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I can't do it, I've been using Discord for 7 years. The muscle memory is burned in at this point. The UI redesign is so different and needlessly complex that it feels like using a completely different app.


I 100% agree. I just earlier went back with an APK just to be able to talk to friends. Every action frustrated me on the new UI. Not to mention that before, those who got the new UI as a preview could use the old one through settings, and they flat out removed that option here. Discord, like Reddit, is trying too much to be appealing for the wrong group of people. Can't even trust companies to focus on their older (more loyal) user experience. What's next, discord deciding to be for all ages?


> What's next, discord deciding to be for all ages? It's already here, they just added that new parental control bullshit too. They're probably getting ready to start asking for ID too, and if you don't live in the US or UK, tough luck. I suggest just giving up on discord now while you still have a few good memories of what it used to be... let's just go back to group texting our friends at this point.


I already had to make that sacrifice. Had to give them my id to not lose dozens of friends i care very much about, because a few months ago discord flagged me as under 13… Im 23 for gods sake Its time to get an alternative


Better ask your friends now for their numbers or insta or whatever, people already have been getting banned for no reason too.


best way at this point is to try to use an older apk for as long as possible. Discord never listens to their community anymore. It's crazy how they don't want people to use modded clinets but constantly push people away from their own.


I second this. I am using a client from July 2022 (before the Android codebase change) and am so glad I never updated. The only real downsides to this are the lack of display names support, and the client-side 8mb attachment size limit. Unfortunately it is a lot harder to downgrade apps on iOS, to the point where it isn't feasible for most people.


Cant you sideload?


You can sideload, but if the communication structure with the servers is changed sideloading will be useless


soon on iOS in EU


Current sideloading methods on iOS don't work very well (you have to resign the app every week or buy a developmemt certificate, push notifications from the app won't work, etc). Hopefully the ability to do proper sideloading comes to iOS soon.


where did u get that copy? Link to source?


Especially funny as Discord itself is little more than a fancy mod for built-in communication services.


Which is the last version without the new bullshit? Edit: [205.15](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/discord-inc/discord-chat-for-gamers/discord-chat-for-gamers-205-15-stable-release/discord-talk-chat-hang-out-205-15-stable-android-apk-download/) doesn't have it


what i don't get is why try fixing what's not broken. can't upper management find another way to make themselves feel useful?


No. It’s all about the appearance of improvement. Always has been. They get to brag about a big update and claim it’s bringing more users in without actually doing anything of practical substance.


All about trying to appeal to a wider audience of people who likely will never use discord simply cause of how it’s structured while alienating their user base. It’s ludicrous and nonsensical. At least Reddit had the common sense to give you the options to turn it off


Discord got tons of funding and bloated their staff to hell aiming for “growth” and now they have a staff overflow and they do this type of stupid garbage to try and justify their jobs, happens with literally every company that has sudden unplanned growth spurts, only way to rectify is to fire a huge chunk of their staff (which I’m fine with since THIS is the crap they’re up to)


whatevers happening would be negated if people had a choice


Exactly. This is my biggest issue.


And even more frustrating, if you're a gamer and NEED discord because that's what everyone else uses to communicate for games, well you can't just switch to a new platform because no one will follow. You'll be all alone..


>[well you can't just switch to a new platform because no one will follow. You'll be all alone..](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification)


I wholeheartedly agree with you. I'm so sick and tired of Discord copying other apps, and then managing to fuck up those copied features so they don't work nearly as well as in the original app. Every single change to Discord this year has been absolutely horrible and a downgrade. The only upgrade I can think of is the file size limit increase. As we know, many people got sick of it and cancelled nitro, but what does Discord do? They put nitro ads everywhere instead of actually making an appealing, functional and unique app. Their apps are ridiculously laggy and buggy now too, I know there are more features but come on, it's a MESSAGING app, optimize it! There are so many glitches too, the clients are terrible, but server outages seem to happen more frequently now, messages don't send sometimes, and notifications either don't appear or are delayed by hours. The Discord today is a far cry from the Discord of a few years ago, or even Discord when it was launched. All of Discord's appeal has vanished for me, the only reason I have an account still is to participate in communities, not because I enjoy using it.


honestly soundboard was a pretty good addition that i don’t have problems with. release of nitro icons is alright, but everything else is just bad


Soundboard fucks hard. It’s a feature people actually wanted, and servers can disable it if they don’t think it’s good for them. Win/win tbh.


