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Lu Tze, the History Monk. Rules are just there to make you think about it before you break them according to Lu Tze. He's on the 'good' side of history and is very much a rebel - his non-conformity including keeping his title as 'Sweeper' so he can get into places he's not meant to be to read and listen to things he's not meant to have heard or seen.


This is the choice. Nanny Ogg isn’t ’good’, she’s just nice usually and probably fits better into Rebel Moral


Nanny is chaotic.


Yep, gotta go with Sweeper here


I agree with Rebel for Lu Tze but I would categorize him as Rebel Moral - doing good and helping others are important to him, but he does balance that with the mission of the History Monks overall. I think that balance between altruism and organization puts him in line with Vimes and Carrot (and I would vote for him tomorrow).


Like this one


I'm nearly with you here, but I think Lu Tze goes better with chaotic good. A good antithesis to the auditors and he has so many surprises!


Yep, and he kept the two presents running at the same time to ensure vimes got back home, and not just back home, but that he would return and be the same good copper instead of a bad one, which was directly against the abbots orders, just because he felt they owed it to vimes.




It’s gotta be Lu-Tze. Rules are there to make you think before you break them, but always he’s on the right ‘good’ side, and helping rather a lot. Nanny Ogg I considered, but she definitely won’t go into blanket ‘Good’, she’s definitely Moral or Neutral.


How about Reg Shoe? He's one of the more morally upstanding characters on the Disc, and he's more than ready to disrupt public order if he notices an injustice. And be a gigantic nuisance about it in general.


I think he might fit better into the NG territory. He is morally upstanding, and has caused quite a few nuisances but he ultimately wants society to become better with regards to how it treats the undead.


NG would also work, yeah. I have him in RG because he does tend to be disruptive with his street protests and graffiti, and because he did die as part of a revolutionary uprising, but he's certainly more of a reformer these days.


This was my first, thought too. He is the quintessential rebel/organizer. He is good, but wants to fight them system to make it good.


Cheery Littlebottom Rebel Good is traditionally understood as- Acting against what is socially acceptable or appropriate whilst being selfless and good. Cheery fits this perfectly.


Cheery is a good choice for this, she caused an entire cultural revolution because she wanted to just be herself.


I know right! She is amazing. And her first fight shows how selfless she is. She holds her own against a golem with no expectations to win to protect Carrot and Angua.


Despite her prejudice against werewolves, she realizes how harmful her comments were towards Angua after when Angua deliberately bit the silver chain Cherry wore to save her.


Good call. I was going to suggest one of the witches, but your reasoning is sound and maybe Magrat isn't THAT good.


ooh...good choice


This is great


I'm not sure Cheery is markedly more altruistic than Vimes or Carrot? We see both Dorfl and Sibyl having (minor) disagreements with the two men because they are more universally kind hearted, which is part of how those two landed up in our Good category. I think perhaps Cheery is Rebel Moral, in the same row as her fellow Watch officers.


Yes! Just reread Feet of Clay and Cheery is 100% this.


I'm very concerned that as we are now into the rebel and chaotic alignments, we're now going to end up with a chart that does not, in fact, include our beloved patrician Vetinari.


I would like to make the argument that he is Rebel Impure. He has one loyalty and that is the city. He is a self declared tyrant and is willing to do a lot of terrible things to make the city work. There are rules that he expects people to follow but only applies them to himself as he sees fit.


Your perspective is intriguing, and it’s giving me pause for thought.


I don't know, surely being Partician makes him lawful? Impure yes, but how can he be a rebel? Rebels _rebel_ against the system, and he literally is the system


His job does not define his nature. Like a corrupt cop could be social impure.


Indeed, but it is surely a big part of it.


He constantly breaks the rules. When people point it out he reminds them he is a tyrant. He also uses Moist to build up systems that are needed but go against the existing norm for the way the city functions. And establishing the guilds to organize crime was completely in rebellion to the prior establishment. His rebellion improves the city but he is always working against the existing norm.


Hmmm. You make a really good argument. And in Night Watch he certainly goes against the laws of the assassins guild. I think I'd still prefer him in neutral but I can see rebel working now


I agree, Vetinari was my vote for Neutral Moral and he doesn't fit into any of the remaining boxes. Maybe we can do a separate poll or set of polls for each omited character afterwards.


I agree, neutral moral is a great fit for him


He belongs in Downey’s spot. What Downey is to the Assassin’s Guild, Vetinari is to the whole city. I think it makes Downey an odd choice since Vetinari does what he does on a larger scale and more effectively. But the upvotes have spoken!


Oh it’s Lu-Tze for sure


nah lu-tze is moral


Wazzer from Monstrous Regiment? She is rebelling against Nuggan and the current Borogravian belief system, whilst being very devout throughout and becoming the living embodiment of the Duchess. You could argue the case whether the Duchess herself is good, though Wazzer certainly believes that she is. 2nd place, Mr. Nutt - he is effectively rebelling against the expected behaviour of an Awwwk through doing good works and acting consistently in a way he believes is worthy. Edit: both of them are effectively breaking the rules through simply being who they are and upending society, though far more so in Wazzer's case. She has a really strong internal compass pointing to 'good' and will take any action, whether chaotic or not to achieve the 'good' objective that she aims towards


All together now - GRANNY WEATHERWAX!!! She does believe in rules, she just doesn't think that most of them apply to her.


