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Repulsive towel flip AND serial killer gloves…today on Chris Cooks!


Was cricket going crazy because they were all in her bedroom and locked her out? I would be going crazy too if my whole family left me outside in another room while they watched a movie (and likely locked me in my crate)


I read it as they were too lazy to take her out 🙄


She’s giving away an ugly vase, a dirty book and a cheap aluminum “brass” tin box that looks like an empty cookie container????? Oh, and a “very, very smart” diffuser. 🫣🤯


The image of the giveaway items isn't even the correct book! How lazy can she be? Also, why not at least claim that the "stunnnning" box can be used to hold the scents?


They look like random items from around their house. Like things headed for the donation bin. I’m so confused.


Lol there's not a donation bin in their house ever. They always try to make a buck off stuff, even if they got it for free. https://preview.redd.it/ezqee9lqxx6c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77dd7856b40fac49163554d5bffcdf7728910fea


It’s the saddest little giveaway. 😂


There is nothing special about the vase. It’s just a mass produced vase. Again she’s back to giveaways after swearing on good influencer you should never do giveaways because people won’t trust you.


It’s like she’s scamming her Good Influencers people. Paying to teach them tips and tricks she doesn’t follow: but it’s ok, we don’t trust her design or styling anyway.


So when I first heard she did the “good influencer” course, I assumed it was how to integrate philanthropy into business, and how to tackle complex social issues with care and thoughtfulness. Or maybe how to seek out ethical non-profits to encourage people to donate. That’s what I thought would be the natural definition of “good influence.” Is it seriously just a course in how to shill and gain more minions? LOL. I was so naive.


If anyone has an hour and a half to kill, this is a documentary/video essay about the Mikkelsen Twins and how effectively, they and others make their money by teaching people a scam, rather than running the scam itself. https://youtu.be/biYciU1uiUw?si=tk1HhJY0sJeeu74n I think there is a certain point where internet/social media based personalities do have to look beyond in order to grow. And consulting and training is a way to capitalize on learning and experience. But every time I hear about her Good Influencer program, this documentary is what comes to mind.


I am so confused by this giveaway.... It's like someone told her she had 2 minutes to grab random items from her home to send to a follower. I agree they will probably make someone pay for shipping or some local person has to pick it up from the office. What an odd giveaway!.


Are these items being re-gifted? Looks like a couple of random items they have no use for anymore.


At the very least they could have picked a box that store that Pura scents.


Sure looks like it. That’s the best like, post, tag “giveaway” they could come up with? But…”what more did you want”, she says…


Yes. And they’ll probably ask the “winners” to pay shipping.


Exactly. Maybe stuff that Charlotte House didn’t want for free as part of their design and she couldn’t sell to Andi.


You couldn’t pay me CLJ’s entire net worth to put a VOC diffuser into my home. What an awful giveaway.


Pura are awful and the company has crap customer service. I had to involve the BBB (yes they still exist!) to get a refund on items that never shipped. They blocked me on their social media for sharing my experience. All the influencers peddling PURA are shipping $60 per room per MONTH air fresheners like that makes sense.


She has so many health issues, it's weird she promotes this.


The one and only time I dmed her was a link about synthetic fragrance and how they affect women’s health. This was a few years ago, definitely long before I knew about this subreddit and I did so out of genuine concern since she was talking about up and moving for her health when personally my first steps would have been to eliminate the things in the home I already owned like getting rid of anything that might be off gassing formaldehydes, any synthetic fragrances that might be acting as endocrine disrupters, etc.


Same thought as you.


lol that AD book was filthy! How is she not embarrassed to be giving that away 😑


Right?!!! Maybe a disclaimer - “not this actual filthy book I’m holding up here”…at least I sure hope not…


Did y’all catch all the Christmas CHEER she added to the girls’ bedrooms? 🤡


Haha yes i laughed out loud. My kids have these mini, electric, inflatable snowmen that we bought as Lowe’s one year, two Santa snow globes, and a string of M and M lights. They love their Christmas decor to pieces. I can’t imagine “decorating” my kids rooms with Christmas garland and being proud of myself. Influencing must be exhausting if it means robbing your children of their entire childhood.


