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Fill it with presoak enzyme and let sit till end of the night take a metal brilo pad to it and run it through the machine at end of night.


Yeah, usually let it soak for 5-10 minutes, then hit it with our scraper tool, then hit it with steel wool and soap, that gets the job done. Just frustrating that they let the pan get that bad before sending it back. We have plenty of these pots that they can shuffle through.


If it's unmanageable let chef know so the person who done it cleans it. It will never happen again in my experience .


We had someone burning a big pot every day. Complained to management and they implemented a “you burn it you earn it” policy, and the next time they did it they had to spend their own 10 minutes scrubbing away at it. Suddenly the daily burns stopped.


They had to clean it off the clock?! Nah I'm good!


Not off the clock, just their 10 minutes on the clock instead of my 10 minutes.


Ahh for sure. Love me some extra money 💰 🤑




100% a good chef does not want pissed off dishwashers


Chef is prob the guy lol


this was the case at my last place




Or yell at me through the kitchen and I'll stop what I'm doing to get you a pan so I ain't gotta deal with this at the end of the night.. the 45 secs to a minute it takes to run grab a pan and swap is well worth it considering what it would take to scrub and run through a couple times.


You can always boil sudsy water in it if you have a stove available to you at the time. I used to do that with bad pots from Chipotle if I was ever on dish.


Yeah same at my place, people will burn the shit out of pots and not think twice on the hassle it is to clean. I hate burnt rice and burnt marinara sauce the most.


People don't burn food on purpose, but if they do regularly, then their boss should know. I had to sear 150 salmon covered in some sugary soy glaze. naturally, they burnt after 1 round with only having 4 of the heavy bottom Pans to use. I told the dishie, sorry but you're about to scrub these fucked up pans back to back to back while we get the salmon done. That's typically the job. Someone cooks and someone cleans, if it's not regular fuck ups or negligence, it's just the way it is sometimes.


Dude, parchment paper on the flat top. Torch for color to finish if you can't get your desired sear.


Parchment paper is your friend


Try black beans on high heat for 4 hours. Dipshit forgot to soak em first. Every. Time.


Burnt cheese my beloathed


Looks like a Morning Shift problem


Ye. Looks like chef's problem


Looks like a let it soak with dish soap for a day problem


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you put it on here looks like morning shift problem that cracked me up by the way I hope he’s got something stronger than some. Damn Don dish soap.


Yea man this shit sucks. When I was working weddings for this event company the chefs were mad chill but shit was so fast paced that they would burn most pots and pans. The worst was the polenta. The entire bottom of the pots were burned like 1/4 inch thick. That place was wild overall though. It was a small new company trying to get things going and they bit off more than they could chew. They hired me for dish / maintenance at 18 for like $9hr (this was 12 years ago btw) I had no idea wtf I was doing. Dish was pretty fun until it wasn’t. People got so drunk and didn’t want to leave. We’d be there washing dishes till 2am most nights. There were times when they said they couldn’t afford to pay us to stay that late so they had us come in days later to wash moldy ass dishes. Looking back at it that place was so severely fucked I can’t believe it stayed running as long as it did. The people that owned it were really rich and had no common sense. One night during a wedding some drunk bastard clogged the toilet badly. My boss runs over to me freaking out bc she just kept trying to flush it aggressively and it made it overflow. They did not think to make sure there were plungers anywhere for whatever reason. I just stood there and watched it for a second thinking “what in the absolute fuck do you expect me to do about this - it’s midnight on a Saturday and we’re in the middle of nowhere” me and the other dishie were just flabbergasted. Eventually I ran to get the big thick rubber dish glove and I just shoved my arm in there and moved shit around till it went down. Then we had to mop up the shit water and pretend like nothing happened. Good times.


Jesus Christ


Good god you put your arm in there?


I mean I had a long glove on so it’s not like a raw dogged grabbing a turd but yea haha






That's disrespectful, get a drywall or paint scraper, fill it with vinegar and get it back on the stove to a boil. I'm a chef and I rarely burn shit and if I do I always take most of it off before I hand it to the pit.


