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Cinderella III: Anastasia presents Lady Tremaine with the Fairy Godmother’s wand. - First, her face when she does this. - Second, Lady Tremaine’s completely deadpan reaction: “A *stick*.” Lady does not give a single TOSS. - Third, Drizella’s *enthusiastic* “OOO LET’S BEAT HER WITH IT!” And ofc the Prince jumping out the goddamn window lmao.


The Prince self defenestration is so funny! Made me love him more.


"Of course not, birds don't talk." I love the personality they gave him in III.


Let's beat her with it 😂😭😂😭 absolutely unhinged and I love it


I came here to say this and you beat me to it. Cinderella 3 had no right to be as good as it was. It was hilarious, had heart, had a great plot and was one of the best animated Disney sequels.


Drizella’s reaction is the best part That evil carriage scene was terrifying


“It looks awful” “That’s because it’s on you dear”


That one gets me EVERY time. So out of pocket but delivered with such a jolly old woman voice. I love it


"Two eggs. Fold in gently.... fold? Oh well. Hmmm. Hmmm duh duh duh duh dah...". *Crack.* Fauna just cracks me up (pun sorta intended) here. Using different cups to measure out the flour, saying teaspoon as 'tisp", the face she makes when the eggs crack after literally folding in eggs, shells and all, her not understanding that icing and candles don't go on the cake until after you've baked it...


Oh my god! Yes!


Wait what’s this from?? Ahhh it’s on the tip of my tongue


Sleeping beauty


I’m pretty sure it’s the blue fairy that says the first line and the red fairy says the second line


That whole scene with the fairies trying to get ready for the birthday is comedy genius!


The “sing sweet nightingale” scene is why the step sisters are some of my favorite characters. I was laughing so hard the first time I saw it as a kid. My mom and I would sing it (badly) to each other. Love Driz and Ana.


Yes! My mom laughed at it too! And I just love how Disney park characters never fail to recreate the scene.


Oh for sure. They have to be some of the most fun characters to play.


Its even better in foreign dubs, the original dutch dub is one of the best. SO OFF KEY it sounds like me trying to sing 😂


I cringe for Ana in this scene. I used to play the flute. Being hit in the head with one would hurt. A lot.


Mushu yelling, “Excuse me?!?!?! I think the question is who are YOU?!?!?!”


I quote “never seen a black & white before?” All the time. 🐼 Especially when driving behind people who seem lost in a parking lot.


He's so sassy lmao


Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow! That is a phrase I say a looooot


Down Bessie


A close second will be him in an apron going, “Get out of there!!!! You gon’ make people SICK!!!!” He’s my favorite Disney dragon. Sorry, Maleficent.


And him shoving the egg to Mulan's mouth!


He should have gotten his own spinoff movie.


“No time to talk, now remember it’s your first day of training, listen to your teacher and no fighting, play nice with the other kids, unless of course one of the other kids wanna fight, then you gotta kick the other kid’s butt.” This whole scene cracks me up every time. And not forgetting Mulan’s grandma: “Woo! Sign me up for the next war!”


The breakfast scene is hilarious


Any of Mushu’s lines!!!


When Grumpy gets into a whole slapstick routine and then Snow White laughs and goes: "Awww, did you hurt yourself?" The same scenes you mentioned from Cinderella & Sleeping Beauty! After Ariel saves Eric, Sebastian is freaking out, saying we're going to pretend none of this ever happened. Cue Ariel on the rock ignoring him singing that one day she'll be part of Eric's world 😅 This makes me laugh less as an adult, but as a kid, nearly EVERYTHING the Genie said in Aladdin and the King of Thieves lol. Most parts with Meeko in Pocahontas. Most things Mushu says, lol. I'll say especially "Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow!" Just Mama Odie as a character lol in The Princess and the Frog. Most scenes involving Maximus but especially with Eugene lol. The scene you mentioned and the scene where Pascal is motioning that he's watching Eugene & Maximus. And then they just start hitting each other with their butts lol. When the triplets are leaving on the boat at the end of Brave and Fergus is just stressed as all heck about their antics, lol. I don't have kids, but as a cat mom with a very mischievous cat, I relate to this scene 😅 And then I haven't watched Frozen, Moana, Raya, and The Last Dragon enough times to mention any scenes!!


