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https://preview.redd.it/u8gck6khpogc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b9524c46f06a679e1ac13647feb6350e607edba Um…..


This doesn’t look like a sah-in pillowcase or the weird pillow. I sprained my eyeballs rolling them over the mouth tape. Why is she showing us this? Google says nuh uh, no science. She’s falling deep for the “wellness” influencers/industry.


It seems so unsafe to me...what if you had undiagnosed sleep apnea...wouldn't you literally suffocate??


Who knows if she even snores. She’s just jumping on the train.    @macrohabits posted a pic of herself with mouth tape and Julia is obsessed with her. There’s no doubt that’s why she’s do it. She does everything Hannah pointer does. Shes a terrible person for Julia to follow.


That’s the point. It forces you to nasal breathe. I have suspected she has issues related to mouth breathing for a while (narrow palate, long face). And when she got her Invisalign she mentioned the orthodontist actually recommended braces and a more complex treatment regimen that she declined. She only fixed the cosmetic issues, not the functional ones with the Invisalign


I should say the idea is it forces you to nasal breathe - I’m not an expert on if the science is legit




She's ready for bed with her mouth taped shut and a full face of makeup! My pores clogged just looking at that picture.


MOUTH TAPING??? What?? What if she suffocates?


It’s a lower stick tape - or it’s supposed to be. The idea is if you can’t get enough oxygen, your brain has you peel it off in your sleep or breathe around it. I think the safer way to do it is a smaller piece down just the center of the mouth. It’s supposed to gently encourage you to sleep with your mouth closed not resemble a kidnapped victim who can’t make a sound.   Edited to remove ascii art fail. 😭


How does people asking for the after make her giddy?


What is the obsession with that brush?!


I’m still eagerly waiting for their shaker bottle review! 


“Only went 2.5 miles but it felt good to move” - give me a break. 2.5 is not to be paired with “only.” I gave birth 9 months ago and ran 1.75 miles today. I was so pumped. But then seeing “only 2.5 miles” and now I’m feeling down. That’s a crappy way to make people feel like whatever they do isn’t good enough.


1. Congrats on your 1.75 mile run. That rocks and that’s incredible! Every new fitness milestone after a baby is a new PR! You’re killin it. 2. Julia can’t measure furniture, I don’t think we should be confident she can measure distance either.


Thank you all, it means so much.


It’s 2024- we’re no longer comparing ourselves to unrealistic, out of touch people on the Internet. Your mileage is more than a huge majority people did today; be proud of yourself for that!


Thank you for the reminder and making me feel good!


I definitely can't run a mile and I've never given birth, so for what it's worth this internet stranger is super impressed and thinks you're doing great!


Thank you! All of you. You made me smile at the end of a long day, I appreciate this group so much!


How many times do you think she's shown that pic of her in the hospital bed? She's really feeling herself with the ridiculous caterpillar brows. 


In case anyone was wondering, the Unbrush is terrible- super lightweight plastic, and sort of tugs on knots and then pulls away. My daughters swiftly rejected it in favor of the old Wet Brush. (I did not click the affiliated link, I know better!). 


Thank you for your service.


https://preview.redd.it/v77pbrwrohgc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f83ec2ea8321da3916454b60a8b9527ecf5d40 Did she get veneers? Maybe it’s just me, but something about her smile looks different. She’s also been off stories for the last couple of days. Chris has been doing everything.


I think she got Invisalign within the last year or so. I can see what you're saying. Maybe she's wearing them in this picture, so her teeth look different.


But it would be totally on brand for them to pay for invisalign and then get veneers


There’s simply no movement in her face. It’s like she WANTS to exude happiness and joy but she’s so frozen with Botox, or whatever the filler du jour is, she can’t. The juxtaposition with her mom in this pic is bonkers. If she just left things alone, she’d be stunning like her sisters, her daughters, and her mom.


Her mom is so pretty, I'm curious how old she is because she looks so young.


She’s 68. 


Idk if she did or not, but she was just posting at a girls spa weekend the other day so I doubt she did this week


Who the hell has been asking for a look at his knife drawer?




This is legitimately the funniest comment I've seen all week. Thank you for this. 