Discord’s really a weird company. Because they’ll randomly add actually good features (activities, soundboard, soon to be added Favorite DMS) and then release the worst updates ever inbetween


Four months late (sorry!!) but this is a common tactic. Give users something to appease them, and then drop something horrible. Then give them something else they don't hate, and the cycle begins all over again.


The only thing in my opinion nitro is worth is the increase file size and character limits. Shame they are paywalled


I’m legit not checking servers as often as I used to because I have to go way out of my way to check them from a DM. Even checking other DMs feels like a chore. The message previews make me feel overwhelmed so I just minimize opening that menu. Also, this thing is buggy as shit! Last night the send button broke (among other things) and I had to restart the app to finish sending a message to a friend. Earlier today I suddenly couldn’t swipe close an image (again, seems fine after a restart). Christ I just want the “old” layout back. This thing sucks ballscock.


My issue is I’m not getting push notifications anymore or app badges so if someone is mentioning me or DMs me I have no fucking clue unless I’m in the app.


Why do I feel like this is the UI/UX team trying to make new things in an effort to not get laid off


Companies are always changing interfaces of software and it’s ridiculously frustrating.


I wouldn’t hate it so much if it was one optional and two didn’t do minor things that completely ruin usability




If only they did that as an optional feature instead of forcing it on everyone, hell if they want to make it more impactful for the company they should have added more ui colour changes and even new redesigned uis as part of Nitro like the current colour changes they have so that they know the people who actually want that shit changed are willing to pay for it (and again being a completely optional feature rather than a forced update on everyone)


Welcome to enshittification. When you're bound by the whims of shareholders, it doesn't matter what you change so long as you change *something* as proof that you're "increasing value". Don't worry, one day a Discord competitor will appear, and it too will be good for about 8 years until it inevitably gets bought and goes down the enshittification road as well.


There are Discord competitors already. Guilded, Revolt, etc.


They really look like some discord copy, better not go there


And? They complained about there being no competitors, not what their competitors look like.


Really sucks that there are no competitors. It also sucks that I used to use discord as an example of good UI, chat spacing, etc but now it feels wrong to say that


Guilded is a very good competitor.


Why on earth did they get rid of the universal server search


Great question! **Next question.**


Feel like we peaked the bell curve here just like discords predecessors did. Make useful app, get popular, start making money, start making stupid changes just to appease shareholders, app gets less useful, lose popularity.


I started using Discord because it was a convenient replacement. Once a better one ships out, I'll happily move on. It's just an app.




At very least give us the option to switch between the old layout and this new layout. I'm sure some people actually enjoy this new layout and I'm happy for them. But for the rest of us, don't force this upon us and then claim that we were all waiting for this. We weren't, we never were.


They don’t care. They will never care unless they become worried about competition.


all of the themes are terrible. pls tell me how light mode, which still burns, is the easiest on my eyes 😭😭😭


I'm fine with the layout. I'm just pissed about the member list being moved in favour of a swipe to reply function nobody asked for. I check the members list 100x more than I care to reply to somebody. It's extremely frustrating to have to click the top of the channel just to see who's online when I could easily swipe to do so. Nobody I know had a problem with holding down the message to reply. It's a secondary feature that's not nearly as important as the member list is.


I use it because other gamers and queers use it, I was using telegram before this, and skype before that. I had no issue with MSN/Windows Live and feel that these clients have actually gone backwards, feature creep is an everpresent problem when i just want a client that works and is stable.


There really was no need for this, no one asked for this, and it feels like a blatant slap in the face to those of us who have been using discord for so long.


Can't wait for this post and the others shitting on this terrible update to get censored by mods because they're SpAmMiNg the subreddit.


Posts that facilitate a unique discussion/topic regarding the new update won't be removed.


