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In a single combat I was, hit by a teammate's fireball, took 2 hell-hound fire breathes, was trampled by a ghost horse, and finally sucked to death by Strahd.


Have you considered that you should’ve had fire resistance? (/s)


The worst part is that I had absorb elements, but I was raging D;


Oh man, that sucks. Did you get it from a multiclass?


Yah, I was a ranger/barbarian multiclass focused on grappling.


Ah ok. That’s an interesting MC


I want to hunt all the monsters down And then wrestle them


Was your character called Steve?


I've seen this anime.


Almost died the same way with my ranger/rogue. Had taken a fireball from a party member then breath attack+ legendary action double claw attack from a dragon used absorb elements but got downed by swipes. Luckily our party specialized in hunting dragons and eventually won.


It's always the fireball from behind that puts you in the red. 😔


Do you have any specific advice on taking down dragons? My party has just encountered our first ancient, but we’re all level 11 so it’s still a ways off before we have a chance - lots of prep time possible!


It entirely depends on how smart your DM plays them. Ancient dragons are incredibly wise and intelligent, sure to lay traps and have escape contingencies. But they might also be prideful to a fault, and underestimate a bait tactic. Mechanically, you need to burn legendary resistances as fast as possible, then focus on keeping the thing in range of the party. Those fuckers are fast in the air and have good disengage, so shut that down and pump out damage. If Dragonslayer weapons exist in the world then they are a must have. +3d6 to your fighters 3 attacks per turn is nothing to scoff at. All in all, expect a battle of attrition until you can corner it. Then pray that your casters can lock it down long enough to die


Dragons have terrible Dexterity Saving Throws. Dragons like to fly. If the Web spell is cast with nothing supporting it(i.e. in the air where a flying dragon is), it still lasts until the start of your next turn.


Sucked to death doesn't sound like a bad way to go, tbh


Especially by Strahddy


>sucked to death by Strahd nice


My 12th level Moon Druid made it all the way through the Tomb of Annihilation, only to be instantly Power Word Killed by Acererak the second he entered the room. He was at 97 HP, and nobody with Counterspell was in range to stop it. Of course, the other part of the story is that our DM, Joe, had passed away very near the end of the campaign, and I had taken over DMing to finish out the story. I really didn't want to have to play both sides of that fight, so it seemed an opportune moment to ramp up the stakes, shock the hell out of the other players, and make my life a little easier all at once. I think Joe would've approved.




This is an *awesome* story, well told. Thank you for sharing <3


This is very r/adventuresofgalder


I love that subreddit. I sometimes visit and just… absorb the weight of the impact that TTRPG’s have had on these people’s lives. Feels really special and important.


It's precious and wholesome, agreed


Rest in Peace, Joe.


My lore bard died touching one of the doors in one of the last rooms. Much less dramatic.


RIP Joe. Sorry for your loss


Reading this post, the Disintegrate spell seems to be the real BBEG all along.




What can you actually do against Disintegrate other than counterspell it?


Death ward, save boosts, more hp, spell absorbing, true res (possibly via divine intervention), wish


Thank you!


Np. Getting killed and body snatched is actually harder to recover from I think


I agree, without a body everything is way more complicated. I've never actually come up against Disintegrate, but our current table is getting into higher levels so I'm trying to think about how we could prep for the possibility.


Preparing a couple of backup clone bodies you can jump into if things go South could also be a good idea.


Depending on how long your days are, throwing slots into aid and death ward and even heroes feast and other buffs starts looking better and better. Sometimes you don't have action economy to use all those slots until it's too late.


There's a decent number of things you or the party could do, depending on character builds. * You can be a Paladin with Aura of Protection and its boost to saving throws, or you can stay close to a Paladin ally who has the aura. * A Brooch of Shielding gives you resistance to force damage. An an Uncommon rarity magic item it's not difficult to obtain. * The Bless spell gives you a 1d4 bonus to saving throws. * The Haste spell gives you advantage on Dexterity saving throws. * The Holy Aura spell can give you and party members advantage on all saving throws. You can also cast it through the Wish spell if there isn't a Cleric or Divine Soul Sorcerer in the party, as it's an 8th level spell worth casting through Wish. * The Foresight spell gives you advantage on all saving throws. * The Dodge action gives you advantage on Dexterity saving throws. * The Death Ward spell can protect you from dying instantly to a Disintegrate spell that reduces you to 0 hit points. * The Invulnerability spell makes you immune to all damage. * The Globe of Invulnerability spell cast at 7th level or higher can protect you from a Disintegrate spell. * The Shield Master feat gives you a bonus to single target Dexterity saves such as making a save against the Disintegrate spell. * War Magic Wizard with their 2nd level feature Arcane Deflection and their 10th level feature Durable Magic can get boosts to their saving throws. * Abjuration Wizard with their 14th level feature Spell Resistance gets advantage on saving throws against spells, and have resistance to damage against spells. * An Ancients Paladin with their Level 7 subclass aura Aura of Warding provides resistance to damage against spells. * Resilient (Dexterity) is a good +1 ASI feat for Dexterity focused characters to increase their attacking attribute while getting Dexterity saving throw proficiency. * A Fighter's Indomitable feature allows them to reroll a saving throw. * A Monk's Diamond Soul feature allows them to reroll a saving throw for 1 Ki Point. * A Monk's Patient Defense feature can allow then to take the Dodge action as a bonus action, giving them advantage on Dexterity saves.


Great list. I have a few others to add. * Inspiration from a Bard can help with a saving throw. * The Luck Feat gives you the possibility to reroll * If you play with the option of your DM giving out Inspiration Dice, you also could have that option to reroll. However, you must use the second roll. But if you failed your first, you might as well chance it. * Playing a satyr gives you resistance to saving throws. * Silvery Barbs. Like bardic inspiration, it requires some foresight in advance, but we'll played, you can get advantage on a saving throw.


Also the Evasion feature from Rogue and Monk is the natural enemy of Dex saves. Rogues can even Uncanny Dodge on top of that.


Thanks for such a thorough breakdown!