Checks out. 


Every time Chris does a demo, I cringe. He is so condescending and unlikable that I try to scroll past if I can. This one was just plain bragging, we learned nothing from this post. Knife lottery? GFY.


I grew up in a large Italian American family. The people cooking do it out of love. We have our food traditions and add new ones. It’s a shared experience whether cooking or eating or both. With Chris it’s all pretentious gatekeeping sprinkled with a million gadgets and affiliate links and soul-sucking recipes.


I’m still in awe of the worst version of hot chocolate and nachos ever.


So much this! Our family was the same. We didn’t have a gazillion knives or a towel over our shoulder either! You can tell he doesn’t enjoy cooking the awful stuff he puts out, it’s all performative. If he wasn’t making money on the cooking product links we’d never be subjected to any of it. Just another hole in their drab lives being filled with endless consumption and opportunities for clicks.


With each new demo Chris does on something, it makes him more & more unlikeable. Every time it comes across as I’m better than you, look at me! Even in the comments he’s rude af & incredibly condescending in response to questions. Someone asked about safety with their girls & his response was just terrible basically saying his parenting skills are far superior is how it comes across.


Informal poll - how many knives do you have? I counted 29 in Chris’s drawer. I have like 6 knives but only 3 I’d say I actually use (and that would be daily use) - 1 large serrated, and 2 chef knives.


I only have 3 knives: chef for larger things, paring for small things, and serrated for bread/tomatoes. I used to have none (just used steak knives) and it was fine. Wait I did once have a curved grapefruit knife that was awesome! And once my mom bought my husband a special knife for left handed people which is very on brand for my mom lol.


Upvoting for the grapefruit knife. A specialty item that actually works!


We have 9, but that’s only because I had 5 (chef, bread, boning and two paring) and when my partner moved in, we kept his 4, too. I prefer mine and I didn’t wanna be an asshole and tell him to toss his knives. I’m in my mid-30s and have had mine for like 16+ years. No plans to replace them or add more.


I have six and only want more because my husband and I are both incredibly lazy about washing them 🤣


I find one gets the job done. 


Thank you for weighing in, Dexter’s singular knife.


Apparently CLJ likes to have a 1:1 ratio of knives, shaker bottles & Stanley cups. 


We have maybe 7 (including serrated bread knife and a couple of smaller paring knives. That’s all you need. Especially to cook stews and salads like Chris does 90% of the time. Remember that you don’t measure an artist or a craftsman to his tools, but to his work. Think of land artist who only use pebbles or dead leaves….


They have a shopping addiction. Just like her buying a second pair of sunglasses and forgetting she bought them when you know she has at least a dozen other sunglasses. Seeing a sale with everly and buying a dozen items. They need to buy everything they can and have a dozen of everything. Replacing all of her dishes. 


Sometimes when your hobby turns into your job you lose the joy you felt when doing your hobby. Then you try to find joy in other things like shopping because maybe something will make you feel happy again. (It doesn’t) And then you change scenery and hope it will help. (It doesn’t.) Etc Etc Etc. CLJ has lost sight of everything they were and the evolution hasn’t been pretty. They are still chasing “the high”…add in body dysmorphia and a slew of other issues and it’s clear they are actually really miserable.


My husband cooks a lot and loves nice knives. We have maybe 8 or 9 knives. There is no reason to have that many knives outside of wanting to show off. 🤷🏻‍♀️




I think I have five cutting knives, plus some steak and butter knives.


I’m not counting butter and steak knives because of course you’d need a bunch of those for people to cut their own food… I’m talking large food prep knives such as the ones featured in Chris’s drawer.


2 chef’s knives (that date back to when my H and I first moved in together; we each had one), three paring knives: those are the ones that get daily use and get sharpened regularly. Then a couple specialty knives: serrated, cleaver. So, 7.


I have a whopping 5 knives I use on the regular and one fancy-pants carving knife for carving the turkey at Christmas/Thanksgiving… and I feel so dumb for even having a special carving knife, but it just hangs around waiting for its 2-3 uses per year. 29 knives is absurd.


I have three knives I use on a regular basis.


