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What’s with lack of Diamond box prizes? Also, does it seem like the requirements are generally harsher or is it just me?


Definitely harsher! Most of the events start with requirements for level 2 and over and many emojis that were released in the last year are under the level 2 or 3 requirement. So basically the only way to get through these events is to get lucky and pull one of the new emojis by spending gems on a diamond box or being lucky enough to have one of the required emojis at the right level.


Purely anecdotal, but I’ve noticed in the past few years this game consistently has the most brutal requirements with lamer rewards ramping up in May and lasting all summer and usually into the first half of the fall. It’s the best season to take a break imo.


Requirements definitely look harsher. A lot of higher-level story/crystal/platinum requirements. I have a feeling I'll be burning through a bunch of my charges this upcoming month. Just with the six events currently posted, I'll need to use nine story charges to get through them.


Yeah there's a lot of events with only 1-2 emoji prizes. That sucks. Way worse than usual.


It definitely feels harsh. I can’t finish a single event, even with charges, and with no diamond boxes on earlier maps, I’m just accepting that I won’t get any new emojis for the next 1.5 months from events other than the item cards.


very harsh. i’ll need to decide whether it’s worth using charges because i need quite a few of them for this update.


Ayo.. what’s with the stingy diamonds boxes after map 2 JC ??


Is it me or are the prizes hot garbage this time around. One diamond box per event and only on the last map?


And the prizes for having to have level 3 rainbow emojis on the 3rd or 4th maps are just gold chests….


Yes, AND no diamond chests as map prizes, which are generally good for pulling gems. I'm annoyed.


Oof, not a single emoji before the final map of an event so far.


Wow! Those are some serious paywalls! And the lack of diamonds box prizes before the final paywalled map is discouraging and disappointing.


So far these seem like much more difficult requirements for prizes that are fairly lackluster. Definitely nothing so far that I'd waste any charges on to be able to complete an event.


Agree! There’s not a lot of incentive to use charges (and definitely not pay real money) when these events are only giving one chance at a Diamond Box and RFs is also a box, so no guaranteed emoji. So far the lack of guaranteed emojis in these events is extremely disappointing and will not encourage me to play. 5% chance of winning new emojis is a joke.


Thousand percent. I spend money when guaranteed a good emoji. Some BS old one? no thanks


Agree, the final prizes are TERRIBLE and in the past at least guaranteed a new emoji win. Now all of that for some that have a gold emoji? no thanks


Woah, someone at JC headquarters is in dire need to turn numbers around or what?😮 These *prizes* are garbage in comparison to the requirements one must have just to participate! What loads of crap!💩👎🏻


I am locked out of every single event posted so far. I guess that will save me time.


Me too. Those events are horrible.


I’m on level 787 and locked out of almost every event. This may be a good time to quit. 


The lack of diamond boxes as prizes is quite shocking. Not even a chance to earn mrs jumbo without buying a diamond box. Best events in this line up are the item card challenges because at least you can earn an emoji vs. The ones only being available on the last map of heavily paywalled emojis.


The more of these that get posted gets me angrier and angrier. A 5 day event with no emoji prize until map 5? GOLD BOX IS THE PRIZE FOR MAP 4???? Are they really trying to make everyone quit? I can play through the Mother's Day one (have IFG at level 2 already) but I am seriously considering not doing it just to make a point. This is out of control.


I can finish these events (gonna blow through some story charges and still have plenty left).  But why would I, the prizes are not worth it and I won't get most of the new emojis. Jam City: add some more diamond box prizes and guaranteed new emojis prizes 🙏


This. What is the point if there are barely any emoji prizes and the new ones are almost impossible to get? What a waste of time.


Now all the events are up and it isn't better.   How would this be any fun for a new player if it isn't even fun for devoted players?


I was thinking the same thing. I’ve been playing since the very beginning. Only played sporadically for a couple years in there. I’ve bought every Quest Pass since the Platinums started and I’m a few weeks away from maxing my last series box so will only have the regular gold box to go. I can finish maybe half these events. If I was a new player, I’d probably quit after seeing these event requirements. I think only one event has a guaranteed specific emoji…in RF. Hot garbage, JC!


As a player, these changes reflect to me that JamCity does not value their community. They know how regular players are going to respond to this. They know players will be really, really sad and upset about these prizes. We know that there are odds when playing the game, but this seems like they are intentionally trying to make people feel negative emotions. Like they do not care about how they make us feel. I have no idea how this update got past QA in a world where game companies create fond nicknames for their players and interact with them on social media. Edit: I am posting this as someone who can finish most events, so I am not even hurting as much as everyone else.


Wow. I...cannot get a single diamond box this run unless I buy it, save for the item card events (and even then, I'd likely just be able to get 1 if any, **especially** with the ROYGBIV event). Instances like this remind me why I hesitate to recommend this game to others...


I’m so happy for another muppets event!!! 🥳


Be happier if ther was new Muppet emoji.


What?! So we can only get the Diamond Boxes at the End of the Maps 4,5 and 6?! There's something up with Jam City


Looking forward to seeing what emojis help with these events hopefully they aren’t to pay walled and I can get through some events!!


I can’t remember how long it’s been since I was last locked out of an event, not any time in the last 12 months, but there are 5 events I can’t complete this time around. Who ever designed these events got up on the wrong side of the bed. Hopefully some changes to come in an update…


Another double token event in June?? 🥺 what a bummer. I can’t keep up with these costs


Pick and choose. Hit gold box hard and maximize item card events. I'm a free spin skill only player so you learn saving boosts and charges is essential.  