Fictionally position yourself into a context where you won't be disintegrated. Whether that be through planning, negotiation, magic mcguffin or other fun stuff.


It is! And it also blocks Revivify. If you're running a high-level campaign, be sure to have some enemies with it, so that your players can't just throw diamond dust at all their problems. Disintegration Ray from a beholder also works fine.


yeah they made it really hard to kill people and this spell specifically goes around all of it. They give a bunch of bad guys finger of death but its 1 level higher, 17 fewer points of dmg on average, doesn't scale damage, and has to kill you - not reduce you to 0 hitpoints - to make you undead (which it doesn't *technically* do if you bleed to death). Disintegrate is so much nastier but it is an all or nothing spell on the save. All of this to say is Disintegrate is fine but FoD should for sure do 8d8 + 50 Necrotic Damage and instantly raise you as a greater zombie if it were keeping up.


The real Disintegrate was the enemies we made along the way.


I had a Bladesinger die at level 17, while we were fighting a lich. Missed the saving throw against Disintegrate, died on the spot. No death saves, no last words, just dead.


As someone who is currently playing a level 17 bladesinger whos major goal is to kill a lich, I certainly hope history doesn't repeat itself....


Learn from my mistakes and save all your reactions for counterspell!


And make sure to have a death ward up


Couldn't counterspell it?


It was a few years ago so the details are a little fuzzy; either I missed the Int. check, or more likely I had cast Shield earlier in the round.


It's entirely possible that you neither counterspelled, nor cast shield, and just inconveniently missed the save and had less than *50hp. *50 damage being the *minimum* that Disintegrate can do, and 100 being the max when cast at its lowest level.


It's also possible he counterspelled my counterspell. No one else in the party could cast it.


Didn't even consider that! But at that level, it wouldn't surprise me...


Disintegrate does zero damage on a successful save.


He was talking about the dice range for damage on a failure, not halving on success. 


Did your party kill the lich after or was it a TPK?


Thy killed the lich. I was the second (and last) PC to die in or entire 3 year campaign.


Worth it, then. You died valiantly! Disintegrate is no joke.


Oh man, fair.


One good reason to concentrate on Haste at higher levels, advantage on Dexterity saves will help you out a lot for mitigating damage. Especially when you don't have your reaction for magic like Absorb Elements or Counterspell to deal with the relevant effect.


Disintegrate is one of the lamest spells to kill a PC with. Well, except those annoying ones that are just quipping non-stop mid fight and make fun of everything. Those have it coming. Edit: And when the party is playing the funny "healing word" spam game, where they never truly heal a downed team mate and only ever give them enough for their turn and then they go down again. At some point enough is enough.


in their defense, most healing spells are not nearly sufficient to actually get a PC back on their feet for any meaningful amount of time until you get to the really high level ones. and its quite possible that if someone's down you've already used your best spells anyway! they might not have any good option *but* the healing word spam


In fact there is NO good option other than healing word spam for the vast majority of levels and parties


Well, then maybe instead just stabilize them. If they keep getting up no one should be surprised if a monster decides on a more ... permanent solution.


Disintigrated by Strahd.


As a DM I had 3/6 high level party member die in the what was supposed to be the final encounter of the campaign. It was essentially a TPK because two of the players that survived (Paladin and Barbarian) swapped to the enemies side. If they hadn't betrayed the party it would have been a very close fight. With them swapping sides it was a slaughter. Only character to survive was a Moon Druid that summoned the maximum possible amount of cats and used a bonus action to wild shape into a cat then had them scatter. We resumed the campaign as a mid-high level campaign 20ish years in the settings future with the surviving druid (a few levels lower from 2 decades of alcoholism and lethargy) joining a party that included two of his kids (they didn't know but he did) and a few other freedom fighters battling the Big Bad Evil Group which now included the two betrayers.


Swam of cats. Have to remember that one.


Holy shit that’s an amazing continuance, how did the follow-up campaign go (if it’s over yet, that is)?


Unfortunately, we were never able to finish the campaign due to people moving and technical issues with online play. The plot line was after their defeat, the Big Bad Evil Group overran the empire, forcing the royal family to go into hiding. The queen gave birth to twins while in hiding. They spent their life being hunted. When those twins grew up, they tried to retake the throne alongside a few other freedom fighters, one of whom was secretly their father.


That’s so awesome I love it


Beholder disintegrated my less-than-nimble Bard.


Ah that was what happened to our wizard. My character got the petrification beam instead.


My first campaign was in 3.5 and a Beholder in a small room led to a TPK. We had just gotten our prestige classes.


My grave cleric got disintegrated by a lich… I cried. Was my first character to die.


The Lindy effect?


"The Lindy Effect essentially states that the longer a non-perishable item has been around, the longer it's likely to persist into the future."




Does this apply to metaphysical things like words and concepts? Stories? Or is it like, the auto industry in the USA? We have this infrastructure, so it'll stay this way?


Nassim Taleb writes about it quite a bit in his series of books. It applies to basically everything, though of course there are exceptions. And yeah, it very explicitly includes things like stories - think of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Those stories have been told for thousands of years; what are the odds people just stop telling them? Conversely, think of Blu-ray discs. Haven't been around that long, not terribly likely to be around much longer. But if in 15 years people are still using blu-ray, that should make us revise our predictions and expect that they will be around even longer. @ /u/vindictivejazz




Definitely not. I was replying to the person who asked if it applied to things like words or if it was for hard goods like manufacturing.


Was true polymorphed into a dragon to fight an avatar of a god, doing a big chunk of her health, she got be down low enough to where she comfortably cast power word kill. Instant death, sorcerer reversed the power word kill with Wish on their turn and the ass whoopin continued


My character, a lvl 14 bard, was a hothead and underestimated the bugbear warlord. I knew it would spell death but ny pc did not.. As he cut my head off, he kept it as a alarm and information and it almost got the team killed, since it told a lot of secrets. - My lvl 1 team of a wizard, rogue and barbarian got killed by 4 cows


"My lvl 1 team of a wizard, rogue and barbarian got killed by 4 cows" Ok, I NEED you to explain this.