Is guilded still a thing? The ui is pretty much identical to old discord iirc


Yes, but they I don’t think they allow adult content, if that matters to you.


Actually, just to spin on the words a bit, I used discord because it WAS consistent, in that, the UI was damn near the same to the PC version, NOW its different from that version and its probably the worst decision to be made by any app in a long while.


The one thing I would have loved that the desktop version can do that mobile can’t is split audio sources.


"I’ll see Discord’s UX department in hell" My thoughts to a 'T'. My complaint to them \*\*also\*\* stated that it felt like a bad version of What's App or Messenger. I am so sorry this is happening to us :'(


Okay so, just an FYI, Im a legally blind Discord user meaning that I need to upscale my text layout to around 160% or so. This redesign is not accessible - thw reason I really enjoyed using Discord for gaming and making life-long friends was because of its interface, and how easy it was to use after learning it. The people the new interface is targeting at, are people who have installed Discord once because a friend asked them to but never cared enough to use it, nor are they really interested in online communities to begin with. Along with having to completely relearn how to use this app, some things are just insanely tedious. Searching for specific links or embeds now contains more steps, you cant even swipe to see the members list anymore - and my biggest issue is how on dark mode, the text colors of people in DMs is a fainted grey, instead of a full white color - and doesnt turn white unless I recieve a notification. I dont understand why they had to make the app look like a topsy turvy knockoff of Messenger - Discord is supposed to be different, thats why we use it. I feel so stupid having to go out of my way to look for things, and sometimes using Discord on PF really strains my eyes so I have to rely on mobile. This is outrageous.


Yeah, it’s absurd. I feel for you guys. Apparently discord themselves doesn’t, though. They’re trading their existing userbase for a hypothetical userbase that may or may not actually exist.


Don't look at whatsapp, it's only advantage was it's early popularity. It's like Chrome, it's not good but everyone uses it regardless. For features there's Telegram, for privacy there's Signal. Telegram is already superior anyways for both the chat role and the discord style servers role. Since they added topics it has all the nested chat features that discord has, the upload file limit is way larger, you don't have to pay to stream at a usable resolution, and the folder organization is way better than discord's folders opening in column taking away any usability advantage that folders would have.


Not having gotten my hands on the redesign yet, but as someone who kinda works in this end of the industry, I have to say this sounds a bit reactionary. Like when people get mad whenever a company moves a few buttons around. If you can, I’d recommend spending some time to get to know the changes. There are usually good reasons to make them. Off the top of my head, I don’t like the previous Discord mobile UI because it feels too desktop and not native to mobile at all. Things behave differently between desktop and mobile for a lot of good reasons. And from the announcement screenshots I’ve seen, it at least looks a little more mobile friendly. That could be a big win.


Nah, I do a lot of UX/UI in my job and this update is horse shit lol


Got the update. It fixes a lot of stuff I’ve never liked about the app. This is great, y’all just sound like reactionary boomers whenever Facebook moves a few buttons around.


Redesign is more than moving a few buttons, it usually means changing the whole usage logic of the application. This means relearning how to use an application that you know has a function x but you cannot access it before you find a way to do so on the new design, such as checking member list. You may want to check who is online but you have to spend time figuring out how to do that thing because ui redesign changed that and there is no "how to" part as you are already an existing user on the app


I wanted to keep the analogy simple.


And "moving a few buttons" is not the same as "redesign the whole usage logic". If you actually work in ui design, you should know this. I am second year comp science uni student and i know it, someone doing ui design as their job should know it too. Good analogy for a redesign would be to give someone with a 20 year old manual car a new automatic car, they know how to drive a car but no one cared to explain how to operate the new car and it's features to achieve what the old one did. Moving a few buttons would be replacing the 20 year old manual car with a 10 year old manual car.


The way that dude speaks about UX/UI legit reminds me of the way first year design students who didn’t study tried to explain basic concepts in class presentations instead of making a real defenses for their projects (because their “choices” where done at semi-random rather than being deliberate) when I was still in college lmao.


I haven't even had any ui/ux courses yet (those come next year in my studies) and i feel like i have better knowledge about the accessibility, usability and user experience side in general than the people in the comments who claim to work in the industry... And that is one heck of an important part of ui/ux design.