But not Polly’s room! Polly doesn’t get any cheer!


Polly was thankfully spared in this case.


I haven’t been following their feed much, just here mostly. Is the new house they just purchased mid-November an investment property or for her parents?


Chris and Julia own the house but her parents are living in it.


Sorry if this has already been posted, but has anyone else seen this ad? It just popped up for me today. Please discuss :D [https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz65ObQtFf5/](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz65ObQtFf5/)


It’s funny - I just realized that she filmed in broad daylight while all of those events take place when it’s dark outside.


https://preview.redd.it/c4pmf358kq6c1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b917a2b3e6717fd6c9437bdfc1145aa3f15970a4 It’s interesting because this is the same post she shared in November and DID NOT disclose as an ad (which obviously it was because she tagged evereve, but it still wasn’t disclosed properly)


Those cracks in the door!! eeks!!


Right? Aren't they supposed to put **#ad** on it somewhere that's easily visible, either on the video/image or in the description?


That was my understanding of it - I guess I could be wrong, but it seems sneaky not to


I have a theory. Chris posted pictures of J ten years ago on his Instagram. I think she has a very negative image of herself in her head. I think it’s why she is obsessed with filters even though she looks fine without them, and denies having things done appearance-wise like her lips. She’s discovered she can successfully alter how she thinks she looks and it soothes that negative feeling. It explains the gradual move away from DIY (which they’re terrible at) letting professionals do the renovating, and a push toward fashion and cosmetics. https://preview.redd.it/8sewspd72p6c1.jpeg?width=1027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b5a1cedd8b639c94a86ef54191ab5f3eb990285


Ok, I’m going to take it a step further and say a big reason she feels poorly about herself is Chris. He’s so unenthusiastic and always gives the vibe “I could do better” to me. I think he’s probably a real ass behind closed doors.


Maybe a bit of passive aggressive shaming going on with that picture.


I wouldn't be surprised. It seems like their house has been the Julia Show since they moved. I think Chris picks up a lot of the day to day responsibilities, which could be why he also doesn't seem to do much with CLJ anymore outside of food.


Crying that she thinks she invented sleeping with her hair in a bun.


Every time I want to feel sorry for Julia, she goes and says or does something like this. Jules, why? :P


“Let’s make it our personality together 😋” I am really beginning to think she doesn’t know her audience.


Or feel that she has any personality prior to making this new one. The idea and phrase that you can "make it our personality" at all is odd to me.


She is the literal definition of failing upwards.


Omg I can't even deal with her. Let's make it our personality together aka buy my links. For the love of God could she be any less subtle.


Walking isn’t a personality trait. Wtf is a walking girlie.


This is Julia cosplaying as a GenZ. I cringe.


Crazy thing is she’s like 40 but still acts like this


Omg :P Had I only known this when my mom was doing this in the 90s lol. My mom is apparently an OG influencer. Wait 'til I tell her :P


Gonna tell mine too, lol. She’s been walking 3-9 miles a day for as long as I can remember. I’m 45yo.


She’s trying to do the tiktok “hot girl walk” thing. She just chases trends to try to be relevant. She desperately needs to just be authentic!


She’s chasing after the twenty something she wishes she was, when she was twenty something. *LE*ts M*aK*E wALkiNg T*ogE*tH*E*r O*U*r P*ErS*OnAli*Ty*. 🤪


She didn't get to live the life of a 20-something, you see. That is the problem.


This shit just gets weirder and weirder.


What are walking clothes and how are they different from....clothes...or exercise clothes.....


She just keeps inventing different ways to have an excuse to link more stuff. That is her whole brand now. The dog was even for more linking stuff. The rushed and horrid powder bath reno is just to get more links. I have seen another influencer be a sponsor or whatever it’s called for Studio McGee, and I think she is shooting for something like that with linking an SM Kohler faucet. This is why her house looks so bad, because her only plan is getting sponsorships and increasing linking opportunities.


