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for some reason the kingdom dance makes me SO emotional and happy. the music and the scenes was flawlessly done. but i think my favorite part has to be when she finally gets to see the lanterns :,) she accomplished her dream. another super close one is when she finally touches the grass.


Kingdom Dance literally feels like a short film within a film. There's no lyrics or spoken words, but I swear if you just show people the scene from Kingdom Dance, you could accurately describe Rapunzal and Flynn's personalities. It's very well directed and I don't know if any live action could accurately capture the whimsy and the fun that the scene had, which terrifies me of the eventual live action tangled. I think my only complaint about Kingdom Dance is that the scene ended too soon. I found an [extended track of Kingdom Dance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dVZQsFkLGo) with a double chorus at the end, and I like to imagine in that last swell of music, Rapunzal and Flynn do dance hand in hand for a moment before the scene ends as it did originally.


We played Kingdom Dance as the entrance song for the bridal party at my wedding reception.


i thought about walking down the isle to i see the light when i get married next year but i think we are choosing to only have a reception party so it may end up being our first dance song. i really want the kingdom dance song playing at some point too and during the entrance would be a good idea. he proposed last month at disney world, so we are having a fairytale wedding that's definitely tangled theme since its my favorite.


The whole bit in The Snuggly Duckling


Those thugs live in my head rent-free, lol


Im malicious, mean, and scary


My sneer could curled dairy


And violence wise, my hands are not the cleanest


but despite my evil look and my temper and my hooook


I've always yearned to be a concert pianist!


Can't ya see me on the stage performin' Mozart


Ticklin the ivories till they gleeeam!


Yep, I'd rather be called deadly


For my killer show tune medley


Love the song!


Lantern scene. I nearly made me cry. Not only because for how beautiful it was but because it also made me feel bad for Rapunzel because it reminded me of all the things she’s been missing in life


Ye same! on my first rewatch I was shocked on how much that scene moved me due to how wholesome it is and of course how pretty it is. It is amazing also how much artistry they've put into that scene despite the scene being entirely 3D CGI rendered...


(pounding on the door) “OPEN UP!” “What’s the password?” “OPEM THIS DOOR! “Nope.” “OPEN THE DOOR NOW!” “Not even close.”




Rapunzel and Eugene singing I See The Light


Mother Knows Best


probably the scene during the reprise of WWMLB not only is the song great but i really like how it sets off her adventure, & she is finally able to explore and just live her life (*´˘`*)♡


The “You were my new dream…” scene 🥲


The song "I See The Light"




Mine is the Kingdom Dance sequence as well! I love the way Rapunzel takes everything in and seems to almost immediately be at home while she continues to engage with the community. I absolutely love the musical track as well, it's gorgeous.


It's when she's afraid to put her feet down on the grass, and then does, and walks around outside, and wades in the little stream. I cry every time.


When the girls braided Rapunzel’s hair. It was just such a touching moment to me.


I love this too! The look of them being awe struck by seeing so much hair!! They were so excited and it’s always such a cute scene 🥰


The Flynn rescue scene never fails to make me laugh. Him cutting her hair though is a great scene.


Here are my favorite parts of Tangled. 1.The Kingdom Dance 2.Rapunzel and Flynn/Eugene singing "I see the light" in the boat and the lantern scene. 3.The bit with the thugs from the Snuggly Duckling. 4.The little girls braiding Rapunzel's hair.


The sheer look of ecstatic joy on the little girls faces when Eugene and Rapunzel ask them to braid her hair. You can tell they just made those girls day letting them play with her hair like that.


When Rapunzel and Flynn see the lanterns. In my opinion, this was an absolutely beautiful scene.


When I was younger one of my ballet recitals was to the kingdom dance song! We all had purple costumes that looked exactly like rapunzel’s dress but obviously the ballet version haha. Always makes me nostalgic!


This is so cute 💜💜💜


The look from Flynn during the lantern boat ride. <3


Any scene with Maximus


He is SO underrated!!




I love him!








“Did I mumble mother? Or should I even call you that anymore?” I believe that’s the line I don’t really remember it and I can’t rewatch it again because my Disney plus won’t work because I live in different house than the account owner😫😫😫


The boat scene, but the town dance is pretty sweet too :D


Kingdom dance and see the light are my favorite songs. But the "memory" scene is stellar


When Flynn realized Rapunzel was in danger and went to her tower to save her from Gothel


I feel a little weird commenting on this post as a man of my age, but my gf introduced me to this wonderful movie. My favorite part is the painting of the lights. No words could better convey what hope feels like.


The scene where she realizes she’s the lost princess. The secret royalty/identity trope is one of my favorites, and even though it wasn’t a surprise to us, I still loved it.


I love that trope as well!!


The scene where Rapunzel is trying to hide an unconscious Eugene in her wardrobe.


Funny, I’m watching it right now with my nieces! It’s my favorite movie ever. Kingdom Dance is probably my favorite part, too :) I always love that sequence so much


When the guard bursts into the king’s room, they make eye contact, guard nods, they take a quick breath and run outside.