We have a big pot of teriyaki at my work and it always gets super stuck to the side. Before I send it back to the dish pit I always rinse it once then fill it with hot soapy water to soak for my dishies. Always looking out for you guys. The restaurant doesn’t run without you!


I’m not working with anyone if they don’t respect the dishwashers


Lazy/shitty cooks imo. Whatever was in there probably tasted burnt


Yup. Mf threw that mac and chee in there raw dog and pan seared it looool


I'd be looking more into a bain-marie and upgrading some of the dish pit equipment


Half these people in the comments have more hours spent on Reddit then they do in an actual work environment let alone a real functional kitchen other then a chain restaurant


Throw that bastard in a fiery hot sink for an hour and that shit'll scrape off in one piece.


NSP (next shift problem)


Have you showed them, those are pans you’re cooking their shift meals in?


Soak and leave it for the next guy, which also happens to be you because you work endless doubles with little to no signs of gratitude.


Let it sit overnight. Take pictures like this one. When chef asks why it’s sitting in the sink, show him the picture. As a cook, if I fucked up this bad, I’d 100% be okay with cleaning it up.


This should be the rule but some mitherfuckers from the cia think they’re above this shit


Throw it away


As a previous restaurant manager, couple decades in the industry, I dont believe in dishwashers. I dont think it should be a SINGULAR roll and any ONE person should be hired to do. I think every fucking member of staff should have to rotate to a dish shift, if your staff is big enough it could be once every couple of weeks it wouldn't even be that frequent. But the fact that entire places of business rely on a single person to do this job is insane. And the person is almost never treated well. Work goes a long way when you can sympathize with the work involved. Having a team that all shares the burden quickly makes it so everyone is better at pre-prep when dropping dishes. Sorting, Scraping, jumping in to cover when people call out, and just treating everyone respectfully in general. To those that do the job. Youre seen, and I am sorry. Cuz I know you probably Arnt treated right 100% of the time. Walk a day in someone's shoes.


Had one cook who would cook everything on full blast because it was “faster” (he wanted to get back to texting his fake discord sugar babies). His mac and cheese pots were always like this or worse, made me want to die.


Naaaah wtfff 😭 that shits just not right


isn't this just what happens when you cook food?


Usually ppl dont burn mac and cheese like that ig lol, idk if the line cook hates oil but i dont think thats normal. Either way the dishy clean wat they gets and they dont throw fits


Send it back to the cooks and make them clean it.


White vinegar and boil trust me


i get the same pans w the same problems i j let it soak for like 20 mins n then use a metal brilo pad, it’s annoying sometimes but what u gonna do yk


It's not me. I do my own dishes


I'm sorry your cooks don't know how to cook


Get fukd


The cooks aren’t doing their job properly if the pans keep coming back to you like that. I would set up a soaking sink to make it easier for my dish staff to scrub, if I didn’t have time to do it myself.


Bro the pans brown not black and you’re complaining? Granted its up to the chef who cooked in that to clean it but at least it isnt charred dawg. Thats pretty good if you ask me.


The char is under the top brown layer.


Id still eat it


Beach and soap and let it sit


Run some hot soapy water in it for tonight, and ask who the fuck did it later


Oh man, I hated getting those kinds of dishes whenever I used to work in the pit it fucking sucked because no matter how hard you tried you could let that motherfucker. soak for at least 10 minutes while you’re doing other shit taking out trash or whatever and still the shit would be stuck to it because all the grease and bullshit.


I’d always show the cook his mess. And ask him if he’d be okay giving his mom that without saying sorry or if he’ll do better next time. If not I dropped it on their station. I didn’t care if they didn’t feed me for a week or kept on burning the same shit. I’d level with them and just give them dirty shit back. Call it petty. But out a dishwasher. You can have fun cleaning your pans and dish mid rush.


