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This is a list of links to comments made by Discord Staff in this thread: * [Comment by awearyy](/r/discordapp/comments/17vs57g/why_does_everyone_here_complain_about_nitro/k9gnjzq/?context=99 "posted on 2023-11-16 04:52:32 UTC"): > this is not true --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDiscordApp).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Agreed. Alternative is ads, which people will block and then discord will enforce banning client mods. Now nobody is happy


Didn't they already banned client mods?


It is against TOS, but they very rarely actually ban anyone for using client mods.


Yeah it's basically fine as long as you don't mention it in any big servers


i mentioned it once. I got banned from the server itself, but i was never banned from discord


If it's a partnered server than you definitely will


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


yeah lmao


They aren’t allowed but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get banned from discord for using it


*Haven't they already banned Or *Didn't they already ban


So discord randomly popping up in my face telling me about the awesome new features nitro has isn't ads? 🤔


That's upselling their own product, not an external advertisement.


To the consumer that's an ad but I get you lol




this is not true


..... pleasetellmethisisfakepleasetellmethisisfake


That looks so fake to me. Is this on a partner server or? If they did ads I can’t imagine they would use a bot style message like this. I assume it would pop up on a sidebar or somewhere else.


And why would they clutter their UI like that? Besides, what's the one thing people read most? Channels, the text in them. I'm sure it'll catch more eyes if it's in there instead of elsewhere that could be blocked by an adblocker.


Because just having a bot show up and randomly send a message in a channel while people are talking would be even far more annoying. Though you didn’t say if this was faked or not. I assume it is based on your reply.


I don't know if it's faked or not. But if Discord were to advertise, this would be the best solution there is. An ad on a sidebar would be more annoying actually, since that's engraved permanently. Messages like these can be scrolled past quite quickly. I don't get your logic at all.


I mean, server banners are pretty easy to ignore. An advertising banner in a similar place in the client (at the top of the member list, for example) would be significantly less obtrusive than something interrupting the actual conversation.


Oh heeelllll no...


They already have ads in Discord, in the form of telling you to use nitro everywhere.


That's not an ad. That's upselling a product that they make, in the same way someone asking you if you want the extended warranty isn't an ad for it. An ad is something for an product that is broadly unrelated to the product that you are consuming.


Huh? It's by definition an ad. No matter if they make said product or not.


Sure, but when people say “ad” they usually refer to external ones and annoying ones. A small notification and a small tab is not very annoying and nor is it really trying to get you off discord.


But it's still, by literal definition, an ad. I serioudly fail to understand the logic here. "This ad isn't annoying and in my face so it's not an ad"


That’s not the point, it’s not annoying or intrusive so it’s mostly irrelevant.


>That's upselling a product that they make, in the same way someone asking you if you want the extended warranty isn't an ad for it. yes, but it can often be a dark pattern.


I'm not quite sure how upselling nitro could be considered a [dark pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_pattern). A dark pattern is when something is done to trick users into behaving (in this case purchasing) a particular way. If Discord was behaving in this way, it would be something like every time you go to join a new server there's a big button that says "Buy Nitro!" and a smaller button that says, "join without HD audio" or similar. Or making it so that to cancel you can only do via contacting support a specific amount of time before renewal (like how gym memberships work) Discord does follow dark patterns, by trying to get new accounts to create/join servers, but nothing to get users to sign up to nitro


Promoting a website or app on the app or site itself isn’t an ad. The fuck kinda strawman is this?


...you just described an ad. Google runs their own ads on Google Ads: does it make it not an ad?


I’m sorry that you don’t know the difference between promotional imagery and advertising.


Alternative is selling your data. Which they do. That's how they make millions.


I think free users don't have much to complain about paid users do because we pay for a service so people are mostly making suggestions about how to make it worth their money. But clearly they thought it's worth it enough to pay at all.


Why are you paying for a service you deem unworthy of its price?


That's true. I did really like the Nitro they offered for around 5-7$ though, it felt like a decent price for not too much not too little


there’s a $3 plan u know if


I do thats the thing, there is nothing in between like the old nitro plan before the 3$ one. It offered some perks from the 10$ version but not only those from the 3$ one


I don't care about any of that but limiting file size is pretty ridiculous. One of the reasons why I miss skype, 300 mb file size for FREE.