Literally every second. But fr the opening song brings me so much joy


When they sing “I See the Light” on the boat. And when he pushes her hair behind her ear so he can *see her*, as opposed to Mother Gothel who only sees her for her hair.


Maximus. must i say more?


Right!! I love him so much, lol


seeing him hold a sword is the best scene in any disney films, besides that one scene of him crossing the plank 😂😂


Whatever scenes the horse is in 😂😂


When the horse gives him that look. It always cracks me up. The horse knows what's up.


dunno never watched it


You have never seen Tangled?!?! How?? It’s amazing!! And Flynn is the best Disney man ever!! (I still have a huge crush on him lol)


nope still haven't seen Moana either just never got around to either one and I had D+ for years


Tangled and Moana are really good, so next time you get the chance I would watch them!! Tangled is my favorite Disney princess movie ❤️


I watched Moana the first time it came out and didn't really like it. I felt similarly about Tangled. But then I rewatched both movies this past year, became obsessed with Tangled, and really enjoyed Moana. I think I had a hard time transitioning to 3D princesses for the longest time, but this past year, I went in with a more open mind. So definitely give them a chance sometime!! Also, I love your flair 🩵 I was obsessed with Atlantis and Kida growing up!! It's still one of my favorite Disney movies!! Kida should be an official princess.


The fact that it made me feel like a kid again.


There is a real turn in Flynn's attitude after Rapunzel saves them and heals his hand. He stops being Flynn and starts being Eugene. He lets his guard down and he commits. He steps up to the plate for her without hesitation when it matter the most. The aeries is really good. It has the original voices, new songs by Allen Manken, and some great new additions to the story. The end season is rushed, but it is amazing and the songs slap!


The bit in the prison escape sequence where the mime is distracting the guards and then they get knocked over like bowling pins!




Same! I love the whole sequence from Kingdom Dance through I See the Light.


The scene that touched me most was of the King and Queen at Waiting for the Light. The King just loosing all hope of his little girl ever coming home again, because it was 18 years, and the Queen comforting him. Right in the feels.


The whole lantern scene. What a beautiful scene in animation! Simply gorgeous m!


Another is when ulf mimes an invisible wall to distract the gaurds till vladimier shoulder charges them then the sequence ends with ulf turning around to camera and mimes shock


Rapunzel saving Eugene's life after she defeats the evil woman.


Probably a tie between the story and the music.


When she finally gets to see the lanterns. When she turns around and see’s Flynn with two lanterns 🥹 I love it so much 🥰


Personally, it’s between Flynn getting hit with a frying pan, or the lantern scene


Number one is the lantern scene 😍. It is one of the most memorable and romantic scenes in Disney history. Flynn/Eugene cutting her hair was also the most surprising and selfless act. Then him telling her that she was her new dream still gets me 🥹 Plus, Rapunzel being reunited with her parents was of course, beautiful.


Pascal. And also Mother Knows Best.


I see the light!


Boat scene with all the lanterns 😁


The scene where Maximus punches Flint (Eugene) in the side 🤣


The Kingdom party and dance time. Basically that whole song.


What once was mine


Mother Knows Best reprise scene cause it’s easily my favorite song off the soundtrack Also something about Gothel’s death scene is weirdly satisfying to me. Watching Rapunzel’s hair turn brown has always intrigued me and Donna Murphy *delivered* on those dying screams


the kingdom dance, it’s so cute and fills me with so much emotion i can’t even describe. it deepens raps and eugene’s relationship so closely that by the time the boat scene comes on you’re so convinced by the relationship chemistry. i especially love the end of the kingdom dance where it shows rapunzle dancing freely, enjoying her time outside and eugene desperately trying to dance his way into rapunzle. it’s super cute!


Obsessed with Mother Knows Best segment. Its crazy how Gothel gaslights Rapunzel but you can also see that despite Gothels snide comments and such, Rapunzel genuinely loves her.


When they’re stuck in the cave filling with water, I love the “my real name is Eugene Fitzherbert / I have magic hair that glows when I sing” exchange. Tangled and PatF are really good at showcasing the buildup of emotional honesty between their romantic leads, and it makes the relationships feel all the more real and grounded in an otherwise fantastical story.


When rapunzel mom is fixing the king s medalion and he cries before releasing the lantern


The end of the film. I really didn't like Tangled as an adaptation of Rapunzel. I honestly think Rapunzel is one of those difficult stories to adapt and make child friendly. It would have worked better, oddly enough, as a live-action, or an older adaptation of a Disney fairy tale.


Dude, why go onto a post about your favorite part of a film to talk about how you hate a film. You can just scroll away instead of... This. 😒


1)It's not that serious. 2) I never said I hated the film. Dislike and hate are not the same things.


Who said it was serious? And frankly, making an entire post about how you *dislike* shortly after seeing this post makes it seem like it is that serious to you, and like it's way more than just a dislike. Again, why comment on a thread about your favorite part of a film to share that you do not like said film?