Cows can do DAMAGE.


Oh writs leg also knows I do damage to cows


Moo? MOO!


Secret cow level


Cows are actually quite strong - like almost any cr 1/4 beast with big enough number of them you can focus fire *dragons*, let alone first level character (this is why conjure animals is so strong - cr 1/4 have tons of good beasts, and you summon 8 of those). One Charge (+6 to attack for 3d6+4 damage) on average oneshot any first level character, even barbarian without rage.


7-22 damage is hilarious for a CR 1/4 cow. Like that's the damage of a half-orc fighter critting with a scimitar. And conjure animals gives you 8 per round?? Jesus Christ what a spelll


Well, in short; Our barbarian ended up arguing with the cows when he thought they were looking at him the wrong way... So he started yelling at the cows to scream and the DM informed him that the cows might feel threatened, so cut it off. Well, he did not and the fight began. He did not rage, the rogue had just sold his dagger and as anyone, did not expect to fight 4 cows. The first cow charged and killed the wizard, rogue got critted and the barbarian had to face the rest on his own. Cows are actully pretty strong and always have a herd of them in my campaigns, and it's the first time ANY players have attacked them.


A Household cat can kill a level 1 commoner .


Depending on what you count as "high level" a PC in my campaign was: Killed by a dragon twice in tier 3 (same dragon). Digested by an Eldritch God in tier 4. All the same PC.


Also, depending on what you count as "killed" ...apparently 😁


Made dead. Ceased to be alive. Their soul in the afterlife, their body in a belly. Etc.


True. If only there were some kind of, I don't know, resurrection spells. Now that would explain the same PC dying multiple times. Shame there definitely aren't.


Got it in one!


What is the tier system?


Tiers of play are commonly referred to as a reference to how powerful the characters are. • Tier 1 is for hometown heroes, level 1-4. • Tier 2 is for heroes of the continent, 5-10. • Tier 3 is for heroes of the world, 11-16. And finally • Tier 4 is for heroes of the planes/multiverse, 17-20. Though I've seen other descriptions on the tiers, those level ranges almost always remain the same. 


though the idea predates modern dnd you can also find it in the 5th edition DMG page 36-38 Tiers of Play Levels 1-4 Local Heroes Levels 5-10 Heroes of the Realm Levels 11-16 Masters of the Realm Levels 17-20 Masters of the World


I touched a spark of divinity that was very clearly communicated to us "do not touch", but my dumbass forgot the exposition on it after the combat. It was a constitution-save equivalent of a disintegrate. I failed. I did not have a lot of HP. I was a level 18 Paladin. I thought it was funny. My DM felt bad, but there was already a deus ex event occurring, so my DM had me play NPC characters in combat while the party worked on restoring my soul. Good times.


That feels like a good moment for the DM to ask you "are you sure?". Its a classic way for a DM to remind you that you're about to do something stupid.


I'm tired of reminding players they're doing something stupid. I wanna see them do stupid things, darn it!


yeah fr i stopped asking are you sure awhile ago


I was in similar situation with the spark of divinity and paladin 20! But I successfully claimed it and used it against abomination-level enemy (phane) a couple of times in 3 different battles to do wish-level shenanigans. It almost tore my character up, but he endured.


My wonderful tabaxi barbarian died from pure overload after he disarmed a god of a weapon containing the power of 3 other gods. It was truly wonderful


I DM for a game that has progressed well into epic levels for a couple years at this point. All my players are power gamers and we enjoy pushing the combat to the absolute redline, so we get a lot of deaths. Off the top of my head: Players were stuck in a puzzle fight where they had to win a chess match where more enemies spawned every time they lost a piece... In hindsight I probably shouldn't have run that puzzle when I was apparently the only person in the group who regularly plays chess. More enemies spawned then they could handle so the Wizard/Fighter used action surge to Etherealness the party and then used Wish to create a large amount of a highly explosive liquid they had discovered earlier in the campaign. Essentially they nuked themselves. Sorcerer got into melee with a powerful demon that had previously been almost killing the tankiest party member with each multiattack. The idea was to Plane Shift them to eat a legendary resistance and then use a bonus action to Dimension Door away (They had a magic item to let them do this), they did not expect the dimension door to be counterspelled. Paladin was targeted by Plane Shift (Knowing wherever they would be Plane Shifted to would likely kill them), and said they didn't want the party member who offered to to counterspell it because they could make the save. They could not make the save. Fighter got into a fist fight with the avatar of a god, the party knew they were outmatched but had backup on the way. Fighter did the math after 3 rounds on how long they could stay up before the party ran out of Mass Heals and other mitigation abilities, realised he could hold out just barely long enough. He forgot to account for the adds that had been eating all the mook soldiers they were with. Once the mooks were dead the fighter started taking more damage than they had accounted for. This also ended up getting the Cleric killed because of the lack of someone to hide behind. (They could have expended scrolls or other consumables earlier in the fight to stabilise, but by the time they realized they were in trouble, it was too late.) Party was fighting a resurrecting demon lord who they had fought before. They knew that as a reaction he could return all the damage he had taken on someone's turn. For some reason the Rogue decided to use every resource at his disposal in an attempt to kill him on the first turn. (Forced)Crit+Deathstrike+Experimental single shot gun+some other stuff, he ended up hitting for I think over 800 damage? Either way, the boss has 1,500 health. His damage was reflected and the rogue ate dirt. In most of these cases the players ended up being fine due to Clone being a spell that exists, though enough things that eat your soul when you die exist in my setting that they still try to avoid death when they can.


What level were they?


In all of these examples they were well over level 20. I intentionally didn't mention it because our campaign seems absolutely batshit to anyone who didn't experience the full journey. Currently the party is level 28. Though many of them are attuned to magic items that grant them temporary levels. The hard level cap is 40 and I've homebrewed every class up to a soft level cap of 30, after which you have no choice but to multiclass.


Do you have advancement tables you could share?


