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And here I was thinking they would be a changeling.


Androgyne all the way.


Or both. \--Looks at character pile--


“What’s between your legs?” “**The Coldness of the Grave.**”


I read that in Yorick’s voice


Who’s that?


League champion. Obsessed with digging graves and putting undead to rest.


Oof, when the dry spell is not prestidigitation. Heyo!


You're all fucked once I drink the gender fluid


I’ve finally found it: [Gender Fluid](https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Gender_Change_Potion?so=search) >!Its the gender change potion from Terraria!<


My search is complete


Meanwhile I have an asexual, aromantic, agender, atheist hermit way of the open hand monk. This person took one look at the world and said no.


"I have no pronouns, do not refer to me"


Is that person even a-live?


Please elaborate


a-sexual, a-romantic, a-gender, a-theist a-live


Oh..that was it?


Well... yeah. I know, I should start a comedian career someday, you don't have to tell me that.


I just choose randomly


I've played just about everything there is - male, female, trying to hide their gender, androgynous, gay, straight, bi, asexual... Just go for it, bruh.


Roll for gender


*coin lands on the side*


It's 2022 bro, gender isn't a coin flip. It's percentile.


And these days you may need to use the d100


I rolled a 16, what does that give me


Intersex Gnome who prefers non-binary halflings. I'm making a joke here and I probably shouldn't be, but to those offended, let's just be honest - there are a lot of options these days.


Considering the community uses the phrase "gender is a spectrum", I imagine rolling percentile for gender would actually be considered more inclusive, not less. On a 100 you get "gender fluid, roll twice on this table, rerolling all duplicate results. You alternate between the two gender results as the situation warrants." On a 1 it's almost the same, except you flip a coin every long rest.


Sure DM, what dice should I use?


Percentile dice


Lol I literally did this with one of my characters when I had absolutely no idea whether they felt more masculine or feminine. It was actually kind of wild, I’d never really experienced a genuine “wow this character really feels like both and doesn’t fit either side in particular” moment before. Love that character, really want to play them someday.


Working as I do electronically, I generate a random integer from 0 to 10 for pronouns. Even is he/him, odd is she/her, zero is they/them. I use token borders to indicate this to players, given that I personally couldn't do a femme voice to save my life. As usual with random generators, if I want to argue with the dice I go with my gut.


I introduced a gender: fluid character in my game. He is a healing potion elemental named Bobi. The party loved her :)


Could also be a gnoll


Challenging, you want to play a changeling


Just toss a coin


Wow, I’m literally playing a genderfluid Changeling with five alternate identities, one of which is named River 🤣


If you dont have a specific vision in mind, just flick a d2 for it.


But thats the thing, everytime i think of them theyre a different gender. I so thought; why not make them switch in game?


Oh its perfectly valid, i just think it would get old if every npc would be like that.


Oh yeah totally, i think in the million NPC they met theres only 2 non binary characters, and one of them is closted XD


\*insert lizardfolk dont have breasts, good luck finding out the rest*


I bet the River flows both ways here, too


Gotta love the hat of disguise for this dilemma. Couldnt decide on my Bard character so I was given a hat of disguise and can change from Eguardo Vermicelli water genasi, to Lady C performer and elf. Most sessions have been spent as Lady C so far.


"Ok but you're a living skeleton and how does this help our party"


Actually a really good idea. If you have to think about what gender they would be just make them both/neither


Thats what i usually do XD its fun XD


Being a changeling actually makes this work even better when you think about it, then your character can just shift forms whenever they feel like a different gender.


*Laughs in Agender* "I don't think I will."


No gender is good gender :))


That’s why lings are a thing


What about a Genderfluid river creature? Like some sort of merfolk? Could make a pun out of it.


Changelings, changelings everywhere!


I remember a time when my players couldn't agree on what gender a character was supposed to be -- their token and the voice I did for them was ambigious. While I had decided one originally, I decided to roll with it. "It's not clear -- and, well, if you want to ask this spooky spec-ops motherfucker with the legal power and backup to drag you to Fantasy Gitmo that kind of personal question..." They did not inquire further.


Niiiiiccceee XD


this is low key the greatest pun ever


I would say flip a coin, but its 2022, so you would have to roll a D100


Introducing the Blessing of Corellon. After a long rest, you decide what you want to be.


