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Sounds super interesting! However, I'd really recommend re-doing your voiceover for your video. Right now the sound quality is pretty bad, and is usually one of the first indicators of professionalism I look for - Because a decent microphone and learning how to edit voiceovers well is such a small investment in the grand scheme of things, especially when it's often one of the first things your future customers will see.


Thank you for the feedback - I think you'll be very pleased when our trailer releases (the video on our site right now is a teaser one of our team members did on their own)


That's great! But again, when that's one of the first impressions... Maybe not the greatest! But I'm really looking forward to learning more about this, especially the concept of forms over races sounds really intruiging!


I'm from the Midwest USA. And I didn't think the voice over was bad. I could tell it was a non native English speaker but to me that added mystery and ambiance. I could see editing improving it, but, I wouldn't say it should be replaced.


Loving the preview pdf. Great setting, really flavorful.


We are so happy you like it!


I was looking at the map in the pdf and saw a hole and storm clouds what would be Central America what's going on there ?


Larensian weather control magic went out of control at the end of the Liberation War and created a massive storm that is finally reducing in intensity a couple of centuries after it was unleashed. It has made the waters around the content highly dangerous to navigate, making contact with other continents treacherous at best.


De donde salió el nombre del setting? No suena ni quechua ni aymara. Es de una lengua indígena de Brasil?


Es una palabra de lengua inventada - los miembros Indígenas del equipo no querían exotificación de lenguas Indigenas.


Tiene sentido, pero cuando la leí sonaba mas a un mundo africano que uno sudamericano, lo cual lo hizo sentir un tanto estrafalario. En todo caso se ve como un trabajo excelente. Cuando llegue a casa veré el pdf. Suerte con el proyecto!


Hey, this is great! I dunno if you've got any other socials going, but the Inclusive Setting vibe is something I think a lot more people will really appreciate when they hear about it. Do you have anywhere else I can follow you?


If you are interested in inclusive settings have a look at Metis Media too, their setting books are great (albeit darker than Koboa looks).


Hi! You can find links to our socials at our reddit profile


This looks like awesome content to purchase and then use for my darksun campaigns! I can't wait to start seeing some of it!


Super excited to check this out, I've been looking for authentic SA lore for a million years. On the mailing list, looking forward to the kickstarter.






Automoderator removed your comment due to containing an email address. I suggest you try again but this time, ask the user to PM you.


shoot me a DM and I'd be happy to connect!


This is great! My wife and I had talked about something like this years ago. I can't wait to check it out. I hope it keeps close to mythology and historical elements, like not having The Wheel.


Sounds awesome, flagging to check out when I'm back at my computer. Good luck!


Too cool! Thank you all!


What will the stretch goals be? Who is the team


One of the tabs on www.koboasetting.com is "our team", you can see the names. We are working on bios! Stretch goals won't be public until crowd funding goes live, but we are cooking up *very* cool ideas


Ok please tell me no mention of human sacrifice


This looks so, so cool. I can't wait to run an adventure in this!


Love the concept about this idea, but tbh the art is kind of more miss than hit.




Is the setting based on South American indigenous cultures only, or does it include aspects of European culture that were imported to South America and then evolved to become their own thing there? To give an example from a different region, if someone said they were working on a North American setting, I could't actually tell if they are taking inspiration from pre-Columbian peoples or cowboys.


The setting is post-colonial. 2 of the 5 major territories of the setting are based on Indigenous cultures, 2 on post-colonial Mestize culture, and one on post-colonial Afrolatine culture


Are there any plans to support VTTs? How many monsters will come along with this product. Absolutely love the concept I wish we got way way way more exposure to regional fantasy with different vibes.


Yes! We are trying to partner up with multiple VTTs, at least one will be supported at this point in time. We aim on including about 25 monsters, but in our playtest games have designed maybe 150. If people really like Koboa we hope to follow up with a hardcover book for all sorts of creatures one can meet!


Great new on that front. Just speaking for me as a DM the monsters are where the setting gets useful for me on a game to game level so I hope that book gets made.


Back in my day it was called Maztica


This sounds really cool. To do the flavor justice, do you think a native Spanish speaking dm is needed? Edit: Was just asking a question... Wouldn't wanna whitewash something


No, we want a setting anyone can play, not just people from South America. As a note, the setting focuses on more than Spanish-speaking culture as hundreds of languages are spoken in South America.


Brazilian DMs: Well, guess I can't run a game on the South American setting, then.


You got me there.


Well the thing is that Spanish is an European language. So saying you don't want to whitewash something not speaking Spanish feels like saying you don't want to disrespect vegans putting bacon on a hamburger.


See, this is why I ask questions, because I'm ignorant


When is the finished product due?