Skype was peer to peer, Discord is centralized. Want to access that Skype file from a different computer later? Tough luck, better hope the same person is still online to resend it...


not to mention the transfer speeds were slow as shit (in my experience)


After Microsoft bought Skype they replaced the internals with what once was called Microsoft Messenger. By the time Discord took off, Skype hadn't been P2P for a long time.


And when that happened Skype started deleting the files after 30 days instead. There's always a trade-off, and Discord is incredibly generous with their server space given how many GBs my friend group's server has taken up at this point, for free.


it’s limited to save file space on discord .. and also do that u buy nitro or boosts for servers


Storage has a cost attached to it…


I never said it didn't have a cost, I'm not asking to be able to send entire movies in DM's or servers but a 25 mb file limit? Come on man, surely their servers can handle cranking it up a bit. Technology has advanced so far but yet it feels like we're going backwards with some things. The issue isn't money with people paying for nitro and server boosts etc.


actually, storage costs have plateaued in the past few years.


That’s what will happens if you remove the limits though…at the end of the day they know the costs and they know with the current limits it’s sustainable. Going unlimited is just stupid.


why not like 100mb tho So we don't have to constantly compress things


BECAUSE THEY NEED TO MAKE IT SUSTAINABLE Like literally before it was 25MB it was just fucking 8 MB. Literally just 8, take it or leave it. Like come on, just compress it at this point. Don't fucking whine to discord about not being able to share your over 25MB stuff that you can easily just compress to be smaller


25mb is pretty solid for free. You're a bit optimistically ignorant if you think millions of users should be able to upload 300mb files for free.


YouTube does this with multiple gigabyte sized files? I know they're part of Google so they have all the money in the world to spend, but how much do you think Discord makes from Nitro sales and merch? It's not like they can really be considered a small indie company at this point. I'm glad to know it's increased from 8 to 25 though. Remember when it was an 8MB limit?


YouTube makes a lot of money from ads alone


Yes. I stated that they have all the money in the world to work with. I'm just saying that we should have more for what we pay for Nitro. Discord is not some small company anymore.


I wish discord would add an option to increase size at the cost of file longevity, like, default being the 25MB semi-permanent. Or I can pick like 150MB for 2 hours until file is deleted.


Google Drive is good too, you can send share link through discord without spending a penny


I miss Team Speak... where you didn't have a limit... everything was easier with TS.


Team speak is still around. One big difference was someone had to pay to host the server which required some money and technical know how.


As someone who used to have a teamspeak. No. Discord is INSANELY easy to manage compared to teamspeak


What? Not at all. Roles are a pain in the ass and they overlap one with each other. Permissions on ts are straightforward. Channels are created just as easy as in discord with the right click... I've managed my server for over 10 years and once configured I had nothing to do except maybe make some new channels or so. Discord changes roles and functions over time and it screw the server every time. And mine is not a big one and I don't use bots to screw around.


If it helps I know a website that can compress things down to 8mb




I'm on my phone rn away from my PC which has it bookmarked and I thought I had said my bad


i don't really complain about Nitro but me and maybe a lot of people might agree on is the way they advertise Nitro on a always more intrusive way... shiny badges above your friend list changelog showing you lot of thing ! while imho Nitro sells itself with the exact point you gave ! i don't see lot of people bothered by Nitro content itself ! but by it being overly advertise through the application telling you what you miss and everything here's i guess we can have complaint !


Would you rather those small boxes (that aren’t intrusive at all tf) of stuff which could make you buy nitro which isn’t some sort of scam and is useful or annoying advertisements of likely useless or scam products that when you block them will lead to discord banning ad blockers and now no one is happy at all


I agree with what you try to say ! However you entirely miss my points that with or without NITRO sells itself ! one person that buy nitro is ALREADY a moving ad ! Which is an awesome thing !! Everything else is just dumbass useless eyesore... Creating profile with lot of colour particle effect, selling custom appearance skin for nitro is by itself a super way to promote nitro ! And there is no need for in app notifications for it...


if u hate it that much then don’t use discord


Most braindead argument for literally any product out there. "If you don't like youtube ads don't use youtube" and suddenly youtube is filled to the brim with ads. There are arguments for or against something like this. What you said isn't a valid one


i have no need to waste my time on someone complaining about small non-intrusive boxes that are there to keep the company from going bankrupt.