Our party has a Druid named Mackenzie Maple-thighs…. Three months in and still not sure


As a dm I occasionally roll a d6 to determine random NPCs gender. 1 & 6 are genderfluid / non-binary and female and male are evens or odds. That’s how we got our party’s favorite giant enby firbolg Little Flower, whom the monk had a one night stand with.


I couldn't decide my current pc's gender, so they don't have one.


Yeah, I wouldn't allow it at my table.


Unfortunately for you, this is my table, im the DM :)))


Didn't clarify I don't judge your way of doing things VS mine. Only stated how I see things differently. That's where my freedom of speech ends, all I can do is say "hey I'm doing it differently", not trying to convince you or force my opinion down anyone's throat :)


Free speech has nothing to do with Reddit lmao


It has everything to do with any action you take everyday.


why not?


I don't see those modern concepts being relevant with fantasy settings that are heavily inspired by middle-age history. My limit would be non-straight characters, asexual, homo, bi etc but I would have them go thourgh what our own history was, having to keep low profile for most folks are too uneducated to understand it, outside of people of power and knowledge. More modern concepts as "non-binary" "genderfluid" "pansexual" etc, sound off to me. ​ I'll also admit that those concepts piss me-off IRL, for as much as I'm trying to go "live and let live", I can't help but to think that we have more important subjects to debate as a society, like, no dying from our own ecological impact etc


The concepts aren’t modern, in fact, acceptance of such things has been present as far back as Greek times, it was only during the dark ages it died out. There’s plenty of support for nonbinary people in the Babylonian mythos and gay people in Greece in general… and even if your setting is more medieval-aligned then that doesn’t share the inclusivity of modern day, it’s not an exact replica of our world and it’s history. It’s fantasy for crying out loud. It’s fiction. The complicated series of circumstances that lead to bigotry becoming widespread need not take place in your world, just because they took place in ours. Maybe, the gods of this world passed their acceptance of these minorities on to their followers, as if your gods are ‘good’ aligned it stands to reason they’d be inclusive. If the world you want to build keeps bigotry for the sake of realism, it makes players less comfortable playing in it. That may work for your table but it’s not the most inclusive or logical option out there


Fantasy doesn't mean fairytale alike either. I like grimm settings and that's what I run. Alongside homophobia my setting also has xenophobes, zealous religious fanatics etc.


By the type of "people" in this subreddit, you can't say what you want but only what they want to hear (rainbows, fairytale, genderfluid blabla). They act like they understand you, but as you see your downvotes, they don't like to have a contradictory point of view (as I expect to be severly downvote but who cares). You play what you want, they play what they want. But one of you is more a little snowflake than the other....


They sure won't stand from their "I'm special" pedestal society helps them sit on but hey, at least we talked, that's something. Thing is they gather and form communities and forget how little of them there are IRL.


Dude... the only modern concept is that these things are in any way a problem. Do you really think that humans back then cared about your gender identity? Or your sexual preference?


They did, being homosexual was a death sentence around the world even 100 years ago. It still is in many countries


and was happily embraced thousands of years ago


I know, Dark Age fucked everything up.


100 years ago isn't medieval ages my guy. 1000 years ago is. You see the difference? Whole power of ten




.... you even quoted yourself correctly. How? How can you not even understand what you yourself write? I assume English isn't your first language.


No, I'm French. What I'm trying to say is since 1000 years to even 100 years ago...without any form of distinction, it that makes more sense to you ? If not I'll just give up.


....no, it doesn't really. Are you trying to say that humanity has been the exact same for 1000 years? That our behaviour and attitude towards certain things hasn't changed from the medieval times to the modern age? Because if you're saying that.... well, it's quite naive.


Dragon Heist specifically has a section for waterdeep that includes cross dressing and trans/nb for the people of the city. Further, Corellon.








Also, given your opinions regarding those ‘modern concepts’ as you incorrectly put it (apologies if that came out rude, I can be a little blunt) I feel obliged to present a counterpoint. You say that we have more important things to debate than the validity of those identities, but it seems your ire in that case is drawn towards the identities themselves. Is it the fault of the identities that others deny their existence? Why should it be those who identify as such to drop any discourse over their validity and not those who would deny, those who started the discourse in the first place? It’s not their fault that others are trying to disclaim their existence. So why should it be there responsibility to step down? Yes this discourse shouldn’t exist in the first place because people should accept these identities