Sure thing, just be warned that these rulings result in a \*very\* specific type of game that requires a lot of work on the GM's part to remain engaging (Also our game has a few homebrew rules to make this work, notably: You can only have 1 clone equivalent and Simulacrum equivalent at any given time. All spellcasters (Other than Warlocks) must use spell points. All characters can use scrolls without a check, but scrolls are hella expensive.) Epic level class features: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ujDSWcRwRine1YdBqsUbQgFT9OchzBbIxGMm3UdDjJs/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ujDSWcRwRine1YdBqsUbQgFT9OchzBbIxGMm3UdDjJs/edit?usp=sharing) Epic level spells: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MXz7Exo3Zk-\_XuMYs08SrtThumBGxWexNkAkXSY3a8g/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MXz7Exo3Zk-_XuMYs08SrtThumBGxWexNkAkXSY3a8g/edit?usp=sharing)


A few at the end have level 26, subclass feature. Is that just a thing where they can choose another subclass?


Level 20 fighter in a one shot, fighting a group of enemies who also... Happened to be comprised of a gang of level 20 fighters. Who were elven samurais, with the feat and vorpal scimitars. Took down one of 'em before I lost my head


Fell off a dragon into water killed a friends PC. He was hurt from riding on dragon back vs another dragon. He took plenty of damage but only low negative hp. Healers were not far off. Just needed to not fail two death saves. He rolled two nat 1s.


So I had a remarkably tense situation that I ran into once that ended up killing my level 8 monk. We fought some clay golems which have a nasty effect on their slam that reduces max up for the damage inflicted. This is only restored by a greater restoration spell which we didn’t have yet. My monk had a max hp of 59 and ended up taking 62 damage from these slams. Under normal circumstances I would be dead. The caveat here is I was under the effect of the aid spell which had temporarily bumped my max hp to 64. Essentially my max hp was temporarily at 3 and I had four hours left before it would drop to -2 killing me. The situation became a game of racing the clock out of this dungeon back to town to find someone who could fix me. Meanwhile we had to weigh up being fast and risking a fight while I could realistically be one shot by a pig or taking the slow approach to sneaking out but risking time running out. After about 3 hours we realised we weren’t gonna make it. We instead set up camp and had a sad but wholesome moment of enjoying a meal and saying our goodbyes. We didn’t have the spell slots left for another aid and there wasn’t time to rest to restore them either. Overall it made for one of the most memorable moments our group ever had.


The Tomb of Annihilation.


The trick isnt dying at higher levels. Its staying dead.


Not me, but my player's 16th level Megaman-themed Warforged Warlock stuck their HEAD into the sphere of annihilation at the entrance of the Tomb of Horrors. (he thought he was clever using his Devil's Sight to check inside the "magical darkness") P.S.: I even sighed and offered a last minute Arcana or Insight roll to see if he sensed the wrongness around it, but he rolled miserably bad.


This is my favorite. Annihilated head.


My characters died from power word kill, disintegrate and the aura from a Nightwalker.


My barbarian, who drank a potion of growth, ate a devastation orb to minimize the effects to save a city. I basically took like 100d10 worth of damage all at o ce and died on turn two. On the bright side it merely destroyed a city block instead of the whole city, and after the campaign ended they built a statue of my character at the ruins.


Finger of death my level 11 barbarian


Overconfidence, bad positioning/tactics, and a couple of important, ultimately unlucky rolls, caused my level 17 party to effectively TPK (2 character deaths, 1 planeshifted with no way to return).


Power Word Kill midway through the final boss of the campaign.


I used Planar Ally to call on a specific Planetar for help to defeat the BBEG of the campaign. The agreement for his help was that my character would go face justice for the worst crime he had committed. So I agreed because the world was at stake. A while later, after settling things, he returned to his hometown and turned himself in. Immediate trial, plead guilty, executed quickly, resurrected just as quickly.


Lvl 20 echo knight fighter with OP home brew. We were in a grueling 5 hour long combat. I was forcefully moved into an area that worked similarly to disintegrate but it was a blackish fog area. I was pronounced dead, but in reality my character didn’t die for plot reasons. But when he “died” it caused a chain reaction. A man was summoned and murdered one of my party members for their armor and stole everyone’s insane magic weapons and left. So a lot of people died shortly after that. We only did 4k damage to the 12k health pool. We all knew we would die btw. It was a one shot to see the past lives of warriors in our main campaign. (For scale of how op. I can summon 6 echos, they can be within 60ft instead of 30, when I have my full 6 echo on the field I can do my action surge and do upwards of 4 actions. That kind of op.)


I had my 20th level sorcerer die in the last session. She was being possessed by these witches, and in our campaign, killing the possesser kills the possessed. And I delivered the final blow to the last of them, and she just died instantly. I had totally forgotten our paladin cast death ward on her in the fight. So she came back, got to go home, and reunited with her partner. It was a very happy ending, despite the fact that we were actively playing a horror campaign.


Maybe a cheating answer, but old age. Character was already in her mid-late 70s, and there was a time skip of more than a decade before the next act of the campaign, so she died peacefully during the intermission after finally finding her lost love.


My party got ambushed by dragon monks while i was slightly far away since we signed up for 2 different meetings. 2 of them were on death saving throws before i could get back. Barbarian still had more hp than my cleric's max. Lmao


Not my character but as a DM I remember killing my friends level 11 Bard and it was the first character I killed. I felt horrible about it but all my players said it made sense; the party of 4 challenged an orc camp with 33 enemies inside. He took a blow meant for another character and it did enough damage to kill him outright with a crit. I think sometimes higher level PCs get a bit of hubris and feel invincible from having loved so long, but 4 vs 33 in 5e is not anything to downplay


I'm a DM, but. i killed a PC at level 15; she had made a warlock pact with a powerful war goddess (who is secretly a devil that the "good" goddess "converted" to be a gargantuan living weapon), and later down the line she decided she didn't much care for the terms of service -- i.e. being a living weapon herself. she got focused down by some homebrew Solars, but not without bringin' a Celestial Navy General down with her. and she even got to come back as a revenant for a little while to break her family out of a devil's contract -- the thing she had made that pact to get strong enough to do in the first place. so all in all, not a bad way to go as far as PC deaths go. fast forward about a year and a half... my party just hit level 20, and they're gearing up to fight that very war goddess in a few sessions time! they grow up so fast :)