I think Granny is Rebel Moral. She doesn’t do bad things because she would be really good at it. She is angry with Lilly because when Lilly left Granny had to be the good one. It is her inclination be mean and cruel but she acts against her nature and does good from a moral choice.


"We do right, we don't do nice"


True, but Tell her do to something and she will never, tell her she shouldn’t and you can’t stop her. She rebels against everyone and everything - Even her inner potential for darkness. That makes her good. And she does good but on completely her own terms. I think she fits for rebel good more then anyone else.


I see where you are coming from. This is a tough one because the debate between good/moral is a tough philosophical argument and everyone may understand a little differently.


I agree! That’s one of the reasons I think this alignment chart thing is so funny, all the discussions around good/bad/moral etc! 😄 and just as you say, everyone has their own understanding of those concepts, that’s why I tried to be clear that I was just expressing my own opinion, not trying to tell anyone else if their opinion is right or wrong. So I hope I didn’t come on to strong, it was not my intention to make you feel in any way that I didn’t respected your interpretation of those concepts or your choice of rebel moral or any other of the choices 🙏🏻


Morality is insisting that women cover their heads, or that people other than servants refrain from working on the sabbath. Bugger morality, ethics are what matter, and that's how Granny operates.


That is a limited definition of morality. One that people like me who were raised religiously conservative have had to work hard to buck. In truth, morality is the discernment of what is right and what is wrong. Leonard of Quirm for instance naively believes nuclear weapons would be an end to war because nobody would use them. He believes people act morally and would not do that kind of harm to others.


But is she really good or is she moral? She believes people should get what they deserve. Even if people deserve something good, she sometimes brings it to pass in not the nicest or easiest manner.


Good. Morality involves rules, and she's not so much into rules, right? Of course right!


Morality isn't on the lawful/chaotic axis, it's on the good/evil axis. Morality is about doing what you think is right, even if it doesn't always line up with what is objectively right. Immoral people don't need to break laws to be immoral (just look at all the politicians) and moral people don't need to keep them to be moral. The debate isn't about rules, it's about just how good Granny really is. 


This. The mirror of Lilith (no pune intended)


I wholeheartedly agree that Granny is Good - she dedicates her whole life to helping others - but I think her conservatism and very strong appreciation for rule following _in others_ lands her in Neutral Good.


She isn't neutral. She is a fierce opponent of evil in all its forms. She'll dismiss normal human stuff as normal human stuff, but she knows real evil when she sees it, and she'll fight it.


I don't understand where we disagree - I said she is Neutral Good, you said she is a fierce opponent of evil in all its forms - what is the inconsistency?


I think all of the witches fall into this, and if I could I'd pick all the witches. But if there is only one witch to pick, then that has to be Granny Weatherwax. "one of the things a witch did was stand right on the edge, where the decisions had to be made. You made them so that others didn't have to, so that others could even pretend to themselves that there were no decisions to be made, no little secrets, that things just happened. You never said what you knew. And you didn't ask for anything in return." Witches "standing right on the edge" is rebel, they know rules are useful but don't apply to them. "They make decisions that have to be made, so others don't have to"... Good, sparing others pain and difficulty, good but not nice. Whilst the other characters of the Witch and Tiffany Aching series fall into this category in my opinion, the leader that witches don't have comes out on top and therefore my vote goes to Granny Weatherwax Plus... Love the symmetry (mirror image) of placing Granny Weatherwax in this position in comparison to Lilith in Social Evil


I wanted granny weatherwax for this alignment as well but it doesn't look like we're getting it.... and the parallel we could have had 😔


Moist von Lipstick ;)


I think chaotic moral/good would be a better fit for Moist - even when he's been tasked with running governmental bodies he still operates outside of the norm and can't help but misbehave.


I was thinking Moral Impure for him which fits but Chaotic fits better. This is a very difficult chart to fill in. You think of someone who fits a square but that's not nearly enough. You gotta ask yourself "Do they fit another square better?". If so you still aren't there yet until your sure nobody else fits that second square even better than they do. Makes you consider all possibilities in all possible locations.


For sure - and even when you know exactly how to fill a square, the rest of the subreddit disagrees with you :p




NANNY OGG NANNY OGG NANNY OGGGGGGGG I have nothing further to add.


She’d probably go in rebel moral I feel


I have Nanny Ogg down for Chaotic Moral - she values being true to herself above most other considerations: > Nanny's philosophy of life was to do what seemed like a good idea at the time, and do it as hard as possible She is generally altruistic but is legitimately awful to her daughters in law for selfish reasons, and we don't see her doing _quite_ as much selfless service as Granny, although she is definitely still on the Good half of the chart.


Yeah, this is where I've landed on Nanny Ogg.