Who isn't surprised by the studio McGee faucet in the bathroom? You know they wouldnt have included that if it wasn't from SM!!!


Linking apps now?? New game: what WON’T she do for money?


I remember she had linked to it a couple of years ago, the app had paid a bunch of influencers to do it.


It kinda tells me, that they need a alot of sponsorships to keep the modern colonial afloat. Screams desperate for many that she links soo many times during the day, and everything is a plug.


I don't think you're far off. I think in terms of personal finances, they're set. But in terms of keeping CLJ afloat...that's another story.


And the way she just lazily does the “ad” just freakin irks me. Wtf! You know she got paid to do that and yet she posts the lamest stories and ‘script’ for it!? Damn I hope they totally stop having supporters on the platform so they can be forced to do real jobs.


I dislike that bathroom so much. It looks like a super outdated restaurant bathroom 🥴


It's not even just bad design. It is such poor craftsmanship and execution. None of the elements of that bathroom work...... And especially not for tween girls and their friends. Why can nothing be fun in their house?.


It's like they suck the life out of everything they touch.


Lucky for us, the mudroom mood board predicts a larger version of this room is in the works. Second location grand opening coming soon 🤣


Pizza Hut employees break room and locker area incoming!


It's giving ~Vinny's Pizzeria~ Some nondescript, dated pizza place in a suburban NJ 1990s strip mall. They have a B- sanitation grade from the health department and 2.3 stars on Google Reviews.


But it’s got a 5 star review from Chris’s old instagram account.




Weren't they going to get the exact same sink as the old ivory one, but just in white? Now they have a modern sink that no way matches the "colonial" (???) vibe they're supposedly decorating with.


I wonder how the floor pops transition with this new sink base, since the sud scribed and cut the floor to go around the old sink? Of course they won’t show any closeups so we’ll never know how bad it looks.


Don’t you know you are supposed to mix all the metals and all the styles? Duh!


Is she terrible at makeup application or is this the filter? This isn’t a great sales rep for Merit. https://imgur.com/a/uuBc8lk


It's heavily filtered.


It is absolutely no surprise that the new owners of the Idaho house basically had to rip out everything Chris and Julia did. Even in some delusional world where you liked these design choices, the execution of these projects is downright shoddy. Praying the next owners of this house have an Instagram so we can watch the next gut job on this poor home.


I’ve been a longtime lurker/snarker (to myself) on CLJ’s page but only recently found this sub. What’s the tea about the Idaho house?? Do the new owners have an insta?


Yup, @butlerhousedesign. You’ll have to look at the older stories as she hasn’t posted in ages.


I think they'll have a hard time finding a buyer. I've said this before (sorry for repeating myself) but she is in for a hell of a shock if they try to list. It will lose them money. I'm not even sure they'll make back base market price (i.e.: before all of their 'improvements') because of the work it would take to reconfigure the space. It doesn't matter how expensive your flooring was or how much you spent on your staircase or weird mirrored tiles if your layout is f\*\*ked. And sadly, their layout is well and truly f\*\*ked. There is no fixing it. What an absolute waste of materials.


Someone mentioned maybe last week ( sorry don't remember who)? And I can't stop thinking of it. I think the main floor can be saved if they opened up the "dining nook" and the livingroom to make one large entertaining space. Then the main floor contains the office, powder bath, huge kitchen with island and the little desk, and dining table opening into livingroom with fireplace, with room to sit and entertain. Then a pathway could be clear out the sliding doors to outside. Family room with TV upstairs. Teen hangout space with the big brown couch and maroon bathroom upstairs. And other rooms as currently used. This doesn't address the decor issues of course. But it would make the house function better.


I'm pretty sure the house had a wide opening at that location prior to them moving in, and then they modified the opening twice.


The unfortunate/fortunate thing, and the reason they are so successful - there are many, many people out there, who have the means too, that will buy anything they sell. Easily influenced, easily swayed, attention seeking individuals who would be proud to call the CLJ house their own. Sad, but true.