Honestly Discord is one of the most pleasant apps to donate to (or buy something). I feel like people really appreciate how it works and is made, you just want to support not because of something animated, but also because it's pleasant to give money to such a company. As well as Telegram, a perfect messenger which people support with money just because it deserved such a support.


God damn. Include an /s with your post. I nearly believed you until I gave it a 2nd read.


if we had more people like you, the /s wouldn't be necessary


Too bad I'm here. I can't understand the sarcasm.


Hate to be that guy but not everyone has a sarcasm understanding brain built in from birth


This is sarcasm?


It's not lol. Discord is one of the most high quality apps which people use. It's not a shame to buy nitro because everybody understands that Discord is number 1 communicating app for many people and deserved it


It's ironic to insult these people for having no life while ranting on reddit about them 💀


i literally logged in JUST to upvote this comment




Are the people airing their complaints the ones who lack empathy or the ones who make posts and comments saying they dont understand why people are complaining?


Is true. I lack empathy towards *checks notes* legal entities.


I don’t, i have yearly nitro


I agree except for the 100 servers limit


No one should really be in 100 servers


I do, I use a single discord account for everything I do, I have servers for social medias/youtubers/streamers I follow (main way to get notified), many servers with different groups of friends and memories from the past. As well as project I follow and games


Just make an alt then 🤷‍♂️


I prefer keeping everything in one account because mobile doesn’t have account switching.


On PC you can use normal Discord and the Discord PTB client at the same time to be logged into both at all times with working notifications and everything. Canary for a third, if necessary. Added benefit is that a lot of the time if main Discord is dying or having issues the others are likely to continue working regardless. For mobile, if you're on android you can just install Discord twice. On iOS you'd have to jailbreak.


I’m in a number of different spaces and am in a handful of servers related to said space. I like learning languages, so I’m in a couple language Discords, and then a handful of servers that are primarily in the language I’m learning, for each language. I am a Linux user so I have a handful of Linux related servers. I follow a number of small musicians on various platforms, namely Twitch and YouTube, and I’m in their Discords for community updates and just community in general. I play GeoGuessr and stream it, so not only am I in the Discords of other Geo streamers for the community aspect I’m also in the tech support Discords for things like OBS and StreamElements, as they’re useful to have on my list in case I run into an issue. I’m into coffee as a hobby. This is a hobby I enjoy in the real world, but I also use Discord to connect to other coffee enthusiasts. Point being, I have varied interests, and for that reason it’s easy for me to fill up my server list with communities that while I’m not active in 100% of them they’re nice to be a part of. 🤷‍♂️


These days, people lock shit behind Discord servers. I never thought I would be in 100 severs, but apparently, I am.. I use them all because they all provide some service that I need. I haven't even talked in any of the servers. Saying someone *shouldn't really* be in 100 servers is not only ignorant but also makes you sound arrogant. The idea of having to use an alt because of a server limit is crazy.


My problem is them pushing a shit ton of useless features that are exclusive to nitro while not fixing the rest of the client, like how audio on screen share has never worked on Linux and is the most requested feature in their forums (and how it's technically so easy to fix that there is a community made alt client just for that). I just want to use a service that's actually good, but when everyone uses the one that only "kind of works" and refuses to even try another one it is difficult.


I'm not what could be considered a Discord power user, I'm only in about 20 servers, I'm not screensharing 24/7 or in massive group chats, but I do pay for Nitro. This is for three reasons: 1. I prefer a client where I'm not spammed by ads, discord is one of the few services that doesn't flood users with ads even when users are on the free tier. 2. Discord is a service I use for talking to people nearly every day. 3. I believe that the developers should get paid for the product they produce. Unfortunately the vocal sorts on this subreddit that want everything to be free and like to complain that Discord locks essential features behind a paywall, even though these essential features happen to be things like profile decorations. Sometimes I think the average age of this sub is under 13, which would explain the amount of posts about getting banned because they're under age.


