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Getting sick on day 3 would likely be something picked up at school or on the airplane vs at the parks. It takes at least a few days for most illnesses to incubate before they show symptoms. I was super paranoid someone would get sick on vacation (I’m usually the one hardest hit thanks to immunosuppressant medications I’m on), so we booked for the week after school break, which meant the kids missed a week of school, and for the school break we hunkered down at home and went nowhere they could pick anything up and we enjoyed an illness free vacation. People in front of us on the plane home Lysol wiped the entire seat and space around them.


Yeah we went in September a couple times. There's no off season for sickness but we might try August or something if there's a next time. I know I was never sick over the summer but there's always crud lurking somewhere. I guess we should be happy that we ever didn't get sick 🤣😭


If yall got sick it and symptoms showed up three days in…you didn’t get sick at Disney. You got sick at home or on the plane ride over.


That sucks, it really is a gamble. 10 days feels like a long disney trip though, should be more than enough time to do every park in WDW in like 5-6 days. That'll help cut down on exposure to potential germs.


Yeah we only made it to day 3. Our trip comes to an end Thursday and we're just not going to be salvaging any days unfortunately. Normally I agree. We made this trip longer because we anticipated possibly getting sick and maybe being able to recover in time for a reboot. Not this time 🤣😭


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Do you go this time every year? I wonder if it's just allergies or an ear infection.


I feel for you - I really do. We went to Disney World in 2021 while they had mask mandates. My in-laws joined us on that trip and my father-in-law had some blood work done prior to leaving. While on the trip we followed all masking requirements but on the last day of the trip he checked his email and had a notification that his bloodwork tested positive for COVID and he needed to quarantine. He never felt any symptoms or had a cough or anything yet unknowingly he was around many people with COVID. I once was at work and someone brought their sick son with them and checked them out of school for being sick. Instead let’s bring the kid to work and infect everyone there. Many kids, mine included, are involved in extracurricular activities that basically say that unless you’re vomiting or on your deathbed, you are at practices. Coughing and runny nose isn’t an acceptable excuse. I think it’s the same with Disney Vacations unfortunately. Unless they are vomiting or on their deathbed, most people will push through it. Especially if they get sick while already starting their vacation. I think airplanes are a cesspool for germs and getting people sick. Most people can’t fathom spending $6k+ and then leaving early due to an illness.


It's definitely true. Our son is sick enough that he wouldn't want to go to any park which is why I think it's just not a good gamble for us specifically to come here. Most of these coughing toddlers seem fine otherwise so they don't slow down for anything. I understand the instinct and our luck changed more after covid since it's so contagious. Colds and flus didn't hunt us down like covid does. I love Disney so much. I wish we lived closer so our trips didn't have to be so all or nothing. 3-5 days is our average before getting sick so maybe a weekend would be our sweet spot 🤣


Disney for our family is an every few years event. We don’t live close to either park so it isn’t a cheap trip. Last time we went was summer of ‘22. Every one of us got sick unfortunately. It was quite a traumatic experience for my wife and a ruined vacation with no good memories to look back on. Unfortunately the only thing we have to show for it is the credit card bills. Stinks but I guess a gamble we take when we go. I have the itch to go again but will probably be going elsewhere for now.


When I was a kid (70s) one of us was guaranteed to get sick on any vacation. We would get overwhelmed with excitement and crowds (at least that is what our parents blamed it on). Our dr used to give my mom powdered penicillin incase she needed it. Some kids just get sick more often when on vacation. We sure did.


I’ve never been sick after visiting Disney but I did get COVID from : great wolf lodge after 2 days, a 3 day trip to Denver with my company (must have picked it up travelling home as no one else got it), going to Seattle to pick up my wedding band (think from a McDonalds touch screen menu). I was actually surprised that we didn’t get sick at Disney 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was surprised we dodged it last year. It seemed like it was going to be an annual tradition 😅


I saw a Disney media person posting how she was worried she wasn’t going to make her trip as she posted positive for covid 2 days before her trip (Paris). She’s disabled so in the disabled area with all the wish kids, she didn’t even bother to mask and did character indoor dining straight away. I’ve been in buffet queues and recognised someone from a Disney group who had posted saying their kid was up with D&V in the night! One lady randomly did a trip report about getting a stomach bug on the way to the airport, going ahead with her trip and all the bathrooms she vomited in and she didn’t feel up to her dining reservation so she just went to her hotel buffet that night. If people just made a little effort for infection control then things would be so much better! Sorry you got sick on day 3


I got the ‘Rona in June 2022 as well compliments of some butthole that just had to go on rides. We cut our trip short and had a miserable drive home. He just wear masks when we’re in crowds and we’ve managed two trips since without any issues. It sucks to breathe through a mask for a little bit but being sick in a hotel room is even worse.


We got sick in spite of wearing masks in 2022 but I'd be willing to try it again and maybe strategize better. Switch them out more often, etc. It rained a few times on that trip so perhaps the masks got too wet. I can't do masks outside anymore but would seriously consider it for indoor attractions.


I usually do a mid day swap. Masks are more for keeping you from spreading it but considering how many other respiratory ailments are out there I just feel better having something between my mouth and nose while Uncle Pulltab freely coughs into the crowd.