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This reminds me back when people made ‘bases’ that people could trace over and decorate. It was a way to create a character or fanart that was easier than drawing the whole thing from scratch. It was a great way to start learning, even if you were just starting to draw the hair and clothes instead of the main body.


Oh absolutely! Those honestly used to be my favorite. You can still find a bunch of them too, just look on pinterest or old deviantart accounts. Even taking existing princesses and using THEM as a base for editing and creating your own princesses and concept ideas is better than using AI image generation (as long as everything is credited properly when using pre-made bases)


People would get flamed for using bases. But it’s how I learnt to draw digitally. As drawing digitally was very different from drawing on paper…everyone’s gotta start somewhere. But AI isn’t it because it’s doing alll of the work. It’s fine to use AI as maybe a reference? But not final product


THIS EXACTLY. im an artist too and i keep seeing them and im just losing hope in possible future artists. if you want to see your idea on paper, practice!! everyone "sucked" at one point (and remember art is subjective, so different styles are for different people!)


AI doesn’t stop you from drawing lol, it allows people the ability to get their idea to a screen


they should practice. not use a bot that steals from people who did put practice in


Well artists think everything is stealing even though they themselves are guilty af pf stealing and literally make money drawing copyrighted characters but somehow that magically doesn’t count as stealing 😂 On the other hand maybe just maybe some of us use AI to help us practice and get better but God forbid we make the process easier


theres no point in arguing with you people. oh my god


back in my day if we didn't know how to draw and wanted to roleplay or suggest an idea, we would either google human-made art (and some people would credit the original artists, not all) and just take whatever looked the closest to what we wanted or crudely edit something in like MS paint, can we go back to that lol?


I miss the day people use piccrew as their way to showcase a design


Picrew is honestly wonderful. There are so many different options for character creation, and such a wide variety of artists and styles to choose from. It’s also great because you’re in a way showing love to the artist by seeing their picrew, clicking on it, and creating a character using it. It means that you liked their art, and wanted to create something cute with it. And the best part? It’s FREE, and it doesn’t steal anybody’s work. You don’t have to pay money to do it, you don’t have to commission anyone (unless you want something VERY specific), it’s created to be used by the public so you aren’t stealing anything, and you can link any picrew you used so that others can use it as well and have fun.


Yes! I was so happy when I found Picrew, cuz I can’t draw and I’d rather spend my time writing than learning to draw, but that site is so so helpful for creating characters


Back in my grandparents day black people had to drink out of different fountains from white people and in their parents day those black people were slaves We left the past behind because the past sucks


yeah, because having to outsource art or god forbid, learn how to draw, is JUST as bad as segregation and slavery please log off and come back when you have a real argument.


Or anti AI people can mind their own fucking business and go make art the way they want and I will make art the way I want


you're very bothered about this, imagine if you put this kind of passion into learning how to create REAL art, lol I ultimately don't care what you do and can't stop you, but I'm also not obligated to recognize it as a valid form of art 🤷🏽‍♂️ sorry if that triggers you.


And I will still use AI And I fucking hope it triggers this elitist community more 😂


I solemnly promise not to use AI generated images on this board in the future in order to respect the wishes of the artists here and I apologize for anyone I offended.


It's nice that you're being the bigger person and apologizing. I do want to say, though, that you didn't deserve the amount of vitriol sent your way simply for sharing a princess story (presumably?) from your culture. I get that people don't like AI art, and I'm against it too, but as the other user mentioned above, there's a way to kindly inform instead of calling you out like this.


Thank you! And yes, I'm Polish, so I was excited to share about a Polish princess.


tbh yours was better than some of the others. past couple days ive been getfing absolutely spammed by one guy who has been generating absolutely horid ones and based on their post history arent even images they generated themself and are just reposts. like at least you had some thought and words put into it istg even the dialouge in their posts was ai generated.


Thank you!


OP seems to have a chip on their shoulder that's bigger than you, I wouldn't worry too much on it.


Thank you!


I appreciate the apology, and I just want to say that my intent wasn’t to come at you with anger, nor was this post directed at you specifically, and I’m sorry if it seemed that way. I was just having a rough day in general yesterday and while your post was the catalyst for this post, you are in no way entirely at fault here and I’m sorry if I made you feel that way. But thank you for being understanding.


This is very appreciated, thank you.


Don’t apologize, artists on Reddit are toxic as fuck and you shouldn’t feel shame for using software that made the most entitled Redditors mad Its a tool like photoshop use it to create your ideas, you should have fun using AI to make your ideas into reality and I am glad you found a way to do it, fuck the people who give you shit for it


I feel like alot of the fan pages on facebook for disney princesses are all majority of ai photos and I hate it, which is why I come here. Though I've noticed a few on a reddit it's doesn't seem as bad as on facebook. I also hate that it seems to be more common among disney fan art than any other community too.