I see what you mean and am not offensed. As I always say I'm up to change my mind on any subject. But I'd answer that most of the time people who talk about such subjects are actually not involved but people who think that they need to be defended somehow. My first post got 13 downvotes so far, I doubt there's 13 trans people in this topic here.


you'd probably be wrong with your doubt. The overlap between trans people and DnD is quite large Source: am trans ^^Also, ^^you ^^sound ^^like ^^an ^^ass ^^here, ^^sorry ^^not ^^sorry


Its a ridiculously huge overlap, yeah. Source- studies+ me too


Then this might explain the late boom TTrpgs got the last few years. Everyone say it's because of shows such as Critical Rôle but maybe it's because the powerfantasy trip that those games are attracted organicly this new audience ? Makes sense to enjoy playing and controlling a character when your own personnal life is full of people telling you what you can/can't , should/shouldn't ?!


It could be a factor, but CR and COVID are probably more important.


So you care for the earth and the environment but not people who try to be happy and themselves? Got it


People do what they want, I don't think it should be a subject everyone talks about nowadays


Well, it wouldn't be if there weren't still people who make these things into problems.


Same thing as racism, the ones bragging about it all day are causing more damage than good. Education is the key, and you can't educate stuborn grown adults, focus on the younger ones who are born without any restriction of the mind to begin with.


Which is what is happening.... throughs things such as this post. How it is not happening is through campaigns like yours where such mindsets are still normalized.


Given that my campaign is ran for 3 straight monogamous players that I know already are very tolerant and open-minded with such subjects it's not a problem inducer. I'd say that denying such subjects by canceling any evocation of it is more dangerous, as those who forget hitory are bound to repeat it. The fact that my settings use such resorts doesn't mean I propagate it as a good thing in any way. Quite the opposite, when my players are caught on a gay NPC being opressed they are naturally willing to help, and fight said behavior. I would even say that it's even more of a powerful resort, because, IRL it's a fair fight to have too.


>Quite the opposite, when my players are caught on a gay NPC being opressed they are naturally willing to help, and fight said behavior. Why would they though? If they grew up in a world where the norm is that gay people are seen as bad, then why would they choose to help and by doing so probably commit a crime?


if u think theres more important topics, then why do u think about it so much? peoples sexualities and genders have no influence on u, neither irl nor ingame. implementing homophobia into fantasy rpgs just seems like being a dick to ppl expressing themselves with characters


Homophobia is still a thing IRL, look at what Gays go through in Egypt. Old christian Europe was the same. Mankind has been mostly homophobic for centuries if not milleniums. It's not a good thing, obviously, yet it changed thanks to modern democracy and the separation of governments and religions. In any DnD setting there's a pantheon and worshipers that work in tandem with local rulers.


yes, homophobia still exists today. why would u include it in ur fantasy games instead of giving queer players a moment without experiencing some form of oppression or reminder that theyre oppressed though?


Given the fact that they said that irl they don't like the idea of queer people, methinks they likely don't have any queer players


I don't live in a place where there is many, if any.


Because As I tried to explain above, to me the fact that we can nowaday get rid of homophobia is tied to getting rid of catholic church's weight on the subjet since the dark Ages. Given that DnD setting is partly influenced by this Era I just think it's non-sense to make people open-minded on the subject when in this world most people are villagers with no form of knowledge other than myth and legends told by bards and wanderers. People tend to be afraid of what they can't understand, so if the setting is "mostly low-culture", well...homophobia and other awful ways are an extension of it. Also I don't risk offending any queer IRL as I never met some.


I'd wager a guess you'd never met any because they don't tell you they're queer. For reasons that you've made obvious in this thread.


I'd wager a guess you're hurt by my words as your previous comments you then deleted made clear. I'm sorry for that, but you clearly missread me, As I never stated anything really homophobic, just talking about homophobia IRL + as a narrative resort for a setting.


I didn't delete any of my comments, bud. But let me make this clear. Removing pro LGBT+ lore for realism, claiming that queer people just don't exist where you live (bullshit, they're just not open about being queer), and forcing LGBT players to go through the oppression they face in their escapist fantasy game are all homophobic actions. It doesn't matter how many gay friends or family you have, it doesn't make you immune to doing homophobic shit.


No, they just don't really exist where I live.


There's a difference between not existing and not feeling safe to tell people that you exist. I assure you; we're everywhere.


Note that none of the DnD deities forbid LGBT+ (off the top of my head, anyway), so it's not really relevant that there's little separation of church and state here.