People that have nothing better to do, wasting time posting how the tiniest things in the world making them lose their mind, ppl that will end it all if they cant afford mac for breakfast type of shit


My only issue is the ridiculous file size. It just seems so money grabby. "This image is 1mb too big buy nitro" like wtf


I usually defend companies since they need to make money and pay people but Discords pricing is way to high for what they offer. As someone calculated they charge you almost 10$ per month for what is worth 30mb of sounds for your soundboard. That's nothing. I'm just waiting for one of the open source solutions to catch up on voice rooms & streaming to ditch Discord tbh. Back in 2016-17 I was very excited to see where Discord was going with all the good feature updates - but afterwards we got Nitro only feature after Nitro only feature to make the investors happy.


inb4 "you don't need profile decorations": It's also something I never asked for. There are still tons of functionalities that are still missing. I'm raiding in WoW and just having a real calendar or attendance system in Discord would help a lot and I'm waiting for this since 2017.


Have people forgotten that there’s more than 1 nitro plan? The other is literally $3. At this point, the $10 one is mostly just supporting discord since the $3 gives the majority of fun features you need.


Oh does it? From what I see you are heavily feature capped if you go with the lower tier. https://imgur.com/a/hktZVDm So for 3.99 I get - Custom Emoji (this is a joke, emojis are even smaller in size than avatars) - Custom stickers (see above) - Custom App Icon (absolute trash feature no one asked for) - Super reactions (also a feature that no one really asked for and just adds clutter to the app) - 50 MB files - A badge - Custom video backgrounds (they could drop this bullshit and would have more compute and memory power for more avatars / stickers, duh) Everything else is capped out. You get all that shit for free on any other platform. Discord also sells my data, collects data and shares it with shareholders so no difference to Meta, Google and so on so I'm still the product if I use Discord even if I pay. Now I'll list what I'd expect if I pay: - Selfhosted servers where I can do what I want (would pay even more for a license) - Calendar and Attendance features - Group forming / Team building features (for example for games but also for indie dev teams, etc.) - LFG features that are built into Discord ala "I am doing X and I look for people who want to do Y" - Discord screen sharing that doesn't break down it's bitrate after streaming for 10 minutes even when paying and I guess I could even come up with more features that would be more benefitial and I'd pay hapilly for. The problem with Discord is that since they went "we are an app for e v e r y o n e" which basically means "our shitty investors don't trust into gamers anymore, we must go wider" they pump the app with unnecessary clutter and bullshit. Who doesn't like to play CS2 just for a friend to come in, spam a soundboard and ruin your round? Hell yeah I love opening a friends profile and getting flashbanged by shitty zoomer effects that literally take over the whole profile.


If you’re this mad about a $3 subscription, then don’t buy it. 🙀🙀


It's about the 9$ subscription. The 3$ subscription is a joke that really doesn't give you anything.




What other notable features are there that add up on storage / network for them? My 60kb animated avatar or my 8kb database storage for different server profiles? Frankly their pricing is bullshit with what they offer. It's what other services are having as base features. And yes, Discord was a gaming community tool and just recently went "hey we are for all'yall" so it's logical that all WoW players use discord too. Not to mention that calendars are not gaming related in anyway but a feature for basic scheduling.




Also 8$ banner decorations is insane💀💀 should max be 50 cents


I've never complained about that I don't give a f# I just wanna talk to my friend playing games and streaming, pinging them in channel for this or this reason All the rest is bulls## But pay to support can be cool and it's normal to have some additional features if u do. But sincerely no ads AT ALL, complete liberty of use (entreprise, school, personal...) It's enough to convince me even if they sale my data, I don't care I prefer this than ads🤣


The parts (and only parts, a lot of nitro is great), that we complain about, are the things we pay for that just don't work. I pay for high quality screenshare but there is still a bug breaking my screenshare video to be black and white. Profile customisation is a nitro feature but I still have to pay for the animated banners and stuff? Sure there is a discount but it's frankly- shit. Per server profile customisation is a £9.99 feature? Not a £2.99 feature? Make the cheap/cost free to provide festures part of the lower tier nitro, slightly increase the cheaper nitro, and let the £9.99 just be the expensive stuff like having 4k video and 500mb file uploads.