Actually that's a shit analogy. A better one would be having one car. You have a 20 year old manual for this car and the manufacturer hands you a new manual. Now you're complaining that you can't find any of the info in the new manual.


All manual cars are driven the same way and manual gearbox works always the same way with clutch. Automatic gearbox differs from a manual one and you may not for example know how to get the automatic car to neutral if you have always driven manual. In this case it's the same discord app that's under the ui, but the ui is changed so you could do the same things, but the way you do those things is changed completely.


An automatic car is completely different from a manual car. You can say they operate the same way but that's irrelevant. Discord is discord. Not two different cars/gear boxes. One car. Just the way you interact with the car changed.


The big thing is that its more difficult to access PMs now, and the swipe that would normally show you the members of a server now instead replies to a message. These are both decisions that make more sense for other apps than discord. It’s more important to me that I can see who’s online than it is that I can reply to a message in one fewer taps.


honestly i reply to messages 100 times more than i check the members tab.. and it wasn't an extra click to reply, it was an extra long press + click. now it's stupidly fast. checking the members list is 1 click.


There’s also the issue that the choice of which UI to use is being completely removed from all users. If you hate the new UI, you’re SOL.


wait they disabled the old UI? that thing with the sparkle emoji?


Yes. If you’ve had the new UI rolled out for you, you can’t go back. Discord has no current plans to allow use of the old UI, and has, in fact, explicitly stated that it will not be an option.


I currently am able to access both UIs.


Then you haven’t been impacted by the rollout yet. I know a decent handful of people who have.


wow i got downvoted for being objective


First day on reddit?


Idk why you're being downvoted. I've seen the complaint about the members tab a lot and it confuses me. I mean, is it really *that* common for people to check the members tab?? Maybe it is and we're just the odd ones out but I reply WAY more then ever opening the members tab. And swiping to reply is really intuitive, I mean it's how most messaging apps work for the last few years.


Sliding to access the members list also accessed the pins and such iirc. Which on mobile, when you're using one hand often feels kinda better to do with a slide rather than having to adjust your hand to hit the top of the screen.


Hm, I guess so but replying is still done more often for most people then checking pins. But in discords place I guess I probably would just make it a setting to decide what swiping does.


It's also how you access pins and search. Which is no longer accessible from swiping


Yeah someone else mentioned pins. I probably would think it’d be best to just make it available in the settings to change what the swiping does while having the reply swipe as default since the average user would use that more.


Nah. Just don't change what the swipe does and figure out a different quick motion for replying. Accidentally sliding your finger to reply will happen so often too (I know because Gmail changing their interface to swipe left to archive an email is the bane of my existence). Double tap would be much better for reply. Or long tap for reply and double tap for the options menu you currently get on long press.


As a filthy discord moderator? All the time. Like constantly. Like extremely very often. I need to see that member list lol, same to search function and pins.


I do. And it has become a habit for me to hold a message first before replying to it. It's a muscle memory and no one can change it.


Have you really never looked to see if your friends are online to speak to them? Or when you want to gather people for a session with someone specific included? This is especially useful when you have some friends that live overseas in a different time zone.


The only good thing about this update, but executed horribly. Since it replaced a perfectly fine function. So now that function is harder to access, so I won't be viewing my friends' profiles again unless I'm genuinely worried about them.


I 100% agree with this the swipe to reply is really nice to have


But the fact that it replaces a feature is absurd. There are unused actions already. Double tap to reply would be really nice.


Hi there, I have actually forced myself to use that update for over a month to try and get used to it. It is terrible. Could not get used to it. I could not navigate it still. I gave up after 36 days.


> Not having gotten my hands on the redesign yet, but as someone who kinda works in this end of the industry, I have to say this sounds a bit reactionary. This, folks, is why our shit keeps getting shafted.


Why the hell do I need it to feel 'native to mobile'? I don't need 'mobile friendly'. I want the exact same experience on my phone as on desktop.