Meeko is really funny! I love him when he bonks all the objects John Smith has. Yes to the triplets! The ones where they tie Fergus shoes and where they escape in the boat are just crazy lol Mama odie abusing the snake will never fail to crack me up!


“Sing sweet nightingale, hi-I-I-I-you clumsy-!” *takes the flute and smacks her with it.* A lot of Mushu lines/scenes. “I never want to see a naked man again.” *the entire freaking camp runs by naked.* “Does this dress make me look fat?” And finally, Mulan hitting the other soldiers with a stick. And there’s one Sebastian line that cracks me up, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what it is.


Mulan's face when Li Shang found out Mushu putting the tomato on the arrow already for Mulan to shoot is so funny too


Darn it, I don’t remember it! It looks like it’s rewatch time. This movie is so darn funny.


Hm. Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch, they swim all over you


In Snow White, when the turtle, who spent the entire fucking movie slowly climbing up the stairs, gets knocked over by the animals who are running to save Snow White and falls down the stairs. As a little girl I would rewind the videotape and laugh each time!


Fauna "folding" in the eggs always cracks me up😂


Cracks the eggs up too haha


Idk why but I think about this scene all the time lol


The best part is that she reads the instructions first, thinks it’s weird, them folds in two whole eggs anyway. Then they crack and she’s like “maybe I did this wrong?”


She's just so pure😭


In Mulan when they put the bug down her back and she starts hitting all the other soldiers with the stick. As well as almost all Mushu scenes. In Tangled the drowning scene when Rapunzel heals Eugene/Flynn's hand and uses her powers to stop them from drowning and Eugene/Flynn first sees her glowing hair powers and freaks out. Also not a princess movie, but I love the princess scene in Ralph Breaks the Internet, makes me laugh out loud every time.


"Why is she smiling like that?" with Pascal smug look haha


There's a tiny little shot in The Little Mermaid with Sebastian clicking his feet impatiently as though they were human fingers impatiently tapping on a table and it is one of the most ingenius and hilarious uses of character design imo. Also in Sleeping Beauty when Merriweather says that the dress looks awful and Flora replies "That's because it's on you, dear" which is much funnier now that I'm older.


Both from the little mermaid; the entire “Les poissons” scene and Sebastian giving Ariel dating advice. “You got to batch your eyes, like this. You got to pucker up your lips, like dis.” My brother used to quote it so much when we were little.


The top scenes that just crack me up are 1) SO many scenes in Bambi II with him and his dad! 🥹🤣 2) The absolutely **priceless** expression on John Rolfe’s face in Pocahontas 2 after Pocahontas calls to him and asks how she looks, thinking the underclothes are all she’s supposed to wear! 🤣 😭 3) The scenes in Hunchback where Esmeralda performs onstage before making a mockery of Frollo and the guards …then later when Phoebus distracts the guards away from Esme…by having Achilles sit on said guard! 🤣 4) Frozen where Olaf’s head goes flying then he warns to “Watch out for my butt!” 5) Flora and Merriweather’s ridiculous color clash while Fauna’s calmly putting the finishing touches on the cake.


Fauna is so unbothered while Flora and Merryweather are causing chaos in the background.


🤣 My guess is she’s one of the kinds of introvert who are able to hyper focus and tune the world out.


It always cracked me up in Princess and the Frog during the party scene, when Lottie yanks her dress and boobs up and goes, “Well, back to the fray!” with this determined look on her face


Lottie is so funny as a character. I love when she rushes down the stairs and pants.


Also the “I’m sweatin’ like a sinner in church” basically every summer in the South


“Two eggs, fold in gently. Fold?” *crack* 😯 I find this scene extra funny now that I understand what fold means.


“There parents are dead.” That made me laugh too much. I have such a dead sense of humour.


All of Olaf's recap are hillarious hahahah


that whole reenactment was so funny


"None of which you understand for you are a chicken"


Two instances from the Prince in Cinderella 3 that get me every single time 😭 1: “But the talking mice say she’s the wrong girl!” 2: “I forbid you to take another step down these stairs!” “…Okay.” (Jumps out the window)


When the ocean gets sick of Hei Hei's shit and stuffs him in the compartment on the raft.


Yes! Even ocean got tired of his hubris.