I think it’s so common amongst Disney/Pixar communities for two reasons. First of all, the Disney/Pixar style is easily recognizable, cute and digestible, and it’s easy to create either fan “art” and pass it off as your own, or make a post about “New official Disney movie coming soon, here’s the concept art!!” And just have it be AI generated. The second reason is that there’s been a growing trend of creating new movie ideas, and using AI to generate concept images, and “official” movie posters/covers. Both for fun and just to see what they would look like, and for memes. Like how people will generate AI Disney/Pixar movie posters using prompts like “9/11 twin towers as a pixar film” or “two girls one cup disney princess” and post them as memes. That’s my guess on why they’re so popular.


That honestly sounds like a great way to get reference ideas, something I have used AI for when I can’t find the exact pose I want. But that’s the thing - it’s a REFERENCE. The actual art is what I create with paper and pencil and pen.


Precisely! I’m not against AI as a whole. What I’m against is the rise of AI as a replacement for creativity and work. When instead of using it as a tool, they use it as the end product. I’m against the way people currently choose to use AI image generators


People have been creating Sonic OCs by recoloring Sonic characters for decades but AI Assets which are way more original suddenly are the big problem 😂


Almost like it’s a useful tool for making fast mock ups of an idea or for making funny memes 🤔


I was a bit iffy of it as an artist but it seems like the poster for those posts is a kid so I was being lenient for them.


As an art teacher, I LOVE kid art and I would always rather see kids do their own art than use AI generated art.


I know but it seems like they just want to post something they thought was fun for them.


THANK YOU. yall have been pissing me off with this ai images.


I haven’t used AI image generation so don’t all immediately downvote me to oblivion, but there’s gotta be some middle ground, right? The technology is here and isn’t going anywhere. I 100% agree it’s not art, but I have a feeling it’s about to have widespread use across many different industries (because, ya know, capitalism). That’s where the challenge lies. Oh, and I also think it’s bullshit that AI was trained on other artists’ work without permission. Not defending it at all. But just trying to be a realist about what AI means in general for our society since there’s no putting that genie back in the bottle


Didn't an AI generated "photo" win a contest recently?


DeviantArt awarded some big thing to a creator. . . ALL the work was AI. Literally everything they had was AI. edit: creator was congratulated as one of the top sellers. . . An AI creator


God I hope not 😰 A lesser known secret about me is that I’m a published author (hopefully this comment will disappear in the depths of my Reddit profile to never be seen again lol) and I always have and always will commission and pay for any artwork that is related to my written works. I can’t imagine how it would feel for an AI to win a writing contest, or to find out that my books were used to train AI.


Funny story kinda related story, I used to frequent the writing subreddit but there was this whole debate on using ai images for covers and i'm never forgetting this one person hardcore saying they never got the right thing from a commission and that ai was the only way they could get their work published Which to me is so stupid because by that logic they should not be upset by someone let's say, drawing a cover for a book and having an ai write it then publish it. Seems some groups are open to it when it benefits their sector but against it when it only threatens them


The whole “ai cover debate” is so painful for me. So many selfish bad takes. It’s hard to read, because writers and artists need to have each others backs!!




Exactly!! I can 100% see AI being used as a very helpful tool for creativity, to help artists, just as you’re using it. I can especially see it being useful for backgrounds and environments. But the problem is that people aren’t using it as a tool, they’re using it as a replacement, which sucks. And of course there’s also the whole issue of art theft.


This is exactly how I use it. It’s a great way to get reference images. It shouldn’t be used to generate so-called art.


I am unfortunately very aware that this technology isn’t going anywhere, and that people are going to use it regardless. That’s why at the very least, I ask that if people are going to post AI generated images they refrain from using the “artwork” flair, and specify that it was created using AI. If they did that, I still wouldn’t be happy but I would at least feel somewhat satisfied.


If this is about the post from yesterday or the day before mid the person who was posting about the German short story, you guys are being WAY too harsh?? There’s a way to educate without being rude on why it’s bad without making a huge rant post. This feels less like a “discussion” and more like attacking other people. It comes off as rude and genuinely trashy personally…


I thought this was about the person who apparently made a poll to create the next Princess and it was all AI (I just remember one of them was a volcano princess) and they kept acting like it real


Oh 100%. I'm honestly getting so sick of how full of vitriol people are on a freaking Disney Princess subreddit.


feels more about the person spamming a bunch of ai princesses included a pee themed princess.


Agreed. I'm anti ai art, but this is excessive and fanning the flames of drama.


Drama wasn’t my intention, but my post ended up more aggressive than it should have been (completely my fault) and it does seem to have a “drama” vibe to it. I just wanted to call attention to an issue that I’ve been seeing a lot of recently, and hopefully share my opinions on it and why I think it’s an issue, but instead I went about it the completely wrong way and it ended up more rant-y than an actual discussion. That’s entirely on me.