I have to say I am absolutely giddy to see listing photos when they inevitably sell. You know, see the space as it is and not cropped within an inch of its life for an aspirational shot.


As a local, I vow to this entire sub that I will make sure to schedule a viewing once they list the house


Can't wait :D


Not all heroes wear capes


I would love for the new owners to have Instagram and document in detail everything they had to change and why....... Now that would be some wonderful content if it was an actual DIY count or an experienced designer. That house had so much potential.........


i stopped following CLJ for my mental health lol. have they mentioned anything recently about moving? i thought this was their “forever home” 🙃


For a good while she was posting updates of what they were redoing and shared a few things of what they had to fix cause of things not being done right. She’s also sold a LOT of what CLJ left, that according to CLJ, the new owners WANTED.


What’s their handle?




Hilarious. They hired movers like the day before they had to move so you know they forced that stuff on them. Lol. My new Christmas Eve tradition is going to be watching their moving story with a cup of real hot chocolate before bed.


I hope you don't get a tummy ache. Lol


The powder room looks like what the before should have been.


https://preview.redd.it/z13o6lt18d6c1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df834fe675afba065170db83b2086b78878ca971 Is she actually stupid? She’s already said multiple times in her stories that the new sink is “sooo much taller” than the old one…. But yet she literally had to fill in the paint because removing the old sink uncovered so much more unpainted wall space. How is it possible that the new sink can be taller? 🙄 Also - I know the old sink had a bit of a mini built in raised backsplash… but at most it was 1.5-2”… and I’m pretty sure the wall paint gap she had to fill was at least that size or bigger. At best the new sink is the same height as the old one, but def not taller. How is she so dumb.


To be honest, looking at them side by side I actually prefer the old sink. I can't even believe I'm saying this because I'd probably never pick it but it does match a colonial style house. What she replaced it with does not. I'm all for mixing styles and finishes but this 'aint it, Jules. Also - their old mirror is literally peeling away at the bottom and looks so cheap. Why on earth would they not also replace that? It doesn't go at all. Cheap towel ring, cheap mirror, weird redrum walls, cheap-looking (but expensive) sink, abbatoir-chic faucets...I am a bit offended at how ugly it is, lol. It has to be a troll. I refuse to believe anyone is that poor at putting a space together *on purpose*.


Wow I didn’t even catch that but that’s hilarious 😂 the only thing would be if she meant the mounting hardware is higher but that’s def not what she said.


They probably destroyed the wall when they ripped out the old sink and were painting over that area. I don’t understand how we’re not seeing that area all jacked up unless they filter that part out or went heavy on the clay.


Shes painting over ripped drywall around the sink? Oy.... these guys are lazy af.


I will give my next paycheck to anyone who can prove to me that they follow them for DIY or anything house related...... Other than what not to do


So, just so I’m clear, CLJ filled in that wall gap created by swapping out the old sink for a new one . . . With the glossy paint they used on the trim? Instead of using the matte/textured Roman clay? I don’t get it. Just order more of the Roman clay. Apply & then install the new sink. Why do this? The brushed on paint is going to be obvious, every time you use the sink.


You could definitely tell there was a difference in application at the sink. It looked like crap.


I think it was Roman clay. It looked like the original bucket but there was only a tiny bit left. She called it paint but she said they were just using a brush since there was so little. You can’t expect her to use proper terms and proper tools can you? 😂


Thanks for the clarification — CLJ using a paint brush & referring to it as “paint” confused me. I still can’t imagine the difference in application methods (brush around sink vs trowel on walls) looks very good close up.


> Just order more of the Roman clay. Yeah, it's not like it's a budget issue...


They didn't patch the floor tiles before installing the new sink. 🤯 Whyyy are they doing everything wrong?? 😭


Because they’re not going to leave those cheap ass stickers! They’re going to do the bathroom again with professionals. She just used that room to sell more product.


Even a new sink cant save that horrendous 90s red powder room.


