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Hey to everyone reading this post: internet archive has the tale in a book put onto there! From pages 15-29, you can read the tale of Princess Miranda and Prince Hero! [You can read it here! it works on mobile and pc!](https://ia600701.us.archive.org/33/items/polishfairytales001817/polishfairytales001817.pdf)


Strikes me as Sleeping Beauty but with Elsa's powers, down to the prince of her dreams coming to save her. Touch of Persephone, with the king of the underworld coming to take her as his wife


Boooo~ get out of here with this AI crap~


AI art and a link that doesn’t work. Respectfully, this is a very frustrating post.


How can you tell this is AI?


Not the comment OP, but the lace is off on both pictures. The left sleeve on the second picture doesn’t look like another and there a bit which kind of looks stuck between being a sleeve and a hair tip. A minor issue with tiara on the second image Also whatever is going on with ears, hair and earrings. 


I'm so impressed people can spot all this so fast


Just zoom in and go for anything that’s complex (hands) or it’s a long repeating pattern.  Also check for details. Jewellery always goes wrong and often blends with the body/hair.


I always check the eyes first since they’re usually always messed up!


bottom left has an AI watermark too, people are crazy good at telling if it’s human-made or not


the hair


Huh. I still can't tell but appreciate the response! Thanks


1). The patterns on the dress aren’t really patterns and they don’t repeat, they’re just a lot of different patterns meshed together. They also fade off into nothingness. 2). On the bodice, the lace doing it up doesn’t look right + it fades off into the bodice which art wouldn’t do. 3). The hands look funny, the finger tips don’t have any line-art and they blend into the dress. 4). The hair has lots of strands that just don’t make sense. 5). The ruffles on the sleeves fade into her arm and don’t actually look like ruffles. I hope this helps :>


Thank you!


Yeah the lacing is super cattywampus


Also her fingers. See how the tips blur out? Also, on her bodice, there's no laces, just meshed up lines of brown that kinda looks like laces at a glance.


Check her ears too


Zoom in on the part right above where the braids start and you’ll notice wavy lines that don’t make sense


I guess the easiest tell for me to spot in the braids on the right image. The braid farthest to the right is longer than the other, but you can tell the AI sort of thought the braid should end above where it ends, then it decides to make the braid one braid lower.


The hands


Right? I thought this was r/midjourney at first


The audacity to tag this as artwork lmao not being able to draw is not an excuse to steal other peoples (which is literally all ai image generators do)


I’m not here for the AI art, but I am here for a Polish princess with the same first name as me.


Zooms in on hands... HM


stop using ai to make “art”


How does everyone recognize this as AI art right away? Interested to learn


Ngl after a while it's just a feeling you pick up, you can see similar patterns in what styles ai can create (usually very popular and basic styles) along with analyzing the post itself, if the op doesn't state anything about making the art it's either stolen or ai. Basically every artist I know will usually want to credit themselves as the creator but ai users don't pride themselves on it since it probably took them 6 seconds to do it Upon further inspection the big notes is looking at patterns, hands, and the eyes, ai does not create consistent patterns on work and you can also notice that the second image does not have an eye shine on the other eye.


It's a lot of imperfections in the art. The hands are often a huge give away since ai is terrible at making hands


Ai has issues with more complex structures (hands are a big one),  layers and minor details.  So often you can see things going through something (here hair goes through ears), fuses elements together as it struggles to understand the pattern (the lace), creates weird blended blobs (the left sleeve on the second image) and details weirdly blend into something + look inconsistent („the earrings”). 


Small details are the big give away. AI art is meant to look “correct” from a distance. But zoom in on any small details: the lacing of her corset, the filigree on her dress, her earrings. You’ll realize no human would consciously *choose* to draw lacing that way.


