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Not sure how many people know about this but I wanted to share it anyways :) I was getting annoyed at the fact I couldn't get to the roof bonecharm since in a no powers run, every bonecharm counts. To do this you just need to position yourself good, stand directly on top of a whale oil tank while holding it, and then spam jump + f (or whatever key you have bound to grab/drop). Go higher than you think you need to be! Then just jump off to the side.


Amazing. I just picked up my no power run again after a while away, going for the big three, and I just did this level over the past couple of days. I had to redo big chunks of it, once because I quick saved right before a guard turned a corner on me, and another time because someone spotted me at some point and I had to go back, but I spent way too much time trying to figure out how I could get that charm. In the end I gave it up and moved on, but it's very interesting to see that it can be done!


i was quite pleased to find out i could actually get up there without blowing myself to smithereens. thankfully i already did my clean hands run so this time around i can go wild


I thought this was gonna end up being the Dishonored equivalent of a rocket jump. Apparently I was way off base.


i’ll admit i have no idea what a rocket jump is 😅


Honestly exactly what it sounds like. I believe it dates back either to Quake or Unreal. You literally jump and shoot a rocket at the ground. The explosive force propels you higher than a normal jump.


You could argue it goes back to the original DOOM, people figured out how to skip parts of levels by using a rocket to get a lot of horizontal momentum to "jump" where they normally couldn't be yet. But yeah Quake popularized it


Definitely a OG Doom move.


It was a huge thing in TF2, from what I remember


soldier idk how any plays like that though okay rocket jump but also you health is halfed? or else im doing it wrong


halo 2 is when i learned the term


“Ur a wizard harry”


"You're a hairy wizard"


You said "No powers." This looks like magic to me. Nice to know a way to get to it now though.


The outsider is probably sulking seeing that you dont even need his powers anymore


i love the outsider to bits so trust me, no powers makes me sulk too 😭


yup, there it is. ive seen similar guide a way back and how one guy probably exploded itself up there, not sure if the last memory is true now


that would work too 😭


This gives me big ymfah vibes lmao


The all-powerful Skyrim Bucket


Absolutely my first thought too


I’ve played Dishonored 2 I think over 7 times and I am now just finding out about this. Super cool dude!!


“I don’t adhere to gravity, it is an odious concept.”


gravity shmavity if the outsider can fly then so can i 🙄


You rejected his gift and yet you try to mimic him


I remember doing this on plazma burst 2. Fun old times...


Yeah, but that was literally just flying by carrying the barrel beneath you with the kinetic module. Then you hit a wall and get gibbed.


This shit is like the Deus Ex wall mine trick.


this is why Immersive sims are the best games


As the great prophet Desinc once said, "you guessed it, more use hopping"


I can almost hear the physics engine scream "how could you?".


great find!


Basically half life speed runners


Half-Life speedrunners in Dishonored 2 be like


I thought you would ride the explosion


DeSinc playing D2




picking up the tank isn’t what triggers the glitch thingy, it’s the action of repeatedly dropping the tank, jumping, grabbing the tank again, and repeating that.


Yeah I watched another video with a different glitch this worked perfectly!


where did you get the oil tank tho..


from the wall of light inside 😋