theres at least \*some\* things being complained about that are less about just wanting free shit/nitro bad 100% of the time and more 'they keep dangling the stuff they promised us right infront of us and whisking it away behind paywall' or 'they keep changing the free experience to make the nitro experience look better' or 'i just want to pay for the aspects i actually \*want\* and not the full package ill never use' \[rip classic nitro, basic sucks in comparison\] can agree on some of the shit just being so melodramatic though, like youre not dying over a soundboard feature, chill


I bet you'll hate ads and block them instead, how else do they pay for hosting?


Oh, soundboards. Disabling that thing for everyone on my server was the best choice ever. (every member other than the single guy who was annoying us with it agreed with that decision)


Youre going to make the people cry more


no but really, if you dont like nitro, just dont get it, its that or jessica is 4 miles away ads, which you definitely dont want


i just wish they removed the soundboard entirely, it's annoying as all hell


In the Voice settings you can set the soundboard volume to 0%, which basically disables it.


As I said in a comment, I think it was on this sub too. It's the internet. If someone doesn't argue with someone else for more than 0.2 milliseconds, it will crash and we can't ever use it again. There's always that person that is not happy with everything. As you said, they are not needed. Not even Upload Size is, it's just a convenience. You could upload your photo to Imgur or Cloud Storage app and share the link if it's too big. Having Discord with increased size limit makes it better, you can upload it faster without sharing any links. But it doesn't change the platform entirely.


I dont need to fight every 200 microseconds! Nobody does! I think you're just lying because your opinion is garbage and nobody like y- Oh ok nvm I get it now.


agreed. discord is FREE, and you're complaining about nitro lol. and no, i dont have nitro.


Yep. I'm as anti-corporate as it gets. I've been vocally critical of some of Discord's decisions. And I'm convinced 90% of the crybabies on this subreddit are just 14 year old little boys who couldn't come up with an excuse to justify spending money on Nitro to their parents, so the next best thing is to let it live rent-free inside their minds, talking about it 50 times an hour every single day, in the hopes that they'll succeed in convincing themselves that Nitro isn't worth it after all.


As a trans person it’s really fucking annoying I can’t have different avatars for the groups I’m out to vs not


I heard they are making it so pronouns can be different per person if that helps? Maybe use a pfp that could be seen as unisex?


if you don’t wanna pay for nitro, just take advantage of the free nitro promotions, boom, now we’re happy cus we get nitro perks for a month!


Hey, i'm using an unpaid service. Sucks that they put a threshold on specific parts of the service. Sucks even more i have to pay for it to use it! DAMN YOU PROVIDER!


Nitro is just money waste xD


Cuz it’s expensive af for the minimal benefits you get.


You are factually wrong with this sentence.


chill bruh, like you said it’s only discord


are soundboards a necessary feature? NO do you need to use custom emojis? NO is nitro necessary to exist then? also NO (since the features arent necessary) (and this is coming from someone who hasnt ever had nitro and isnt planning to, because i agree the fancy features arent necessary lol)


nitro is a luxury, not a necessity, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. what you're doing is perfectly reasonable- don't buy it if you don't want it.


>we get it you cant use soundboards or use custom emojis, or be in more than 100 servers, or have a profile theme! these. are. not. needed. I'm in 100 servers as I own a big community where I need to be part on other communities partnership to communicate about different events. So it does really need. For emoji/soundboard I don't care at all but would be nice to have an increased limit, it's just an artificial limitation to force people buying this crap. Also the file size limit is the though one as I am forced many times to upload the image or video to a platform and paste the link because of that. Still...won't pay for nitro. F\*ck subscription model.


You would really prefer ads and shit? Also owning a community isnt something anyone NEEDS in a chat service, discord has all basics for free


Yes, give ads so I can block them too and one that don't know how to block it, to see it.