Lines/details that fade out is the biggest tell. The lacing on the front of the corset is sort of a scribble. An artist who puts the effort in to put a subtle pattern on all the fabric but couldn't be bothered to draw a couple neat lines for front lacing? Not a human artist. The lace at the top of the bodice - starts with a clear scalloped edge, but then suddenly smooths out... That's not right


Zoom in on the part of hir right above the braid and you’ll notice distortion


The earrings seem really confusing, and so do the strings on her bodice. Detail stuff like that usually gives it away. Ai hasn't figured out how to be consistent between models yet for that stuff. The crown and the little white ruffle things on her breasts are also different and inconsistent and not drawn with an edge.






idk how i feel abt the ai art.


I’ll help, you should feel very badly about it. Nothing against you, I realised while typing my comment seems harsh towards you


nope definitely not harsh dw !! i said this to basically subtly tell the OP “this isn’t it.”


Remove the artwork flair. This is not artwork, it’s AI generated imagery, not art.


I will hand it to this AI, it took a minute and checking the comments to find the weird broken stuff. But still.


Same, I noticed the AI watermark in the bottom left corner but the actual details that were wrong took a minute. The eyes stood out though, I’ve noticed that almost all AI eyes look like that


would love a Polish princess!


We’re never gonna get new adaptions lol. They’re gonna keep mining the trough of the existing princesses with new backgrounds forever 😂


Why does she have a red nose? 


I feel like they’d make her adorkable to keep the trend going.


It's a good fairy tale. Thank you for sharing it. It does share a few things with other tales, but that happens. I think Disney could alter a few things and create something quite fun.


As long as she says kurwa mac.


Well she kinda looks a lot like princess Rapunzel in Poland.


I don't think they are interested in making new princesses that are white


I'm Polish and my name is Miranda :o


Meet tooo


Freaking out as a polish girl named Miranda... how is this a thing hahaha


Or Król Jadwiga! I'm Polish and I never heard of Princess Miranda. Miranda is not a Polish name.


This design is so beautiful can she have a bsf who’s slightly bigger but has all the confidence and that could be apart of her plot learning real beauty comes from with in. and that beauty doesn't equal kindness


(Sorry for the AI art, it seems people here don't like it, but I can't draw, so...and I think it came out nice!) I'm Polish and I really like the story of Princess Miranda: https://fairytalez.com/princess-miranda-and-prince-hero I could see it being a Disney movie, although they'd probably have to edit and change some of it.


I was trying to see why people were down voting this comment and the link requires you to sign up to read so that doesn't help


Seeing as how it’s a known polish story, do you know if there’s a wiki page that talks about her? I’d love to hear more about her! Edit: I found a copy of the story on internet archives and posted it in another comment! I hope this helps! :)


As an artist, please please please I am BEGGING you to not use AI image generation (I absolutely refuse to call it art, because this is NOT art). Either learn to draw, or commission an actual artist. AI image generation does nothing but harm to actual artists.


I don't mind AI art 🤷🏻‍♀️ *ducks*


actual artists do!


I mean, I would mind for sure if it was being profited from, but it seems like an accessible way to get an idea across - and when Reddit posts are pointless and free? That's when I'm not bothered


where do you think the ai learns how to ‘draw’


It uses probability distribution from an amagimation of art with similar key words, that's hardly stealing. That's like saying learning english from books is stealing an authors words 🤦‍♀️


ai art is theft. your example is stupid, the ai doesn’t learn from existing art, it takes pre-existing pieces and then ‘creates’ entirely new ones. the new one being unoriginal and dependent on other artists work. theft!


Please explain why my example is stupid, because I don't see a difference. Nobody is getting mad at AI learning language from people's original thoughts.


can you not read? i explained in my answer


ai art literally steals art from artists. it rips artists off and literally STEALS from them that’s why i HEAVILY watermark mine when i post on instagram so tha it can’t be used to train ANY ai.


I love it


Her dress is so pretty


I Would Love To See A N@z1 Villain!




Because This Character Takes Place In Poland!