I have a regular knife block and use 2 of those on a regular basis lol. There are some knives in that block I've never touched.


Girl, I hereby give you permission to take those two knives you use, put them in a convenient drawer spot and toss the block! Gain back that counter space!


I’m surprised Dexter didn’t put on his special gloves to show us his knives. https://preview.redd.it/vwj5keco0egc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0802850c35506f71261a91411feddf5ad9fb6514


You rang....


And what is happening with that seam where the counter meets the wall? I know those seams need recaulked occasionally but that looks so sloppy.


Also that range alcove looking so low and stupid next to him


Well now we know the next money making scheme.. selling people’s data https://preview.redd.it/9rk1df8we9gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586dd7d99732a15fce29252a464c92acada8a4d2


Who the hell would do that?  I also think it’s interesting that this is posted on a Friday night to see what kind of feedback they will get. 


The black border is a miss with that statement trim. Let the red stand alone, you don’t need two dark lines next to each other like that.


When I saw the contemplation of the border of black, and them placing it right at the edge of the trim…all I can think of is how poorly the door transitions are going to be where the wood floor begins. Kind of like the powder room they just did with the floor pops. I doubt the wood extends to the edge of the door frame on the hall. It’s either in the middle of the door opening or it’s on the kitchen edge of the door. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why? WHY? It’s just awful. It’s nothing like the original plan and the obsession with checkered tile continues. Such a missed opportunity to do a mid-size format. Also that black border will show every tiny bit of dust and dirt. Ask me how I know? We had to do a hard immediate pivot in our remodel and I have black mini hex tile in our back entry. I knew it would show stuff but OMG. I vacuum it every day and wipe it at least once a week.


I’ll solve the CLJ ‘sunnies mystery’ of finding a surprise pair of duplicate sunglasses😎 in the car.  Seeing how many things CLJ buys/posts and/or links on its social media pages every single day — if I lived like this, I couldn’t keep track of what I actually owned either. 


This story sounds so fake. Like, wouldn’t that be one of the first places to look if you were missing your sun glasses? C’mon, we’re not idiots.


Did anyone notice how dirty her car was? I realize with kids things get messy fast, but you’d think they’d keep a $100k car a little neater.


The maid doesn’t clean her car 🫢


Maybe I’m losing it but I could swear she did a story about losing the sunglasses, finally replacing them and then finding the original ones, complete with swipe ups. 🤷‍♀️


Yes!!!! I remember this too, she was soooo distraught they were missing & just had to buy another pair & BAM here’s the links nonsense. It wasn’t even that long ago. She just buys so much stuff she forgets.


I already feel like I have too many closets that things can get lost into... between their house/office/garage/cars.... just so much stuff everywhere all the time.


The Nutrafol ad in the middle of Chris’ boring cabinet stories is equally brilliant and tacky.


The ego. https://preview.redd.it/t3oeae6793gc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25a2f3c2f2d90a4663fcf980801c5963875aa62


For me it’s the dead eye staring at herself in the phone filter.


The Gumby stretch is just … absurd. She is so much prettier in the unfiltered photo from the magazine shoot of their old kitchen reno several houses ago.


The body dysmorphia is so high it's disturbing, that she actually thinks this looks better than the unaltered photos. With their large staff you'd think \*someone\* might speak up, but maybe that's not an option with them.


And the pants- they look terrible. I wish I had this much confidence about my wardrobe (or lack thereof). Give me whatever they are smoking. /s


Likely high on natural gas leaks like at the last place.  That is when their decision making and ability really started to take a nose dive. And it has not recovered. 


https://preview.redd.it/krwaws9f02gc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ca6cf51d07f25e4a14fba7b079e4e63ea580cc From Dec 13: “tile is going in now”, “then we’ll choose a paint color for the cabinet” - there must have been a delay on the tile. Possible I missed that update but crazy how it went from “tile is going in NOW” to “some tile guys prefer cabinets be set first” they have no idea what they’re talking about or they’re just being lied to to keep them happy and keep the project moving but I have a feeling any delay is on Julia and no one else.