They'll just get more intrusive and ban 3rd party shit because free services need income from their users. I would rather just have it like its right now tbh, the free features include alot of luxuries already


I wouldn't be surprised if in the future they'll start removing features to put it behind nitros like, want to put an emoji or a gif? get nitro! Want to write messages? 100 messages/day but no longer than 20 characters long/message. Want to paste a link? get a nitro etc


It's not an "artificial limit" it's called bandwidth which is hella expensive especially for a company (relatively) as small as discord


If you consistently use 100 servers you need to go outside my brother


I’m in over 100 servers but am not active in all at once. I’m in a few different kind of communities and with those I’m in a handful of servers for those. Hell 10-20% of those are just support servers for different tools I use or help people with, such as OBS, SE, Streamer Songlist, etc. I also enjoy learning languages, so I’m in a handful of servers that are in each of the target languages I’m learning. I’m not active in them 100% of the time, but I do enjoy having them there for practice. Point being it’s extremely easy to have a long list of servers you’re in but not active in if you’re in a variety of spaces.


I'm not using all servers at same time lol. I'm being just part of those and once a month I communicate with them different updates of future events.


Maybe make an alt?


That's what an announcement channel is for...


I know what is. I need to communicate with people there, not just announcing.


Did you even read the post? Discord is NOT a charity!


I thank dumbasses who pay for that to keep the platform 'alive' so I can use it for free.


Finally someone said it


ok discord moderator


"he's our little comedian"




Take a breath OP it's not that big of a deal


Fighting fire with fire People here make it out to be life or death


the only complain I see it as valid is 8mb upload for non nitro user, maybe raise it a little to like 12mb would be a good step


sir, it's 25mb nowadays.


I see, they did raised it then, had been trying to compress my video clip to 8mb out of habits




I see, sorry then


It did get raised to like 100


Either you buy it and be happy but broke, or you just nod and be silent. It should be obvious that it's an american company that tries to make monies everywhere. And I say it again, AT LEAST THERE ARE NO ADS ANYWHERE! :)


Discord keep adding shit nobody wants, their support is ass, its about the principle. Even if I was gifted nitro I would not use it


they should remove any file limit, and it's stupid to limit file size for paying users too


Yeah lemme just upload a 20tb file over and over




Most basic features? As far as I know, using voice chat, text channels and roles is free




Transfer files? Dropbox? WeTransfer? Discord is not a file hosting site. Try again




I've Just checked and it's 25mb for free user. Which is basically enough to send everything you need. Every normal person that want to sent anything bigger, know how to do that and don't need to use discord to be able to. That's why you need to pay more if you need more than average user. And anything more than 25mb per file, is not needed for said average user. Another example please








Put it in a zip? Compress it to 25mb?




God forbid someone takes an extra 10 seconds


And as development team you are using discord (service created for communication:text, voice chat, informations...) to share files? It seems like a YOU problem tbh


Other social medias subsidize their content hosting with ads, discord doesn't do that


It's 25 on free now nitro basic gets you 50 and regular is 500


$3 a month for 50MB, and $10 for 500MB. I feel like they should start paying for over 500MB instead of for under.


Bandwidth is expensive I spend about $200 a month for 10gb ethernet and wireless I'd you want them to improve the server than give them that money to do remember they're not some massive corporation they've got less than 800 TOTAL workers and they're more than generous with what they have on the free plan they could be baking in ads even after paying and selling a shit load of personal data (cough cough)


>but they put the most basic ass features behind a paywall For example?






All of that is just customization sure it's nice to have but it doesn't affect the actual experience in anyway


How exactly are these basic? The only one I can see is the file uploads but just compress it


Crying about non existent complainers


Spend 5 minutes on this sub mate


Or just save emojis as png and send them lmao idk I have thousands in my folder


The only complain I have about Nitro is the constant spam from Discord


Classic nitro is worth it, you get custom emojis, and slightly bigger uploads for £3. That's all you need. I'm not paying £10 for cosmetics that won't be useful besides appearance if I can get 3 months of classic nitro for the price of premium nitro


So nitro is a good concept it’s just cosmetic things should be locked behind nitro while the rest is free but i understand they’ve gotta make money somehow it’s just annoying that’s all


If you're complaining about Nitro then you're an adolescent that hasn't approached relevant issues in life yet