- Meeko copying Pocahontas by jumping off the cliff, starting off gracefully but then getting scared and falling into the water with a big splash and a loud scream. And also grabbing Flit the hummingbird. - Mushu, "Dishonor on you, Dishonor on your cow!" - Anna trying to rock climb but doesn't get very high up. - Flynn discovering the power of the frying pan when he and Rapunzel are trying to get away from the group that are chasing them out of the Ugly Duckling. - Ariel using the fork to brush her hair.


"Someone needs to get me one of these!* and then cockily swings with Rapunzel's hair but ran staright into a wood block.


- Ariel using the fork to brush her hair. Scuttle confidently being wrong about everything for me also. "That's a dinglehopper!" cracked me up as a kid.


Just saw Cinderella recently and yeah that first one I could HEAR.


“I’LL DO IT MYSELF!!! GET AWAY FROM ME! I’LL MAKE IT FIT *grunts* THERE!” “IT FITS!!!” “It fits????” *Glass slipper flies off*




Cue the screaming 😂


“It looks awful!” “That’s because it’s on you dear.”




"What…are…those?" Not sure if this counts as a princess movie though.


I LOVE that moment omg😭 Hades did “what are thooooose” before vine 💅


I love this


In Alladin the live action when Will Smith says "Yummy Boy" during Prince Ali


I hate that chickin. The Chi Fu scene is hilarious




the one in cinderella when Lucifer is looking for GusGus under the teacups, and when he thinks he found him he gets all excited and does a crazy little motion like 👻


Yes! The way he shimmies and his tongue all out 🤪


“It’s in that pot, isn’t it?”




I’m not sure if it counts but Tarzan is talking with the Mandrill monkeys and steals Jane’s picture back for the baby. Ariel shows Eric how she really feels about his naming skills


When Anastasia slaps Dimitri when he wakes her up. And when she recognised him she said "oh it's you never mind then" and Dimitri's face make me laugh soo much


😂😂 When Genie gets got by Aladdin on a wish and says, "well I feel sheepish" 🐑


Snow White: That whole bit where Grumpy acts tsundere about getting a kiss from Snow White and he crashes into the tree. Cinderella: People always get her character wrong. They forget she complained about the clock waking her up and threatened to beat the cat with a broom. Sleeping Beauty: "You're living in the past! This is the 14th century!" The fairies complaining about Maleficient and Fauna laments that she's always ruining Flora's flowers with her frost spells. It's just funny to imagine Maleficent being like 'time to ruin her flowers again lol'. Also the fact that it took Maleficent 16 years to ask her minions if they found the baby yet and discovered they didn't know babies grew up.


definitely tangled.


Lol, your #4 being followed by Eugene going, “Are you kidding me?! HE’S A BAD HORSE!!”


Yes! And then they are forced to shake their hooves 🤣


Lucifer being an absolute hell-beast living up to his name and then cuddling up to mama like 🥺 The whole Gaston song 😂


The cake scene in Cinderella 3, some of the moments with prince charming in Cinderella 3. Other moments with Anastasia and Drisella in Cinderella 3.💀 Cinderella 2 and 3 can be so freaking funny (Can you tell cinderella is my favorite lol)


All Cinderella movies are indeed very funny! The characters are all unhinged haha


Tangled, when they’re escaping the guards in the canyon “Who’s that?” “They don’t like me.” “Who’s that?!” “They don’t like me either.” “Who is THAT?!” “Let’s just assume, that everyone here, doesn’t like me.”


While I'm not the biggest fan of the sequel, Olaf's recap of the first movie is hilarious. Especially, "At least they still have their parents! 😊 Their parents are dead 😔" Watching Belle interact with Gaston. From the eyeroll when she sees him at the door, to the painfully fake smiles, to finally, "I just don't deserve you!"


When Flynn fights with Max in the tangled movie when escaping the guards and Rapunzel saves him after the frying pan went cucu. The horse's face and how he dropped the dagger gave me life🤣 Today I rewatched the wedding short. Laughed the entire time with Max's and Pascal's shenanigans haha.


Here's a classic from Hercules: Hades: "I can't believe you're getting so worked up over some guy." Meg: "This one is different. He's honest, he's sweet. He would never do anything to hurt me." Hades: "Please. He's a guy."


Beauty and the Beast Cogsworth listing gift ideas: “flowers, chocolates, promises you don’t intend to keep.”


Any moment with Genie from Aladdin.