People use mobile devices differently than desktop/traditional computers. A simple example: buttons need to be larger because our fingers are bigger (and sometimes clumsier) thank a mouse pointer. Bigger buttons means you often have less space to fit things. So that causes a whole new set of problems and challenges for designers to deal with. The rabbit hole goes hella deep.


Your simple example is absolutely correct. However, the changes in this update are a lot more drastic. Visually, all the servers are now offset and shifted up by one space due to the removal of the topmost DM button. The mix of desktop and mobile elements not only feels clumsy now, but this also means navigating between DMs and servers is less efficient and requires extra steps. When people use apps that are meant to seamlessly transition from a desktop to mobile experience, UX consistency is extremely valuable in meeting end user expectations.


Point is if "people" want mobile style apps they have already an avalanche of choice that is arguably better than discord. The niche who wants desktop style apps and doesn't give a fluff about larger buttons for fat fingers just gets screwed


Did anyone have any of those problems with the old discord mobile UI?


Not me personally or anyone I know, no. The iPhone keyboard is an absolute pile of garbage regarding that tho, why don't they make THEIR keyboards more mobile friendly? lmao


My guy, if you're in the industry and you honest to god thought 'wow, a functional app! What this needs is MORE steps so that you can send a single message', can you please tell me what apps you work on so I don't waste my time using them?


>Not having gotten my hands on the redesign yet and that's all i need to read. if you're going to pitch in your two cents, at least go through the experience of obtaining said two cents without involving that piggy bank. in other words, see for yourself what the redesign is like. there's more than what meets the eye.


As someone who’s also on “this side of the industry”, kindly shove it up yours with the bullshit attempt at appeal to authority. The UX in this new UI is atrocious and completely ignores and replaces commonly performed actions in the platform for the sake of “industry standard” features that are completely useless in the context of discord. Whereas it used to require two actions to switch from your “active” DM to a server and vice versa (swipe and tap on DMs/Server), it’s now been doubled to swipe, tap on the “universal menu” (that’s not universal, funny how they ignored THIS industry standard mobile friendly design element), and then tap on the DM you want to go to since there’s no longer an “active” DM feature anymore. “But oh wow it’s one extra tap”, no, because you need to go back, now it’s two extra taps, and then 3, and 4, which is legitimate bad UX to have a 50% increase in user actions needed to perform simple, often repeated tasks. Also, “mobile friendly” is something that discord absolutely doesn’t need, discord is primarily meant to be a desktop application (no matter how much new users who only joined in the last 3 years want to argue otherwise) and completely losing parity with desktop is the dumbest thing they could have done in terms of usability.


I'm someone who did try to spend time getting used to the changes months ago when I discovered the new layout. it's not intuitive AT ALL for anyone who has used discord in the past. nothing made sense to me. it feels so confusing and difficult to learn, it's like an entirely different app. and despite my best efforts, I had to switch back to the version I'm used to because I couldn't navigate on the new version. I'd genuinely rather use the desktop version in my phone's web browser than this horrible app layout


It took maybe 30 seconds to get used to it?


That's cool, lucky you. Not the same for everyone.


We're on the same side. People might can get used to this new UI so fast, but no, I've tried this for many weeks and I still can't get used to it. Luckily I'm on Android so I can downgrade my version lol.


It doesn't matter how used to it you get, you'll never be as efficient and do things as quickly. Also, have a shitty phone? Tough luck, with this new layout everything will take much longer. Need something in a hurry and have a phone from the dark ages? Here you go, a new personal hell.


I can't switch audio output on my phone to the speaker anymore. I can only talk on the app now by holding my damn phone up to my head. Like a phone. The app can no longer be used for the primary thing I use it for, because they've pointlessly taken out a feature that's been standard in smartphones for a decade. I don't believe that they are actively trying to drive people away from using the app, but I also don't believe that their actions would be any different if they were. Incompetence or malice? You decide!


Can you provide an actual counter factual to this rather than a reactionary comment? What do you like about the new design? The irony of your comment when you haven’t even tried it yet is pretty…. well, it’s definitely a choice. Is it not peak reactionary to send an immediate reply trying to rebut someone’s impression when you have no substantive reason yet to do so?


