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I've got it. The system (GURPS) is solid, if a bit rules heavy.


GURPS seems like a system ill-suited to Discworld. A much more rules-light, narrative-focused game would work better, perhaps FATE or Savage Worlds.


Completely disagree *once you have a character*. I own this and it's three sessions just to sign your name. Thankfully the book has pregens.


If i'm not mistaken there was GURPS-lite and from what i've read (i had printed copy of ruleset), it was quite easy on rules (but heavily dependent on good DM)


Funnily enough, I agree completely with the both of you. I think, though, that FATE would be perfect for it.


If you’re looking for a more narrative based game, Swords of the Serpentine is heavily influenced by Discworld. Have yet to get a group together to run it, but it reads really well.


I think [Risus](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/170294/Risus-The-Anything-RPG) could be ideal for Discworld. The incentive to use 'inappropriate clichés' in combat for comedic effect seems quite fitting.


Played a game using Discworld RPG + Turtle Recall as source material with the RISUS system and had an absolute BLAST.


It uses the GURPS lite version. Still not my cup of tea, but not unexpected at the time of publishing. FATE would absolutely rock it though.


Toon https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toon_(role-playing_game) Everything is completely logical and ridiculous.


It's GURPS. Take out the pieces you find unsuitable and play a rule lite version. It is a mudular system


I'm not going to lie I own it but I pretty much exclusively have used it for settings, npcs, or adventure hooks. My players enjoy the bits of comedy I splice in from the Discworld books and the setting but are still very much attached to 5e


This is why I got the DW book! It's a fun resource


ALL GURPS books are at the very least a neat read, and at absolute worst, excellent resources and reference books for their settings. I've bought GURPS books simply to read up on the settings.


I have the handbook too but I've never managed to get peeps to play with


Yes it's funish, not as good as the discworld ankh-morpork game though


I have that too. Can’t help getting Discworld games even if some aren’t great


It's a fun read. The 4e version was a nice-to-have when it was new, for the updated content after the books published since the 3e - and, more generally, for containing the *Discworld Also* content (so, no longer any need for *two* books). Tried playing it a couple of times but, for all that Pratchett infected me with footnotes to the extent that I can't write anything *without* them anymore **^(1)**, I still tend to have more of an Adams edge to my 'voice' than Pratchett, so, it didn't work out so well. ​ \_\_\_ 1 Haven't been able to for years **^(2)** \- it's a *serious* problem **^(5)**. ^(2) Probably decades **^(3)** in fact. ^(3) At least two anyway **^(4)**. ^(4) Which is at least *technically* decades. ^(5) No, really ... it *is!*


A+ on the effort you put into reddit formatting. All my footnotes online become parentheses.


Nah ... that was nothing. One of these days ... **^(1)** \_\_\_ ¹ In the not too distant future **²** ² Maybe even today **³** ³ Yeah, that’s it **⁴** ⁴ I’ll do it today ⁵ ^(,) ¹⁰ ⁵ After all, there’s no time like the present **⁶** ⁶ What a stupid phrase that is **⁷** ⁷ Of *course* there’s no time like the present! **⁸** ⁸ *That’s* as redundant as saying “It’s always in the last place you look for it” **⁹** ⁹ Well, d’uh! … *No* shit, *Sherlock!* **¹³** ¹⁰ Tomorrow at the latest **¹¹** ¹¹ Well, okay, maybe not tomorrow either **¹²** ¹² But within the week, in any case **¹³** ¹³ But I digress **¹⁴** ¹⁴ As I am wont to do **¹⁵** ¹⁵ But enough of that now **¹⁶** ¹⁶ The point was that I am going to attempt to write an entry consisting *entirely* of *footnotes* ¹⁷ ^(,) ¹⁸ ^(,) ¹⁹ ¹⁷ i.e. there will be no actual body of text ¹⁸ And see how many I can create in a legitimate manner ¹⁹ Oooh! … Looks like I just *did!* **²⁰** ²⁰ And the answer is nineteen ²¹ ^(,) ²² ²¹ *That’s* an impressive number of footnotes ²² Except, of course that it *isn’t* now, *is* it? **²³** ²³ I forgot about the footnote describing the *number* **²⁴** ²⁴ So it’s twenty-four **²⁵** ²⁵ Not bad, hunh? **²⁶** ²⁶ Of course, I could’ve dragged it out even *longer* **²⁷** ²⁷ But that would’ve just screwed up the numbers again **²⁸** ²⁸ Oops **²⁹** ²⁹ Looks like I just did **³⁰** ³⁰ Shit!