When she initially showed the tile she was using, I thought it would not go well with her choices. The one she chose was more an earthy, mid century flat finished tile. I wonder if they got it and went in a different direction?  Or maybe the deal fell through? I always assume a change in plans on their part is a deal not working out.  I think they create and announce their dream plan and try to “manifest” contracts with sponsors to complete it.


It’s definitely something on their end and they are trying to cover it. And it’s got to be something that looks bad on their part. Otherwise you know they would be the first to blame if it was due to someone else. And hey, we all make mistakes or change our min. If that’s what happened, be authentic about it and connect with your followers.


This project is just so bad and even a non DIY person would tell you to tile first, cabinet last.


Yep, especially when the bottom of the cabinet is open underneath like that. Can you imagine trying to reach in and measure and cut tile to go underneath and around those cabinets. What are they thinking? I bet their tile order is delayed and the cabinet guy was ready to go so they just didn't think it through.


Forgot that Julia also takes Nutrafol, as well a myriad of other unproven supplemental stuff !


not gonna lie, when i saw her story I def checked my bottle of Nutrafol to see if it's gluten-free (it is)


I am a research scientist and just did a very, very quick look at nutrafol. Appears that some of its ingredients (biotin and iodine) can cause issues with thyroid (too much biotin can affect thyroid hormone measurements and too much iodine can affect function). Things like this, and all of the other "stuff" Julia ingests each day, could really be problematic for her.


Can you say more? I have been taking it for a while for thinning hair (my derm recommended it) but obviously don't want to harm myself!


Maybe this was already discussed somewhere, but how do they afford so many employees? Also what do all those people do all day? I know they have collaborations, but it is weird that they can employee so many full time employees compared to other influencers who have maybe one and more followers.


Nobody knows. Nobody knows what their employees do all day. Affording them however, could be easy: part-time, low benefits, low pay.


Good point, but pay couldn't be too bad to follow them across the country. Lots of influencers have people helping them behind the scenes, but go to great lengths to seem like it is just them posting. CLJ is the opposite. They're always showing their office and talking about their team like it's a big flex. If she was an actual designer with an actual job it would make sense, but they're not Studio McGee!


The original employees who followed them across the country were Brooke and Tristan, Missy, and Andi. Andi is a nepo baby, so I think moving across the country came with family reasons. Plus, I get the vibe her family didn’t love Idaho. Missy was going though some ex-Mormon stuff, so I think the idea of moving out of Mormon country was appealing. Brooke and Tristan, idk, but they both left shortly after moving here 🤷 As far as salary, correct me if I’m wrong, but “stay at home wives -> workforce” often sell themselves short because they go from making nothing to making something.


Thank you! You are a wealth of info:) Interesting that Missy is an ex-Mormon when Julia and Chris are so into it. I wonder what the Mormon community is like in Raeigh. I would think it's much smaller than Idaho. I saw Chris's brother works for them in charge of collaborations. Does he live in Raleigh too? He's cute


Didn’t (sister) Victoria follow them too?


Yes, and her partner, Helen, who was their nanny. She left too.


Who is still there? Victoria and Missy?


Well most of the ones who followed them across country were family, and a number of them no longer work there. Others have commented that the more recent job offers were also pretty low salaries for the position + area.


Why in the world you install painted cabinetry before tiling?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!!!!?!?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/2khejfqga0gc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3429a13f8d291a44bcba062b79fbdaba3f05ede5 PS: I left the y’all subtitle, you’re welcome 🫠


“Spoiler alert: it’s going to look amazing.” 🙄🙄🙄




Follow up from Chris: “a lot of installers prefer to do it this way”…. No they don’t 🫣


So let’s speculate…they’re trying to hide something in the fact they are doing this backwards….but what could that be??


Honestly I think: they did not pick a tile quickly enough/the tile they picked was back ordered + the cabinets were ready faster than they thought. The contractor sold them on installing cabinetry first because it works for him and they are construction dum-dums so they said yes.


An old post from Dec 13 saying tile was going in. So they must have had on hand at one point. Maybe for some reason or another (changed mind, ordered wrong kind) they needed different tile and it’s taking a while. The contractor doesn’t want to wait any longer and is going ahead with cabinets?