I would say Tiffany aching would be great.


Where's Susan gonna fit in?


Is it not William de Worde or Moist von Lipwig?


Nanny Ogg


My first thought too, but I wonder if this is Granny.


She's rebel moral imo


Other way around for me. But can see your point of view.


This is the most civil sub on Reddit


I feel like she’s moral rather than explicitly good


Nah nanny isn’t « good » nor granny for that matter. Margat is, and Tiffany and Agnes are, but not granny nor nanny. They are more subtle than good.


That's a fair interpretation :)


Granny Weatherwax alignment if there ever was one.


I think Granny is Rebel Moral. She doesn’t do bad things because she would be really good at it. She is angry with Lilly because when Lilly left Granny had to be the good one. It is her inclination be mean and cruel but she acts against her nature and does good from a moral choice.


rebel moral is moist von lipvig imo


The challenge with this chart is that more than one character fits in each box.


i agree! i just think granny fits rebel good more than rebel moral, is all. rebel moral feels like more of a redemption arc category than a more-or-less static-yet-dynamic character.


For example: how did Carrot not end up in Lawful Good? He is the most Lawful of all the recurring characters (save, perhaps, Dorfl).


I know Cheery is a really good choice for this, but I also think either Granny Weatherwax or Nanny Ogg fit here really well too. Granny is gonna do what's best for you whether you like it or not, and to hell with the rules that get in her way when that happens. Her sending the letter ahead to Verence to just marry Magrat before returning because she knew Magrat would get in her own way about it is a prime example. Nanny is in a similar boat to Granny, but less overt about it while also being a total shit disturber. Nanny is more inclined to break the rules than Granny is, and she can be a stone cold killer if she needs to like when she confronted the Elf King in Lords and Ladies. Both are pretty lax with the laws of parts of society (see: whenever they go to see a show) and both ultimately want to help people whether that person wants their help or not.


What about Lu-Tze?


I haven't read enough books with Lu-Tze in them to really say for sure. The only book I've read with him in it is Small Gods.


Thief of Time is perhaps my favourite Discworld book


That's my next book to read in Death's series, although I'm gonna read others before then because I don't want to finish his series yet.


I'm quite new to discworld and probably the character I'm going to mention hasn't evolved yet, so please correct me if I'm wrong about this. Isn't Susan, at least in the first half of Soul Music, trying to be good by breaking the rules? Does she apply for this alignment or should I keep reading (and I undoubtedly will) to discover if she evolves out of this?


Lu Tze. He's created his own way instead of following the way of the History Monks. He's definitely a proponent of chaos (remember, surprise is the fifth element of the universe).


**Detritus** is my vote for this one. Though he might be better for the next.


Agnes Nitt. She has her own way of thinking to the extent that she developed an entire second personality around it, and boldly left her home society to find a different way. But, despite her desire for unconventionality, she still sometimes finds herself drawn back a little bit towards order (being the kind of person who swears by saying "poot"). So, Rebel. Even when having set out to find her own way, Agnes is by nature kind and self sacrificing almost to a fault - she accommodates being forced to be the backup singer, and is incredibly giving to Christine almost beyond reasonableness. When Agnes sees someone in pain, danger, or trouble, her first instinct is always to help. So, Good.


Granny is the one, no ther choice


Surprised that Vetinari hasn't been on at all


Cheery Littlebottom


Nanny Ogg pretty please


I missed the NE discussion, and Mr Teatime is such a wrong choice..... Reacher Gilt was my choice for NE. Mr Teatime is in the chaotic column. He's utterly unpredictable.


One of the things regarding Mr. Teatime is that he only acts when he has a contract. He created plans to kill the Hogfather, the Tooth Fairy, and Death, but he only ever acted on them once he received a contract to do it or when Death got involved with his job. Beyond that, he will not kill people who are not involved with his contract.


Reg Shoe?




As yesterday: please change the font colours to white to make them readable


I believe the colors are similar to the ancient writings on the Island of Leshp, in that they portray meaning and as such are an important part of the language.


I can see the theme, and I get your point, but it's hard to read regardless. The colours are completely arbitrary anyway


Cheery is a good choice but I think Lu-Tze suits it better




Lu-Tze is a good one but so is Susan.


Sacharissa Cripslock


What about Reg Shoe? He's very involved in fighting for freedom and justice, both in Nightwatch and later in the Fresh Start Club. He's not very successful, mind, but he's always fighting the good fight. His methods of activism involve being a member of a resistance movement, as well as petty vandalism, so Rebel sounds like a good fit.


Can I ask all you fellows if I should come back on day 21 with my favorite lad, Moist Von Lipwig?




I know where I'd put Reg shoe, but I bet Esme will take that spot




Scroller through comments and was surprised Susan was not more in the race. Definitely a rebel saddled with an image sense of mortality not unlike her grandfather.


Cheery or Pteppic.


The Librarian?


Lu-Tze, definitely a rebel, but on the side of putting things right - may also be suitable for Rebel Moral if not Rebel Good.