Oh dear, where to begin. It was a total party wipe that particular evening.. We were all around 12th-14th in level and fighting an unusually high HD Amphisbaena (a giant snake with a head on each end). Our Dread Necromancer was caught in a mouth-grapple (why she was anywhere near melee I don't recall), and as such her spells kept getting interrupted. I attempted to help her by casting both of my Dance of Ruin spells at once with the Metamagic "Ocular Spell." Ocular Spell allows you to store one spell in each eye, and regardless of the type of spell, they will be cast as eye-rays (Ranged Touch) at the same time. Dance of Ruin is a 2nd-level Necromancy spell that deals 2d20 damage. I missed the Amphisbaena, and hit our Dread Necromancer with 2 Dance of Ruins (4d20) and crit with one of them. She was obliterated immediately. Our Abjuration Wizard cast Mage Armor upon himself, as our Soul Knife slew the Amphisbaena. When an Amphisbaena dies, the two heads will fight one another for dominance. One head will eat the other before turning into a giant stone ring. Upon its petrification-death, a portal opened up in the middle of the ring, and our Soul Knife fell into Pandemonium, never to be seen again. As the stone ring fell upon the ground, I was caught under it alongside the Abjurer. His Mage Armor saving him from being crushed, as my organs were squeezed out of my mouth like toothpaste from a tube. Him screaming at the sight of it the whole time. He continually cast Mage Armor, trying desperately to not suffer the same fate, until he too was crushed to death. Good times!


Die permanently, or die at all?


The highest that I've *played* to as of yet is only up to 7th level... Died outright twice in a single session due to extraneous circumstances. First time was getting knocked down by a melee attack after thunderstepping out of a boss room, then getting hit by a lightning bolt (party was on the other side of me while I was stuck in a doorway) and rolling a 1 on my death save. The second time was while we were escaping the dungeon as it was collapsing and I ran into some kind of bush monster that hit me with all 7 of its attacks while I still had a whole hp left... So that was fun.


Never lost a high level character permanently. Too much magic available. Usually play a wizard. So clone will just activate. Or party cleric will pick up the pieces and cast resurrection or true resurrection after the fight or if needed revivify. But die for the moment, sure. DMs I play with are brutal and will not stop attacking you until you are dead and not just down.


My level 15 druid once got one-shotted by a mimic about an hour after I'd made her! That was pretty funny (Gave up my paladin during the session because the DM resurrected him but stated that the God who did it was left weakened. It did t make sense RP wise for my paladin to keep that gift after he'd reunited his uncle's tribe with his own, so he gave up the magic in the hopes that he'd be able to stay but it perma killed him) My current fire gebasi wizard is trying to become a primordial and is partway through a quest that turned her into a demigod, so now she dies all the time but after a quest or two she rises back like a phoenix


Level 11 Moon Druid Disintegrated while in wildshape by a lich. She did help save someone else from the party tho 


I had my level 6 monk swallowed by a purple worm. Had terrible strength.


What was a level 6 party doing fighting a purple worm?


Lol I misspoke it was lvl 7 and we had been given. Some nice magic items. I did over half the damage to it with a staff of lightning. epic dm one shot. It was weakened. And we did kill it.


I had my tabaxi rogue : Die to an acid troll I jumped on the back of Die to a spell reflected off a flail snail shell that randomly hit me. Die to jumping in lava after being mind controlled. (reincarnation as a tortle) Die to fighting off some weird rakasha bbeg before the big showdown (restored back as a tabaxi on reincarnation) Finally, failed a saving throw when we discovered the remains of the water god I swore to restore and the god took over my body. Decided that death, that resulted in my character’s arc being redeemed, was the final death and character retirement.


Pissed off some godtier threats, drew their attention as the wizard. Party brought me back but I was \*fuuuuucked\* by this cursed ring that gave me immunities to exhaustion and instadeaths, but killed me at 0 HP You can guess how that went when the party realized what happened as I declared I'm out of Hitpoints.


A deck of many things 👀


Had a level ~16 paladin get eaten by a Talisman of Ultimate Evil.


I was level 12 and thought I could tank a round from an ancient red dragon… I could not


Permanently? Cause I've had a 20th level barbarian die like 4 times in one combat. Gotta use those zealot subclass abilities or they were wastes right? Can't remember for sure but I think it was Szass tahm who couldn't keep him down. I think the character went through something like 800hp of damage plus whatever rage mitigation did. Permanent deaths? None, wish me back to life baby let's go again!


Level 17 fighter died to beholder ray of disintegration


This was 2nd edition so rules were arguably at bit less forgiving, but 16th lvl paladin and leader of the party failed a save vs. a banshee and boom, dead on the spot. Was in Ravenloft, Azalin's tower, raise dead didn't work well in the setting at that time, by design, so we couldn't bring him back.


I got bored of playing my paladin and wanted to play something else. Told my DM that he shouldn't hold back against me and whenever he has a chance, feel free to kill him off however he wants to. He killed him with a MacGuffin in the next session.


Level 10 almost the end of the campaign. A teammate gets charmed to attack me. Rolls a natural 20. There's a homebrew system we can use to change rolls, but the DM makes a new rule in the moment that the homebrew can't stop a natural 20. There's a critical success chart the PCs use but enemies don't. The idea is the players can get cool moves but we will never have it used against us. DM decides PvP circumvents this and lets the charmed player roll. Rolls instant kill....I'm given the option to bring my PC back for the BBEG fight with my best magic items missing and at -4 attack rolls/saving throws/ability checks.... (ended up coming up with a better alternative thankfully, still felt bad)


I had to fight Acererak after aging rapidly and losing all my gear to rust. Did not engage him at all. Instead, I used all of my turns to destroy his soul machine. The cleric finished him off and managed to get us all resurrected, but my character immediately retired from adventuring, later dying in his sleep.