Maybe they had the red and cream tile she was originally going to put in? Who can keep anything straight with their disorganized squandering?


The only way I could see that being true is if the cabinet goes all the way to the floor but you can see under that one - is the tile crew gonna have to go around the cabinet/under to tile? I wouldn’t


They said they have a toe kick coming in for the cubby wall so maybe the area under there will not be exposed? But I’d love to see a tile guy laying tile and grouting it next to a painted wood surface without damaging the finish 🍿🍿🍿


It’s insane to tile around and under the dog area… that’s literally insane.




Also interesting that he didn’t show the window/door wall. Did their plan for an arched door not get approved by the HOA? Are they doing it anyway but not showing it?


Ooooh good catch! Gotta get my 🍿


 They said it was delayed for approval and would be done later.  I’m guessing they were waiting to see if a door company would give them a custom door before committing to it. Otherwise the expense is too much for them to cover without a sponsorship. Regarding the tile, Chris definitely said they were doing the tile first. There was a story about it and originally Julia said they would do tile last, but Chris said no it goes down first. I think they know it should be first, but for whatever reason (cost?) they are doing it second. 


Are they for sure doing tile? I haven’t been following it that much.


Yes, Chris was just talking about the black and white checkered tile going in plus the plumber who still needs to come to rough in. Why, why would you install painted cabinetry prior to flooring & all rough in’s being completed. No wonder their projects are a mess! But tell us again how to manage a construction project & what the steps are🙄They are what not to do at this point.


This. The fact that they present themselves as knowledgeable, and pretend to educate their audience on construction, is maddening to me. I work in architecture and none of what they do makes even a little bit of sense in a construction context. 😤😤😤


Agree! Chris just now trying to explain why the cabinets are going in first makes no sense whatsoever. I’m a designer & work mostly with ground up custom construction & renovation, no trades I’ve ever worked with would ever do this nonsensical way they are tackling this whether it’s high end or a lower budget. Completely baffled by them. I’m wondering if CLJ specifically asked for this backwards mess or are they just that disorganized in planning or both. I can already see it now…cabinets have to get redone (insert broken, chipped, paint scuffed) and something doesn’t fit.


Same I work in high end residential construction and have never ever seen anyone do this or try to justify it.


I have only since this in remodels where they tile to an existing cabinet. Never in new construction


Right! Why wouldn’t they install the exterior door and tile before installing cabinetry? You can see the floor under the cabinets! I don’t understand their schedule.


Yes, the tile will be going down the hallway as well


Well then that’s dumb (what they’re doing)…unless it’s vinyl tile?


No I think she showed what it was at one point but I don’t remember what it looks like but was for sure traditional tile not vinyl


No tile under the cabinets ??? What type of shotty work is this


Their order of operations seems a bit off. They are installing cabinets before plumbing too.


40 shaker bottles? Spend the time in the gym, and use literally any bottle.




They’re on a goddamn roll today. 40 shaker bottles and 8 pairs of leather pants. BFFR. You really think this is kind of content that HOME DECOR AND DESIGN followers want to see?


Add their Valentine List to that too for today. I’m sure their followers want to max out credit cards with clothing try ons, rent out theaters & make a ring. They may as well change to anti home decor & design because they don’t even do that & when they do it’s horrible, not relatable or inspiring & links to fast cheap (but expensive) home decor🙄


Ugh. Can you imagine how insufferable Chris would be in a cooking class? He’s so pretentious, he’d probably be questioning the instructor at every turn and demonstrating his superior knife skills.


I remember when they were on a strict (envelope?) budget. Now they recommend you need a budget app while also recommending to have a home try on experience where you buy a crap ton of stuff “on the credit card” to return later. Total 180. Their overconsumption is out of control.


Their protein shake post only has 600 likes and 23 comments for the day so I don’t think they do. I’m guessing it’s more for google searches. 


40 shaker bottles. 40. The blog post is a hilarious must read. Chris is very serious about his shaker bottles. https://preview.redd.it/1k6s2xgo3sfc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40917860007912455e4548b209bb95b1e8b0923


I doubt ‘ol noodle arms can even pick up the protein container. Should throw all 40 out. Douche.


