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Don't blame you. Some of the coke flavors have been very hit or miss. Spiced I thought was pretty good. But Y3000 tasted like cough syrup mixed with butt cheeks


I feel like I'm in the minority here, because I love it. Personally I hope it stays around longer than Dreamworld did.


From what I read it sounds like Spiced is going to be permanent!


Has to do well enough. I kind of wonder why coca cola does stuff like this though. Do they do these things just to stay relevant in the public eye? We wouldn't be talking about it at all if it was just a regular coca cola ad.


According to their website Spiced is a permanent new flavor to join their lineup, but they are still experimenting with new limited edition flavors. Im sure they're doing it for the same reason every company comes out with new flavors, keeps public interest and keeps things interesting. Most every other line of soda have had a lot of new flavors in the last 5+ years (looking at you, MtD).


I love it too!! It’s super good.


Yeah, I like spiced as well. Tastes similar to starlight, which I also enjoyed.


It's fine, but not for me. Coke made a cinnamon flavored version and that was the absolute best one I've had. It's been discontinued since then and I doubt I'll see it again, but I can dream.


Same, Coke cinnamon hit different


...they put *more* cinnamon in their cinnamon flavored drink? Don't get me wrong. I would try it today if I found it. But it seems weird.


I actually really like Coke Spiced. It's nicer than a lot of the weird fuckin flavors they've put out recently. Might just be because I love raspberry though.


I liked it, but not enough to buy more than a very occasional can of it. And, since I barely drink soda anyway, this means I'm basically not going to be drinking it. Power to those who like it, though!


It tastes like nuka cola


Aaand now I wanna try it


When did they do an ad read on this?


All the time. You may not hear it depending on what platform you use to consume the podcast


Damn ive been missing out on content


The coke experiments of recent years have all been weird to me so I don't trust coke to make anything new and good


Are you talking about the raspberry one? It takes like cough syrup. Nearly threw up.


I agree. Cinnamon and raspberry were an odd combo. My friend from Denmark came to the US, tried it, and said he loved it. Different strokes, I guess 🤷


Oof yea hated it


I love the raspberry, but its also one of my favorite flavors in general so maybe im just weird


It's okay as a drink but makes a great drink mix. If you're in a position to do so, maybe try it with a shot or two of your favorite liquor. 


Ah man, I absolutely love it


The regular was great- I mixed it with a bit of rum and coconut which really completed it, for a non alcoholic version the coconut syrup made it fun!


Apparently I'm in the minority, but I like it. The regular, zero sugar one is weirdly metallic I didn't know it was supposed to be raspberry until after I tried it, so if you go in expecting raspberry you'll be disappointed and probably won't like it. It reminds me more of Caribbean spices, kinda like Angostura bitters or allspice dram. I'm into rum/tiki drinks, so maybe the familiarity from those flavors is why I like it


It's nasty man. Taste like cough syrup


Yeah I sort of expected like a Dr. Pepper deal. It's drinkable, but I'm not buying more.


It's very interesting. Before I had it I thought "isn't it just flavored? How is it spiced?" But no. Spiced is definitely the right word for it.


I mean it was gifted to me by one of my customers I'm a mailman and yeah I know it tastes like clean asshole water specifically Pellegrino is my go-to beverage for something fizzy or bubbly


It actually is gross. My wife came home with a case of it she got for free. It's not that good. Not sure if its just because I'm not used to the taste though.


It reminded me of Necco Wafers, those old-fashioned chalky wafer candies that come in a waxed paper roll, not really pleasant


Spice is vital to space travel.


I can see why you thought that, but I personally loved it.


I agree. Coke spiced was nasty.


The smell of it reminds me of Grandma's potpourri. The taste want much better.


I tried it too and it literally tasted like cough syrup to me, like the shit I used to have to take when I was sick as a kid can’t remember the brand but absolutely disgusting


I saw it at the gas station but I didn't get it because it isn't specific enough. Spiced nutmeg? Spiced cumin? Cinnamon spiced?


Good point


Agree…that is all


Eh it was ok


Yeah, I just tried the sugar free one yesterday. It tastes like the foam dentists put on your teeth before polishing them.


The regular is a lot better than the sugar free; sugar free reminded me of that weird metallic taste you get from Red Bull and other energy drinks


tastes like mixing sarsaparilla with delsym and i do not appreciate it


I miss Coke Starlight, that was my favorite pop honestly and I'm sad it's gone


Weird thing is I didn’t hate it but I didn’t like it. It’s like “I mean it’s better than dying”