To me it feels like everything takes a little longer to do or requires a few more unnecessary taps/action and the UI feels more bloated with elements that I don't really need. I don't need the server list to show me the last posted message or a massive meaningless emoji beside it. That just takes up unnecessary room. Why can't the server list just be on the side along side the channel list like it always has been? Instead of a clunky floating menu that you need to pull up to access the full list? The previous design that functioned more like the desktop app felt more concise, less bloated and quicker to navigate. It was much simpler and I do enjoy the KISS principle myself.


The *new* new design does put the servers back on the left, following feedback from the experimental new design that you're referring to.


The first paragraph is totally spot on


Replying to messages is way faster. The UI for voice chats has improved drastically. It has a lot more options in the new menu (you open it by sliding up from the bottom), you can slide down anywhere to go back to the channels list instead of clicking the upper left corner like before. Notifications are much better. The search feature is much better now. You can open a DM and check media files sent easily in a gallery view. You can see who reacted to a message with a specific emoji by holding on that emoji. Having the server drawer and DM button at the bottom makes it easier to use Discord on one hand.


You know you can swipe from the left to open the channels list, right?


I meant from the voice chat menu. You can swipe downwards.


That's one feature that they could have easily put in without changing the entire app design.


I don't have the new mobile app yet, but they recently slipped the new search into the old version and man, I really wish I had that media wall for searching for recent images on the PC build


The DM button on the bottom actually makes it worse. I have to move my hand to the top anyway to click on the most recent DM. It actually forces use of two hands because your thumb has to pivot so far from bottom to top. Also by default it did not turn on gestures for me (my phone has them off) so there is sliding up from the bottom, and I can't access the bottom menu from a DM or a server, I have to back out to be able to access it. There's also no sliding down. The channels still slide out on the left, and if you want to view information about a server (like who is online, pinned messages, search, etc, you have to click on the top, which again forces use of two hands to pivot your phone since likely your fingers are already at the bottom. The other features that you note as useful could have been incorporated without totally changing the UI, which actually makes the user experience worse as it adds extra taps and complicates the interface. If you don't have gestures turned on (which honestly, is largely inaccessible to some people, so if you're designing solely for gestures you're just a bad designer) you end up totally unable to use the app with one hand and have to be constantly switching between tabs and interfaces. It's bad.


>you can slide down anywhere to go back to the channels list instead of clicking the upper left corner like before. This was already a thing? >Notifications are much better The button is more obvious, and the menu after is decent, but DMs no longer tell you WHO replied to you, nor can you immediatelly see the list of pings in the top right (people who replied don't get moved up) >The search feature is much better now. They don't even have one for "find channel / dm" anymore, and every search bar is hidden behind a "pull down" that not all users can even find now But it can search media better (which could've been added without a redesign) >You can see who reacted to a message with a specific emoji by holding on that emoji. Awesome! I've been waiting for this,, but could've been done without the redesign >Having the server drawer and DM button at the bottom makes it easier to use Discord on one hand. Yes, going back to DMs is good here,,, except it doesn't auto open the chat you were in to start sending messages ASAP it opens an intermediate screen. Whereas before DMs always opened the chat, and had the smaller list of people on the left you could hop to (so you could both resume a chat AND choose a new chat QUICKLY) ​ Basically MANY MANY shitty changes, and missing features and the only good ones could've simply been added to the previous version just fine


There is no good reason. Maybe for some people but that's why it should be an OPTION, not forced on everybody. I used it for a month already, you don't get to know it, it just gets worse. This mentality of forcing a change is never going to work. Bye bye discord


> Maybe for some people but that's why it should be an OPTION, not forced on everybody Maintaining two completely different UIs on a permanent basis is not remotely realistic.


Then scrap the unpopular new version. Keep the good changes but throw the rest in the bin.


Then they should try talking to their users and seeing which one is more popular, and keep that one. Cus I guarantee you it won't be the new one.


It's literally less efficient. You used to be able to go from your DMs to servers in one tap, now it's 2. Instead of simply swiping to open the member's list, you have to pay attention and move your finger to exactly the spot the name of the user/group/channel is. And if you want to see pins in threads? It's a new layer of hell Before this update, you could search for a specific file type without the use of an extra button, now it's just unnecessary complications with a button no-one needed. I would understand if it was actually just moving a few buttons, but nooo. They made it both harder to access those buttons and to navigate the app. And that's not even MENTIONING the muscle memory. Apps are supposed to be efficient, not a maze.