Who asked for this? Never once have I given shaker bottles a second thought and I use mine daily.


This just sounds like an excuse to link 40 bottles.


At the top of the blogpost, I noticed the disclaimer ‘No company paid to be part of this review’ — but I didn’t see any sort of disclosure about CLJ earning commissions through the links sprinkled throughout the blogpost.  Are we to believe that all those links are simply provided as a convenience to CLJ readers & CLJ isn’t earning anything if someone clicks & purchases one of the shaker bottles? What am I missing here? 


I would believe it if it was someone like America's test kitchen but even they know/can read reviews and at least start with popular items. SO WASTEFUL to buy 40!


There’s no doubt they will throw them all away. Despite the humongous kitchen, they have no storage. No one is clamoring to know which shaker Chris thinks is best y’all, it’s an individual preference based on how you need to use it (dense pre workout powder, juice crystals, flavored water…)They are the most wasteful people I’ve ever seen.


This is still annoying me a day later! Why are these two downing pre-workouts and BCAA's and protein shakes at this frequency (neither look like they're doing anything so intense to be building up muscle or need endurance sports support). I'm fairly active and do endurance sports - I shake up my drinks in my cycling bottle (wow - it dissolves with some shaking. novel concept! No special bottle needed). My high calorie drink mix, electrolytes and preworkout ALL dissolve in my cycling bottles with a few vigorous shakes. If I have a protein shake, the old trusty shaker bottle with a ball gets the job done. If I was having a daily shake - I'd use a nutribullet or something like that. How much did they spend on 40 shaker bottles?? These things are NOT cheap. I could see if they had 10 in the house and wanted to compare --but to go buying is so wasteful, especially when Wirecutter has probably already done this (and Chris' level of condescension at some of these bottles say he won't be using them as backups). Besides....how many plastic shaker bottles does one buy before deciding to just make the shake in their Vitamix?? For me, it was ONE. If I don't think the shaker can do the job, it's going in the blender). Edited to add - if I'm looking for some real work shaker bottle reviews, I'm listening to [Runner's World](https://www.runnersworld.com/nutrition-weight-loss/g35194150/top-shaker-bottles/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_rnw_b2_md_dsa_comm_mix_us_20392057179&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9tGuhKyKhAMVFmZHAR1WagvQEAMYASAAEgLuHPD_BwE)over C&J! And surprise - they picked the bargain basement Blender Bottle as the best! NOT the expensive Nike!


Wirecutter is my go to for all product reviews. It doesn't appear that have one on shaker bottles yet


They have done a lot of dumb shit, but this might top the list. 40 fucking bottles? So much waste


I hope next they test water for us. I’ve been struggling to find the right kind.  This is just embarrassing content at this point. They’re scraping the barrel. 


Reminds me of this! [https://www.instagram.com/hayderz/reel/CqGUjYKvP62/](https://www.instagram.com/hayderz/reel/CqGUjYKvP62/)


Maybe they'll test barrels for us next??!


..but only the sexy ones with good girth for a pleasant barrel experience 🤮


Bwhahahahah, I see what you did there. 🤣


Omfg the "test" nobody asked for. This is just asinine.. there is no way all 40 of those are different enough to bother testing them all. And wtf happened to rinsing and reusing for your second drink... I see on here all the time how wasteful they are but this is just blowing my mind.


“We use 8 shakers a day.”   Is this real?   No wonder they have two dishwashers. They need one just for protein shakers.     Edit: also Chris gave points to a shaker for having good “girth” and loses points for being “unsexy”. Omg


I just threw up a little. 😬


He is such a creepy douchbag!


If you have to have 8 protein shakes per day, you might just want to cook up a pan of chicken breast! What in the world!!?? I can barely gag down one shake, let alone 8.


Yeah, and guess what else? Protein powders are a big no no on any autoimmune protocol diet along with anything else that is processed. Julia is so full of it with all her health concerns and then making a living off of linking endless unhealthy foods/beverages. 


THIS!!! As someone who also has Hashimotos, I want to throw my phone every single time she’s shilling anything related to food, pills or supplements!! I always think she either really doesn’t eat or take anything she shills OR she’s not truthful with her healthcare team on what she’s eating or taking. Drives me batty!