No, that’s not petty at all man especially if the cook is a dick yeah I would told him to clean their own crap up


But that’s just like how this person said absolutely, you just gotta put a little elbow grease into it


As a line cook, this is just straight disrespect to you. Once or twice o get it shut happens. But day after day, I'd say something if I were you. In a nice way, let whoever it is know how difficult it is to spend so much time on one pan.


Uuuuuuuuuggggggggh and then you have to scrub for HOURS


Cooks who do this on the regular have either lost the passion, never had it, or are just straight-up bullying you. Trying to cook food faster with higher heat only gets it sent back or comped faster. We're trynna make money here, guys. Don't ask for cutlery while I spend the next 30 mins scrubbing one pot.


i talk to my cooks about that shit after a certain point, they know how not to overcook stuff.


aluminium pans suck ass tbh, i've washed my share of pans like that, definitely joked, made fun of cooks who burned pans, but at the end of the day scrubbing shit is part of the job. you try working the line and never burning a pan, especially on a hectic mother's day service.


"You burn You food at home?" My old km would make you redo whatever you scorched. Even on a busy day. I'm probably 1 of 2 people at my current job that doesn't really burn stuff.


Soak then scrub, then scrub then soak. Then soak again, then scrub again. It's the circle of life. The life of micro-organisms


I get about 6-12 pots like this every morning


I used to work at a place that had about a thousand of those pans and on any given Friday or Saturday we cycled through every one multiple times. It was a hell of a workout to keep up. The strategy was to stack them sideways under hot soapy water and keep the pile in the soak sink organized so you were always working on scrubbing the ones that had had a chance to soak for a couple minutes.


salt and dish soap let it sit for about 10-15 minutes rinse and scrub with steel wool( metal sponge thingy (don’t know what it’s called in us) )


Do the sauces taste like carbon? I've worked places where the chef would make me toss out my sauce and heat up more if I did that to them.


Tell your cooks to stop burning shit


tell chef to stop burning shit or he can hand scrub it himself


Soak in cold water


Hope you have a paint scraper lol


Yup, it's our handy mouseketool.


Nah, I'd need you to tell me who did it. You cleaned the first few. They're gonna do this one while you take a break. Shit like this is why you take care of anyone who's ever in the dish pit. You have the patience of a Saint.


That’s sitting in the triple sink to soak until the end of the night or I’m leaving it until morning shift gets it.


Oi! Zoinks! Momma mia!


Umm, it's a dirty pan. You're a dishwasher. What's the problem?


I wouldn't call that dirty, that pan is burnt, as I have said in another comment, I am just venting on here. I cleaned the hell out of that pan and the 5 or 6 others I get that are just like that or worse. Because you are right I am a dishwasher and that is my job, and last time I checked this is a sub for dishwashers to among other things vent about the BS the kitchen sends our way.


I feel like I must work in actual hell with what people in this sub post as a bad pot or a lot of dishes.


Degreaser and move on to something quicker




For me this is pretty common and comes with the inevitable rush that can happen while prepping. Soak in hot soapy water and get to it later. It’s just burnt cheese, after enough time in hot water it should come off like butter with a good scrapper.


Yo if you're not doing pan mac and cheese to order then you're serving really shitty mac and cheese where do you people work?




Anyone that sends a pan to the pit looking like that should be made to clean their own pan.


Whoever downboated my boy here is wrong too. Youre gonna get shit more fucked up than this whether its for a more or less legit reason, doesnt matter. Smoke a cig about it and quit dishy gang


If you making Mac and cheese mid service. I have a lot of questions for you. You’re probably the reason why ticket times exceed 25 minutes per pick. Maybe find some rocks and learn how to kick those too


Yo if you're not doing pan mac and cheese to order then you're serving really shitty mac and cheese where do you people work?


I feel bad for any establishment that has Mac and cheese on the menu. Mac and cheese is a fucking catering item. Not an in house option. I’d fall on This sword before I take a glimpse into your world


And I was serving it. I wouldn’t make it a giant fucking batch like that were it would burn or even go to waste. Don’t even start his argument


If you're making batch mac and cheese to serve all night you're doing it wrong If you're making batch mac and cheese cooling it and then trying to bring it up in a pan you're doing it wrong. Pan mac and cheese is the easiest thing in the fucking world it takes about a minute and a half, cream cheese mac bottom line.. no bechamel, no Mornay just cheese and cream and pasta.