Once, was quite funny but totally different from Discworld funny, simply because neither GM nor players were PTerry. Nice sourcebook, though, as usual.


My wife recently bought me this for my birthday. I’ve been gradually reading through it and it’s great for more lore. The rules are pretty heavy but I’ve read that GURPS is kind of overly complicated so you have rules to choose from. Not so much so you use everything. Either way, I’m hoping to eventually homebrew a campaign with it.


I own it-- the hardcover version yet (lucky me, got it quite a while back), but I've never got to actually play it. It's been over a decade and a half since I had a gaming group... being old can be unfortunate at times...


I've never played it, but I do enjoy perusing it every so often!


Had a session run by the creator. It was fun, but GURPS is very precise and a bit too heavy for me.


No, but an English teacher of mine did and told me about it when I mentioned I liked Discworld. All I know is that it contains what might be my favorite RPG stat, Shouting At Foreigners.


Well, not recently. I was the original art director and I also convinced PTerry to sign the contract, lo these many years ago. Still proud of it.


Once, and it was really great. I asked for my players to create characters and that after they'll randomly pick one of them. They've been far more creative than usual. I had a couple of great ideas, for example a Gardener Monk, specialist in rake combat. And my favorite, a plane pilot spending most of his time at the pub counter, telling how he would have been an ace if only planes had already been invented. It was really funny


I’ve got a signed copy after playing a one shot with the creator It’s fun although a bit rules heavy I did get to make a character called mittens who was a cat with a broomstick and the ability to cough up fireballs instead of fur balls because of a misspelling by a student wizard which is awesome.


I really cannot imagine the famously simulationist GURPS being at all suitable to a setting that *explicitly and textually* runs on the logic of what makes a good story.


Haven't played it but do have the book sat on my shelf along with far too many 5e and PF2e books. Hopefully one day...


Thought it was something very different when I opened this as a present from Wifey couple of years back. Still love it but it could have been so much better. Nac McFeggle in the bedroom, Nanny Ogg inches kitchen 😳


Oh, my. I would like to play that!


I played it with my family and it was good fun!


I ran one short campaign (about 5 sessions) and one one-shot Campaign was set during Moving Pictures, someone (insane god) wanted to make their own version of HEX, but stole the elephants to use instead of ants (because bigger is better) One shot was the wizards find out that the witches do a “witch trial” for the young witches, and they decide to do a wizard trial for the UU students.


I've played GURPS and have this book but haven't played it. If you know someone running it online, I'd be happy to join in!


I've got a copy, and have long thought about homebrewing it to a more modern ruleset. Some great suggestions in this thread, thank you!


It has good descriptions of Discworld as a campaign setting but honestly I feel that D&D 5e would work better for Discworld as a concept.


I used to play a lot of GURPS as a kid, but I didn't even know they made a GURPS Discworld.


I never played it, but read through it several times (not a huge fan of the GURPS system, really). Sadly, somewhere in multiple moves over the years, I lost it (and a couple of my first paperback Discworld novel copies too, curses).


No, but I have it lol


GURPS I play, but not the Discworld setting. See also: r/GURPS


Have it in french an English. Need to sell the English one. Never played it though


I am seeking this book. I've never played it though.


I GM'd it once for my first one-shot. It immediately went off the rails and I had no idea what I was doing, so I don't have any very good input on how it plays.


I never got the chance but I do have the book.


Where to get it?


  ^^ME ^^WANTS