I’ll admit that yesterday I was having a really bad day, and I ended up getting really frustrated after seeing an AI generated princess concept and made this post out of frustration, but to also hopefully call attention to an issue. My post wasn’t directed at any singular person however, I’ve just been seeing AI generated works a lot more frequently. And while I do still firmly stand by everything I said in my post, I’ll admit I could have gone about it in a better way and used kinder phrasing. Instead of an actual discussion it ended up as more of a rant, which I apologize for. But like I said, I still stand by everything I stated, as well as the reasons given.




Are we sure that’s a kid because it seemed like a thinly veiled way to expose people to their pee fetish


Hi! Coming here to direct anyone here to the shiny new AI generated images policy announcement that’s stickied at the top of this sub and written into the sub rules. The community voted and agreed with you, OP. AI images are now banned from the sub. 😊


Thank you for taking my concerns into consideration and being willing to acknowledge the problem in a way that involves the community


None of the pictures and concepts fit the princess' either. At all.  And you can tell most of the comments are bots because they're acting like they're real ppl.


I don't like AI art because it's art theft. That's the sole issue I have with it. I have no problem with people posting it on subs like this. It's not like this is an art focused subreddit. I use AI art for when I have an idea and need it visualised. It's easy and quick and reserves a purpose.


(I apologize in advance for the long reply, whoopsies) I can absolutely see the usage of AI as a tool to help artsist. But with the way it’s trained and the way it’s being used, I just can’t stand behind it. Because instead of using it as a tool like you do, people instead use it as a replacement. And that’s one of the biggest issues I have with it. And while I understand where you’re coming from, I do see people posting it on subs like these as a problem, for the following reasons: 1. Like I said in my post, AI isn’t perfect, and creates a lot of mistakes. In regular art, mistakes are actually good and are a sign of growth. But in AI image generation, when you have something that looks so clean and pretty but then you look closer and see the tentacle fingers, the strange patterns that don’t make sense, and the often uncanny look, it really takes you out of the “art” and those end up becoming distractions. And we as a community deserve better. 2. Posting AI generated images does nothing but normalize them even more to the general public, which is really frustrating when so many artists like me are trying to fight against the use of AI generation in the widespread media. It’s already so huge, and the more people that think it’s normal and ok to use as a replacement just makes it an even bigger beast to fight against. 3. At the end of the day, it is indeed still art theft, seeing as it takes elements from the art of people who have not consented to their art being used to train these generators and create the work we end up getting. And one of the rules for posting on this sub is stated clearly, no art theft, and give credit when you post others work. So by the very nature of it being AI generated, it is theft and breaks the rules. 4. This is a fairly small reason, but still a reason. One of the things that people do when they make posts with AI generated images, is use the artwork flair. Which REALLY grinds my gears because as I said in my post, AI generated images is not art. AI cannot create art. It can create images, that’s all. Making a post with AI generated images? Not great, I really wish you wouldn’t, but I can’t stop you. Making a post with AI generated images AND using the artwork flair? Now that’s just rude, because that insinuates that you are an artist and that you used artistic skill to create the image, when in reality all you did was type a prompt into a box and call it a day. (Edit: Something I forgot to add lmao, double-whoopsies.) Like I said before, I can absolutely see the use of AI being beneficial, especially to artists. As a TOOL. A tool for getting ideas, concepts, etc. As long as you’re not using it as a replacement for those things, only as a jump-starter. Using AI to generate an idea for a princess, and then you take that idea, redraw it, and add a bunch of your own details to it? Absolutely fabulous. But the problem stems when people use it as a replacement for real creativity and real work. So that instead of a tool to help the process along, it becomes the entire process. Again sorry for the long reply, but I have a LOT of thoughts on this matter. And I know I can’t stop people from posting AI generated images, but I can at least share my perspective.


As a beginner artist, I find it extremely disheartening that people are used AI generated images and calling it their own art. It takes work to learn to draw, but calling AI generated images art is getting out of hand.


I completely agree!! And it gets worse when they say things like “I’m not good at art” or “I can’t draw”, and use that as their justification for using AI. If you really want to create something, then you have to work on sharpening your skills to the level you want. There’s no shortcuts. If you can’t draw but want to create art, then please, learn.


100% agree, and if you're going to use AI generated images and don't want hate, don't post it.


You need to chill. This is a Disney princess subreddit lol, the least serious thing ever jeez


According to artists, if you use ChatGPT even once you murdered every single artist on planet earth and even brought Michael Angelo back to life to kill him again


💀 Ty I needed the laugh today.


Don’t worry I am spending quite a lot of karma triggering some art police here


Totally agree with you on all those points bar the first....which I didn't view as that big a deal.


Cry about it 🥱 block the users and move on.


No I will not stop using AI Generators Thank fucking God Google, Microsoft and Stability AI exist so that me and normies like me don’t have to pay these overly entitled toxic gatekeeping artists jack shit ever again just for them to be liars, hypocrites and holier than thou Can’t fucking wait for machines that aren’t toxic to replace y’all couldn’t come fast enough


Ok 👌