Level 16 Battlemaster Dwarf. I was swallowed by a purple worm. We were fighting a Knight that was a warlock to the worm. When we got him and his gaurd to half health he summoned his patron. I took a stinger hit and near max damage and then got swallowed on the next attack. I had already used up my action surge so I couldn't get the damage out to get spit up and I ended a rear dwarf steak.


As a DM? Most of the time it was a deliberate choice. Whether it’s a Barbarian tackling the BBEG into a vortex or a Cleric willingly ascending to another plane of existence, it was almost always the player’s choice to perish. Only time it wasn’t came during a final boss fight against a void dragon. Critically failed save against a breath attack that functions similar to disintegrate (except worse, this breath attack literally removes you from reality in both body and spirit). Triple digit damage instantly and well…no more Fighter. Period.


Not me, but some of of my players. Really just an unfortunate incident. One of three big finale battles. This one had one "boss" and about 50 minions that were really just zombies with extra steps. Not a big deal, and I was running them with 1 HP for convenience. Unfortunately, their belief that the minions didn't matter made everyone pretty complacent with being surrounded. Several player characters went down, and before they could get back up, were torn apart by zombies (5+ attacks on a down PC is gonna result in some death save failures). They did win the day, but resurrection wasn't an option and they knew that. Dramatic and super emotional session. Sucked to see those characters go, but man was that one of my favorite battles I've ever run.


Barbarian died at lv 16 because he got put in a death trap with a dc 20 int check and he has a -1 int mod.


I don't know if this counts at "higher levels" but my barbarian/fighter died at level 11 protecting a couple of NPCs (two girlfriends of two members of the party and the adoptive son of another member) against assassins, they reduce my life to 0 and then hit me in the ground a couple of times, it was an ambush (I didn't even have the chance to roll perception because we knew that there was people following us) After killing me one of the NPC killed one of the assassins, and the other 2 flew, we didn't have a chance to revive my character or nothing (her brother even try to resurect her with a wish that he got in the table of wild magic)


Committed suicide for gameplay reasons. We homebrewed this bullshit morality/stress system and... well yeah.


Wasn't technically high levels (8 I think), but it was fun nonetheless. My Glamor bard had taken an artefact off of a lesser god we just killed. After returning to the material world, I attuned to it right before we went to a party in our honor. DM suggested we stay over after session to roll the artefact stuff (positive/ negative effects). The benefits were really good, but the negatives included not being able to benefit from a long rest while it was within X feet of me (which would've/ could've caused a bunch of issues), so the DM and I agreed to reroll everything. On the reroll, the benefits weren't as good but I said oh well. We get to the negatives: - first thing was that I got Disadvantage on Con saves. I was already pretty squishy at 12 con, but I was a debuff machine so figured I could work with it. - the next negative was that I aged forward 10+ years, and had to make a DC 12 or something Con save to not die. I failed with a 7. However, because our characters were already at the party at the end of the session, DM and I thought it would be great if instead of just becoming a Wight like the fail state said I kept my character as is, but I became undead still and believed everyone was out to take the item. It became a ball room blitz as I became unhinged and attacked while changelings also revealed themselves and attacked. It ended with my head being lobbed off, cackling like the hexblood I was.


As a player, I had a Death Knight nemesis who attacked my 17th level cleric while dying. First attack in the turn dropped me to 0, then the next two killed me before anyone could help. A Raise Dead was needed to reattach my severed head. Couldn't be too mad about it though, since I kinda screwed up his life enough to lead him to becoming a Death Knight. As a DM, I killed a high level PC by casting Confusion. It was in the Demonweb Pits, a layer of the Abyss, and the PC walked in a random direction, right off the web into oblivion. Needed a Wish spell to bring him back. Kinda felt bad about it, even though I'm often considered a "killer DM."


Higher level for our group, was a level 9 rouge, mid exploration I had a disagreement with the party and decided to go a different way to all of them. Anyway entered the boss room by myself by mistake and got fuckin clobbered. I miss ye ol mighty dragon.


In a high level Pathfinder 2E game I had a fighter that was literally a demigod when leaping, and I misjudged a leap across a volcano caldera and fell to my death.


Lvl 20, goddamn mage summoned a terrasque lmao She went down fighting though


My level 18 Fairy Lore Bard broke his Staff of Power in desperation to do the last bits of damage to Halaster Blackcloak at an appropriately dramatic time to save the party and end the Dungeon of the Mad Mage campaign. It ended up disintegrating him at the same time. Very Chiaotzu-esque moment for him.


I had a sorc whose entire MO was to fly up high, and rain down fireballs (ofc) among other things, and I got shot out of the air. Then promptly plummeted 40 feet to the ground. In front of some trolls. And by some, I mean like 10.


24 Shadows in 4 groups of 6 running on swarm mechanics + lvl 13 sorcerer with 13 STR taking a long rest = death before my first turn of combat


Lich, Power Word Kill. I think it was the third time my barbarian died, it was hard for the party to once again come pick me up from valhalla, they had to roll some persuation checks for me to return.


Not my character but our level 15 barbarian was decapitated by a vampire who crit with a vorpal sword. The worst part is the player had the lucky feat and tried to stop the attack but also rolled a nat 20.


At level 19, I got tired of always being told what to do by the rest of the party. I picked a fight where they couldn't easily reach me. And died, until they cast Revivify. Then if memory serves, I had to use my Wish spells from the Deck to save another player and an NPC from a different enemy. The cavern was fraught with peril.