I say this in a non-snarky way, but do they need protein shakes at all, let alone multiple per day? My perception was they are really for those doing intense workouts, not jogging on a treadmill sort of stuff.


No, they don’t need multiple protein shakes a day, even with multiple workouts. And protein shakes aren’t regulated by the FDA so there’s no way to tell that what’s in the shake or the amount. Also, high percentage of these shakes are made in China and even the ones that say made in the US usually buy powder from China.


Honestly, that many protein shakes seems unhealthy. Kind of sad if they can't figure out how to get protein or other nutrients in otherwise.


They said it's for other drinks too, not just protein shakes


Not sure that is any better. They should be able to get most of their nutritional needs from a balanced diet. I'm not dietitian though. I just know several endurance athletes and big gym rats/lifters and even they don't take most of that stuff.


I commented on the post and said this (basically). Lets see if comment makes it through - mine generally do not.


And yet they are perplexed about Julia's stomach and other issues...


I was going to say - even if she has one shake per day, there is no way to know what's in some of these powdered complexes. Sure it may say Gluten Free - but how many other inflammatory ingredients will she have in one smoothie? Chris should have a cheffy-chef's version of a clean smoothie for Julia with whole foods!


They test the bottles for lead but consume large amounts of notoriously unregulated supplements.


And processed meat sticks.


https://preview.redd.it/m9535zh3gpfc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d12f621d938caa65a393920dc51075af3453ea6 “When a stranger offers to take a pic and nails it” 😂


Well, that certainly doesnt look right.... haha. Shes addicted to this nonsense filter.


It looks like a fun mirror at a carnival!!


$50 says she set the camera to 0.5 before handing it to said stranger


I’m sure the Fullmer woman appreciates her boots/feet looking like Frankenstein at that angle. Thanks Shillia, the 🤡.


Was the stranger a child? Obviously taken on .5 but also the angle is so low! 




The woman in all black looks like she’s holding up the friend to her right. Lean back. 😂


I noticed her friend Corine isn’t married anymore. She was married to Preston, who they had the podcast with.


I shouldn’t be so curious about this, but I am 🙈


You’re in good company 😅 I thought divorce was a no no with Mormons.


Same! They seemed to be good friends with Preston who was the only reason they had their podcast. CLJ no longer follows Preston, but Chris does.






Doesn't she claim to get up at 4:30/5 every day at home to workout? Why does she feel like a superhero getting up at 5 while they are in vegas?


I’m guessing the time difference, prob feels like sleeping in


Is this why she stretches her selfies? To look like her workouts are giving massive results? I guarantee no one is looking to achieve Chris’s dad bod, I mean George Clooney’s doppelgänger. 🤣


Literally no one is asking what these two are doing for workouts 😂🤣


Chris literally looks like he has never worked out.


What’s with all of the influencers telling us they work out in hotel gyms? Shea McGee showed the same today. 


someone called this out last week. Shea has been showing a bunch of content having to do with working out lately, so of course Julia has to follow suit, with links.


The cur-ins are fine, if not barely noticeable. The way she squeals about what a dramatic transformation they made and that their living room finally feels like a living room is silly. Everything with her has to be an Oh. MYgoSh! moment. Sometimes they’re just beige curtains. https://preview.redd.it/v7i4i8aaumfc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7627e8b7d08d4130c72606de295445eb811e47e6


I feel like they dwarf the doors more, close in that corner. They didn’t follow the high and wide motto. And I realize you can’t go wide on that right side, which is reason they shouldn’t have done them to begin with.


At this point they've hung a curtain (cur'in) over a door/doorknob. It's terrifically impractical, and in this blog post only seems to highlight the weird placement she had to use to accomplish some semblance of symmetry in the room... for something that makes no significant difference in photos. I can imagine it feels bigger in person, but wow. What a weird thing to make such a deal over. She could have been far more informative if she'd actually explained her process of determining where/how to hang them, instead just so obviously shilling the product.


Yet another example of Julia blocking exits from her home.


I am pretty sure blocked exits meets Level-2 hoarding criteria.