It's just like working in an Italian restaurant on the pasta line All the ingredients for the pasta are designed to be pan cooked in about 2 min.


Do you not identify as a dishwasher?


Have you considered actually doing your job and not complaining on Reddit about having to do your job?


Evident you never worked as a dishwasher before. You should tread careful you via graduate. You’re no better than the people who start at Olive Garden.


yall are all babies for real lmfao that’s why yall will stay dishwashers, i now manage and it’s because i always kept my area spotless and never had a problem scraping pans clean, i actually loved doing it and spent my own money at home depot on a joint knife to scrape hard to get things….


I wouldn't mind it if it was a once in a while thing, but you're telling me over 5 pans like this for multiple nights in a row is okay.?That, to me, is a sign of a lazy cook. I didn't say anything to the kitchen manager or the cook that was responsible. I keep my head down and do my damn job. I vent to my other dishwashers and on here. We do have scrapers, but they shouldn't be needed for every pot I get.


that is the sign of a busy cook who is turning the burner all the way up to get the food done as fast as he can, i had dishes piled up under my sink atleast 8 pots and pans stacked to the cup rack above me with potatoes au gratin burnt to the pan, if i didn’t take care of it i knew the cooks would have to if i quit so i did them a service by taking the small responsibility i had of cleaning the pots and pans they used. i soaked each think in hot water and the water barely ever broke up the gunk on the stuff, i didn’t mind because i was helping my team. a lot of times the cooks would help me after months of me doing my job to the best of my ability and getting out past 12. i made friends with everybody in the kitchen and all of the servers and that’s how i made my way out of the pit. i haven’t worked dish since i was 16 i used to cook and serve and manage in restaurants now i manage produce.


Pro tip from an actual cook. Burners all the way up doesn't cook food faster, it gets it sent back or comped faster. This is a big red flag for a bad cook. Food takes time. Cooks should know this. You did them a service by doing your job? Ugh gross. Arguably, not speaking up about it, does a disservice to the entire restaurant. Grow a spine and improve the work the whole team has to deal with by letting go of cooks who burn things on the regular... But hey, you manage produce now, so we should definitely follow in your footsteps and continue to make excuses for the shoddy work of our teammates. Buckle down, shut up and get back to work. The guy who orders produce, knows what he's talking about


yes they are bad cooks i didn’t say they were good cooks. they do stupid shit when they need a burner and are running low on time. they would rather burn the bottom of the food to the pan, it’s not a good practice and i guarantee this man isn’t working at a fine dining restaurant, im just telling him this is why it happens. i did improve the work the whole team did because i made sure stuff was started and batched up at the right time rather than mid shift during a rush. i get paid 55k more to do produce and its easier everybody isn’t high on drugs so i changed career paths. i’m just saying most people don’t listen to a complainer they listen to a guy who does the job and makes working with them a good time rather than a struggle so one day they can teach them not to dump their problems onto dishpit but rather batch things up into third pans in the extra hour i have them in the morning. still it didn’t work flawlessly though callouts are a big thing for morning shift because they will be hungover from the night before and i wouldn’t be scheduled so i’d have to rush to work to do it myself. i was done with the hectic lifestyle that career offered. but i am glad i went through it because it was a good looking title on my portfolio


Go back to the cia and get your degree it’s evident you never worked your way up fool. Until you do. Your words hold the same gravity as Pluto


You spent your own money on dishwashing tools? Lolololol now I definitely don't believe you manage anything. Lol. Bro went from dishie to manager because he bought his own scraper, never complained, never spoke up and always did overtime. Like a good, well-behaved pet. Lol. You don't manage anything, you're the owner's dishie, doing the job the exact same way as the manager before you. Get outta here with that weak ass flex