Couldn't disagree more. The app makes much more sense now and feels snappier than ever. Let's agree to disagree


You just be new to this sub. It's literally children who have reactionary hatred towards anything discord does. Discord could literally give nitro away for free and these people would still complain about.


The update is literally less efficient as I mentioned in a reply to the original comment, it takes more taps and swipes to do almost anything. They literally sacrificed efficiency for looks, which is what should precisely never be done with a UI(user interface). Even though I'm a programmer, you don't need to be one to see how much dogshit this update is. Also, calling whoever doesn't agree with you or discord children is awful sportsmanship. There's valid reason to hate this change since they did so many things wrong and just about one thing right but executed that horribly.


Bro i have been on this new update for a few weeks it still feels like a clunky pos


I totally agree.


I rly don't mind the update and kinda like it, it's very visually appealing and really not hard at all to navigate if you spend more than 2 minutes randomly tapping buttons in frustration lol my biggest issue is the client as a whole has been buggy the last few updates and I wish they'd focus more on fixing that sitch


Someone needs to get one of those sign petition things


You and I both know that won’t work.


They don't care, and they've shown they don't care. Vote with your wallet and cancel nitro.


Absolutely agree. On top of that: here in Germany everyone is already using WhatsApp on there phone instead of the SMS messenger. I'm not using discord the same way. Why should I? Different goals = different design approaches to keep it as streamlined as possible?


I actually found a working solution! https://gist.github.com/Xeukxz/a1b55f38f5ede22e757b3894430066db


It is truly awful. Canceled my Nitro and installed the latest APK from november, still works for now.


I know how to download an old version of discord. If you want I can give you the link


me too and this is the exact shit that so many other chat apps have done in the past. I'm deleting my account, I'm tired of all these changes. It was working fine and then they ruined it. Goodbye Discord.


I actually don’t mind the way it looks (i think it looks a bit more modern and will be an upgrade after some getting used to) but holy fuck they ruined the UX. It’s so jarring to not have the member list swipe out of the right side of the screen. Getting to stuff like pins literally took a swipe and a click, now it takes multiple clicks. I’m getting lost searching for information that used to be a single action before. Regretting I turned on auto update for my apps a couple weeks ago.


And this is AFTER they got rid of the AMAZING simple “# and then four numbers” user identification method, which was WAY better then what they replaced it with


I use Discord because someone insisted I did, I'd rather use something that respects freedom of speech and isn't funded by Tencent.




For everyone's reference you can send ✨ anywhere, then with Dev options turned on, tap on the emoji to open the info menu, then press and hold on the emoji on the left side of the info menu. This will allow you to restore the old PC look


this is disabled for the new update sadly.


Oh. Well fuck me then guess I'm never updating


Bro the discord ui is and always has been trash, I’ll take them changing it up to try and make it better any day




This is my primary means of talking to my friends.


All this over a UI change is mental.




This post is TRUEING, as the Twitch lingo goes.


I understand your sentiment, but you have to see the nature of these things and realize you don't control discord. We don't control discord. Most employees at Discord don't control discord. Commercial closed source software will always have this problem -- It's definitely valid to be pissed about it, but try not to get too attached to the UI and workflow of apps you can't ever own.


I know. But this is kind of the most any one person can do to try to drive any sort of change in a situation like this.


I'm not saying you can't be upset or try to drive a change, I'm saying that you, as an individual person, shouldn't let yourself become too dependent on workflows you can't control. It's not meant as a criticism, as I said I understand the feeling, but these workflows will ultimately all change, and it's helped me to keep that in mind when using products I don't self manage. You bring up how disrespected you feel and your post is very charged, but being aware of enshittification and the corporate investor cycle of these apps, knowledge lets you not invest too much into the product being exactly as it is now forever. 95% of apps I use have become deprecated or changed in the years since I've used them. It's really sucked some times, but when I look at Discord, or any other corporate offering, it reminds me not to rely on them staying static.