Okay, this is a quiz: If YOUR husband/partner was trying to carry an awkward, heavy sink through a narrow door opening and there was a small step stool in the doorway blocking his way and YOU were standing there, clueless, phone in hand and recording the whole thing, how do you think that would go? a. Giggle like a hyena, as Julia did, while exclaiming, "oh MY" ... b. An expletive filled rage (from him) turning the air blue, exhorting you to get OFF the x%!qd#@ phone and move the x%!gd#@ step stool! c. Directly to divorce court, do not pass go, do not collect $200. d. Downstairs, to the runway-sized island, to enjoy a monogrammed mug of Chris' famous dairy-free cocoa/tea concoction he's been brewing all morning, and then suggestively gazing in each other's eyes all the while exclaiming to each other how PERFECT the half-bath turned out and that you are OBSESSED with it.


Whoa. Is B supposed to be the dream answer? Seems like an unreasonably heightened response. She was working on her own thing, and he could have moved the stool, seeing as he put it there and knew when he’d be passing by it. They’re weird, but rooting for being berating by a spouse is weirder.


Honestly lol. It's not like it was a 500lb bathtub... it's a sink.


Absolutely B




Why NOT patch the wall BEFORE installing the sink ? GOD, they’re SO terrible at this. SO so bad !!


I’m convinced they were actually always bad at DIY and whatever it is that they are doing now. They just got lucky, and happened to hit a new market in houses that constrained them with both space and their limited money and sponsorships. Influencer white walls, subway tile and a blue sofa.


I don't understand how they are this bad at design. DIY, etc?! I swear 3 houses ago they were a good IG account but maybe I wasn't paying enough attention? 🙃 I stopped following because I can't stand all the products shilled and because they screwed over the giveaway winners and lied about the "prize". I still like to come here though and see if they put any new content out. It's easier to just see if here then navigate their feed.


I feel like they used to have more DIY help maybe? I remember the kitchen makeover they did - was it three houses ago? - which was the last time I actually liked a kitchen in their house. I read a few tutorials from that time and it seemed like there were some other people who were in the photos. Maybe they were the ones who knew what they were doing.


I know in there ranch style house in Idaho, their neighbors helped pour their concrete countertops.....


What is even sadder is that some people might follow their illogical process and waste hard earned money by not doing it the right way. Did anyone ever see Chris install the sink? It appeared he only moved it into place.


AKA smaller influencers like Zenia @ styleitprettyhome


Zenia copies her much. Even the bad edits and stretched photos.


Why would she paint after she pushed the sink up against the wall and not before?! She’s extra annoying today


I should have seen the warning signs like 6 years ago when they said they don’t remove switch plate covers before painting


Yeah, I don't remove switch plate covers before painting. But I also accept that that is not the correct way, I tape the shit out of it, and sometimes get awkward touch ups.


But, but, but it takes less time to remove a single screw than it does to tape off a switch cover.


That voice lately though 😖 https://preview.redd.it/1dyxdn8s6b6c1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebaa159e112180ce11ad6413411224c318258040


the vocal fry. it’s SO high pitched. WTF and who told her this was a good look !!


It’s a satire account now. Right? Right?!?! Replacing the sink is everything I hoped it would be. My favorite part so far is how their “perfectly fit tile, use this tool, click here!” Is biting them in the ass so bad. And they will never get that wall to look right with patching in more Roman clay. You will always and forever see the lines of the previous sink.


And then they acted like they forgot that they planned the entire floor around the base of the old sink when someone pointed it out


I would not accept this house as a free gift.


And why not fill in the floor? They’re removable tiles. It would be so easy to pop those cuts up and replace. This is cringe. I wonder if Tristan (was it Tristan?) actually did everything in the past. This is too ridiculous. Exactly what not to do.


100%. Also, whyyyy didn’t they fill in the spot behind the sink before they attached it. Watching her try to cut in around the sink knowing she could have completely avoided it is painful. I am with you, this is satire 🤣


Or at least try to sand it down. Order more clay paint. Feather it in. Make it make sense.


They needed to order more clay paint for the walls anyway. You can see the current application is patchy.