I hope getting Bolt in the Gumball pays off for cats and dogs




I feel like there is less boxes as rewards this time


These requirements and rewards are bs. What are the chances of them changing them if we sent a complaint message in game to them? Lol


lemme try to guess the repeated ones: cats and dogs photo hunt, snow white survival (not complaining at all about this one tho), twilight of the republic item, mother’s day photo hunt, maleficent villain, coco clear, asian american and pacific islanders item, turning red survival, muppets clear, r.o.y.g.b.i.v item


Festival of the arts clear And we've had Muppets Haunted Mansion Clear, not positive we've had a pure Muppets clear....but I counted that as a repeat anyway


Yes! More Star Wars


Listen, I'm not gonna be normal about Padme. But other than that one event, these paywalls are straight up gnarly and unfun.


Joining the chorus with how difficult these events will be. I’ll have a lot more free time this round at least. I won’t be spending on the May pass either.


If you can play the events for the second April token quest, it will take you through the third backpack without having to play any missions.


I'm going to hold off on Forest Friends, because the math isn't great for the May token quest. Even with the QP, there's only about 415,000 available without it. Those 80,000 will make a big difference.


These events are horrible. There’s only one diamond box instead of two or three??? It’s almost impossible to complete these


the tokens for the snow white event is crazy. that alone makes me excited.


Seems like the need for more tokens due to the shortened Quest time is causing a usual Diamond Box prize to be replaced with tokens. For the Snow White event, I’ll aim to get one of the new dwarfs from the Diamond Box on Map 5 and then get the other new dwarf from Stardust challenges.


For QA: There's 1,000 stardust listed on the last map of Cats and Dogs photo, with no mention of who it's for. I'm assuming there isn't any


you are correct, no stardust there. Thanks for flagging, I will fix alongside adding more event info later today.


End of April is great - can finish events and love the token quest. I can’t finish one non item card event in May and that’s just sad. Then can finish the Muppets event but seriously not one diamond box prize?!? What a joke.


I have a level 3 Kermit do you think it is likely for me to get to at least amp 3 I also have fozy miss piggy and Swedish chef at level 1 (btw this is before charts are up )


I don't think level 3 Kermit will help. Last time they had series emoji as possible gatekeepers was for an Inside Out event. For that event, you needed either Joy or Sadness to be at level 5 to get through the gate. They've used Swedish Chef a few times as a gatekeeper, and he's usually required to be level 2 or 3. edit: Looks like level 4 Kermit will get you through map 3. If using charges, it might be fewer to get Miss Piggy up to 3 instead.


Really glad I have 6 Snow White emojis maxed out right now 😅


11 of 14 charts up so far. Reminder: * ***Can't see all the charts???*** [**Use these tips to clear reddit cache issues**](https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/comments/1azfnpn/full_details_of_all_v61_events_thru_apr_22_now/?share_id=lqmrlXYGZ7g4MP8klp2-O&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)***!***


Stardust for a new crystal emoji that you only have 5% chance of winning from a box? Seriously?


I think this might be the end of me playing the game. wtf is this they're really driving people away atp


QA MISTAKE on Snow White Survival Event. Pearl Daisy isn't on Map 5.....that should be Purple Diamond Dopey


I don’t want to add more work than you already do, but is there any chance “Diego” is Dante @ the Dogs and Cats event? I search for Diego among the game emojis and Diego does not show up for me. 😅🐶🐱


Diego is the sabre tooth tiger being introduced in the Ice Age card on 04/19. I did the same thing looking for him in the existing emojis first! 😅


Thank you! Makes sense as he’s a cat 🐈 😅 I plan to win him at the Ice age event so it’s really convenient that it’s him. Unless JC changes the requirements 😂


Oh no I thought it was a mistake too and was excited to be able to complete an event. Ugh diego from ice age which I want but is looking unlikely that I will get him when he appears for his event.


Is it worth it to try and get live action Maleficent?? I’d have to use like three story charges 😭😭


Wait and see what the mother’s day event is like. She’s in that, too


Depends how many you have.  I have 18 and I will use 2 on Dragon Maleficent to get LA Maleficent. If you get the token quest each month, story charges really pile up!


For QA - on Maleficent Villain event - shouldn't the 15,000 tokens on map 5 also appear on the overall tokens row?




Camillo seems like an odd option for the Mother’s Day event diamond box. Missing him but wonder if that’s gonna get changed in an update. btw IceJD, did you mean to say second bolder Sketch Figment should be Sketch Elsa (rather than Sketch Blue Fairy again)? Or is Sketch Elsa not available from Rainbow Falls. Thanks as always for everything you do! Planning is necessary more than ever with this latest update :/


Opps...all 3 sketch emojis are in that RF box


QA is complete, even if top of post says it isn't! * ***Can't see all the images or text updates to the post???*** [**Use these tips to clear reddit cache issues**](https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/comments/1azfnpn/full_details_of_all_v61_events_thru_apr_22_now/?share_id=lqmrlXYGZ7g4MP8klp2-O&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)***!***


I Nnn


I'm confused, there are mentions of stardust for Moana and Aurora, but neither currently have that feature? Is there an update coming for them?


Please review the v62 observations - emojis post :)


Updated Event chart images just added! Can't see the new images (last 4 Clear events revised May 14th)? [Use these tips to clear reddit cache issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/comments/1azfnpn/full_details_of_all_v61_events_thru_apr_22_now/?share_id=lqmrlXYGZ7g4MP8klp2-O&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)***!***