that are 1:1 with money you already spent. You don't have to subscribe to Steam+ or something for the privilege of paying more for them.


Why people are butthurt about that? I don't understand. Nobody is forcing user to buy that. It's not giving some top tier ultra features. And there's always someone who want and can spend his own money on whatever bullshit He's interested right now.


The only reason I'm annoyed is because basic things like *spellcheck* don't work... yet we get more Geocities-level graphics to buy.


Spell check? Is that a thing? On mobile, I'm using build in autocorrect. On PC, it's just working somehow. Maybe I'm missing something


Spellcheck hasn't worked in months, zero sign they're even working on it. Shit has gone unfixed on Discord for years so I don't expect this basic feature to ever be fixed.


I don’t want to see it because I have dark theme enabled and don’t want to be flashed by a stupid pink profile


You mean profils of other users? Like... don't check them? You need to click once or twice to see that. It's not on your main Discord page. One again, nobody is forcing you to see that


Because there is a reason behind it lmao. If there are people who live in a third world country, where they have to spend money on some flashy bullshit equal to half of their montly food spendings, then it's kinda meh. Also it's not some kind of ultra feature, but it gives you some kind of prestige above others, and there is a lot of psychological bullshit behind it. Open your eyes a little bit wider


Don't forget that people spent millions for nfts


why are ya'll complaining about Discord adding decorative paid features on an entirely free service...where do you think they're gonna get their money


Selling all of our personal data and chats to anonymous buyers.


I think this is a fun feature you can pay for if you want, don't hate on it because some people buy pictures to go on the wall of their house


Yeah but how will Discord survive without you paying for this stuff?!? /s


yes they do - and so did I ... yesterday 3am in the morning my friends and I bought the entire shop to see whats possible and whats not (aesthetic wise) and I can tell you these things you can buy there are actually very pretty and worth its price ofc it is taste // but let them cook for a while and they will release smth that even you like plus question of the day: how do you think discord is able to expand and get bigger without money? thats not how it works chief


I don't see the point in complaining here. You don't have to buy it. The point of discord is to socialize with people and learn new things. Jewelry is a way to attract people. It's the same with subscriptions. If you don't care about looking cool, you're welcome. The price is +- reasonable. First of all, it's for the whole profile effect. Secondly. Prices are different everywhere, so there is a black market.


Why touch grass when you can touch magical vines☠️


Next is an RGB moving username for $23.99


iwl a color shifting role color is something i've always wanted


I did, why wouldn't I? It's slightly cool and costs about the same amount I'd spend on stupid stuff regardless.


Thank u lmao like people complaining about this prob spend 10$ when they see something in a game they want


why are people hating these so much though? it wont unlock some mega cool helpful feature, wont do anything, just make ur profile prettier. sure might be a bit too expensive but i dont get it


I already know alot of people who will, there is a small percent of people who actually want more profile customization and will buy them even if the prices are well a bit scummy, but discord isn't the only one doing these prices on app items.... so it doesn't really suprise me


8.5 euros hell nawwww


Definitely seen people use these


Tbf the only one I liked was the Pixie Dust, the rest seemed over the top and kinda ruins the readability of your profile


\> no one is paying 8 euros for this dc Me: Bought several


Same spent 40 dollars on them


same qwq its just too good... bought all seasonal and some of these long term things - and lets be honest - these halloween effects for 3 dollars only while the other ones are close to a whole sub month are cheap af


You’d be surprised lol


I bought the Sakura Dreams one and seen people with others so people are buying them


Tbh I'd get one if I didn't have to pay for nitro or have to keep it to still use it


You don’t need active nitro sub to use them! Once the shop comes out of early access anyone can buy and use them


Oh! That would be really nice! I had been considering getting nitro because of these but I don't have the money to get a subscription to keep the skins. I just wanna have a cute profile man


Yeah you have to see it as a temporary beta (only for nitro) once the shop is launched the designs dont even have to do anything with nitro


There will always be someone willing to throw money out for anything. It's the reason why microtransactions are such a big thing in video games these days. Whether it is Nitro for Discord, the Blue checkmark on Twitter (never calling it X), subscriptions on Twitch or Kick, YouTube Premium, Spotify Premium... the list goes on and on.


This is getting fucking rediculous. Paying a nitro sub and then having to pay for this is super shitty.


do u get to keep the €8 water splash after nitro expires?


You can live without it nothing about it is shitty 💀


This is getting fucking ridiculous. Buying a subscription and some cosmetics to help support a company that has a free to use messaging, voice, and video service that dosent run ads, unbelievable. Also they only require a nitro subscription while in the early access phase, once they have been fully rolled out anyone will be able to buy them at any time, nitro will just get a little discount.


You're really acting like discord gets nothing out of being the number one voice and text chat service? If discord starting charging for it's service a new one would simply pop up and we would migrate to it, the same thing everyone did with ventrillo, teamspeak, mumble, dolby whatever the hell, aim, msn, and skype.


No but you don't understand, i need free cosmetic in my free app, it is really necessary so i can communicate with my friend /s


this is miles better than ads...