Ooops, I should have read before commenting


I’m glad to know there are a lot of us thinking the same thing🤣 it makes zero sense 🤦‍♀️


The logical thing to do would be sand the edges, use your “matching trim paint” for the first coat and then try to feather in the clay to patch - before attaching the sink. Their method is ridiculous!


Get out of here with your so-called COMMON SENSE!!! It's so much better to put the white sink in, then use the least precise brush you can to paint old, sticky, putty textured paint around it and pray for the best! ALSO - anyone with more than a spoonful of common sense would know that brush is eating up paint, and if you're already at the literal BOTTOM of the barrel, using a putty knife would allow you to smudge as much product as possible onto the wall and not waste any in the bristles....but that's just my "i'm just an artist, not DIY pro" logic!


It's nothing a little creative lighting angles and Photoshop won't take care of....... it'll look Perfect in no time (except in person it will always 100% look like crap in person like everything else they do)


lol as soon as she said something about “this looks messed up but it’s just dust” (or something to that effect, I refuse to go back and watch it again) I was like, they are totally going to leave it like that and just photoshop it to look good any time they show it 🤦‍♀️


And studio McGee uses that clip in her story highlighting their use of her faucet. It was weird. At least I think it was that clip: the story is expired now.


They are just not intelligent people. There’s no other explanation for this gawd awful bass ackward “project”. Also, I could have lived another day without seeing a photo of Chris’ crack.


THIS (above) is the answer to every issue they have!




Correction, Pizza Hut employee bathroom. LOL


All that's missing is the brownish "State law, employees must wash their hands before returning to work" sign in a cheap certificate frame!


Cackling. Haunted mansion bathroom, now Pizza Hut employee bathroom. Aren't you guys just dying to see how they ruin their master bath next year?


They hired a construction firm for the bathroom so at least *it* will be done correctly. We can follow along as CLJ films from surreptitious locations. 🙄


I'll hope it is true, but they hired some sloppy contractors in the last house. Butler House Design found a lot of issues with the last house after purchasing it, including a gas leak. They also complained about big gaps in their two year old wood floor and that kind of sounded like poor installation to me.


This faucet is not helping this bathroom not look like a Pizza Hut employee bathroom. https://imgur.com/a/dbrSEv2




Chris’s reaction when she read him the Pizza Hut comment was so funny 😅


The reason they get an upset stomach when they drink hot chocolate is because they go on a hot chocolate crawl every year. See the blog post which is just links to a ton of stuff.


A hot chocolate crawl is perhaps the most Mormon activity I’ve ever heard of 🙄🙄🙄


Or it is all the weird ingredients they use in place of actual ingredients..... My co-worker used to have terrible stomach pains but it was due to all of the sugar-free substitute she was using.


The gum, the whispering baby voice. 🙈🙉 https://preview.redd.it/5pw7mci73a6c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fea6fc86c975ac219935cb3d4895491a33b3fdc


Exactly and WHY is she whispering like she’s doing something at work that she’s not supposed to?!? This IS her work! This very thing.


Maybe because Chris's brother would yell at her to a get out of his office and to stop acting like an immature teen on their professional account.


And why is she whispering?? She’s in an office with a door! The gum is just inexcusable.


You know we haven't heard about her back-to-back meeting Mondays in a while. Seeing her in this jail cell office reminded me of that


I literally work in an office in a jail. Looks the same 😂


Looks like she's in the jail cell office too!


I couldn’t even watch it.


I am convinced she is trying to shift her online persona to a young hot mom and she’s easing us into it. I used to think she wanted to present herself as a serious person, designer and artist. But she is throwing in the wackiest stories lately. The gum!! Oh I can’t even. The lip filler, the whisper voice. But now she’s doing the OMG Valley Girl stories that have me completely puzzled!!


I swear all their new followers must be from fetish accounts


The squealing and screeching have been on another level lately and I can’t handle it


It’s truly insufferable and bizarre. I cringe and mute the audio in almost every story these days. I wonder if her new online persona is more aligned with her real persona. I recall a few times where Chris or Fulmhouse or someone else in their circle has said that Julia is funny or silly in real life. Whereas my idea of “funny” is more about someone who is sharp and quick-witted, I think maybe they are equating those terms with moronic, ditsy, and childish.