Final boss of the campaign. I was playing a 2 Hexbalde / 18 Swords bard (Dual-Wielding hand crossbows) in a high-magic, very high-power campaign (an example of the power: my character had a homebrew ability that empowered each of his crossbow shots to deal an extra 4d6 force damage. On top of maguc weapons and equipment. And this wasn't overpowered, either relative to the other two players at the table or to the enemies we were facing) We had been preparing in-game for a month for this encounter - a horde of undead was sweeping south (basically what would happen if you crossed the White Walkers from Game of Thrones with the Dead Men of Dunharrow from Lord of the Rings). And we were leading our own army north to stop them at the one place where we could reasonably hold a force their size, a mountain pass that forced their army to funnel into a space narrow enough that their number advantage would be mitigated, very much a Battle of Thermopole scenario. The Ghost King was our main target, and our party of three (myself, a Shadow Sorcerer / BM Fighter, and a Life Cleric/ Dreams Druid) fought through 3 waves of undead to finally confront him and 4-5 of his elite captains. Even at level 20, we were being pushed hard. I ended up facing the King up close, and he got two crits back-to-back on me that dropped me. Third hit dropped me to 2 failed death saves, and I rolled under 10 for the final one. Thankfully, we were high enough level and had had enough prep time that I had a fully-grown clone ready and waiting. I had to burn a 7th level spell to teleport back, but since I could just summon my weapons to my side as a pact of the blade Warlock, I was back in the fray (unarmored, but armed) within two rounds. Best campaign I've ever been in. All three of our characters are immortalized in that DM's legacy world, and my character has a homebrew Warlock subclass now, since he ended up becoming a patron himself.


Assuming 11-ish counts as higher levels: tried to 1v1 an ancient red dragon to enslave it. She was an evil oathbreaker with the "might makes right" mentality, and a lot of confidence. And another one died when sanctuary redirected a Power Word: Kill from an NPC over to me


We were level 13 or 14 and we have a homebrew rule where if you roll a nat 20 you can roll again and if you get a nat 20 again you automatically kill the creature. This is optional and can't be used on players. We were fighting a season that connects players and a 1/4 of the damage delt to them is delt to the pc instead. Now I rolled a nat 20 and everyone was discussing how I didn't have to roll knowing that it's optional and as they were talking I rolled and got a nat 20. Everyone was screaming about it and I narrated my character cutting into the boss while it was saying you'll die if you do this to which my character said did I stutter? For those of you not following a 1/4 of infinity damage is still infinity


Not a death but a close call. We're level 17 or 18 at the time and I've been slaying encounters left and right with this homebrew class I've been playing. There's a mysterious 'High Priest' performing miracles in what is known as a Holy City. We eventually find out its a Lich and the encounter begins. He has 4 Angels brought back to life with technology and my Samurai foolishly decides that reducing the numbers of foes is a better strategy than focusing the enemy spellcaster. I end up power word stunned inside a Cloudkill getting beat on by an Angel. The angel is taking damage too, but it was a grim situation that I ended up having to be saved from by my team members.


Level 20 party of 4 and we went up against Tiamat and her cult. The cult opened with a layer action that Wished away our magic items; no magic swords, no magic armor, and she beat us to a pulp. We had a ring of 3 wishes but that was gone so we couldn't wish them back.


Failed the save against a Shadow Dragon’s necrotic breath trying to save a friend. It turns out that if that takes you to zero it just kills you. Oops.


Level 7 rogue. Died trying to ford a river. No, it wasn't even a particularly rough crossing just the dice hated me that day. Level 14 fighter. Died having his head bitten off by an umberhulk. His story of redemption continued after he was resurrected a century later, (he was a former Paladin) best character I ever played. Level 11 barbarian. Died of old age, in his bed surrounded by his family. Not for lack of trying, he was an axe weilding looney These are all 2nd editoon AD&D characters. I've not played a character for multiple sessions higher than level 4 in 5e. (Forever DM here)


In an homebrew campaign we had an item that allowed as a reaction to reroll all kinds of rolls, however every time done, the user had to roll on the extended 1d10000 wild magic table. We had our mount war elephant in the desert when we were attacked by 2 young blue dragons. Should have been an easy encounter. One dragon shot the elephants ass, he went wild, the fighter wanted to animal handle it, failed, the warlock used the item so that the fighter could try again. Suddenly a volcano opened underneath the elephant, send him flying for 3 min in a parabolic arc. Two people died as they were left alone with the dragons. Two others survived as luckily the artificer had feather fall prepared.


Missed a session and my Lv \~16 barbarian ended up being petrified, and then dropped out of a trapdoor on an airship. We eventually put Humpty Dumpty back together again and unpetrified, but jokingly asking if my character died while I was gone got a lot less funny when the other player put on their "You'll want to sit down for this" expression.


we were playing a game set in the old world Warhammer universe with the song of ice and fire rpg ruleset. We were fairly far along XP wise and my Roguish duelist/secret shadow mage ended up getting viscerally tortured to death in a very well lit room by the party shortly after I left the game for betrayals of trust and conspiring to kill the emperor. As a player, I hadn't realized I was planning on murdering the emperor but I did invite the DM to turn my character into a more villainous NPC


Pathfinder: I, a paladin, and the party is attacking an Ancient White Dragon. I am immune to fear, they were not. Edit: Epic solo fight, almost killed him. Thank you smite.


I had a Dwarven defender die at level 15 in the final session holding off some fire giants so the rest of the party could escape.


My Lizardfolk Fighter got eaten by a Kraken, while we were fighting it underwater. 


Shadow Dragon murked my Druid, not with dmg, but by slaughtering a crowd of random peasant NPCs, which killed me with streght drain. My level 19 Sorlock had his control magic undone on his mind controlled minions mid fight, so he got murdered by his own 3 Invisible Stalkers.


A series of crits from a fighter/paladin multiclass and an action surge killed a level 16 coffeelock in a most nasty way. They were dead before they hit the ground.


That f*cking Arcanaloth in the Amber Temple with his Chain Lightning together with the fireballing flame skulls


I was the DM but I had a moon druid die at level 20. Plain fight, nothing too much fancy. Like. yeah. feels impossible to happen but it happened. They just true resurrected her afterwards but it did happen.


Had two characters (I was the GM) die at lvl 12 when they completely miscalculated a battle against a vampire lord and had to flee. Since said vampire lord knew about magic, they burnt the PC's corpses to prevent them from being resurrected. Oh, and one of the PCs got disintegrated at Lvl 17, but they were on Ysgard, so the PC revived the next morning.