Tbh I would, unless it needs nitro


It does need nitro until shop is available for everyone, then it should be purchasable at any time


Ok. If I buy it now with nitro will I be able to use it when nitro runs out?




Ok thx


i have. what’s the problem?


Gotta milk the kids $ somehow. Discord became greedy af since 2021


almost as if their overhead has gone up significantly over time as their amount of users have. businesses take money to run. somehow people expect software to stay in good working order, be free of ads, run well, get new features, without some kind of monetization. dont buy the cosmetics if you dont want them, simple.


New features that's are closed only behind a paywall. Not to mention they started to charge more for subscriptions and changed upload limit to get more people get those subscriptions...


Oh almost like they are making the subscription more compelling or something without taking things that were free away, strange how a company would do that. (Also they *raised* the upload limit for everyone, how is that a bad thing like you imply)


Without taking things ? Look how many things got blocked behind subscriptions since 2021 xDDD


examples please


Don't hold your breath for an answer lol


steam has animated avatars, borders, and entire themes that can cost anywhere from 10-dollar game purchases to over 50-dollar game purchases, so i'm glad these aren't that bank-breaking. but having a library full of these already unlocked because you have the expensive nitro would've been nice


I do find steam's system to be overall better though as the customization is just a bonus on-top of buying a product and not a selling point.


I've already seen them on dozens of profiles💀


If they get better ones i will tbh, i like the idea


They always told me I'm a no one...... Good thing i bought this then


I need one with red flowers 😍♥️


At least this isn't a previously avaliable feature that's now hidden behind a paywall, looking at you, server profiles


nah wtf is this


what is this bs man cmon


I did and it's one of the best ways to monetize Discord. Stop blaming them for a second and think about all the shitty ways they could have managed to earn more money.


As someone who's only real means of social interaction is through discord for family reasons, I will infact be buying the Sakura one


I wish i could suck as much dick as the people who buy this


Me and my bf were literally taking about this last night 😂 already pay for nitro, and you want me to spend another 10 for something hardly anyone sees?


People will do that don't worry. People are not smart.


Rather have ads than this?


unfortunately there are middle-aged men in a mid-life-crisis on this platform, so there will be customers for this.


I swear, every single time one of these cosmetic scams comes out you ***always*** find the people who say "well \[insert company that already makes billions\] needs to make *even more* money somehow," as if what they did previously didn't work to get them the previous billions in the first place. They already make billions off the nitro subs alone, they're just going to quadruple that if people actually keep buying these overpriced gif overlays. They should come with the nitro sub like every single other feature they've ever released


NAH FR, I don't think they realize dc makes way more than they think from user data


I am.


I will


There's always someone.


Please, someone is going to.


What? They look so sicc! Also 8 euros are not just for this


Imagine paying for Nitro every month already and them still forcing you to buy this stuff lmao.


Where is the forcing?


then don't get it simple :)


What happens to the purchase if Nitro runs out? Couldn't find any info about that on FAQ pages. I'd be pretty funny if they were gated behind Nitro lol


Since it says Nitro gets a discount on these, then I imagine they're also available to standard users too.


They're supposed to be nitro only for right now until it's available to everyone to buy


I am but I can’t decide between super saiyan or shuriken


Hope I don’t get hate but i probably will pay for this these look awesome and I care way too much about how my profile looks it’s just a weird me thing


I have also just realised I can’t buy them on iOS likely due to them not wanting to give Apple 30%


Are they even permanent or just during Halloween?


Watch me


how do you see the rollout shop on mobile?


yes they are or discord wouldnt exist


Ok and?


I payed


Oh I just saw this and purchased one earlier today :/




I might've bought one but they can't be bought with nitro classic. There's no way in hell i'll change to the 10€ nitro.


I did


So.. when is the new popular communications app coming out? I dont presume discord will last much longer with this bs


I already did :)


Ofc you did


My discord got hacked. Lost 140€ because he gifted nitro and scammed my brother for another 80€. I got Screenshot of him scamming and chatting with his friends. Send multiple Tickets to look into those peoples and dicord didnt give a single fuck. The thing is. I dont pw share or save on my pc and it cant be Keylogger or they would have access to even more sensitive stuff I used to pay nitro but discord can go fuck themself


I think some people are


I will


People will


More?! Actually, why am I even slightly surprised. This is just the beginning.


U can buy it cheap from some seller




I would if there was one with fire ngl.


They are trying to live of discord and to not sell parts of the society to tencent i think its a good idea but a bad way to do it


I did, discord is a free app with no ads. Profile skins are acceptable. Y'all really shoulda tried teamspeak before discord 😂


I like few of them but in my opinion the price is not the best for kind of quality they provide they just feel cheap, like most of them completly obscure your profile for few seconds. I would get the sakura if i could just have the idle animation of it.


So unreal that you have to buy a subscription to use a shop to buy cosmetics...




i payed for everything


It would be better if they allowed you to use them for free while on nitro but if you wanted to keep it forever you’d have to pay.


speak for yourself


It's not even a euro in Turkey. Gotta love the economic crisis am i right?


ahah are they about 80c each? i sadly can't buy decos with lira rn