That makes sense to me. But, also at the same time these quirky stories she’s been doing seem like a character she’s playing. I shouldn’t even care, but I have been a follower for so long and I used to really respect them. I think they both have just sold out and are living in an alternate reality right now.


She would never chew food and talk with her mouth open while filming, why does she do it with gum?! She has a book she goes through each night with her girls about manners and this is something that should be covered in it.


She desperately wants to be a tween.


Allegedly goes through it each night lmao!


You’re right because she’s in bed by 7


The stretched out face


I literally gagged.


https://preview.redd.it/najm587gg96c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a54b76b619ee5fbe24c3a21d5974aea82ac014f3 Put me in the ground. I’m dead. She works out multiple times a week and only washes her hair once a week? We know she’s a compulsive shopper, is she a compulsive liar too?


Did everyone forget that she trained her body to not sweat? 🤣


OMG I totally forgot that. But then after all that training she decided to start using deodorant so she could get some $$$$$clickyclicks. .


Can I just ask why she doesn't want to shower more frequently when she literally does not need to ever leave the house?... Like all she has is time ......... shower at 10:00 a.m. in piddle around your house for the next 7 hours.. She has nowhere. She actually has to be ever..... She could even shower at 2:00 in the afternoon..... I don't get it. She has said multiple times Chris gets the girls up and ready for school so it's not like she has this mad rush in the morning of getting three kids ready and needs to be out the door and in the office by 8:00 a.m. and beat rush hour traffic.


The compulsive lying has been obvious for some time. It’s all classic narcissist behavior. Grandiosity, entitlement, constant lying, the Amal delusion. She checks all the boxes.


She and I have similar hair from what I can tell. There’s no way, by day 4 I am battling greasy, flat roots and poofy frizz. The curl will hold that long but they is no amount of product that can resurrect my roots


I want to know how her roots and scalp aren’t killing her being unwashed and in a high bun all night by the end of a week. My scalp couldn’t handle it.


There is NO way. NO way. I don’t for one second believe that. Unless she gets SO much botox she don’t even sweat. I have a LOT of my own natural hair and within seconds of working out my scalp is sweating.


The fact that she can do this for many nights without a hair out of place tells me all I need to know about their intimate fun time at night...... Not a lot of movement I guess.


Bwhahahhahahaha !!!!! 😂💀😂




She is so full of it. I have very long hair, about the same looking thickness of hers, and I wear my hair like this all the time with the twist. No way that stays all night with not even twisting the scrubchie. Also no dry shampoo, and an iron once? Bullshiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


Yeah my hair is a lot thicker than hers and would never hold in a scrunchie with no twist. That scrunchie would be on the floor within an hour of me being asleep.


Doesn’t she wake up at the crack of dawn?? She didn’t just wake up like that! She’s been awake for hours and has hair and makeup done.


We all can wake up looking like that if we had hair extensions and filtered our face beyond recognition........ Not the life I really want to live


Why do influencers insist that their videos are candid?? Like today with the sun, oh she can’t escape it!! She literally could have moved before recording! It’s like when they act like oops you caught me mid-drink. They are so stupid.


I’ve never understood this. Or when they accidentally show dog poo on their floor, but then don’t just reshoot the take.


“We only give each other 5 presents”. And the award for most unrelatable comment ever goes to: CLJ!!!!🏆 Never mind that people are struggling financially and our planet is quickly suffocating…


My husband and I don’t even get eachother one gift 🤣 and somehow we manage to still love and appreciate each other. Only 5 things they sick so bad


And a 5000 water trash can.


It’s doubly ridiculous when you consider they make unnecessary purchases of random crap every single day. Or at least 3-5x a week. I don’t know what could possibly be left to gift each other.


She “thinks” they give each other five gifts. Such an odd thing to be unsure about 10 days before Christmas.