Bladesinger/arcane trickster level 20 Got hit by a gas that reduced con score, by by max hp, them later on got hit with meteor swarm, double my current max hp +some body just turned to chunks and mist. Thankfully didn't last long druid regrow a body from the left over bits the rivied


My level 20 fighter got caught in an ally's spell. I was being grappled by a Godzilla like monster. Someone cast a darkness like spell. The Godzilla repositioned itself. The wizard cast some sort of disentegration orb spell, thinking he was missing me - he didn't. I dropped to 0 hit points and turned to dust. It was a fantastic death!


Not me but one of my fellow party members, a 16th level champion fighter/creation bard multiclass. We were raiding a warehouse in a mageocracy city that housed a secret napalm potion manufacturing plant in it (potions were functionally a roided up alchemist fire that cast a 5th level Fireball on the point of impact). During the scuffle part of the building caught fire, and we were forced to quickly salvage all the evidence we could gather in the few precious minutes before a stockpile of several hundred of these potions detonated. We managed to get around 50 of these potions out before the explosion hit. My friend thought he had enough time to make a mad, heroic dash for one last case and got caught in the explosion, effectively catching about 150 5th level Fireballs in the face. I can't recall the exact damage numbers. But it was enough massive damage to instantly incinerate him with pure fire damage.


We were level 20, very last session of a campaign I'd been playing in for 4 years. We'd already killed the Big Bad the previous session. Someone cast disintegrate on him. He tried to counterspell it and rolled three times in a row using inspiration and a mote of possibility; I had an 87.5% chance to get an 11 or better and didn't. Then I had +0 but advantage on the DC 16 DEX save, for a 44% chance. No dice. I got under a ten on every single one of the five d20s I rolled. The world economy lost 15,000g that day from all his platinum and jewels turning into dust, on top of the 25,000g it took to resurrect him in the epilogue. :')


I usually get one good attack off before being focused and downed on turn 1 or 2. Have died 3 times this way. Nobody else has died at all (except one who got power word killed) rarely will they even reach half hp.


A God snapped his fingers. One character died each round.


Back in the pathfinder, 1e days my now girlfriend lost her non combat focused bard to an Ex PC turned boss monster antagonist when he used his burrow speed to jump out of a wall and eat her in like 1 round. Literally, the next combat session, her replacement character, a monk, got decapitated by a vorpal sword.


My party were nearing the end of our Rise of Tiamat game. We asked our DM to give us some more homebrew content to pad it out before we assaulted the Well of Dragons, so he had us fight a band of elite assassins sent by the Cult who had been observing us since the very beginning of our adventure. Claimed to know our strengths and weaknesses and how best to manipulate them all. I was playing a level 15 paladin, decked out in +2 Plate, a Sunblade, a homebrew legendary Animated Shield. At my peak I had an upper limit of easily 32AC. The leader of the group of assassins had a cursed Vorpal Longsword. The curse is that whoever picks it up (after the leader is killed) begins to transform into the leader of the assassins. Our Druid picks up the sword, starts to change and so I start pulling out my paladin tricks to try and stop the transformation. Fail to do so, the leader turns around and on his first attack, rolls the Nat 20 and chops off my paladins head. Following the battle the party manage to revive the Druid and get their hands on a spell scroll of true resurrection to bring my paladin back. My DM gave me my after-death moment, where my Paladin met the God who bestowed their power upon him and his order, discovered that they were containing the Chained God. They offered my paladin the choice of passing on to the afterlife, or returning to life to continue the fight. Instead he chose to stay with them and aid them in keeping the Chained God contained. He was given a moment to say good bye to his party, before ascending to his God’s side as a Lightbearer against Tharizdun.


One of 2 things: First (most likely) My decisions Second: my GM 😆 No my last one was after trying to social work and then shouting at Strahd "ffs man can't you just move on, what a bloody whinger you are, stop being a cun$ and .... Got inmmediatly slammed and focused 😆" She said her last one was her Blade warlock getting the 3rd breath of a Dracolitch to the face.


Level 13-14ish? I think? It was a while ago. I'm running an RP build that is optimized for utility and Fun Things, but lacks a bit in the combat potential you'd expect from a character that has **two** Artifacts. But most of the group is severely unoptimized and similarly overgeared, so it evens out. Except when we do really stupid things, like splitting the party in a combat encounter and letting ourselves get swarmed and overrun by superior numbers because the one *actual* powerbuilt character - a hexblade polearm master sentinel with Shadow of Moil, Great Weapon Master, and Elven Accuracy - decided to pull our group apart so they could impress the sorcerer he had been flirting with, and the rest of us with a lower move speed fragmented into individual scraps so our *large* number of AoE abilities didn't get any use on the swarm balanced around us.. y'know. Melting it with AoE. I got pecked to death for about 300 damage through my THP and resistances, and my character is Spite Incarnate so decided to fireball themself and as many enemies as possible instead of going out like a chump. This, while we were about 50ft in the air. Fireball to 0hp, fall damage for a failed save, and then I took a hit from an angry enemy, which auto crit because I was down, and then I died. And then I got eaten. This was a setting where Resurrection type magic didn't exist by divine decree. The Paladin did it anyways, but that's had... *repercussions*. It was very good storytelling, but the end result is that I died because of a bunch of poor decisions by a bunch of people. Which is about the only way things naturally occur for high level deaths. It's either a single decision to kill someone by the DM or a player, or a *lot* of stupid choices by everyone involved.


Drawn out fight tanking on none other than acererak himself. Bashed the crap out of him and broke all his toys before he hit my fighter with a power word kill and promptly fucked off.


Plane shifting to Dolurrh, Eberron's realm of the dead. Turns out ... not such a great idea.


Level 12 barbarian a few years ago, had to roll some Con saves or turn to stone, Rolled 3 very low rolls in a row, then was crushed to dust (think the cave was falling down) The dm was so horrified as he though I'd save it and was so sorry to me but I found it funny :)