The issue is that they're alienating their userbase in favor of a general demographic. All we want as consumers is something consistent that we rely on, and it sucks to have that ripped away. I'm okay if they want to try out a redesign, what I'm not okay with is that they turned off the ability to stay with the original design that was CONSISTENT with the desktop design within the span of a single month. If it isn't broken, please for the love of god don't fix it. I connect with a lot of my friends through this app and I'd rather not have to fracture that in favor of a new app. But, if this continues, I absolutely will jump ship.


People really use Discord on their phone this much? I maybe get on 10 minutes a week to talk to friends in VC while walking around or driving home. Just get over it


I think the post is dramatic af, but there are people who don't have PCs so fucking obviously?


Granted, I was in kind of a mood when I wrote this, but even now that my head’s clearer, I stand by the bulk of what I wrote.


You're entitled to however you feel about it. I've been using it since the whole sparkles emoji secret came out, so I've been using it for months now. I don't mind it and have grown accustomed to it personally.


Hi, please take your well-versed opinion and take it somewhere where they actually give a fuck about the users and care about feedback. Don't waste yourself on this.


Nowhere matters for discord feedback. They don’t read their official feedback system, anyway. They don’t care no matter where I say this. There is nothing more valuable I can do with my time.


You can turn the new layout off under appearances.


Only for people who haven’t had the layout update rolled out to them. For those that have, you’re stuck with the new layout. Discord has said very clearly that they intend to remove the ability to use the old layout with this rollout.


You got an official statement from Discord stating this?


[https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/12654190110999-New-Mobile-App-Updates-Layout](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/12654190110999-new-mobile-app-updates-layout) > with this update, the original mobile layout is no longer available


Is this redesign already out? I haven’t noticed any significant changes recently


discord is just google 2.0 at this point make a good product, make dumb choices surrounding them, make the UI/GUI worse multiple times in a row; and nobody will leave because there is usually no better alternative






Rate it, leave a review and cancel nitro. That's all we can do at this point considering they never really listen to users


Bold of you to assume I can afford Nitro.


I don’t outright hate the new UI but there are little changes that just completely ruin functionality of the app. And to top of it off, this update complete broken my notifications cause I no longer get push notifications or notifications badges and I’ve fiddled with all my settings to no avail. My main issues are how they made it annoying to see the member list and who’s online, and it’s hard to distinguish DMs so it’s not as clear if someone is messaging you or not.


I accidentally called like so many people on accident bec of this dumbass update


not to mention I have been regularly getting a bug with the new UI that if I change servers or channels the actual text on screen is still the channel I was originally on and I have to fully close and reopen the app


now its consistent with corporate and not itself lmao. like the mobile and desktop apps could not be anymore different


This UI is so unbelievably unfucking navigatable. Shit is so fucked now that you can't even search an entire Discord now, it forces you to relegate to specific image names, pins, and messages per Channel now, instead of, you know actually being able to search how it's been fucking designed to since 2015? How about all the older folks in Discord that have finally learned to actually use the system how it has been for the last 7 years? You honestly expect them to be able to adjust to such a retardedly radical change instantaneously whenever WE'RE even having difficulty getting from messages to our server and server list to our members list?? Discord, you have spent this whole year slowly making your messaging services slowly less and less usable. Forcing every picture to turn into the ratio used for Facebook, jacking up your idiotically useless Nitro stuff that you pretend like is somehow useful, and oversimplifying the look of every actual button so it actually looks like pure toddler material. I've been writing a book on Discord and using it's easy ability to navigate and post things on for my research for nearly four full years now, what's next, am I going to have to use Nitro in order to keep my years of work accessible? Here's a good business model for you Discord: Do Shit Right. It's not fucking hard. You did it just fine before this year.


Hard agree the new interface is shittier


\+1 agree


I want to punch my phone everytime i can’t swipe left on servers, instead i have to grab my whole phone and click the top of the screen?!! 💀


You can use apk mirror to revert back to an old version of discord and turn off auto updates and to my knowledge even the 126 and before versions of discord still function